Are we as fans too complacent these days?


With the safety off!!
I was listening to a podcast last night after RAW where Vince Russo was a guest on it and he brought up a good point. It's one I've thought about over the last couple of years. Which amazed me the most cause I'm not the world's biggest Russo fan.

Basically he said that he's not a fan of the WWE, he just doesn't find them that entertaining anymore. Too many story lines are started and dropped for no apparent reason, and the product has more holes in it than swiss cheese. Now most fans will tell you that, but the one thing he did say that got me was the complacently issue.

The host of the show has been going on about how great Wrestlemania 31 was and now the upcoming Extreme Rules card while not fantastic, looked like an okay show. At that Russo jumped in and said why was he as a loyal fan putting up with it, and he's right. Why are we putting up with it? Why are we letting the WWE hit it out of the ball part with a show like Mania and the RAW afterwards, and now we're back to what we saw last night on RAW. For a go home show before a PPV it didn't sell it for me.

Sheamus who is in a "Kiss my arse" match with Ziggler, got no reaction at all from the crowd. Reigns had to deal with Bo Dallas of all people instead of Big Show, and Luke Harper ran away from Ambrose at one point in their match, and then the match was over. I kept wondering where the hell he went. Other than Orton RKOing everyone he could, the show was flatter than a Terry Pratchett Discworld novel.

This month the Network is free again, and you'd think that they would be siphoning off of the success of Wrestlemania, they aren't. The WWE want's fans to subscribe, so their answer is to put on a PPV that is a base hit at most. Now I'm not an idiot and know that every PPV will not be the caliber of a Wrestlemania, but they don't even try anymore. Look at Bray Wyatt who had a marquee match at Mania. He really carried his feud,,,,no match with the Undertaker on his own and he hasn't even been in the ring since I don't think. All we see is him rambling on in promo's and I don't think anyone has figured out who he's talking about yet.

The bottom line is we as fans have let the WWE away with a lot of crap over the years and we'll continue too because short of walking away, there is nothing we can do about it.
This is hardly a new thing and there are always going to be ups and downs. Of course, there will always be gaps in storyline logic. Most things that happen on Raw can be explained. Perhaps, the WWE aren't as obvious as they once were. Indeed, Vince Russo's style was a shitload different.

With Twitter and podcasts there is instant reaction to every show. There is 24/7 analysis of everything and anything. Each second of programming is being micro-analysed to an extent that has never been seen. Everyone has a voice and, if anything, expectations are a little high. The recent quality of programming has probably been above the average of the last 15 years.

Big Show didn't confront Reigns last week. He hid in the back and attacked him from behind. Why on earth would he come out this week? Orton is a master at mind-games. Rather than him and Rollins brawling for the opening 20 minutes and again at the top of the first hour and so on, he waits for the right time. Sending little messages throughout the night - that makes total sense. The Harper/Ambrose match was already finished and Harper, as a heel, retreated. No problem there.

This Extreme Rules card, top to bottom, is absolutely fine. There is a great mix of talent and the show should be good. You can't expect the WWE to make every feud Flair/Dusty and even if a lot if it can be better; the majority could be worse. See Russo, Vince for a prime example of that.
This is hardly a new thing and there are always going to be ups and downs. Of course, there will always be gaps in storyline logic. Most things that happen on Raw can be explained. Perhaps, the WWE aren't as obvious as they once were. Indeed, Vince Russo's style was a shitload different.

I realize there are ups and downs, but why should there be gaps in the storyline logic. Most are simple to understand, and the thing that bothers me is some are never completed and we as fans are sitting wondering why. The Rollins/Ambrose feud might be over in the eyes of the WWE, but it isn't in my book. Wyatt interfered right at the end, and it's like Ambrose forgot all about Rollins after that. Same with Reigns. He was supposed to go after not only Rollins, but Orton and HHH and he ends up with Big Show. Why invest the time and energy into these feuds if there isn't going to be a resolution to them. That's all I'm saying. Finish one and get on with the next one. It's simple logic that most of us apply to our jobs on a daily basis, why shouldn't the WWE be held to the same standard.

With Twitter and podcasts there is instant reaction to every show. There is 24/7 analysis of everything and anything. Each second of programming is being micro-analysed to an extent that has never been seen. Everyone has a voice and, if anything, expectations are a little high. The recent quality of programming has probably been above the average of the last 15 years.

I don't think expectations are high to tell you the truth. If they were a lot less fans would be watching.

Big Show didn't confront Reigns last week. He hid in the back and attacked him from behind. Why on earth would he come out this week? Orton is a master at mind-games. Rather than him and Rollins brawling for the opening 20 minutes and again at the top of the first hour and so on, he waits for the right time. Sending little messages throughout the night - that makes total sense. The Harper/Ambrose match was already finished and Harper, as a heel, retreated. No problem there.

Why should he come out, because he won the Andre the Giant Battle Memorial, he's the best and biggest giant they've ever had. Or so he keeps telling us. So my question is, what the hell is he scared off? In keeping with the character he should be stomping all over the place, hunting Reigns down every two minutes. No instead he hides in the back and does sneak attacks, the whole thing is ridiculous.

And I love Orton running around last night lurking, that made the whole show watchable. I didn't see a finish to the Ambrose/Harper match. Harper threw Ambrose off the stage, Ambrose landed on his feet and Harper ran away, how was that a finish?

This Extreme Rules card, top to bottom, is absolutely fine. There is a great mix of talent and the show should be good. You can't expect the WWE to make every feud Flair/Dusty and even if a lot if it can be better; the majority could be worse. See Russo, Vince for a prime example of that.

Like I said before, I don't expect every PPV to be a Wrestlemania, but I do expect them to try to make it as good as they can with what they have. I just get the feeling that because the network is so cheap now they've stopped trying. Simply because they don't have too anymore. When you're selling at product at 9.99 you can get away with skimping. And that's what I'm seeing happening.
To be fair in Bray's case, he was injured. So he's been healing from that, working an intense match with cortisone injections etc means there is additional healing time needed.

The reality is there is no choice but to "put up with it" as there is no real competition to WWE. NXT doesn't count but it's sending a clear message.

Later this year, when GFW debuts that might, with the right talent allow a modicum of choice and get WWE's attention. But as it stands we are basically a captive "universe".
I realize there are ups and downs, but why should there be gaps in the storyline logic. Most are simple to understand, and the thing that bothers me is some are never completed and we as fans are sitting wondering why. The Rollins/Ambrose feud might be over in the eyes of the WWE, but it isn't in my book. Wyatt interfered right at the end, and it's like Ambrose forgot all about Rollins after that. Same with Reigns. He was supposed to go after not only Rollins, but Orton and HHH and he ends up with Big Show. Why invest the time and energy into these feuds if there isn't going to be a resolution to them. That's all I'm saying. Finish one and get on with the next one. It's simple logic that most of us apply to our jobs on a daily basis, why shouldn't the WWE be held to the same standard.

I agree about the stuff about Ambrose. To be fair, I simply think they are unsure what to do with him and it is true that feud never got a resolution. I mean, Ambrose should have addressed his biggest enemy winning the World Title. As for Reigns, The Big Show cost him the number one contender match. He realises that to get to Rollins he needs to take out The Big Show. That's how I see it.

Why should he come out, because he won the Andre the Giant Battle Memorial, he's the best and biggest giant they've ever had. Or so he keeps telling us. So my question is, what the hell is he scared off? In keeping with the character he should be stomping all over the place, hunting Reigns down every two minutes. No instead he hides in the back and does sneak attacks, the whole thing is ridiculous.

The Big Show has been given an interesting character. Sure he is a giant but he is incredibly insecure. We saw that when he feuded with The Authority the first time. Then we saw him join The Authority because he was so scared of losing his job. Despite his size, he is scared of failure and Reigns is clearly someone who can defeat him. Hence his desire to avoid facing him in a fair fight.

I didn't see a finish to the Ambrose/Harper match. Harper threw Ambrose off the stage, Ambrose landed on his feet and Harper ran away, how was that a finish?

They were both counted out.

Like I said before, I don't expect every PPV to be a Wrestlemania, but I do expect them to try to make it as good as they can with what they have. I just get the feeling that because the network is so cheap now they've stopped trying. Simply because they don't have too anymore. When you're selling at product at 9.99 you can get away with skimping. And that's what I'm seeing happening.

Extreme Rules will be perfectly in line with historical WWE PPV's. It won't be up there with the very best but it will be far better than the worse. Of any era. There has been no clear drop of since the start of the Network even if recent builds haven't been all that. A nice circular structure here; there are ups and downs and that will always be the case.
There is a percentage of the fan base that is far from complacent. The ones who attempt to create Twitter "movements" and "cancel WWE network", the ones who talk about wanting to boycott at WWE headquarters if they don't get what they want (yes, I saw people suggesting to do that during the height of the Roman hatred). But even they are complacent when it comes to the fact that they don't decide to stop watching.

I haven't watched much since WM. And I barely paid attention to WM itself. Saw a gif of the curb stomp that got turned into an RKO at WM the other day and saw that for the first time. There was a time last year where I made sure to be watching every Monday night. Not because the product was great, but I just felt more interested in wrestling again. Then I got worn away by the RAWs that seemed like a repeat of the past 3 weeks, all the Uso tag matches, the opening Authority segments, the rematches, etc. WWE lost me again. I should be thrilled to watch because I was happy that Seth got the belt at WM, but they had to write off Brock right away, and Raw started to seem boring right away again. I don't even recall the Raw after WM being anything incredible, when the last few years have always had something crazy happen.

Fans are complacent when it comes to the fact that they'll never stop watching. And really, it doesn't even matter if you're not in a home with a Neilsen box and you aren't factored into the ratings. It doesn't matter to WWE at the end of the day, the complacency ends up being the attitude towards your own free time. It is very nice to break the habit and have your Monday nights back.

As usual it's all about money. The best thing you can do is not attend any shows, buy any merch, or subscribe to the network. But somehow WWE always manages to be just fine anyway, and will probably be happy with their subscriber numbers even if you choose not to sign up. But they care about your money more than your opinion. Do not give them your dollars if you aren't happy. I could go to Extreme Rules this month if I felt like it, but I've barely been watching and the only thing I care about is that Seth is champ.
Here is what happened when I watched Raw live last night on my TV...

I was watching Raw and then all of a sudden they showed a commercial for WWW Extreme rules 27th April. I just took my phone to check the date and see if it really is the go home show for the Extreme rules!! The show wasn't really good. Either Harper or Dean should've nailed their finishers or at least should've used a weapon!!

Roman Reigns Superman punched Bo Dallas? Why the hell in the world he would do that? And its the worst Superman punch by Reigns I've ever seen!

The only entertaining segment was with Randy Orton and Seth Rollins! Randy's RKO spree was awesome and his stare down at Seth outside his locker room and inside the Steel cage said the whole story!

Other than that the show is just a disdain!

Edit: But its true that the WWE fans(including us) are getting complacent. Albeit, I complain now about the lack of creativity for the Go home home, I stated that I'm excited about the Luke Harper-Dean Ambrose match. That doesn't mean we are hypocrites it's just that we are getting complacent!!
WWE would have to lose a million network subscribers before they worried about what fans really wanted. That's not to sound bitter but it's true. They have their agendas and ideas and are gonna execute them because we've ALREDY BOUGHT THE SHOW. Wrestling is so different man. They don't have to sell you on Extreme Rules. The Network subscription for April is already paid, are you not gonna watch the show Sunday night? Of course we are.
The Hipsternet Wrestling Community ( HWC) always complains about every single little thing in the WWE. Its mind-baffling how much hate WWE gets from the H Dub C. Raw was great last night! The RKO Frenzy kept me on the edge of my seat with each RKO coming unexpectedly. My personal favorite was the one on Heath Slater. Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins had a great Main Event match that had my eyes stapled to the tv screen every passing second. Seth Rollins thinking he's safe inside the cage only to turn around and see Randy Orton was classic! Sheamus was showing some brutality on Ryder and then Dolph Ziggler once again stood up to him with a nice Zig-Zag to him to save Ryder. Great seeing Ziggler helping out the victims and standing up to The Bully. Awesome Feud! Ambrose vs Harper is the epitome of a plain and simple HARDCORE feud. Them brawling all over the place with no regard for their own health was cool to watch. I fainted when WWE announced they were going to have a Chicago Street Fight at ER! Lucha Dragons kept impressing while New Day showed more and more of their aggression leading to ND vs Cesaro/Kidd at Extreme Rules. I was happy to get that match and it was nice to see Woods using his intelligence to his team's advantage. Kane's inner conflict between the demon he once was to the corporate henchmen with no respect is captivating storytelling at its finest. " If we wanted to, we could have made EL TORITO champion!!!" was comedy gold. Bo Dallas motivational speech to Roman Reigns was hilarious as well. Reigns knocked him out and sent Big Show a message that he is ready for WAR. John Cena and Kane fought for the United States Championship in another great title match. I've seen more US belts in the crowd than ever before. US Championship = elevated. Miz and Mizdow continued their epic rivalry in a match with high stakes, blood boiling intensity, and surprising turns. It was a Great RAW!!! Yet all I see is complaining on the internet board. My advice to the HWC is to ease it down and take a break. You don't know what you're missing out on until its gone.
WWE would have to lose a million network subscribers before they worried about what fans really wanted. That's not to sound bitter but it's true. They have their agendas and ideas and are gonna execute them because we've ALREDY BOUGHT THE SHOW. Wrestling is so different man. They don't have to sell you on Extreme Rules. The Network subscription for April is already paid, are you not gonna watch the show Sunday night? Of course we are.

I think it's probably the Network that is causing complacency with both the WWE and the fans. Jim Cornette did mention that having a 9.99 service that has everything questions the value of wrestling as a whole, if you can get all the content the WWE has to offer for 9.99 it means an independent show must be valued less than that for all their content. So now instead of paying 49.99 to see John Cena in a 20 min PPV match, it now costs less than 9.99 it questions how much the value an indy wrestler has.

I think that's the thing I already mentioned how this Network allows the WWE to be complacent in the overall Wrestling product while still making profits. At the same time it means fans are more accepting if PPV's are on average well average it's because they are paying 9.99 a month now which includes every show and archives so a PPV in theory could be worth only $5 a month instead of the premium prices.

So before if a mediocre PPV a fan could be upset spending $40 or $50. Now they can be ok with it since they probably paid less than $10.
Too complacent? Hell no, there wouldn't be threads like these if they were. We fans seem to value cynicism over complacency any day.

Try this, just don't watch raw or read dirt sheets for six months. Go cold turkey from pro-wrestling, take some jujitsu classes or start an ant farm to pass the time. Then turn it on and watch, I'm willing to bet that you'll be more excited than ever to see a show of the caliber that we were given last night.

We love pro-wrestling, but we don't have to watch it every damn week. It gets watered down after a while and our "what else you got?" attitudes start to wear away at our tolerance for redundancy. If we were too complacent, we'd either develop fierce diarrhea as a withdrawal symptom for not watching RAW or be too content with the show to share the insights of this thread.

Whether or not someone is being complacent when they tune in religiously to RAW is dependent on their level of expectation, a lot of low brow accidents of nature love pro-wrestling.

For example:

Maybe I have trouble judging quality or something but I seem to be the only one who enjoys the majority of Raws these days. I mean sure they're not anything great, but I wouldn't rank them as gouge my eyes out awful, which is how Russo always portrays Raw. I think it all comes down to just enjoying the people put in front of you no matter what they're doing, and even though sometimes I overanalyze, I mainly watch Raw as a fan... I can invest myself in multiple guys at a time which usually keeps me happy enough.

As for complacency, what are we going to do? I know I wouldn't watch Raw if I hated it as much as some people do, but others don't have that mindset. People have choices. Are you going to stop watching Raw? If not, does that make you complacent?
I don't see how fans are too complacent at all seeing as how all most fans seem to do anymore is complain. Whether it's concerning wrestling gear, entrance music, storylines, angles, who's feuding with who, what should happen, what shouldn't happen, match length, where a match takes place on the card, a lack of high spots, too many high spots, tag teams, factions, etc., what I read/hear about on forums or from dirt sheet writers 90% of the time is bitching & moaning about one thing or another.

I do agree that some of the booking decisions get frustrating sometimes. I do personally agree with the notions of Vince being out of touch with the mind set of modern wrestling fans to a significant degree. As far as booking goes though, when is there ever a time in which ALL is right with the world? There's always someone unhappy because WWE did this, didn't do this, pushed Wrestler A instead of Wrestler B, didn't book a match with this stipulation or that stipulation.

As far as Vince Russo goes, I also agree that it sometimes frustrates the hell out of me when I see such mind boggling gaps in logic. It's as though Vince McMahon feels that certain details don't need wrapped up, that explanations for why something goes down a certain way aren't warranted. Sometimes, I get the feeling that Vince's decisions are made because they appeal to him, that his booking decisions are first & foremost for an audience of one, namely himself, and that he expects everyone to be just fine with said decisions because he himself is.

At the same time, however, Vince Russo strikes me as the very last person to be criticizing Vince's booking decisions as Russo himself is famous for shitty ideas that found their way onto TV screens, it's like the pot calling the kettle black. Russo himself didn't mind huge gaps in logic, he seemed to revel in it because he felt that it kept fans off balance. All to often, Russo would sacrifice common sense and a sense of cohesive clarity just to be able to say "I bet you didn't see that comin'!!" to fans.
I think it's probably the Network that is causing complacency with both the WWE and the fans. Jim Cornette did mention that having a 9.99 service that has everything questions the value of wrestling as a whole, if you can get all the content the WWE has to offer for 9.99 it means an independent show must be valued less than that for all their content. So now instead of paying 49.99 to see John Cena in a 20 min PPV match, it now costs less than 9.99 it questions how much the value an indy wrestler has.

I think that's the thing I already mentioned how this Network allows the WWE to be complacent in the overall Wrestling product while still making profits. At the same time it means fans are more accepting if PPV's are on average well average it's because they are paying 9.99 a month now which includes every show and archives so a PPV in theory could be worth only $5 a month instead of the premium prices.

So before if a mediocre PPV a fan could be upset spending $40 or $50. Now they can be ok with it since they probably paid less than $10.

See this is what I mean, when you are paying $9.99 for a PPV they can offer a less than stellar one. If I had to pay the full price I probably wouldn't be buying them anymore.

And I agree with most of the responses on the thread so far, and thank you for them. Being a long time fan who loves wrestling I just think the WWE could be doing a lot more with what they have. The TV time they have is unheard off, and the roster is one of the strongest in years, but for some reason only known to Vince he has lost his place. Like JH said he's out of touch and it's time for someone else to take over the reigns. We've seen they can put out a good product in NXT, but the main roster booking is lacking severely.

One good example is the Shield. When they were together the booking couldn't have been better. Since the breakup, only Seth Rollins has been handled well. Roman Reigns was pushed to the moon and damaged in the process. His win at the Rumble didn't have to be the way it was, again the booking was horrible. Daniel Bryan should never have been in that match, if he wasn't going to win, they should have held back his return until afterwards. All it did was piss off the fans, and it helped to turn them against Reigns. I do put the blame squarely on Vince's shoulders for that disaster. Dean Ambrose was white hot when he was going after Rollins, as a matter of fact he helped Rollins become the heel he is today. How has he been rewarded, with loss after loss after loss. Yes he's still on TV every week and has main evented a PPV or so. El Torito is on almost every week and I dont' think they have big plans for him. Thank God the fans are still behind Ambrose and he gets a good pop, but they could have done so much better with him, they still have time and I hope the WWE takes advantage of it.

Sorry went on a bit of a Shield rant there. But it kind of proves my point. That is only three out of the how many wrestlers on the roster, and two are being handled horribly, they aren't the only ones, and it affects the product we watch. Fix the booking, give fans a better product, not necessarily what we want, that isn't possible, and we'll be happy.

I don't expect the moon, but I do expect the rocket to at least get off the ground. Not crash and burn right away.
Put this into real perspective.

The fans are not the problem here, not to blame for their "annoying to Vince" ways. HE created them, he injected the "poison" into his own business by testifying it is entertainment rather than real. Once he did that, the trickle of information would inevitably become a tsunami over time.

Fan's aren't complacent, they still make signs, pay for tickets, watch the show, come onto the net to talk and write their thoughts. Those aren't lazy fans... the issue is that they are not necessarily knowledgeable in what WWE does each day to operate, to keep going to succeed. They don't know what is talked about in marketing and booking and strategy meetings. They guess based on their own limited knowledge.

A few may have had some insight into wrestling itself, we may have trained or participated once or been close to those who have. We may know how a match works but few have put their money on it... Try the TEW2013 game and see how hard it is to actually succeed make money on "Fantasy Booking" alone. It's an eye opener.

But as I said, you can't blame the fans for this. Vince let them have some knowledge and it became dangerous. The term "Mark" is still used in the business but no longer appropriate, it implies that the fans are "tricked" by the product when in reality they know enough now to not be taken in by tricks. They KNOW what they want to see now and if they don't get it, they'll be vocal, either with chants, signs, net posts or even cancelling their subscriptions. They aren't even "Smarks" because they are smart enough to know they can withdraw financial support from the company yet still partake. How many stream PPV's now or won't got to their local show out of frustration as a customer of WWE? That's not complacent/lazy, that's a smart consumer.

The complacency is with Vince McMahon himself... he allowed his ego to kill WCW rather than keep it going and it bred a culture of laziness and complacency, your own competition will always fail because you control it. Had WCW stayed a seperate company in all but ownership, had Shane and Bischoff run it, even as a live entity for a while or taken the Smackdown slot then there would not be the issues.

The BUSINESS of WWE is anything but complacent right now however, they are making strides in recruiting and training a new generation , promoting new stars and actively pursuing new content for the network... but the booking side is more stale than a 3 week old loaf for RAW and Smackdown and that is cos Vince is complacent/lazy despite his "iron man" reputation. What's the point of sleeping 2 hours a night if it means you just coast when it comes to the important stuff onscreen.

Where a fan gets complacent is that WWE doesn't seem to have nuclear problems any more, share price can go up, down and the company is relatively stable, it's not going the way of WCW unless they actually boycott them but rather than going and supporting their local Indy or switching to Lucha Underground or potentially GFW in a while, they stick with RAW and Smackdown cos it's "routine". There ARE fans like that, but not as many left as you or Vince seem to think.
Fans are not complacent. For example, WWE put together an entertaining WM that left people wanting to know "What happens next?" and did great Raw ratings the night after.

But that was it and those fans tuned out and we are back to normal ratings.

Another example, today's audiences can be awful. Certain sects are rude, critical of the live product, and more interested in themselves than the actual product they paid to see. I don't get it - when I buy a hot dog, I try to enjoy the product the way it is meant to be enjoyed, I don't shove it up my ass and scream to the world to "look at the way I shoved this awful hot dog up my ass".

And then finally look at Wall Street. Even they don't have faith that WWE can maintain any momentum. They heavily devalued WWE after Mania and Vince proclamations of success. Wall Street isn't buying Vince right now because they don't think the fans are going to spend the money. In business, that is the opposite of complacent.
The question is who are the fans according to WWE?

Answer: people who give them money through the Network subscriptions, ticket sales and merchandise.

Sure, he wants to get more fans but viewership has ups and downs and it seems to be just a combination of hardcore and casual fans.

But think about it, how many people who didn't like Pro Wrestling growing up are just now tuning into WWE and loving it? Probably very few. Nowadays, even to the average person they have a perception of pro wrestling and they either like it or don't like the idea of it.

I'm starting to be more and more of a casual fan myself. Why? For my lifestyle, I don't have a whole lot of free time and WWE has SO MUCH content that I just can't fit it all in, even if I wanted to.

So it leads me to feel like WWE is really mostly for kids who DO have more time to just sit and watch hours of WWE programming (not that they should be, but they can and do) or adults who have job/work/family situations that allow them time or they dedicate time to watching WWE content.

And if you look at WWE's numbers their Raw and SmackDown viewership is pretty much the same 2-4 million, and it has been for years. Their Network is currently over 1 million subscribers and climbing and they still do well in merchandise sales and live attendance. They basically have had the same fans for years and it only changes between the same pool of hardcore and casual fans. Maybe a young kid finally sees WWE and becomes a fan, but another person is grown up and not interested in it anymore. Now it's a stalemate, no growth. But maybe there are more kids tuning in that people leaving. Maybe some casual fans tune in a few more times over the summer or here and there for whatever reason but they never become hardcore fans who buy the Network, they just tune in sometimes and MAYBE go to a show.

So fans are maybe complacent because they want more because there is so many things to watch and do and not enough time for it all so it's hard to keep anyone's attention for too long.

If WWE started tomorrow with THE BEST storylines ever, as good as any award-winning screenplay and had THE BEST in-ring action ever, what would happen in 3 months from now? 6 months? Maybe a few more casual fans would become more 'hardcore' and appreciate the change. But would they be getting new fans who never liked pro wrestling before? No. Would they get back fans who have 'left'? Probably not because if they left it's because they don't care for that genre of entertainment anymore, even if it is better now than when they left it.

WWE is also like a late night talk show. They are on most days of the year so everyone IS NOT gold and sometimes segments just flat-out suck. As a 'fan' you choose if you will reward them for that buy giving them money or holding back, seeing if they improve and just being a casual fan for a while.

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