Are Triple H/Stephanie reforming "The Corporation"


Dark Match Jobber
With the events currently playing out on WWE TV are Triple H and Stephanie McHelmsley attempting to form a Corporation type Stable with Orton and The Shield?

If so who with the exception of Daniel Bryan and Big Show, what superstars will align themselves to go against this stable and where could creative possible take this?

I think WWE is in need of a big stable again. The Wyatt's are up and comers and The Shield is great but I think WWE is sometimes at it's best when one particular stable is running roughshod through the company! What is everyone's take on this?
I sure hope so. I like Raw revolving around the one central theme, while involving many characters. Orton/Shield/HHH is nice as is but I'd like to see someone else added. Maybe Barrett or Sandow or turn Show heel again.

There would necessarily have to be a formal babyface faction in place to combat The Corporation 2.0 either. Just have guys like Ziggler, Rhodes, Miz, Henry, etc that would save each other from beat downs from time to time.

This collection of faces could trade wins and losses with the Corporation, which would help establish several guys; both heel and face.
Corporation or The McMahon Helmsley era Volume 2 where they aren't actually competing in ring unlike the previous version where they held both the Womens and WWF titles respectively and had total control of WWF
I'm kind of done with this whole thing. Everyone keeps telling me to hold on and that there's going to be a pay off. I know there's going to be a pay off obviously it's just they are spreading this a little too thin. If they want something like this to last without getting boring they need to throw in some twists and turns. I kind of feel like I'm watching a version of Game of Thrones where it's taking 5 seasons for the Lannisters to behead Ned Stark.

Edit: I'm not looking for G.R.R.M. caliber stuff out of Stephanie McMahon but come on. I need something to keep me watching.
There are currently only 2 SuperStars that need to be added to the Corporate Evolution.

The first SuperStar that needs this more than anyone is the Intercontinental Champion, Curtis Axel. Yes, he’s doing great as the current Heyman Guy, but I feel he’s not being used to his full potential in the CM Punk / Paul Heyman feud. I would much rather see one of two things. One, they could have both Axel and Heyman join Triple H and company, adding another great mouthpiece to the Empire. This also give Paul access to Randy Orton and the Shield, should he need them for backup. Two, they could have Axel turn on Heyman, stating that Curtis needs to focus on defending his Intercontinental Championship and not on Heyman’s personal issues with CM Punk. Either way, Curtis Axel needs to be align with what’s “Best For Business”.

The second SuperStar that needs this more than anyone (except for Axel) is the World Champions, Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio fits perfectly with the Fac-Gime. He’s the Million Peso Man. If Orton is the Face of the WWE, then Del Rio should be labeled as the Face of the “World”. This would take the “Two-Man Power Trip” to a whole new level, fitting for WWE’s new direction. Plus, with Ricardo on the other side of the current feud, ADR needs backup. What better back up than the Shield??

Of course, as soon as anyone of the current Champions loses a Title, they should immediately be kicked out of the group until they can get the Title back. In fact, I think Triple H should extend an invitation to the new Champion to take the former Champions spot in the Super-group. For example, let’s say ADR defeats RVD. Out comes the Corporation to celebrate. Then out of nowhere, Damien Sandow appears and cashes in. The COO orders the rest of them to just stand and watch. Sandow wins. HHH offers to shake Damien’s hand and the ensuing beat down on ADR occurs. They could do this for every Title change.
What I like about the Corporation Evolution angle is that it brings in some history. Not the corporate tyranny so much as the past heels working together again in a new era.
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon will always have heat together because of their history and the undertone of Triple H having married the boss' daughter to make it to the top. In the different note, Triple H and Randy Orton have the history from Evolution. Triple H brought the boy from jobbing to the Main Event.
Having the Shield in there is a great way to bring up the new talent, but there's a man being left out (so far) who has a similar relationship with Randy Orton.

Bring the Legacy connection to this and put Cody Rhodes in the Corporate Evolution stable. I wanted to see him on the opposition's side, but I think he'll do more good on the heel side.
I see Big Show turning on Daniel Bryan at Night of Champion and joining the corporation, thus turning heel as the false hero.
Call me crazy but I never liked the corporation. It's a poor man's NWO who's members mostly can't wrestle.

If Big Show turns, it means we have spend 3 weeks watching him cry for nothing.
There is no doubt that there is something brewing in the WWE at the moment. I think what is happening now between Orton/McMahons & Daniel Bryan is just a small part of the bigger picture.

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