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Are Raws only options get a Trade or Make a Heel Turn.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Raw can only push Randy Orton so far as the only heel. He is easily the hardest worker at the moment on Raw. They need another heel fast. I've heard people say that they should give them one from Smackdown, not a good idea since the only heel not being used is Edge, and you can only see how long that'll last. MVP Heel Turn wouldn't help because he's not as big as an impact. It's going to take til at least the end of the year til Miz is even ready for a legit Main-Event heel. Big Show is an ok heel, not the best wrestler, but plays his role perfectly. Cena has absolutely no chance of becoming a heel because he is a huge asset in the WWE. You didn't see a Hogan Heel Change til Post-WWE.

The only heel that could make this all better is Triple H. He plays an ok face, but only when he'll crack a joke or two, not just being serious all the time. Only Taker can do that. He's such an amazing heel, and thats exactly what Raw needs right now. Creative is tryin so hard to get us to hate Randy Orton, but they have to understand that they need to have another heel to play a part as well. Smackdown is having a similar problem with their Faces. CM Punk (for now), Rey, and Jeff (potentially leaving), and John Morrison are the only faces.

Smackdown is surviving quite well with the overwelming heels they have, Raw is not with too many faces. I say either make a Triple H or maybe a Batista heel turn, or trade maybe Shawn Michael for Edge, Batista for Jericho, ??? i'm just posting ideas for it. If you have an idea to save Raw (the flagship show) from becoming the second show.
Raw's got 2 options: make a trade or make a trade. Only question is, who would you have to give up? My guess would be the Miz simply because his stock is rising but like you said, Raw is short on heels as it is. Of course no one would ever just trade Edge for Miz. You wouldn't even be ******ed, as Eugene wouldn't even make that trade. I would LOVE to see the Hart Dynasty come to Raw, but something tells me they'll want them to wallow on ECW for no reason a little while longer.
Raw's got 2 options: make a trade or make a trade. Only question is, who would you have to give up? My guess would be the Miz simply because his stock is rising but like you said, Raw is short on heels as it is. Of course no one would ever just trade Edge for Miz. You wouldn't even be ******ed, as Eugene wouldn't even make that trade. I would LOVE to see the Hart Dynasty come to Raw, but something tells me they'll want them to wallow on ECW for no reason a little while longer.

I put Shawn Michael and Edge, not Miz. Miz needs to stay far away from Morrison as possible. I WANT the Hart Dynasty to, but Raw needs Main Event Heels.
Why does Raw need to make a trade? It got a 4.8 with the Donald Trump angle last week, and that doesn't seem to be a storyline that is dead. It's got the best feud currently in WWE with Cena-Miz, and from what I can tell, this feud isn't over yet, either. HBK will be back sooner rather than later, I think, and that will be good for business.

Give Raw a chance, people. Turning somone heel for an initial shock isn't going to draw long-term interest or ratings.
I put Shawn Michael and Edge, not Miz. Miz needs to stay far away from Morrison as possible. I WANT the Hart Dynasty to, but Raw needs Main Event Heels.

Good point, but the occasional comedic backstage crossing-of-paths couldn't hurt and it would be a good way to burn some air time. HBK on SmackDown is tough to wrap my brain around since he's been on Raw since I started watching 5+ years ago, but he has nothing going on Raw so I can see the logic in that. Honestly I would put Batista there and have him put over Dolph Ziggler or something. If he's actually gonna retire soon, that is.
The one thing I can accually see is Shawn Micheals coming back as Heel or Triple H turns Heel.

In the trade option I could see maybe you ship Batista,John Cena for Taker,Kane,Benjamin and mmake taker kane heel.
I'm in complete agreement with Ricky - WWE is doing fine, look at last weeks rating. Now obviously they need to work to continue that but I'm not sure the heel turn is the best thing, despite people thinking that's the answer to everything.

I can't see Shawn Michaels as a heel actually, and I also don't think he needs to be. Triple H could work, I wouldn't be against it. As I said above, we'll see if Raw can continue this good rating before changing too much.
I always liked the McMahon family as the heels of the company, but I guess not anymore.

Heels are all the same and boring. You hit the face with a steel chair and insult the crowd. ONLY Chris Jericho excels at this because he is an established star with the most expierience. You should hear his lines, whoever rights his stuff has developed great chemistry with Jericho and his character.

The WWE needs a new outlook on heels. Edge is an okay heel due to his oppurtunistic victories, other than that, he isn't a good heel.

Randy is an alright heel, keep him the way he is.

Miz has the potential to be the best heel on RAW. He could even be a Rowdy Piper-like character in the beginning of WWE's PG era. He can be anti-PG insulting Cena's and his appeal.

The WWE still needs new ideas on heels. Like I said, insulting the audience or if Great Khali attacks a face in the ring while he stands up for 3 minutes in the overrun, is utterly boring. Michael Hayes needs to step up his game.
how bout Christian or Jack Swagger, both have done a brilliant feud with each other both looked impressive, Swagger has feuded with everyone now and Christian hasnt feuded with all Heels but he is way too good for ECW and is main eventer in waiting
I always liked the McMahon family as the heels of the company, but I guess not anymore.

Heels are all the same and boring. You hit the face with a steel chair and insult the crowd. ONLY Chris Jericho excels at this because he is an established star with the most expierience. You should hear his lines, whoever rights his stuff has developed great chemistry with Jericho and his character.

The WWE needs a new outlook on heels. Edge is an okay heel due to his oppurtunistic victories, other than that, he isn't a good heel.

Randy is an alright heel, keep him the way he is.

Miz has the potential to be the best heel on RAW. He could even be a Rowdy Piper-like character in the beginning of WWE's PG era. He can be anti-PG insulting Cena's and his appeal.

The WWE still needs new ideas on heels. Like I said, insulting the audience or if Great Khali attacks a face in the ring while he stands up for 3 minutes in the overrun, is utterly boring. Michael Hayes needs to step up his game.

You mention that WWE needs a new outlook on heels...yet you propose that Miz could be some kind of new-age Roddy Piper? I guess that seems contradictory.

KB mentioned in a post elsewhere that WWE is capitalizing on the Cena-Miz feud the way that feuds USED to be developed...by using a certain formula that grabs the attention of the audience, draws it out, and continues to keep its attention. Miz is accomplishing that better than anyone has in some time in WWE. I used to rip on The Miz big time, but he has surpassed all expectations I've ever had of him. He surprises me more and more every week with how well he manipulates the crowd and gets himself over.
there is going to be NO trading,if there was,whats the point of the WWE draft.the draft is supposed to shake things up and make things permanent for the year at least but sadley,vince has drafted himself into a corner for raw,Raw has the same fued every month but with just added stipulations,the best bet is too turn someone heel or hang in there for another year until the next draft.Triple h should turn heel again,he's an amazing heel and can really get the crowd booing him(see his heel work from 2002-2005) or maybe batista,batistas has nothing going for him besides getting injured every month and a swerve on triple h would already make batista a good heel because of all that heat he would get for betraying triple h

bottom line is that someone HAS to learn heel,someone has too,things cannot be going the same way for the next year,theres only soooo much orton can do,he will need a heel partner
Well, first off, CM Punk is turning into a heel as you can see on SmackDown after he was defeated by John Morrison, he gave him a GTS. Plus, with his match at The Bash, Jeff Hardy is gonna be the full-fledged face in that match because he is the most popular WWE superstar in WWE right now.

Anyways, back on topic here, I think what they should do is make Festus a main-eventer heel. To begin this process, they would have to make him heel first off and then go on a winning streak to finally earning a WWE Championship match and make him win. But they would need him to beat people like Shawn Michaels and M.V.P.

Or what they could do is make Triple H heel and just do that. Or Batista either way. But with Batista retiring soon, (YES), they would need to also make Triple H heel as well as Batista to make them both heel.
No, they need a tournament for the Heavyweight Championship, and they need the cruiser weight and or European title back, sure they can push more talent. And a different kind of tournament too! Like 4 triple threat matches, and the winners go one to a fatal four-way match. Something like that, and get a new champion. WCW tried that out with Booker T. It wasn't a major ratings boost, but it was a little bit of a boost. And yes, they need a commissioner or a new GM besides Vince. Not also that, but Legacy needs to get bigger, and get more control, you know the evil stable. Vince needs a nervous breakdown storyline, sure he leave the scene. Maybe a two GMs for raw, sure you can have the power struggle story lines. I do like the Main Event Mafia storyline on TNA, they do have some good story lines for a small time market. They might get a Monday Night time slot someday. They would get smashed but they would still make money off of that. Oh yea, each brand should get 3 separate PPVs a piece, and 3 cross promotional. Make each brand unique again. Anyways back to raw getting better. Less Vince, European title division back, and Smackdown can have the cruiser weight division again. ECW needs the hardcore division back. The US and IC title should be unified, because those titles are a sign of a superstar making in the business. Good way to promote a superstar. It would make the brands more unique, and promote the talent they need.
I don't think Batista will retire anytime soon, but he's more injury prone then Kennedy and Candice Michelle combined so you never know. Festus in the main event? yeah they tried that, that went over like a fart in church. Festus, Kozlov, Khali, and Mark Henry are just a few big men WWE tried to get something out of but no one gave a shit cause they can't wrestle to save their life. They need the old unified undisputed heavyweight title back, along with a unified IC and US title. And get one set of tag team belts for fuck sake. The Divas and Womens title should be thrown in the trash just like the old WWF women's title. Thank you Alundra Blaze.
There is nothing wrong with Raw I think. It's a respectful show it's doing quite well without your mentioned ideas. Look at what's going on there. You have Trips v Orton, that is getting old yes, but it's still good, as well one it's best feuds is really about to get started with Miz and Cena. I can't see the show needing to do anything right now. Yes it's low on heels but the same could be said about smackdown with faces.

I disagree with you that Orton is the hardest worker. Their is no way that he's the hardest worker. Cena is by far one of the hardest if not the hardest worker on that show. He just spent the last month doing whatever he could to make the big show look decent. Now he's about to take a mid carder and make him look golden... What has orton done? Really as of late he's been lazy... Not that I don't like him, I do. He's just not as high up as you say he is.
I don't know how many times I have to say it. Undertaker and HBK CANNOT BE HEELS EVER AGAIN. Undertaker will always be cheered because he is the UNDERTAKER and the fans love him and nothing can change that. If he goes "heel" it will get 50/50 reactions so there is no point.

Shawn can't even be a heel against Hulk Hogan. Shawn literally got 100% booed once during that angle and that was when they did RAW in Montreal 6 days before the SS match. And even then, it took him having to remind everyone of the Bret Hart "screw-job" to make sure everyone booed.

They are untouchable babyfaces. HHH is almost there too but he has been a heel for so long that it's so played out. Batista has been a tweener/babyface since Summerslam 2004(where me, along with others cheered him) so making him the heel could be the best case scenario.
I dont think trading is a good idea you have to try and work with what you got. If you make HHH a heel then you have an overpowering of heels i would think. Unfortunately they do not want to make Cena Heel so what is the other choice so if they make some one heel it would have to be HHH. A paradox, then again they are doing well right now so I have no idea what they should so now
Sadly even trying to turn Batista heel would be worthless. Someone else also mentioned how injury prone he is. And word going around is that Batista is actually considering retiring within the next few years (at least thats whats been posted..could be fact could be fiction who really knows). But then what you have Orton/Legacy/Batista vs HHH/HBK? *snore* the HHH/Batista angle has been done, the Orton/Michaels angle has been done.

The only thing Raw needs to do is do what they are doing. DRAW out the storylines. Make us want more! I remember when the "higher power" angle came out and the words echoed in my ears. "WHO THE HELL IS THE HIGHER POWER!?!?!?!" (yes i added a few words) but that was a PERFECT storyline! Raw needs to learn from past successes and mimic them. We as an audience can't be fed this BS one week on one week off nonsense. CONSISTENCY is the word I'm searching for. That's what Raw needs.

Sorry for the confusion if there is any lol I just worked a 16 hr day and am a bit tired but thats my 2 cents
What about the Miz? He is in a fued with cena, AS A HEAL. IF he wins on sunday, he will become the second big heal on Raw. if he loses, he will fade away...but let's not forget the miz here. Also, we need to make new stars here. Let's end HHH, Orton and go for some new, fresh fueds and see what happens. What about Kofi and Orton? That would be new and fresh. Get rid of the US title, its really only a prop that no one cares about. How about Matt hardy be world champion? He's decent enough for a small reign(besides, it would change it up).

In essence, you have more than two options.
The WWE needs a new outlook on heels. Edge is an okay heel due to his oppurtunistic victories, other than that, he isn't a good heel.

Miz has the potential to be the best heel on RAW. He could even be a Rowdy Piper-like character in the beginning of WWE's PG era. He can be anti-PG insulting Cena's and his appeal.

You mention that WWE needs a new outlook on heels...yet you propose that Miz could be some kind of new-age Roddy Piper? I guess that seems contradictory.

Oh, no no (lol). I wasn't proposing for the Miz to have Piper's gimmick. I said that Miz can be the heel Piper was.

When I say that, I mean the way the crowd hated him that made him a heel not his character and style. Everyone hated Piper passionately and couldn't stand him and he was anti-Hogan and the way Hogan presented himself. Everyone just wanted Hogan to kick his ass already. Some state that Piper made Hogan.

After I mentioned that briefly, I stated he can do this in a way of pissing kids off by being annoying, rowdy in the sense that he's anti-Cena's superman outlook and character. The kids would watch and be eager to see Cena kick his ass. If he does this, he will have the "potential to be the best heel on RAW" somewhat similar to Piper's elite status as a heel. Now I'm not sure exactly how the 80s worked, but that's why it was a thought and I mentioned "like" or similar Rowdy Piper's popularity of his heel character.

Come on, I didn't had to review this slowly and in depth for you to fathom what I meant :p. Not that even mattered much to begin with.

Anyway I agree with you, Miz is exceling at what he does.

Sorry if I wasn't clear or you have trouble understanding.
I think that wwe needs to trade away midcard faces like kofi from raw and get heels like hart dynasty. If they make kofi like a major player defending his title constantl on superstars and no apperences on raw and a few on ecw then the product will be intresting being that kofi gets away from a face cluttered raw. Trade kofi away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and get the dynasty since they can quickly become main event players or at least carry intresting mid card fueds with mvp and others.
First, and foremost Legacy needs to be dismantled which would invovle Teddy/Cody turning on Randy. I don't mean just any type of turn either. This has to be something never done before. A real ass kicking from two men who have been held back, and made to look like servants to a "Premadonna". Those two men should grow bitter, and spiteful towards their master like two highly neglected pitbulls. Leave Orton in a mess of blood, and exploit his weaknesses.

Then after all is said and done, it would be HHH who pulled all the strings of corruption. In the end the real Legacy is born with HHH, Cody & Teddy, and the Mcmahon family. Orton should become the vicitim, and his paranoia will now have been justitified. Thus, leaving him a credible face with a real "vendaetta", and it would be against the strongest wrestling families of all time. Him v.s Them. It is the only way they can keep this battle going, and it makes sense. They are telling an ok story right now, and HHH turning heel, and forcing the tides of pain in Orton's pond.

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