Are Morrison and Punk going to be linked for their whole careers?

The Palace of Wisdom

Pre-Show Stalwart
To me, there are two logical choices for the next World Heavyweight Champion on the Smackdown brand.

Those choices are CM Punk and John Morrison.

CM Punk of course holds the Money in the Bank case, so we know, barring him losing the case, that he'll get at least one shot at the belt this year. And, with Punk being mega-over, an internet darling, and an overall safe choice, him carrying the WHC for awhile probably wouldn't be a train wreck with the talent on the show.

Unfortunately for Punk, though, he hasn't exactly been pushed to the moon since he got the Smackdown. He's lost on two consecutive PPVs, once to Kane (who is now off TV, so that makes NO sense).

The other choice is the #2 with a BULLET John Morrison. Jo-Mo is in the start of a mega push, and is being booked as a tremendous athlete and talent, one who is destined to be a multi-time champion. He has an ability in the ring that is awe-inspiring, and he is really starting to get the crowd behind him.

So I've got two questions for everyone.

Are Morrison and Punk the new generation HBK/Bret (not necessarily in ring product), where their careers basically run parallel to each other for the bulk of their careers?

And of the two, who would/will make the better (next) World Heavyweight Champion?
sounds good to me infact if you look at it that way they very will could be. i think morrison would be better but thats my opinion. but pretty soon with the sucky storylines the writers make up it will prolly be morrison, punk back and forth switching titles for a while and end up like hhh and cena or they will only be the 2 people in circulation for the title.
I hope they push John Morrison big. He should be champ based on physique alone. I know most internet wrestling fans could give a fuck what wrestlers look like but Chris Jericho and so many other superstars (CM Punk included) are looking way out of shape at the moment. John Morrison is ripped to shreds and as much as some of you may want to dispute it, I think that a superstar's appearance is of vital importance and right now Morrison looks like a champ.
Apart from physical appearance I think Morrison has the wood over Punk in mic skills, ring work and crowd reactions. I've noticed that CM Punk hasn't been getting as big a buzz lately whereas Morrison is really starting to work the crowd (see Judgement Day). I think Morrison would make the better champ at the moment.
As for the Bret/HBK comparison I think it's way too early to make a call like that but I think Punk and Morrison could have some decent matches if given the opportunity.
Morrison will not be the next heavyweight champ, and is barely over, let alone being over enough to justify being pushed over Rey Mysterio or Jeff Hardy. Heck, as much as I like JoMo, R-Truth is a better choice as a face champion at this point.

Will they be linked forever? If we're lucky. They've got very different, distinct looks and styles that mesh so well together, such different distinct attitudes and mic skills that could really shine together... They are everything a long time feud needs to be... except they're both faces at the moment. I'm sure that won't be the case forever, though. I've had the same thought about the two myself. They are the future, IMO.
Hopefully not. CM Punk is way ahead of Morrison in almost everything. Punk is very talented in the ring, has a title reign under his belt already, and gets some pretty decent crowd reactions.

Morrsion does not have any of those things that Punk has, and seems more content to run around with Melina than to put the work in to become a great wrestler. I think that Punk can be a main eventer for years to come, and Morrison won't be around 5 years from now.
J.R. said in his blog that Morrison's going to be the heavyweight champion by Judgment Day of next year...make what you will of that.
I'm a fan of both of these guys, and I think if Morrison make another heel turn they could possibly have a great feud with each other. Both have good in ring abilities, and Punk can hold his own on the mic while Morrison may be one of the best in the WWE right now at mic work.

I wouldn't call CM Punk and Morrison the next HBK/Hitman. When HBK and Hart were the top of the WWE, there was no Smackdown or ECW. It does seem odd that these two always seem to wind up together. Even the one year Punk spent on RAW while Morrison was on ECW, Morrison spent plenty of Mondays on the RAW show. However, I don't know if either will ever be on the TOP of the WWE (at least not like Cena, HHH, and Undertaker are the top), but both will definitely be in the main event scene, and possibly together, for a good long time.

Of the two, I think Punk will make the better next champ. He already has one reign under his belt. Granted, that reign sucked, but I'm optimistic he's going to learn from his mistakes. He's also more over than Morrison and the crowd is more familiar with him. Face Morrison is still a new thing, and it's going to take a while for us to get used to him, but I'm confident he'll be able to do it. I think he should spend some time in a main even grudge feud or feuding for the IC title before he moves onto the World Heavyweight Championship. The one thing they can't do is throw him back into the tag division, unless they want him to be a career tag-team guy for life.
Look, I like Morrison, but you guys are looking at him in a spot that he is just not in. It will be quite a while before he's in the main event picture, if he ever is. Punk's rise was surprising to me, seeing how he isn't 7 feet tall and 1400 pounds. But he established himself. Thats the only reason he is able to stay up there.
Strap in it's going to be a bumpy ride on this topic. I think C.M. Punk is waaaaaay over rated. I do not find him compelling at all in the ring, on the mic, or otherwise. I also think it's robbery that he has won the MITB two years in a row, and that he ever got the WHC. He is where he is because for some reason or another kids seem to like him. Maybe it's his emo hardcore straight edge persona, the Pepsi tattoo, or that stupid thing he does with his hands and wrists when he gets in the ring? I don't know, but one thing I do know is that he is less than amusing.

What strong point does he honestly have that you can name legitimately? As I said he is not good on the mic as far as I can tell, his ring work is shotty at best, and his character is ******ed. The one thing I will give you about C.M. Punk is this: He has a pretty sweet finisher. I think the GTS is kinda cool, and it seems like it really would fuck someone up, and it's never been seen before he did it, that's the only thing he gets credit for in my book.

Morrison on the other hand, I say good things about all day. He is one of the most impressive in the ring I have seen, his gimmick works with him perfectly, he is comfortable and good on the stick, and as someone else mentioned has the look of a champion. That corkscrew pin is amazing to see as well, what a great finish. Another thing about Morrison is this: none of us have seen everything he has to offer. I read once that he has never even revealed his entire arsenal due to the match types and storylines and so on he has been booked in. With that being said, and the amazing ability we have seen from him, I feel he has the most potential.

Now, another big factor you have all been talking about is who is over more. Well, obviously C.M. Punk is over the most between them as he has been the face his whole time in WWE. Someone mentioned that Morrison isn't as over right now as some would like to believe and I agree, he is in the beginning of a big push and his momentum will build, until then I don't think that who is more over is a very valid argument when comparing the two and their future endeavors.

I think and have said for a very long time that John Morrison could very well be the next Shawn Michaels. I don't mean he is going to be the next G.O.A.T either I mean that he could become as popular in retrospect. Considering the gimmick a new age version of the character HBK used to portray. Look at it, Shaman of Sexy: Heart Break Kid/The Sexy Boy. Both very outspoken flamboyant and by perception self absorbed. Both started as tag team competitors only to move on to become legit intercontinental champions. Both with high flying, spectacular wrestling styles. Both are good mic workers, so on and so forth. As you see there are a lot of similarities and parallels. They always recycle storylines, why not recycle one of the most successful characters of all time?

I think the solution to make these two explode is for Morrison to be pushed as I mentioned above, and for C.M. Punk to turn heel. I have heard that at one time he was a rather good heel in ROH and I can see that. My main big problem I think with C.M. Punk is that to me his character as a face seems unnatural. To me he seems like a natural heel, I can picture it right now. I think it would be great. Even listen to his name, "C.M. Punk" it sounds like some crazy bad ass punk rocker type guy or something, natural for a heel. Put those two in a program together with Morrison as the face and Punk as the heel and I think it would solidify both of them, and they could work great matches that way. The styles of each working those roles would compliment great, and you might get to see some things from both men that we have never seen before. C.M. Punk could develop a more aggressive in ring style as the heel which would make him more entertaining to watch, and Morrison could display more of his talents as the face as well. I think it would work perfect. Just an Idea.
some good discussion guys, thanks to all for replying.

My main question wasn't that I think Morrison and Punk are destined to feud with each other (though I am quite sure they will cross paths more than a few times), but I just believe that at all times, their careers are going to run parallel much like Bret and Shawn's did. I wasn't particularly comparing characters either, but the Morrison/HBK comparison is obvious.

I like both of them, but I think Morrison is going to have the bigger career. He has already been in the WWE longer, has more title reigns, and they put Morrison in the WWE TV thing that airs before EVERY show, elbowing a lot of legends of the company. They don't just throw someone in there on a whim. They obviously have HUGE things planned for him. And they should.
With Kennedy gone, these two run neck and neck for my new favorite. I was at the PPV with the "Championship Scramble" matches in Cleveland and when Punk was punted by Orton and could not make the match, people left. There was a mass exodus and I saw a lot of mad people. Me being one of them. There I was with my newly purchased Punk shirt and newly purchased replica WHC ready to see CM Punk which did not happen.

He is over with the crowd but as of late, he's been losing. He own the MiTB match but has been on a losing streak. Why would he deserve a title shot after losing so many times in a row to Regal, Kane, and Umaga. The storyline Punk has right now is the MiTB, that's it. if they are to spice it up, they need to change his character into the "Straightedge." He needs to preach about all things straightedge and how drinking, drugs, sex before marriage, etc. is all bad. Doing a Right to Censor thing. That will make him quite the heel.

Morrison needs more screen time in promos to get truly over. He is in the ring but not on the mic. He was with the "Dirt Sheet" but again, not in promos/interviews. Develop more of that and he could get the title sooner.

In retrospect: I see John Morrison and CM Punk having equally great careers, they may mirror each but I can see Morrison being higher up in the business sooner than Punk (this coming from a BIG Punk fan).
To have good champs, you need good enemies right? Punk & Morrison fit this role....I see them more like Jeff&Edge or KENTA&Marifuji (GTS is awesome isn't it), they will feud at different levels in their careers, can tag together or versus and are young enough to have different matches so we won't be bored by it. They may not be in that postion today, but they will be once the old guard (HHH,Taker,HBK) isn't taking all the time...
With Kennedy gone, these two run neck and neck for my new favorite. I was at the PPV with the "Championship Scramble" matches in Cleveland and when Punk was punted by Orton and could not make the match, people left. There was a mass exodus and I saw a lot of mad people. Me being one of them. There I was with my newly purchased Punk shirt and newly purchased replica WHC ready to see CM Punk which did not happen.

He is over with the crowd but as of late, he's been losing. He own the MiTB match but has been on a losing streak. Why would he deserve a title shot after losing so many times in a row to Regal, Kane, and Umaga. The storyline Punk has right now is the MiTB, that's it. if they are to spice it up, they need to change his character into the "Straightedge." He needs to preach about all things straightedge and how drinking, drugs, sex before marriage, etc. is all bad. Doing a Right to Censor thing. That will make him quite the heel.

Morrison needs more screen time in promos to get truly over. He is in the ring but not on the mic. He was with the "Dirt Sheet" but again, not in promos/interviews. Develop more of that and he could get the title sooner.

In retrospect: I see John Morrison and CM Punk having equally great careers, they may mirror each but I can see Morrison being higher up in the business sooner than Punk (this coming from a BIG Punk fan).

I agree, pretty much ver batim with what you said. I was a HUGE Kennedy fan, and Morrison and CM Punk have been at the top of my list for awhile. These two benefit from being on Smackdown at the moment, which is absolutely brimming with top level talent, and top level talent that is going to make them look good. Jericho and Edge are the two top heels in the WWE, and whenever either of these up and comers enters a real feud with the two of them, they are going to look like a million bucks.

I have always been upset that Punk was just so quickly discarded as WHC at the Championship scramble. Granted, it led to an EPIC Jericho reign which was LONG overdue, but Punk got what, one rematch? And not even a PPV rematch, it was just on Raw. They booked him poorly the moment he dethroned Edge, and they have continued to book him pretty poorly. The guy is MEGA over, and is an insanely safe bet to be a World Champion (in terms of Wellness). I hope that they have just been slow playing his heel turn by planting seeds here and there (disrespect by higher ups, the fans, etc.). or that they at least have something in mind for him, rather than booking on the fly.

Morrison has been around the block, been patient, and now his time is coming due. He's paid his dues, done what he's been asked, and been a very consistant performer. He goes out there, and he's one of those guys that always gives you a "WOW" moment. He's the guy most guys probably hate performing after, because he does something you'll remember virtually EVERY match. And in the next year, he will be dripping with gold.
In a sense there carrers r "sorta" parallel but the better world champ would be morrison for the reasons stated below
1.A fresh face in the main event
2.Better than punk in every category
3.A more diverse move set
And these make JO-MO better than punk
In a sense there carrers r "sorta" parallel but the better world champ would be morrison for the reasons stated below
1.A fresh face in the main event
2.Better than punk in every category
3.A more diverse move set
And these make JO-MO better than punk


wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong.

I am a HUGE fan of both, but lemme seperate the facts from the fiction for some of you people jumping on bandwagons before understanding wtf you are saying.

At this moment, Morrison's nowhere NEAR as over as CM Punk. Could he be one day? Most probably, but at this moment he is not. See the fact is as much as I like Morrison, he hasn't always evoked much emotion from fans, at least not until recently. Even as a heel, he never drew as much heat on his own and some would argue that as Nitro, Melina gained most of his heat and during his team with Miz, Miz being the naturally douchebag he is drew most of the reaction for the team.

Now as a face, Morrison is slowly getting over due to his exciting wrestling style and wide array of spots. But make no mistake about it, he is NOT better than Punk in every category. The only thing he is better than Punk at so far is maintaining a better physique (n/h) and having spots that are more physically challenging. However, he is NOT better on the microphone when compared to Punk, in fact, Morrison needs to work on his mic presence while Punk is lightyears ahead of him, just because WWE books Punk to say 3 bland sentences everytime he talk doesn't change the fact that he is still one of E's best talkers if given a chance.

Punk is also a better worker of the two, and has proven to be able to have good matches with almost everybody (unless he's booked as an underdog champ which limits what he can do), and while he doesn't have a super flashy moveset, it IS very diverse but is of course limited by booking. The ONLY reason you see Morrison doing the things he is doing now is because it is all an attempt for him to win the crowd over, and he would eventually have to dumb it down so to speak ala Jeff Hardy.

So yeah...they may be linked their whole careers, i hope they are. Both are tremondous talents and the "future", so to speak, of the company. But right now...? Punk is leading that race, and rightfully so, no matter how you try to say otherwise.
i still don't understand why everyone think morrison has great mic skills. he's awful on the mic. he sounds like he reading from a cue card. and he's not that great aside from a few highspots here and there.
I don't think that's the case.... Because these two are not even half of the workers Bret and Shawn were/are. Yes, I understand Morrison has a similar trajectory to Michaels, but until he can draw emotion from the crowd like HBK (not a very likely event), I think we should hold off on this whole theory that he'll be the next Shawn Michaels. There will probably never be another Shawn Michaels, so please, enjoy him for all he's worth right now.

CM Punk as Bret Hart.... Now that's an interesting idea. But you see, I'm not entirely keen on that idea either. You see, while Punk was immediately sling-shot to the top of both Raw and Smackdown, Bret had to wait out about eight years in WWE before he was given the ball. He wasn't given success immediately, unlike Punk. Plus, I just don't see Punk as capable of holding the crowds attention like Bret could. People will knock Bret, but this man was an excellent worker with an ability to get the crowd behind him by his work. His mic work wasn't great, but his work was that of someone the likes of which will probably never be seen again. Punk is a decent worker, but he's no Bret Hart, and I'd go a step further to say Bret was far better on the mic than Punk is right now. Watch Bret in some of his New Hart Foundation promos. The man smply knew how to draw heat in America.

As to if these men will be forever linked.... Not bloody likely. Morrison was in the conscience of WWE fans long before he started his feuds with Punk in ECW. Bret and Shawn started their singles career's off in similar years, while John and CM Punk are surely separated by a couple years. I can't understand why, just because these two had a bit of a feud in ECW, these two will be forever linked in eternal lore as the next Hitman and HBK.

There will never be another Hitman. There will never be another HBK. So leave it as it is. and let Morrison and Punk define their own careers in WWE.
I think that is the main problem with Morrison. He has done nothing note worthy to illicit a genuine response from a fan. I can't really recall a moment where I went, "One time Morrison did this . . ." I agree with Tenta that he DOES have HBK similarities but he does not have that emotion like HBK. And I really think he needs to drop the Jim Morrison gimmick, that is the main thing. Unless he acts like Morrison when he was drunk and whacked out on drugs on stage, that would be interesting.

I would like to see Punk and Morrison fight though but Morrison isn't really at that level I don't think, not yet anyway.
Really? I can remember laughing at a ton of what Morrison says, and his mic skills have progressed very well since his old Nitro days. Actually what sold me on Morrison was when he was with Mercury feuding with the new LOD consisting of Heidenreich/Animal. I recall Morrison asking Animal where his tag team partner was(Heidenreich hadn't entered the feud yet), and then without allowing Animal to respond Morrison answered for him and said "Oh, thats right....he's dead." Now, I recall many bashing Orton for going after Eddie while he was buried, but no one recalls this classic line by Morrison, then Nitro. At that point I realized he is, or was going to be the future of the company.

The great thing about Morrison is this, he hasn't been shoved down our throats. Look at his career, hardly accomplished. Yet, we all know who he is, and so do the basic WWE audience. I"m not going to sit here, and bore you with his comparisions to HBK, because they are flawed. However I will say that he is something special just based on his build as a WWE superstar. No, he hasn't paid his dues like they did in the 80's or early 90's, but in a sense he has in today's age.

So many young stars are pushed too fast, and we never get to remember anything about them. Most of those stars don't have characters that stand out, or memorable feuds from before they hit big. What the WWE is doing with Morrison is "rare", and I mean very "rare". Not often are we priviledged to watch a career tell a story. That is about the only thing I can say about Punk/Morrison have linked careers is that they both have had solid builds in their WWE careers. Punk has won more world titles, but that is due to his following, and his fanbase that he already had.
I was looking forward to a punk heel turn, and i did think it was gonna happen at extreme rules like alot of people did. Morrison and punk have feuded b4, but i think it will easily work agen just due to the heel/face switch. Both these guys r tremendous, and i wouldnt mind seeing morrison go main event face of smackdown when jeff leaves (if he leaves, i hope not haha). These two could have an awesum feud for the belt.

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