Are Bryan and Wolfe another Punk and Joe?

The Scarred One

The Greatest of All Time
If you wondering what the title means regardin this thread, it's discussing the career paths that both Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson and Desmond Wolfe/Nigel McGuinness have lead since joining their respective companies and how very similar they are to CM Punk and Samoa Joe when they signed five years ago.

With Punk, many people thought he was going to be misused by the WWE. They either thought he would be released before debuting on television or would be nothing more than a mid-carder. But after debuting on ECW, he became a rising star in WWE, eventually winning four World Championships, two Money-in-the-Bank matches at WrestleMania and engaging in the feud of the year with Jeff Hardy. Right now, he's one of the top heels in the company and, ever since going heel and starting the Straight Edge Society, everything he's done has been golden. Although he's not at the top of the card at the moment, he's still being featured weekly on SmackDown.

With Joe, many people thought he was going to take TNA by storm and become the top guy within a year. He certainly started out strong with an undefeated streak that lasted about 18 months. But when Christian Cage, Sting and Kurt Angle came to TNA not long after he did, he got pushed to the side. He accomplished a lot as an upper mid-carder, mainly in the X-Division. But how many world championships has he won since coming to TNA? Just one and it wasn't that memorable of a run. Another thing that's held him back has been the constant character overhauls he's had, from the Nation of Violence to the Main Event Mafia enforcer to Taz's protege. Every time he goes through one, it's like he has to start over. Now, he's coming off a month-long suspension and we're left in the dark as to what TNA has in store for him now.

Now, do you see Bryan and Wolfe going through similar paths like this?

In Bryan's case, he started off slow when he debuted on NXT as a rookie to a pro he can run circles around in the ring. He went through his entire NXT tenure without a win, all the while getting put down by Miz and Michael Cole. But as all this went on, he gained a lot of momentum to finally break through, especially when the Nexus storyline started. But Tiegate happened and Bryan was fired, with many assuming he would never appear in the WWE again. But at SummerSlam, he returned and put on a great showing. Now it appears that he's going to be the one to take the United States Championship off the Miz, allowing the Miz to become WWE Champion and restoring prestige to the US Championship.

In Wofe's case, he started off with a bang as he immediately entered into a feud with Kurt Angle, one of TNA's top dogs. The feud was almost certainly going to launch Wolfe into superstardom and possibly make him the world champion within a year or two. But after Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff came in, he was pushed to the side in favor of others. It seemed like he was on his way back up with the Fortune storyline until he was cast out of the group and started his feud with Abyss. I heard most recently he's formed a tag team with Brutus Magnus wrestling on Xplosion, instead of competing for the Television or World Championships like many feel he should be doing.

Now this is neither a pro-WWE nor is it an anti-TNA thread. But you'd have to be blind not to notice how these former Ring of Honor Champions have been doing since they debuted with either company.

Agree or disagree?
Well maybe in Bryan's case as he is in a position to establish himself as a mainstay on Raw while Wolfe (love the name change) however is stuck teaming with Magnus. Now that is not necessarily a bad thing as they can bring a new breath in the division but in light of the topic, Wolfe is nowhere near the position Joe was in his first year in TNA. Joe was already having high profile matches with AJ, Daniels, Sabin, and the rest of the X-Division back when it was the title was the equilavent of the IC/US title. Bryan is right where Punk is when he entered the WWE as a guy who for the most part can generate a big crowd reaction is already being booked into a strong fued. I can see Bryan headed to the path of Punk as a upper mid carder/semi-main eventer but I yet hold that same view for Wolfe when being compared to Joe b/c he's not in the same position Joe was.

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