Are Any of You Real?

When you have Videos like this:

[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]

You are great!

BTW, who says that MJ can't write or sing? I will give you the guitar, but MJ wrote and co produced song like Beat It, Billie Jean, and Thriller. Those three songs are better than most of anyone's entire catalogue. I happen to enjoy his singing aswell! Well back before he went nose job crazy.
When you have Videos like this:

[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]

You are great!

BTW, who says that MJ can't write or sing? I will give you the guitar, but MJ wrote and co produced song like Beat It, Billie Jean, and Thriller. Those three songs are better than most of anyone's entire catalogue. I happen to enjoy his singing aswell! Well back before he went nose job crazy.

Okay, so I shouldn't have said "infinitely better." Apologies. I was caught up in hyperbole, swear. However, it's not really a factor of writing when Clapton has sooo many classics under his belt. Jackson produced Thriller, Billy Jean, and Beat It, sure. But Clapton has classics that date back to years before Jackson, during Jackson, and after Jackson. Tears Under Heaven, Layla, Cocaine, Change the World, and the song Xfear posted to name just a few. He also has covers under his belt that are comparable to the originals, such as I Shot the Sheriff (But I Did Not Shoot the Deputy).

Sorry, Jackson was a great artist. Legend in his genre, in fact. But better than Clapton at lyrics, singing, and musical ability? Clapton takes it.
Okay Razor, I agree that Clapton is better, but he sure as fuck isn't a better singer than Michael Jackson. Jackson's vocals are simply unmatched, by anyone.

Besides, Jim Morrison > All
Okay Razor, I agree that Clapton is better, but he sure as fuck isn't a better singer than Michael Jackson. Jackson's vocals are simply unmatched, by anyone.

Besides, Jim Morrison > All

Fuck you. Clapton is better at singing. Bitch. Asshole. :lmao:

Kanye West > ....alright, I couldn't do it. Would've been so awesome.
Ok. I see your point. I will agree that Clapton is better as far as musical ability. Perhaps even singing, but I don't know about the lyrics. MJ's are far more catchy and MJ was a better performer, IMO. I guess it is a matter of taste, but if you ask me who I would rather watch, not listen to, but watch, it will always be MJ.
Okay Razor, I agree that Clapton is better, but he sure as fuck isn't a better singer than Michael Jackson. Jackson's vocals are simply unmatched, by anyone.

Even Sam Cooke? After your history lesson on the man a few months back, I took a huge liking to him and downloaded a lot of his stuff. He's perhaps the greatest singer I've ever heard. I don't think Jackson can come close to touching him. Besides, Jackson's best singing was in Jackson 5, not as a solo artist, IMO.
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Even Sam Cooke? After your history lesson on the man a few months back, I took a huge liking to him and downloaded a lot of his stuff. He's perhaps the greatest singer I've ever heard. I don't think Jackson can come close to touching him. Besides, Jackson's best singing was in Jackson 5, not as a solo artist, IMO.

Agreed. No one can match Sam's raw emotion. Absolutely nobody.

I love you JMT. Almost as much as I love soul music. Maybe more.

One of the most beautiful and poignant songs ever written. It's a shame he didn't live to see the civil rights movement triumph, and that change he knew was coming.
You want some crazy Jackson vocals?

Here you go:

[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]

Anyone top that!
Xfear that is probably the most beautiful song ever written! I get tears sometimes when I actually sit down and think while I listen to it.
That's probably my favorite Jackson song, ever. Solo or with the Jackson 5.

I'll still take Sam Cooke though. I should dust off my old sig of him..
The song that you posted is probably the most beautiful song ever written. I get tears sometimes when I actually sit down and think while listening to it.

One of the most beautiful and poignant songs ever written. It's a shame he didn't live to see the civil rights movement triumph, and that change he knew was coming.

DAMN! That's a beautiful song, it sounds great with him singing it. Any chance you could post some of his best songs? I want to download some songs and I want to include him on my list but I don't know any of his other songs.
Ok. I see your point. I will agree that Clapton is better as far as musical ability. Perhaps even singing, but I don't know about the lyrics. MJ's are far more catchy and MJ was a better performer, IMO. I guess it is a matter of taste, but if you ask me who I would rather watch, not listen to, but watch, it will always be MJ.

The lyrics is where we'll have to depart, and agree to disagree. I will always take Clapton's lyrics over MJ's, simply because I prefer them more. And I'll concede ground on singing. Clapton isn't nearly as good at singing as my hyperbolic mind was taking him.

As far as watching? We'll just have to disagree here as well. I've always liked Clapton's laid back guitar solos better than MJ's dancing. He was great at dancing, no doubt. I would never take that way. But I'd like a Clapton show more.

I'd have to close, of course, with saying that Clapton's musical ability overshadow's Jackson's vocal range. Clapton is a guitar god.
What were you watching Harold & Kumar 2 or something Murf?

ST, gimme a minute, I'll post some more Cooke for you. Really check out any of his stuff, but his best album in my opinion is his live album at the Harlem Square Club in 1964.
I have to disagree, man.


This song will make you cry.

I counter with:


Notice the hilariously ironic "This is the most dumbist..." text at the beginning. :lmao:
The lyrics is where we'll have to depart, and agree to disagree. I will always take Clapton's lyrics over MJ's, simply because I prefer them more. And I'll concede ground on singing. Clapton isn't nearly as good at singing as my hyperbolic mind was taking him.

Ok. We can agree to disagree. You have to admit, however, that MJ had some catchy tunes that stuck with you all the time. Yes, MJ was a great singer, before he went to saying things like, "Shamone," WTF is that?

As far as watching? We'll just have to disagree here as well. I've always liked Clapton's laid back guitar solos better than MJ's dancing. He was great at dancing, no doubt. I would never take that way. But I'd like a Clapton show more.

Like I said, it is a matter of taste here. Watching a guy play on the guitar for 2 hours isn't going to excite me. I would rather watch the moonwalk any day.

I'd have to close, of course, with saying that Clapton's musical ability overshadow's Jackson's vocal range. Clapton is a guitar god.

There is some merit to what you say here. Clapton is an excellent musician. Jackson's range will probably never be matched, however, Clapton's muscal ability is something that I would much rather have.
What were you watching Harold & Kumar 2 or something Murf?

ST, gimme a minute, I'll post some more Cooke for you. Really check out any of his stuff, but his best album in my opinion is his live album at the Harlem Square Club in 1964.

Nah, man. I've been rocking Mickey since way before H&K2. My Dick isn't even close to being his best song.
What about female artists?

This is the greatest female vocal performance, IMO:

[youtube] <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> [/youtube]
Like a Virgin? I have no idea actually. I don't like her at all. She can't sing and she really isn't that good of a dancer or performer. I have no idea!

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