April Fools


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A day of watching your back and thinking twice. April Fool's day is also known as All Fool's Day. We've all contributed at least once, on this day, in our lives. You might not do any of these things anymore but we all surely must have when we were younger. (Right?) There are silly minor jokes, and huge once you don't forget. They go right, they go wrong and then there are times you avoid falling for a trick and feel epic.

The best April Fool's joke I played was on a classmate in my 5th grade, who got Chicken Pox right before our Final Term Exams and returned in the middle of it all. When she got onto the bus, I was sitting there with my Geography book, revising. But we actually had our English exam that day. She went all hysterical when she 'found out' that it was the Geography exam that day. And I was like 'You didn't know the changes they made?' Then she took her sister's mobile and called her Mum, she was almost in tears. And yeah, everyone else in the bus knew what was going on other than my friend and her Sister. In the middle of the phone call, we all said 'April Fools!' and she started laughing like a maniac, full of relief and at how we got her. Not that good a joke but it was the most successful. Lol.

Do you play tricks or jokes on people on the 1st of April?

Which was the best joke you played/ got played on or know?
April Fools was always fun whenever it comes around, but nothing seriously laugh out loud funny ever happened…until my wife came along…

One day, at the 6th month mark of my wife’s pregnancy, she decided to give me a call. For a few weeks prior to this day, we had received news from the doctor that we were having a boy. I’m sure 88% of men would be happier with having a boy rather than a girl and vice versa. Well, she gives me a call and tells me the doctor made a mistake in reading the sonogram. I flipped out!! I wasn’t mad at the fact that we were having a girl, but I was mad at the fact that the doctor made a mistake. I said things along the lines of, “Doctors spend tons of money and years to get their PhD and yet they make mistakes like this!? How can the stupid @$$ doctor make a mistake like this!? I want to change doctors immediately. If the doctor can make a mistake on something as simple as looking for a boy’s “toy”, who knows what else he’ll mess up!!”

Later on in the day, when I get home from work, she says April Fool’s Day!! It still gets me all riled up to this day, just thinking about it.

I don't usually really do anything for April Fools but my friends and I did help out in making this music video last year. We went around campus got the closest person we could find who looked and happened to sound like Bruno Mars and Drake, make a music video while putting in that Bruno Mars and Drake sang the song, and put it on Youtube. A lot of people fell for the joke and some even got pissed. I think I remember a comment from an angry fan (I can't remember if it was of Mars or Drake) but she was pissed because she legitimately thought the video would feature her "husband". It was the only April Fools joke I've ever taken part in.
Riding the train with friends to New York City on 4/1, I fell asleep with my shoes off. Upon arrival, I awoke to find my friends.....and shoes....gone. It was awkward walking through Grand Central Station in my stocking feet, until my buddies popped out from behind the information booth, calling "April Fool!"

I have had many people try to prank me on April Fools Day. Every year at least one teacher would try to fool us by giving us a ton of assignments but I always called their bluff. In 11th grade a classmate tried to get me by saying someon hit my car in the parking lot. He almost got me but then I remembered that my car was in the shop that day.

I have pranked my family a lot. My mother and older sister are terrified of both spiders and snakes so I would leave a fake spider or a fake snake for them to find in random places such as inside cereal boxes, the fridge, and the bathroom.

Then at a dance that happened to take place on April Fools Day of my senior year of high school, I took the spider/snake pranks to the next level. I brought a fake rat to the dance with similar intentions. I successfully scared every girl from my class with the rat, one by one. One of the better ones took place in college. I had a roomie who liked Cena but really hated Sheamus. I told him that Cena died and they were going to make Sheamus the WWE Champion in his place, he fell for it was SO mad. Then he got even more mad when I said "Oh you know what's even worse? You totally just fell for an April Fools prank!"....

This year I am looking into getting the escalators at work to randomly shift directions as a prank. One of my co-workers said he would do that with me if we can figure out how to do it. April Fools Day is a fun tradition depending on which side of the joke you are on because it is fun to prank people but the day is no fun for those who always get pranked.
When it comes to being a prankster, I never really found the need to prank on April Fool's day... The reason being that they would be expecting me to pull off a prank and on the flip side, I'd be expecting it from them. And if I ever did pull a prank on April Fool's it was either by accident, by association, or I just couldn't resist the temptation.

For example, the best April Fool's joke that I had a help in and to this day stands out the most was when a bunch of friends and I went around school telling people that there were some escaped convicts around the school as janitors. We didn't just do it to kids, we did it with Teachers, Principals, and even some of the secretaries. So we continue to tell people this until finally around 5th period where I was standing by with my friends and we saw the newest Janitor walking up behind out friend Samantha and we yelled "Oh my god it's the killer!" and took off running.

Of course, the fun from that didn't come without repercussion because at the end of the day, we all got a shit load of detention. Either way, that to me will always be one of the best pranks ever.
I've always managed to find the humor in April Fools. I have to admit I'm never one for actually remembering the day. It always just slips by my until I fall for some prank. The one I do remember vividly was when my girlfriend at the time texted me and very casually said. "I have to tell you something" Too which I replied "what is it my cupcake..do you love me :p"....."I'm cheating on you"...*head explodes*. I remembered just being so pissed I ignored her the entire day until I finally answered her call and she explained to me it was just an April fools joke...I was not amused. The next day I had gotten over it and we actually laughed about it.

I love playing practical jokes on people. Funny thing is its usually never on April Fools. I'm not one for looking at dates..I just wake up and go about my day as if it were any other day of the month. By the time I realize what day it is,people have already become very cautious and it becomes harder to prank people. Still a fun day though,especially to the ones who aren't very observant.
Ive had several played on me, but they were nothing major. I didnt buy it for a second when my wife told me she didnt want to marry me anymore 5 years ago on Aprils Fools Day. If she would have done it the day before or the day after, I might have bought it somewhat. But she didnt sell it well, as she could barely contain her laugh. My wife has the worst poker face ever, although I played it straight like I bought into what she was saying, and i didnt talk to her for 3 days. Turns out I had a good laugh at her expense, because she believed I took her seriously!

The best April Fools Day I ever played was with my dad on my uncle, his brother, about 15 years ago. My uncle had gotten my dad year after year, and my dad decided he was going to get him first this time. My uncle always left one of his cars in the driveway. My dad and his siblings always left a spare set of keys underneath their cars, as their parents taught them to do. I was maybe 14 years old, and my dad took me along to a prop shop, where we bought the most realistic fake arm Ive ever seen, along with some fake blood.

We snuck over his house around midnight, when my uncle was long asleep. We opened the trunk, put some fake arm in the trunk, and left it hanging partially out of the trunk. My dad had a good friend who was a cop who agreed to be in on the prank, using his police car and all. We watched from down the street as the cop arrested my uncle around 6 am, telling him he had received a call of a body in my uncle's trunk. My uncle thought it was a joke at first until the cop searched his car, found the "decapitated arm", and arrested him. We followed as the cop drove my uncle to the station, where he interrogated him as to who the arm came from. Apparenly they let my dad watch from behind the glass, because I wasn't allowed in the station due to age. When they "released" my uncle, my dad was standing outside laughing, my uncle's white face turning red as he started laughing as well.

It was the greatest prank Ive ever seen pulled, and my dad isnt exactly creative. My uncle decided to end the April Fool's joke tradition after that.

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