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Application Thread (Updated 7-11-2018)


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
Welcome to the WZCW Application Thread! Be sure to read over the rules and understand them fully before applying.

WZCW Application Rules
1) You may not use the name or Gimmick of any Licensed WWE, TNA or any other Wrestling Promotion (you may not mention them in your Role-Plays either). Do not mention a previous title run in such organisations either in your application or future Role-Plays.

2) You may not use the name or Gimmick of any other character who has already been accepted to the federation and are currently posted up in the official WZCW Roster section. Please double-check your application to see if you have any similarities with other roster members before applying.

3) Pyrotechnics and Gimmick entrances are not allowed until rewarded. We will reward people with pryo and gimmick entrances and this also may be allowed for special events. However, special lighting is fine to use (feel free to use strobe lights, green lights, black lights, etc).

4) No tweeners are allowed in the fed. You must decide on either face or heel.

5) Please refrain from using moves currently listed in the WZCW Roster thread linked below

WZCW Staff members hold the right to reject and request immediate changes to any application posted. If you need any help, please contact anyone on Staff to solve any problems you may have.

6) We will be strict on these applications. You will need to present a solid sample Roleplay. Not just something you can write up quickly. We will require a full introductory roleplay for your character. This may also apply to certain tenured posters who may be coming back if they had unfavorable exits. We just ask that you comply. We wish to see how devoted you are to coming into WZCW as we cannot just allow anyone in just to have to no-show, affecting our shows.

7) Following applications of new recruits, you will not be slotted into our main shows right away (Meltdown, Ascension, PPVs, etc). Instead, you will have to roleplay for 'House Shows' or 'Dark Match'. These will not be added to any show. We will announce winners and then determine if you will pass on to the main shows or if we need you to adjust your roleplaying for a second 'House Show' or 'Dark Match'. You winning or losing in this position will not be a direct determination of whether you'll need to do a second one of these or you will pass on to Ascension/Meltdown.

On special occasions we do add graphics to the shows. This is something that takes time so when picking an image rep please pick one that has a render already available. You can look through http://psd-dreams.org to see if the one you want is there.

Take a look >>>>>here<<<<< before starting your App. It has all the Image Reps, music and Finishers currently in use. If you see what you wanted to use I'm sorry to say you'll have to pick something else.

WZCW Singles Application Template:

Real Name:

Gimmick Name:

Announced As:




Billed From:


Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from ______________, weighing ________ pounds, (Insert superstar's name here)!


----------------Hair Colour/Length

----------------Eye Colour

----------------Facial Hair

----------------Ring attire

----------------Backstage Attire

----------------Physical Features


Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick:

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

Brief Bio/History:

Entrance Music:

Entrance Description:

Fighting Style:

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:

Finishing Moves (2 max):

Signature Moves (3 max):

12 Most Used Moves:

Sample RP.


Now that you understand the rules and have got your application, please continue reading where one of our members will be guiding you throw the process: making it easy to create your character and start Roleplaying for the e-fed in no time!

We strongly encourage you to read Remix's guide. Doing so will make your life a lot easier:

Remix said:
So, you're thinking about Joining WZCW?

If you are, I can't say that I blame you. It's a great e-fed with a wonderful group of RPers and a creative, Creative team. If you want more general guidance about the fed, you should read the WZCW Handbook as this is specifically covering the application process.

What do I need to know/do before I can apply?

There's really very little that you need to do. Just applywith your wrestler and wait to hear back from creative. No further e-fed, role-playing, or creative writing experience is needed. If you've got some, then great. If you haven't, that’s not a problem either. In WZCW you're always judged on quality and you don't always need experience to be a good RPer.

How do I sign up?

You're in the right place. There is an application template above us which I am going to talk you through now using the worked example of Benjamin Hoss. My thoughts on each step are in bold red

Real Name: Benjamin Hoss

Gimmick Name: Benjamin Hoss

This section should be the easiest to do. Just make up a name that you think fits the character. Here I've gone with a common forename and a wrestling term referring to a big powerful wrestler.

Announced As: None

This is another section that should be easy. Do you want your character to be known as something other than just their name like Kane is the "Big Red Machine" and The Undertaker is "The Phenom?"

Height: 6' 10"

Weight: 400 lbs

These two should correspond to what you want your wrestler to be. Base it on the stats of real wrestlers to compare. You're not going to see a power wrestler who's 6' 10" and 170 lbs.

Hometown: Norwich, England

Billed From: London, England

This is simple. I use the home town to be where I am (or at least the same country) and the "billed from" to mean where the character is announced as being from. So if you live in New York, but your character is a Communist Russian, then say your home town is New York, New York and your character is from Leningrad.

Here Ben's from London, whereas I live in Norwich.

Alignment: Face

Another easy one, is your character a good guy or a bad guy. Don't say tweener, don’t ever say tweener.


----------------Hair Colour/Length

Naturally black, shaven.

----------------Eye Colour


----------------Facial Hair


----------------Ring attire

Black trunks

----------------Backstage Attire

Unknown. Hoss is kept separate from the rest of the WZCW talent for the safety of himself and those around him.

----------------Physical Features

Big, muscular and very strong



Later on in the form there's a "sample photo" section. What I always do is describe that, for the vauge look of the character, making alterations where necessary.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Exactly what it says on the tin. Find an image that suits the gimmick. Google image search and Photobucket are your friends. Remember to use the forums’ tags correctly.

There is a banlist for reps because they're in use or were used by notable people in the fed's past. The link's provided above.[/COLOR][/B]

[B]Main Gimmick:[/B] freak of nature who's as dumb as he is strong. Additionally, he is fiercely loyal and devoted to his sister, Alicia.

[B]2 Characteristics of Gimmick:[/B]

-Has the strength of two strong men
-Has the mind of two particularly stupid children

[COLOR="Red"][B]Essentially, these two sections ask you to describe the essentials your character in a few words. However, don't overlook them or half-ass it. It's important to make your character seem interesting or unique in these sections. If your character seems like it's something that's been done a million times before that's going to taint people's opinion of it.

Here I've taken a classic monster gimmick, but put a new spin on it by making him a man-child, rather than just a monster who likes to smash things.

There is a banlist for gimmicks (see later) but if you can make your character and gimmick sound interesting, you'll get accepted. [/B][/COLOR]

[B]Brief Bio/History:[/B]

From the day he was born his parents knew there was something not right about their son. Instead of crying he was silent no matter what the doctors did. If his chest wasn't moving they'd have sworn he was dead. Alive he was though, healthy and strong to boot. He was bigger than their other children, even at a young age and followed his sister like a lamb. After getting diagnosed with learning difficulties at the age of four for his inability to speak or read, it was decided to keep him out of mainstream education and was home schooled. One day in a break between his lessons on how to put on trousers and feeding himself his father put on a wrestling show. Hoss was infatuated with it, he still is. Years later Alicia told him they were going to the USA to take part in his favorite show. Hoss didn't know why Alicia was taking him to WZCW, or he'd get inside the TV he just smiled.

[COLOR="Red"][B]This is a simple section. Write a backstory. Just have fun with it. Be as detailed (or not) as you like.[/b][/COLOR]

[B]Entrance Music:[/B]


[COLOR="Red"][B]Youtube for a song that fits your character and you like. Also, double check the banlist to make sure it's not in use already. Again use the forums Youtube tags correctly.[/B][/COLOR]

[B]Entrance Description:[/B]

Hoss and Alicia walk to the ring (Hoss wearing a blindfold to prevent him getting over-stimulated during his entrance. Alicia pulls down the top rope so Hoss can step over it and takes him to his corner, removing his blindfold when he's there. Until the bell rings she stands on the apron with her hand on his shoulder, telling him not to move until the match is underway.

[B][COLOR="Red"]There's a rule here that says no pyro or suchlike until you're established. Stick to that, but otherwise have fun with it and give any many details as possible.[/COLOR][/B]

[B]Fighting Style (1 primary, 1 secondary):[/B]

[B]Previous Injuries/Character Psyche:[/B]

[spoiler][B]Previously, this section was known as the Weaknesses & Strengths:[/B]



Simple minded. When Hoss decides to do something he is utterly focused on that task and nothing will distract him. This makes tricking him or saying mind games a foolish endeavour.

Size and strength. Hoss is a freak of nature. Because of his ridiculous strength he can toss most members of the roster around like they are rag dolls. These attributes also make it difficult to apply submission holds.

Hard head. Hoss has an exceedingly hard skull and very small brains. This means that shots to the head do very little to him and will get shaken off quite quickly.


Simple minded. Hoss is only able to focus on one task; so in multi man matches, he will completely ignore one wrestler unless they make themselves known to him. Additionally, his understanding of the rules is virtually nonexistent, making disqualification a possibility in all of his matches. For this reason he won't pin someone unless Alicia tells him to. He also tends to try to walk through things rather than around them. This could be embarrassing if he tries to walk through the ring ropes.

Incapable of striking; Hoss simply never thinks to throw any strikes preferring to simply toss his opponent around the ring.

Dependence on Alicia; Hoss is unable to function without his sister at his side. Without her at ringside, Hoss won't think to end a match, tag out, hit a finisher, or do anything beyond throw his opponent around. If she's sent from ringside, he will follow. If someone hurts her, he will demolish them at the expense of all else.

[B][COLOR="Red"]These two sections are, in my opinion the most important of the entire application form. This section can make or break a character. It's where the character is fleshed out in more detail and gives the writers ideas for matches.

You've got to stay focused on the ring in this section in my opinion, so even if you're giving a character flaw, make it relevant to a match. Giving a weaknesses like "being uncharismatic" (or the opposite) is not only a lame weakness, it positively makes match writing harder as it's taking away something to write about.[/COLOR][/B]


[B]However, we have changed this because as mentioned previously, people have been creating terrible weaknesses and over-powered strengths. So, we switched this section with listed "Fighting Styles" that best suit the character, focusing on their strengths as well getting people into the habit of designing their move-set to those fighting styles. If you list submission specialist, you're going to have to focus your moves around what a submission specialist would wrestle like (i.e. submissions & limb-targeting moves).

As for the lack of weaknesses, we have installed a new section known as "Injuries/Psyche. This is basically an area where you can list your characters physical injuries and other mental weaknesses that he may have. For Hoss, one of his "Psyche" weaknesses is that he relies on his manager Alicia too much. Anything that can affect the character in a negative way should be listed here. On a further note, should your character receive an injury during your tenure in WZCW, it will be added by one of the creative members to your page.[/B][/spoiler]

[B]Finishing Moves:[/B]


HOSS SMASH! (three short arm lariats to an opponent followed by a one high impact lariat) [b]ONLY USED IF ALICIA IS HARMED BY AN OPPONENT![/b]

[COLOR="Red"][B]You get two finishers. Use them wisely. I usually denote one of them as the "primary" (i.e. most commonly used) finisher and the other as secondary as flavour. These finishers should fit your character (if he's a flashy high flier, he's unlikely to finish matches with a simple submission hold) and one of them should be able to hit everyone on the roster. (If your character's a 220 lb guy with a lifting move as his primary finisher, it'd be a good idea to have the second finisher as one that can be applied to someone like Hoss)

NB: there are some finishers that are banned as they're already in use. Check the [U]Character Creation "Ban List" for of these before submitting.[/U][/B] - WARNING - Ban list currently up for maintainence.[/COLOR]

3 Signature Moves:

[B]Multiple falling chokeslams[/B]
[B]Hoss toss (throws the opponent across the ring from the snake-eyes position)[/B]
[B]Reverse powerbomb[/B] (often used to set up the HOSS SLAM at Alicia's command)

12 Most Used Moves:

Release skylift slam
backbody drop
fallaway slam
Sidewalk slam
Scoop Slam (often done repeatedly)
Gorilla press flapjack
Delayed gordbuster
Pumphandle drop
Corner to corner Irish Whip.
Overhead armtrap suplex (often done as counter to a collar and elbow lockup)
One handed bulldog

[B][COLOR="Red"]This is another section that should be easy. The way I usually do this section is to think of how a character like this would wrestle most of the match and give him a strategy. In this case, he'd toss everyone around the ring, but not really follow up on it, leaving him a chance for them to get picked up and slammed again. Give your character a consistent strategy in the ring and you're making the match itself easier to write for creative as well as easier to put together. Mark your signatures in bold tags to help further.

There are banned regular moves in the banlist to. Don’t ignore that section but if your character's moveset seems interesting and gives the writers something to go on, at a glance they're going to overlook the fact that your character uses roundhouse kicks. It’s OK, even encouraged, to use a variation of a move on the banlist[/COLOR][/B]

[B]Sample RP.[/B]

[SPOILER]The sounds of [color=blue]Benjamin Hoss'[/color] subterranean quarters are petrifying to those who aren't used to them. The dripping water from the ceiling, the ominous thumping coming from Hoss' "Playroom". Working up his nerve [color=pink]Leon Kensworth[/color] knocks on the oak door

[B]Unknown voice:[/B][color=red] Come in!

Taking a deep breath, Kensworth opens the door and sees the source of the banking, Hoss tossing a crash test dummy with the words AlX StaReKe written on in a child like scrawl on a large square of carpet.

[b]Alicia:[/b] [color=red]Leon, I'm so glad you could make it. Ben stop playing with your dolls and come here to meet Mr Kensworth!

Immediately Hoss drops the dummy and runs over to his sister. Leon extends his hand, which causes Hoss to look confused. She turns to him

[b]Alicia:[/b] [color=red]Ben, you remember how I said I was getting you something special for your birthday?[/color]

The manchild nods.

[B]Alicia:[/B] [color=red]Well this is it. This nice man has come to tell you that you that WZCW want you to work for them.[/color]

Hoss' face lights up like a Christmas tree and he immediately hugs Leon, who looks distinctly uncomfortable.

[b]Alicia:[/b] [color=red] Ben! Put him down right now![/color]

He complies and looks sheepish, like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

[b]Alicia:[/b] [color=red]Now Ben, what do we say to people who give us nice things?[/color]

[b]Hoss:[b] [color=blue]Thank... you, Mister[/color]

[b]Leon:[/b] [color=pink]You're welcome Ben.[/color]

[b]Alicia:[/b] [color=red]Now Ben, me and "Mister" are going to step outside and have a few words. Why don't you go back to playing with Alex?[/color]

He immediately runs back to his carpet and picks up the dummy while the rest slip out the door.

[b]Alicia[/b] [color=red] Thanks so much for coming. It really made his day.[/color]

Leon pauses to rub his ribs before replying.

[b]Leon:[/b] [COLOR="pink"]It was my pleasure. I've got all I need to give a report to WZCW management about your brother. Do you have any questions?[/COLOR]

[B]Alicia:[/b] [color=red]I do have one. How is Ben going to get to the USA for his shows? He doesn't do well at interacting with large numbers of people, and putting him in a blindfold might concern other fliers.[/color]

[b]Leon:[/b] [color=pink]Well, given what I've seen today, and what you told us when you applied for a roster spot, that shouldn't be a problem. Because of Ben's... unique needs we should be able to justify chartering a flight for him. It's not standard for new wrestlers, but, with all due respect to your brother, he's not our standard wrestler. [/color]

[b]Alicia:[/b] [color=red]Thanks so much for this Leon. I hope to see you again once Ben's officially part of the roster. Now, if you don't mind I need to get back to him.[/color]

Leon nods and Alicia quickly reenters the "playroom". Leon and the WZCW cameramen turn and walk back down the damp passageway glad to have finished seeing the leviathan that was Benjamin Hoss.[/SPOILER]

[COLOR="Red"][B]You know what I said about the sample history being a fun section? This is the best one of the lot. It's also important, so don't take it as a joke. This section's got to give an impression to Creative what you're going to be able to do if you get admitted to the fed. It doesn't have to be long, just long enough to show what you can do. Interesting applications makes for fun RPs to read and write.[/B][/COLOR][/spoiler]

[b]What if I want my character to have a manager?[/b]

Then you need to fill out a separate form found in the [URL="http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=76542"][U]Non Player Characters[/U][/URL] thread. I've filled out one for Alicia Hoss below.

[spoiler]Name: Alicia Hoss
NPC gimmick: Sister/handler of Benjamin Hoss
Sample pic of character:
NPC mainly used by: Benjamin Hoss

This form is easy. Think up a name, fine a photo, state who he/she is (relative to your character) and who they are used by.

Do you have any other tips?

I have a few, yes. These are all as important as each other.

1) Be original. If you're a stuck up, rich heel who will do anything to win, rethink your application. It's been done from nearly every angle you can imagine. Same again for a small, cocky high-flying face.

2) Do your research. If a finisher's being used, don't put it as yours. Know the standards for RPs here and who does what. I'd strongly recommend looking at RPs by people like Lee (Titus/Red Mask)... or anyone currently on creative if you want a great example of what doing it "right" looks like. There are several great RPers here that I didn't mention. That's mostly because some of them have very distinctive styles that I'd recommend not imitating. Especially as a newbie

3) Proof read your application. Put it through spellcheck or ask someone to read over it. Nobody's going to take it seriously if your form is filled with spelling and grammar errors. Furthermore it will have the same impression on your RPs, which will cost you matches

4) Think carefully about your moveset. Firstly because you don't want to be listing finishers as regular moves, which is a No No. But also check that they make sense for your character. If your character is a submission specialist who ends matches with an omnoplata, it makes sense for him to use submissions that weaken the arms. If your wrestler is a 165 lb cruiserweight, it makes no sense for him to be throwing powerbombs or suplexes but strikes and dives will be a prominent feature of his style.

5) When RPing, give your character a distinctive voice. A lot of new guys' RPs comes off as being very similar. To that point that you could replace the name of the character of some of them and the RP would still make sense. The best advice I can really give is to try and think like the character, or if you can't do that, think about the points you want to get across and write accordingly. And never rush to post your RPs early, there’s no prize for posting first.

6) This is a personal pet peeve. Make it clear who's speaking. There are far too many RPers who think it's acceptable to differentiate between speakers with nothing more than different colours. No! Don't be so lazy. It should be possible to distinguish the different characters without the aid of colours. If you're writing in script format (like my sample RP is) tag the dialogue. If you're writing in prose (like a book) then follow standard grammar rules and colour the first mention of a speaker's name in descriptive text in their dialogue colour.

7) Have fun! WZCW isn't life and death. Don't obsess about wins and losses. Just enjoy yourself.
Real Name: Alice Adams

Gimmick Name: Baby doll

Announced As: Alice “Baby doll” Adams

Height: 5’6

Weight: 175

Hometown: Palm Springs

Billed From: Palm Springs, Ca

Alignment: Heel

Introducing first from Palm Springs, Ca, weighing 175 pounds, Alice “Baby Doll” Adams!


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Long (middle of back) black hair

----------------Eye Colour: Green

----------------Facial Hair: none

----------------Ring attire: nude leotard with lace detail; lace trim thigh high stockings and black leather knee high boots, hair worn down and free flowing.

----------------Backstage Attire: black wrap dress with sheer spider web sleeves, red stiletto heels

----------------Physical Features

----------------Tattoos: day of the dead sugar skull chest piece, koi fish mermaid on her left thigh.
Dimples (left one slightly more distinct than the right)
Monroe piercing

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Main Gimmick: Burlesque Dancer

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Gaudy burlesque robes and burlesque moves are interpreted into Alice’s ring attire and fighting style.

Brief Bio/History: Alice is a single mother of two children; Morrison who is 10 months and Marie who is 3. Her children come from 2 different men, two different hell’s. Her sons father she has a restraining order on; since their Rocky breakup, he threatened her life multiple times, and then there was her daughters father. The man who first mentally and physically broke her, he makes appearances every know and then, to try and bring down Alice and still lay claim to her; but to also help out when it is needed with their daughter. Because of these men, these events and many others that have followed, Alice remains constantly on guard, she shows no emotion and lives day by day, wearing her only mask of arrogance and seduction she learned from her time with her burlesque troupe as her comfort and spending alone time with her children at home, her solice. Alice works with a Gaudy over the top burlesque group as a singer and dancer. She has worked with her troupe for a little over a year, praised for being a fast learner and very witty on her feet, she is a fan favorite. Her stage given name is Babydoll, she earned that name through her audiences for her innocent “baby face” she makes when doing her striptease routines. Alice, however, is far from innocent. With a silver tongue ,a sharp temper and a no bullshit attitude, she can break you down mentally, emotionally and make you despise her all at once. With her resting “witch face” as she likes to call it and very short temper, Alice proves to be a lot to handle, and yet, time and time again she still seems to attract men who see her as “fragile”, “pitiful” and as “someone who needs saving.” Resulting in her mask to slightly loosen, sending her into her dark self, the one person she doesn’t want anyone to see, when that happens she looses control of her mind and tongue, tearing away at the person who has loosened the strings, verbally, making sure to snap a few mental strings along the way, until she is either fully satisfied or the person either cries or cusses her out, either of which are fine for her. Tired of the ever many “Knights in tin foil,” who have drunkenly found their way to her stage after her performances, Intent on showing everyone she needs no saving she looks towards WZCW as her new stage.

Entrance Music: [YouTube]ogDnZFbkBxY[/YouTube]

Entrance Description: Alice slowly and seductively walks forward, wearing a gaudy all black swarvoski crystal covered 50s burlesque robe with bubblegum pink feather trim, making an innocent face, she stops at the beginning of the runway to the ring, 10 seconds into the song she slowly rotates her hips, teasing the audience treating the match as one of her many burlesque performances; slowly unties the front of her robe and lets it freaks off of her shoulders, as soon as it hits the floor her whole innocent demeanor changes from innocent to seductive arrogance, she walks towards the ring with a look of determination and flawlessly slides into the ring. Once inside she flaunts towards the middle of the ring, throws her hands straight up into the air and slowly brings them down forward, caressing her front hips, legs and finally bending forward til she reaches her neat leather boot. She rises up, running her hands over the back of her legs, thighs and butt, after that she winks and blows a kiss to the audience.

Fighting Style: determined rookie.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: Due to strain relationships with family and friends, Alice went down a shaky path years 4 before she ever heard or even thought of entertaining the idea of wrestling, she met two very toxic people in different times during her dark path, which led to her having her two kids. These men in their own way and during their short times in her life, broke her, forcing her to believe in knight in shining armor are the only way to be saved. But as their time grew to a close those men showed their true colors and with the birth of her kids; gave her the push that she needed to leave each abusive cycle. Alice stands broken, trying desperately to piece herself together for the sake of her children; because of that, Alice stands tall with a high emotional/mental wall towards everyone, especially men.

Finishing Moves (2 max): Widows Peak (not your Doll) Diving DDT (Private Show)

Signature Moves (3 max): Discus clothesline (encore). Million dollar dream (Goodnight kiss)

12 Most Used Moves: vertical suplex/hotshot, swinging neck breaker, diving bulldog, hair pull hangman, back elbow, inverted atomic drop, flying fore arm smash, mule kick, drop kick, bronco buster, mat slam back breaker, DDT

[ Alice walks into her dressing room, briskly closing the door behind her. Leaning back, she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and exhales, slowly opening her eyes. She smiles, staring at her favorite place in her small world (well one of her favorite places when she is not with her two kids and they aren’t causing her to have a mommy meltdown of course), she stares admiringly at one of the walls decorated with various pictures of old Hollywood stars and starlettes; Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, Audry Hepburn, Betty Page and many others all clustered to make a makeshift old Hollywood wallpaper. Her eyes slowly trail to the other wall, which hung a gaudy vintage Victorian era gold leafed mirror, a single picture was taped to the mirror of Alice and another woman dressed to the nines in Swarovski crystal covered corsets with matching heels and bra of course. underneath, a marble top matching makeup table (cost me an arm and a leg but god it was worth it. My precious), with all of Alice’s makeup and jewelry neatly placed in their own designated spots. A simple wooden folding stool with a homemade velvet seat pad completes her favorite side of her room. “well second favorite” she thinks to herself, her all time favorite spot is her gaudy red crush velvet Roman couch, sitting in the middle of the room, facing her wall mounted 40” flat-screen TV. A dainty side table with matching velvet cloth cover completed the look, she usually lays their after every performance and binges random TV shows she finds interesting.]

[Alice] “oh yes, finally I am in heaven!”

[Alice sits down in from of her mirror and starts to examine her face, she had been up all night pulling double sick duty. Her daughter had came home from visiting her father with a “little cold” which turned out to be a full blown fever and a very cranky 3 year old. Her poor son, unfortunately got it too since he loved to always be with his sister, and no matter how much she disinfected her home, it was inevitable, baby 1 is sick and now baby number 2 had came into play a day later, which led to sleepless nights and terrible under eye bags]

[Alice] “oh god I look like shit,” [pokes at her face] “ I seriously need concealer, these things are so bad I look like I’m a zombie.” [she chuckles] “maybe that can be my next routine, instead of me losing my top I can lose a leg.”

[She goes to open her makeup kit to try and fix her tragic face, when pulling open the drawer where she kept all her facial products a letter falls out, she froze, horrified she looked at the writing and her breath stopped. It was the same handwriting the was on all of the other anonymous letters that had been slowly piling up for the past Month.]

[Alice] “oh for fucks sake, [she picks the letter up and opens it] I don’t know how many times I have to keep getting these, this knight in tin foil is starting to get a little out of hand, it’s really old and annoying as well.”

[She skims through the letter, rolling her eyes at the “I can be your hero baby” and “I am your knight and shining armor” lines that where tossed throughout the letter]

[Alice] “oh god this is seriously disturbing, whoever wrote this needs a reality check. Not today Satan, oh not today, I need no saving.”

[She lazily tosses the letter into the trash, stares into the mirror, slowly and carefully she begins to put on her makeup, making sure it was flawless, perfect, as always. Once she finished her makeup she stood up, walked over to her closet, and chose out her outfit of the night.]

[Alice] “today I’m feeling very.. seductive, I hope this dress gives off the mood.”

[She slips the tight wiggle dress on, being very careful when it came to shifting it over her hips, making sure the lace detailing wouldn’t get caught on her garter belt. Once finished, she slips into her black stiletto 4’ heels, walks in front of the mirror and admired her seductress look. Her dress, was a dark crimson red with black lace detailing along one side and a sexy slit that went as high as the top of her thigh, showcasing her mermaid tattoo. Slowly she looked herself over, nodding her head in approval.]

[Alice] “I’m getting better at this seductive thing. Damn I didn’t know I had an ass either.” [chuckling] “I wish I had time to watch at least one match before I go out…[stares longingly at the TV] I can’t believe one of the girls got me hooked on something new, and wrestling, of all things.”

[Alice chuckles, she still remembers when she first heard about WZCW, it was after one of her performances, she was walking through the hallway and one of the other girls door was open, she stopped and stared at the TV screen, on the screen where two women going at it, both women gracefully and flawlessly landing every stunt and every blow, determined, both women where giving it their all, trying so hard to get the win.]

{Flashback to a month ago}

[Alice] “Wow that’s so cool.” [staring intently at the TV] “how in the hell do they do all that Satine? There’s so much choreography in this, it’s so beautiful.”

[The girl from Alice’s I troupe turns around with a half cocked smile. She was pretty, like a wildflower, and very much a smart ass, she was Alice’s favorite person to say hello to.]

[Satine] “Baby is that you? You nearly scared me half to death! I didn’t know you had an interest in wrestling,”

[Alice] “I honestly have no idea what it is truly, I have caught glimpses of it when I’m channel surfing, but that’s about it, it hasn’t looked appealing honestly until I saw this match. It’s usually men, but women fight as well?”

[Satine stands from her couch, giggled and strolled up towards her dressing room door where Alice stood.]

[Satine] “oh hell yeah! But that’s not all, so the whole troupe knows how your anti men and an all around hot headed bad ass [she leans close to Alice, laying her head on her shoulder] well they also have women wrestle men.”

[Shocked, Alice looked at Satine, with humor in her eyes]

[Alice] “No shit, maybe I should check it out, if there’s a place that allows women to beat The shit outta men, I’m there.”

[Satine laughs, lightly punching Alice on the shoulder]

[Satine] “you do know it's all staged right?”

[Alice] “Hey a girl can dream can’t she?”

[Satine] “Maybe you should try out one day [chuckles loudly], you have the determination and attitude to at least have a shot.”

[Alice laughs so hard she snorts and stares at Satine in bewilderment]

[Alice] “Yes Satine, let me just jump right in, I just heard about this thing literally 4 minutes ago! You can’t possibly think I could do it, on top of that I would have to be around cocky arrogant men and backstabbing two-faced bitches that you know I will not have the patience for, hell girl, it took me almost three whole months before I started liking you bitches.”

[Satine laughs, and throws one arm around Alice’s shoulder, but her once elated smile was replaced with a solemn stare]

[Satine] “Oh Baby, you know I love you right? You know I wouldn’t tell you that I think you could do something if I actually thought you couldn’t. You have the determination, you’re a fast learner and you have stage presence. Shit girl, with just one look you have brought many regulars to their knees thinking they are going to sweep you off your feet. [She snorts] Plus, I know your attention seeking ass would love the coverage, the money and beating on men would just be a plus for you.”

[Alice and Satine both burst out into a fit of half pig creature snort laughter rage for minute. Gasping for air, they finally compose themselves]

[Alice] “first of all Bitch, your damn right I love attention, but I don’t seek attention, attention looks for me,[she smiles sweetly, making her innocent face that drives men mad] it’s not my fault I’m so mysterious and sexy that men fall at my feet.[Alice dramatically falls onto Satine’s love seat] Secondly, I am not a charity, if the price is not right, I refuse to perform, smiles and applause do not pay my bills or feed my kids and thirdly… Fuck yeah I wanna beat up some bad annoying motherfuckers, staged or not.”

[Satine] “How are your little monsters anyways? You hardly talk about them anymore. I hope they know auntie S misses them.”

[Alice] “oh Satine they are monsters all right, I swear these kids are going to be the death of me, but at least I know they are healthy and we’ll fed. I mean shit, I must be doing something right.”

[Satine] “Hey, don’t knock yourself doll, you’re an amazing fucking mother, now back to the wrestling thing, promise me, you’ll at least try it out, for me? Fuck woman I’m leaving tomorrow, I at least want to know you are at least trying to come out of your shell. You deserve normal babe, you owe yourself and your kids that. This mask of yours must be getting heavy.”

[Alice’s smile fades almost as fast as it graced her face. She stares at her only friend with a look of betrayal]

[Alice] “What the Fuck Sat?! Promise you? Break out of my shell? Wait, your.. Your leaving?! When?! Where?! When in the Fuck where you going to tell me?

[Alice jumps up off the couch as if she had been electrified, she glared at Satine, her eyes full of hurt and betrayal. Satine sat up, tears welling up in her eyes she looked at the floor, lol quivering, Satine tried to find the words to apologise to her beloved friend.]

[Satine] “I’m… I’m… I’m so so-so-sorry doll, I just didn’t know how to tell you, I didn’t want to upset you, plus you where going through all the court stuff with your sons dad, I couldn’t put any more pressure on your mind love, forgive me. But you have to understand, I’m too old to be doing this, I’ve been here for 5 years, I deserve to retire from this gig while I can still rock my crystal stilettos [she laughs half heartedly] please B. Forgive me.”

[Alice] “ I’m tired of everyone thinking I can’t handle shit [Alice throws her phone across the room, startling Satine], you of all people should know this, you where honestly my favorite person to converse with, how could you? I owe you nothing, no promises, no apologies and no acceptance of apologies, no more smiles and no more Hello’s, the only thing you are going to get from me, is a goodbye.”

[Alice glares at Satine, trying desperately to blink back her tears and failing terribly, she hastily turns towards the door and storms out of the room.]

[Alice] “I hope your happy, wherever you end up… and to answer your little job upgrade “suggestion” [mockingly] I’ll think about it, scouts honor.”

[with that being said, Alice shook her head, turned away and left Satine's dressing room, leaving a broken and sobbing Satine behind her..]

{End of flashback}

[Alice snaps out of her daydream, finishes looking herself over and turns away from the mirror and starts to walk out when she stops for a second, stares at the blank TV screen with mixed emotions of grief and embarrassment]

[Alice] “god I threw a fit like such a little girl… I hate how I lose my temper… oh Satine, how I miss your smart ass.”

[Alice plops herself onto her Roman couch, turns on the TV, mindlessly flips through the channels until she found what she was looking for, WZCW on, and she had been hooked, not just because of the ridiculous story lines and amazing matches, but mostly because it was Satine's thing, and she wanted to apologise to her in her own way.]

[Alice] “Hey Sat, [Alice talks out loud, as if half expecting to hear someone answer back, even when she was met with silence, she continued to speak] I wonder if your watching this too? God I can’t believe you got me sucked into this crap, it’s so addicting, some of these people are so cocky and over the top it’s ridiculous, I can’t believe you actually want me to try out for this shit, don’t you know I’m a star, I don’t share the spotlight, all eyes have to be on me, I mean, come on look at me, who wouldn’t want to just stare and admire me. [She smiles, tears welling up with each sentence in her eyes] “why did you have to leave, stupid woman, your so selfish…”

[Alice regains her composure, stands up and stares intently at the TV]

[Alice] “Fuck it, I can totally do that, it’s all routine, and I’m flawless when it comes to my routines, besides, this stage is starting to feel a little small and I’m tired of all these boys who think I need saving, I need no one, I can take care of my damn self, and I’m going to show them, get ready WZCW because you haven’t seen anything yet.”

[Alice fixes her dress, turns off the TV and walks out of the dressing room down a long corridor towards the stage, her stage, well one of her stages, she giggles, and walks faster towards the sound of drunken laughter and electronic swing music.]
Thanks for your application, we'll let you know soon enough (quick look, I can't see any problems). How was it you found out about WZCW?
After chatting with creative we are happy to approve your application. The boards will be up later today. I'm sure your friend can help you out on the process but any questions let me know.
Real Name: Dirk Frederick Buchanan

Gimmick Name: Dirk Buchanan

Announced As: Dirk Buchanan

Height: 6'2

Weight: 235

Hometown: Portland, Oregon

Billed From: The Pacific Northwest

Alignment: face

Fill in the Blanks With Your Information:

Introducing first from The Pacific Northwest, weighing 235 pounds, Dirk Buchanan!


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Brown, medium length

----------------Eye Colour: Brown

----------------Facial Hair: A big beard

----------------Ring attire: Basic Black Trunks and black Boots

----------------Backstage Attire: A black jacket and a towl around his neck

----------------Physical Features:

----------------Tattoos: none

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: "The Modern day Trancendentalist"

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: loves nature, tries to help people better themselves

Brief Bio/History: Dirk Buchanan is a man of many qualities. He is a leader, a philosopher, a man who has set out to change the world.

Growing up in Portland, he is very fond of the environment and all things natural and organic. He is very much a modern day transcendentalist, and pines for the days when men were men. The only reason Dirk competes is to push himself as the best man he can be. In one on one combat, one finds out what he is really made of.

Though he is not a loner or an introvert, Dirk travels alone, often looking to instill knowledge on the world. The only person who he considers close is his sister Dani.

Entrance Music:
Dr. Dog- " The Beach"

Entrance Description:
Lights through out the arena begin to dim as the music starts up. Dirk Buchanansoon steps out from behind the curtain, where smoke billows out from the ground on either side of him. He stands for a brief moment, runs his hand through his hair, before slowly making his way down the ramp as he aknowledges the fans along the way.

Fighting Style: strong style, likes to brawl but has some wrestling ability. Agile for his size.

Previous Injuries/Character Psyche: none

Finishing Moves (2 max):
Wanderlust(Muscle Buster)
Emerson Choke (Standing Guillotine)

Signature Moves (3 max):

1. Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker

2. Bucklebomb

3. Thrust Spinebuster

12 Most Used Moves:

1. Short Arm Lariat

2. Backdrop Suplex

3. German Suplex

4. Headbutt

5. Flapjack

6. Rolling Firemans carry

7. Spinning Backfist

8. Snap DDT

9. brainbuster

10. european uppercut

11. Snapmare followed by kick to the back

12. Irish Curse Backbreaker

Sample RP:

In the Mountain in the Cloud.

It was cold outside.

I shivered as a cold breeze blows past me from the North, with the trees rustling as if they were alive.

Snowfall covered the terrain in a blanket clouds . As the bits of frozen fractals feel to Earth, they danced about my feet like a plastic bag caught in the wind. Each step I take is quickly overtaken by the falling snow, erasing any evidence of me ever stepping foot here. Even the small steps of from animals are an after thought here.

I had been here in the Pacific Northwest for quite some time, with each day pushing me further and further into this mountain; pushing me to a place far from the civilizations of the world.

One might ask what a professional wrestler was doing out wandering the wilderness like a pioneer exploring the North American landscape. Truthfully, I just needed to be alone, far from the burdons of society. Out here I can find out what it truly means to be me. What it means to be The Man known as Jensen.

I have spent many times out in the wilderness this year, but this was the first time experiencing the frozen frontier that comes with the change of seasons. I was thankful for this of course, because the snow landscape was a much more appropriate setting for my uncasing vison of sugar plums dancing in my head

The wilderness is truly a magical place, a place to find the answers to the questions you have not yet thought of. Sucha an experience should be earned , while you push yourself to the limits on your own two feet as you make your way through the wild, unkempt frontier, Our here you earn everthing. Nobody should ever enter the wilderness through mechanical means to find what they
are looking for.

My body continued to ache from the cold, with the two pairs of gloves I had on barely keeping my fingers functioning. I treaded along, with my feet sloshing through the snow. Careful not to slip as I made my way uphill through the terrain, I decided to take a short break. I took a seat on what appeared to be an old ancient tree, taking a view at the wonder

Out here, you have to respect what is out here, otherwise mistakes can happen. In the wrestling world, I misstep can lead to, at worst,a kick in the face, or even being put into the Ace of Cades. Out here a slip can lead to falling down a mountain and dying. All the YOLO kids wouldn't stand a chance with all their skate boards and skeet skeeting, instead they would be crushed by an angry Mother Earth.

With my body telling me I could go no further, I quickly set up camp and huddled inside my tent. My stomache growled, so I quickly pulled out the tasty food I had packed with me on my travels. With my food laid out in front of me, I descend upon the buffet with the sounds of a shrieking eagle. Crumbs fall into my beard, but I continue to chew away like teh wild untamed man I set out to be. Soon, I reach for my blankie, which is a gift given to me by my good friend the chief.

The blanket was wrapped tightly around me, giving me the appearance of a vary large caterpillar. Soon, I begin to inspect the blanket. According to The Chief, this was a very old blanket which had been in his family for generations. His people, used the very same blanket on this land, just as I was doing at this moment. The blanket itself was beautiful, full of patterns and a very ornate design. Soon, my eyes began to feel heavy, but before I fell into a slumber, I took one final gaze and the blanket. For the first time ever, I noticed some smalll writing at the bottom, sewn into the bottom corner.

"Hecho en Mexico", the words of a proud ancient people.

My eyes closed. The dancing of the sugar plums commenced....


Generally speaking, a howling wilderness does not howl: it is the imagination of the traveler that does the howling. A person hears wind rustling through the crackes and crevices of the landscape, giving life to something that isnt there.
Not this time though. The howling was from a large wolf circling the outside of my tent.

It snarled, and began to scratch away at the entrance to my tent.It was clear the wolf was hungry, which lead me to believe with its superiour senses, the wolf had been able to sniff out my signature brand of trail mix. The extra handfull of seaweed snacks must of been worth it for the wolf to follow me out into no mans land.

It was only a matter of time before its sharp claws and knife-like teeth rip through the canvas of my tent. I readied myself. Although I was terrified at what was to come next, I knew this was why I was here. This was one of those questions I never knew needed answered, could Jensen, a Man, survive a battle agianst a wolf?

I rose to my feet, fist clenched, waiting for the inevitable.With my heart racing, I stared intently at the entrance to my tent.


A loud screech echoed from above. It was mechanical in nature, and cast a large shadow over my tent. I glanced over at the entrance, but the wolf had ran off. Still tense, I walked over and unzipped the entrance and popped my head out to get a better view. My eyes, blinded by the sun against the sheet of white, took a second to recognize the helicopter right above me. It came down slowly, landing about twenty feet from me. With the blades still twirling, a large man in a suit exited the contraption.

Smiling as he approached me, he waved towards me.

" So, you must be Dirk Buchanan?"

"Who, is asking?"

"Ah sorry, how rude of me. My name is Chuck Myles, and I am apart of WZCW. If you are Dirk Buchanan, then you are exactly what I have been looking for out here...
Last edited:
Real Name: Not quite sure at the moment

Gimmick Name: Vlad Azarov (Formerly Vee A.D.Z.)

Announced As: None

Height: 5 feet 10

Weight: 202 lbs

Hometown: Surrey, England

Billed From: Crawley, South East England

Announced as:

Introducing first, From Crawley, South East England, weighing 202 pounds, Vlad Azarov!

Alignment: Heel


----------Hair Colour/Length

Natural Black/High fade with medium hair on top

----------Eye Colour

Brownish Black

----------Facial Hair

Refer to the Sample Pic

----------Ring Attire

Black Tights

----------Backstage Attire

Long White T-Shirt with a Shattered Cross Printed in the Front and Black Tights

----------Physical Features

Refer to the Sample Pic



Sample Pic of the Wrestler:


Main Gimmick:

A genius level Intellect but now a deranged Bipolar and a Disassociative Identity Disorder (DID) Person

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

Tormented by his DID Personality
Quite Mysterious of who he is outside WZCW

Brief Bio/History:

Formerly Vee A.D.Z., he was tormented by his Dual Personality named Vlad, who is a psychopath and allegedly from the parallel dimension. After all the bizarre events in the past, Vee admitted himself to an Asylum near the Indo-China border. However, soon he was transferred to a facility in Central Europe (Location classified) due to his violent personality. What happened thereafter remains a mystery. Now the former Mixed martial artist and Independent Wrestler from England has returned to WZCW under his new name Vlad Azarov.

Entrance Theme:

Entrance Description:

As the music starts to play, the ramp is filled with smoke and Vlad walks through it slowly.

Fighting Style:

Being a former Martial Artist, he uses a wide range of kicks and elbow strikes. As his wrestling style originated from England, he barely uses Closed-Hand strikes. Deals mostly with Knees and Elbows.

Finishing Moves:

Leviathan Cross - Ushiro Geri (Back Kick) followed by Hiza Geri (Jumping Knee Strike)

Signature Moves:

Super Reverse Frankenstiener
Mawashi Geri (Modified roundhouse spin kick, not the traditional one which CM Punk uses)
Snapmare followed by running Elbow Strike (Think of Chris Hero) to the back of the head

12 Commonly used Moves:

1) Running Corner Dropkick
2) On the mat... Hammer lock with repeated elbow smashes to the opponent's shoulder.
3) 720 Guyver kick followed by a kip up
4) Huricranna onto the turnbuckles
5) Springboard variations (Plancha, Splash, Headscissors, Huricranna, Moonsault etc. varies based on the situation)
6) Over the shoulder Judo Throw (As a counter to the running opponent off the ropes)
7) Single legged dropkick
8) Shining Wizard to the cornered opponent
9) Bicep Slicer
10) Reverse Hook kick
11) With(when) the opponent standing on the apron, spinning back fist followed by a Hard Left Punch (Vee goes Southpaw at this juncture)
12) Tirl-a-Whirl into Fujiwa Armbar

Sample RP:

Dr. Marco Paternoster
DPA. PsyD. DClinPsy.
+40 408 5234 126
[email protected]

This is to whomsoever it may concern.

I, Dr. Marco Paternoster, certify that my patient, Vim Vlad Azarov has recovered from his chronic depression. He has been medically cleared to resume his duties as an active wrestler. I also hereby certify that, after examining the medical certificates and the case reports of the patient, he is no longer considered a threat to the society and he needs no supervision.

With this certificate, I also approve his release from the solitary confinement. However, it is recommended that he must return to the personal counseling session once every month.

Dr. Marco Paternoster

The public relations officer at the administrative office slides the letter back to Vlad who is sitting on the other side of the desk. He grasped it with his fingertips and dragged to him.

PRO: Just a moment, please. May I take a look at it again? It is a procedure that we've to call and confirm the medical certificate with the examiner.

Vlad gave a subtle grin and released the paper from the grasp of his fingertips.

Vlad: Of course.

The PRO quickly dragged it back near his phone and started dialing the number, but not before giving a quick smile at the direction of Vlad.

PRO: Honestly, this is not even necessary. Thinking about the track records of insane wrestlers who were receiving paychecks from WZCW, I've never seen one actually producing a medical certificate to us. It is just a protocol that we've to call the examiner upon the submittance of a medical certificate.

The phone kept ringing, but there is no one was there to answer on the other end. Vlad wasn't bothered even a bit about waiting to clear his WZCW return. The PRO, though, felt uncomfortable making Vlad wait in her desk.

"Hai raggiunto Dottore Paternoster. Dai il tuo messagio, per favore"

PRO: Good day, sir. I'm calling from WZCW Human Resource Department. I hereby call to verify the Medical certificate that you issued for one Vlad Azarov. Please call me back when you receive this message.

The phone echoed her voice through the dark office room of Dr. Paternoster. The only daylight which is visible is through the small crack in the window pane. The door was closed; windows were shut and the curtains were dragged all the way down; however, the heater is turned on to the maximum. A man, whose hands and legs are tied together in a tight noose, was sitting in the corner of the room. He opened his eyes upon hearing the voice over the phone. He couldn't even squirm; sweat rolls down from his bald head and drenched the cloth which was stuffed up deep in his mouth.

Vlad: I just remember my last visit to Dr. Paternoster. He was terrified of the snowstorm that hit Europe last week and was hoping to get some sun. I proposed him a very long trip to Australia. Perhaps, you can contact him through mail.

PRO: Oh, thank you very much. I'll update you soon about your possible return.

Vlad grabbed the medical certificate, got off the chair and started to walk silently out the room.
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You say he's formerly Vee ADZ but is introduced as Vee ADZ.
Sorry, i got a little confused there.

Announced as:

Introducing first, From Crawley, South East England, weighing 202 pounds, Vlad Azarov!

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