Apocalypse: Mayhem Championship: Milenko (c) v. Grand Mystique:


[This Space for Rent]

Apocalypse: Mayhem Championship: Milenko (c) v. Grand Mystique:

For several month's now, these two have been going at each other tooth and nail. Everything comes to a head as the Mayhem Championship rests in the balance.

Grand Mystique has eluded Championship glory, but surely not by choice. Meanwhile, Milenko has only advanced with time. Currently, Milenko is the only active Champion within the company, will that play a factor in his determination and drive to retain his title? Or will Grand Mystique's quest and passion for gold, overcome the outcomes of his past, in favor of a new beginning? Find out at Apocalypse!

RP Deadline is MONDAY FEBRUARY 9TH, 2009: This thread is to only be used by those involved in the match!!
*Please Read* This is my last RP in WZCW*

A small room. Bare, dim and dingy. With a spotlight hanging over him, GM is hunched over a desk, writing on an A4 pad of paper. His pen scratches the paper, constantly, rhythmically. He looks up at the camera.

GM: “It still hurts Milenko. It’s healing nicely but the pain is killing me, taking me over. You hitting me again and again and again. I never appreciated pain until now – the mechanics of it, the emotions behind it and the implications of it. This real pain has managed to ruin my life. It has become a permanent fixture.”

“But then I realised that I can achieve some sort of redemption by ending your non-event of a Mayhem title reign. It isn’t going to heal me or remove this scar.”
GM gestures to the top of his head. “But instead, I will allow it to serve as a reminder of your actions. The match, on pay-per-view, will be totally appropriate to the name of the event.”

“The future holds so much blood, pains of old are revived and fresh new agony will come to the fore. But you are –.“
GM is interrupted by a knocking sound, he dismisses it and is about to continue when he realises it is coming from the door opposite him. He goes to open it, overriding his uncertainty and initial hesitation.

As he pulls the door open he sees a face that he recognises even without the face paint that had become his trademark.

“Mr Bowen, erm....how are you?”

Bowen: “Great thanks. I wanted to talk to you quickly, about Cory. My brother?”

“I’m aware of his work.” GM scratches the top of his head as he ushers Alex in. GM wonders if he is imagining the tingling sensation around his scar. “I’m surprised to see you of all people.”

“Cory and I don’t have a good relationship – who better to give you an insight into his mind than his big brother.”

“I don’t care for an insight into his mind. At Apocalypse, I’m going to use anything that I can to get my hands on and beat him to a bloody, senseless pulp.”

Bowen takes a seat.

“You won’t beat him like that.”

“Why so certain?”

“A barbed wire chair shot will change your mentality about things”

Bowen rubs his nose.

“OK, what would be your normal tactic?”

“To outwrestle him and expose his lack of in ring skill”

“Good, stick to it – by all means use weapons but don’t go out of your way to bring yourself down to that scum’s level. You’re better than him – you know that. Prove it to him, just like you did to Jesse, Murfish and Legend – those pieces of crap who dropped their shit in the company because they were unable to fairly put your shoulders to the mat. You’re unbeaten in singles matches. That tells me - ”

“That tells me I’ve been screwed more times than Manzo’s had hot meals”

GM had never encountered Alex Bowen professionally. He only knew two things – his passion for all things hardcore and juggalo and his hatred for his brother were equal in measure.

“Couldn’t put it better. Prove that skill can prevail over him. You can make that Mayhem title worth holding – something no one has done. Milenko is the crown prince of this company. You are capable of taking it by storm. This is the opportunity that have waited eighteen months for – queued behind undeserving talent – this is the chance that you need to take with both hands.”

“Thank you Alex.”

“Don’t thank me, just beat the p***k!”

Bowen gets up. He offers a handshake which GM accepts before he leaves. GM sits back down, with thoughts racing through his mind. His confidence that had deserted him in recent weeks begins to course through him with every heartbeat. He tries to relax and enjoy the peace with the new knowledge and self-belief that he has after the chat.

He wakes up with a start. Certain he heard another knock. He did as he hears it twice in succession. Somebody is impatient. GM opens the door and sees.....D.C.? Pretty much the last person that GM had expected to see as they had non WZCW related history. As far as GM could recall, his only redeeming feature was his fiancée Lindsay. Alas, he was alone. GM allows him in.


“I could lie – what do you want?”

D.C. takes a seat and looks at GM trying to gauge his mood.

“You and WZCW. What the f**k is going on?”

“I’m the next Mayhem champion actually!”

“Oooh, been there eighteen months and you ain’t even in the mid card?” GM gives him a bitter look that tells DC that the comment hit a sensitive nerve.

“Things haven’t gone well.”

“No s**t Sherlock! Are you smoking crack? Is the mask tied on too tight again? For f***'s sake, you’re a former Tag Team Champion... former US Champion... you've won World Titles and now you’re gonna walk into this match, believing someone is going to care enough to give you the respect that other places know you deserve?”

“What the f***? You’ve a champion all over the place too but you did f-all here as well!” GM’s tone is defensive and confrontational, an unusual diversion from his peaceful demeanour.

“Yeah and we both know why. The powers-that-be in this place are incapable -”

“Of organising a piss up in a brewery!”

“Nice way of putting it.” D.C. smiles, his naturally infectious enthusiasm unashamedly clear.

“Look, you have been here too f***ing long and you still don’t have the respect that you deserve and command elsewhere.”

“And you’re facing Milenko. Why the hell you wasting your breath on a paper champion, who’s just gonna fold quicker than an origami artist as soon as the Staff says they have a better storyline coming up.”

“I watched you break Maxx's legs in half... I watched you bring the stage down on Windy Bridges, literally... and you’re going against a hack who couldn't even make two time champion if he DID win the Tag Team titles”

”He has – “

“He’s a f***ing coward is what he is”! I should have been Elite X champion after Legend politicked like a ****e to get himself over. And Milenko is worse. They were our champions, in a company that has no World Champion, no number one guy and is rudderless, with no direction and no clue where it needs to go. Milenko has no role in my future. I am superior to him and his hardcore clown tendancies, in every way – he will go the same route as Legend, and Murfish – that will be their Dynasty” GM chuckles. “Two men that I put flat on their backs and pinned.”

“All three are jokes who are better off with each other. Milenko, I could care less about. Him and his Mayhem title are insignificant to me. This man
*GM points to D.C.*who what I am capable of. He knows my ambitions and he knows what title I crave most. ” D.C. stands up and the two men eyeball each other. D.C. chortles and spreads his arms out in his inimitable way.

“Well, go and make it f***ing happen then!!”

The camera turns on and we see Milenko sitting in a dark room. His Mayhem title is over his shoulder. He looks up at the camera and the gold shinning off his title is reflected in his eyes as he begins to talk.

'The Great' Milenko
Things didn't go quite the way I planned in that Battle Royal. I lost the Battle Royal, and after thinking it over I'm not really that bothered by it. I know I'm better than anyone in the fatal-4-way, so no matter who wins it I can take the Elite-X title from them any time I want.

Milenko looks at the title on his shoulder and smiles a sadistic smile at the camera before he starts talking in a low voice.

'The Great' Milenko
I have more important hings to take care of at Apocalypse, like keeping this Mayhem Title around my waist by beating The Grand Mystique.

Milenko reaches into the shadows and pulls out a barbed wire steel chair covered in blood and pieces of mask.

'The Great' Milenko
This is what cost Grand Mystique the Elite-X title at Redemption and it is what will keep him from winning the Mayhem Title at Apocalypse. Mystique I know you've been Champion in other promotions, hell you threw me off a Hell in a Cell in one of them.

All of a sudden a urgent knock can be heard as Leon Kensworth pokes his head in the room and starts talking to Milenko.

Grand Mystique just shot his promo and I thought you should come have a look at it.

Milenko gives Leon a murderous look as he shifts his Title on his shoulder and picks up the Barbed wire steel chair he set next to him. As Milenko passes by Leon he lunges at him and smiles when Leon jumps back a few steps.

'The Great' Milenko
I hate doing interviews, if you don't have a very good reason for bothering me you and I are going to have a problem.

As he says the world problem he shakes the blood covered steel chair in Leon's face who runs ahead not looking to see if Milenko is following him. Leon stops at a TV Monitor and when he sees Milenko standing next to him he presses the play button and moves behind the TV away from Milenko. Milenko watches it and when it is over Leon stops it and slowly moves back towards Milenko with a microphone in his hand.


So what do you think about what Grand Mystique had to say?

Milenko gives Leon a dirty look as he leans on the steel chair Leon sees this and takes a step back.

'The Great' Milenko
That's what you wanted to show me? All I saw was Grand Mystique whine and complain with D.C. about how neither of them could cut it here in WZCW.

Leon goes to ask him another question but Milenko snatches the microphone away from him and lunges at him with the steel chair sending him running down the hall.

'The Great' Milenko
Mystique, you and D.C. can complain about how you've been held back in WZCW all you want. The fact of the matter WZCW is the big league and you can't cut it in the big leagues. All those other promotions where you've held gold don't mean crap when compared to WZCW.

Milenko holds up the Mayhem title and looks into the camera with a vicious intensity in his eyes.

'The Great' Milenko
This title is more important than any you've held in your career. I hold it because I'm better than you and I will always be better than you. You can take all the Tag Team and US title reigns you've had and they still wouldn't add up to my one reign as Mayhem Champion.

Milenko puts the title back over his shoulder and gets right up close to the camera and starts talking in a choked whisper.

'The Great' Milenko
Mystique I am The One Man Dynasty and at Apocalypse I will prove to you just how Great I really am.

Without saying another word Milenko turns around a leaves as the screen fades to black.

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