Anywhere In The World .. Were Paying To Much For PPV's .. And To Be Frank ... !

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My Friend On Twitter Whom Lives In The U.S Says That Tonights MITB Is $45 Dollars To Watch ! Now Tonight In The U.K We Are Just Paying Are T.V Bills For Are Sports Channels So Its Nothing More Or Less Added To The Bill . Yet For Captiol Punishment I Paid 15 Pounds What For ... One Of The Worst PPV's Ive Seen And Pointless .. It Happens All The Time . 15 Pound ... Seems Like Alot But 45 Dollors ? Come On ! ...

Then Because Of The Fincacial Crisis People Watch It On A Stream ... Only For It Ethier Too Be Blury , Bad Sound Or Its Perfect Then It Gets Shut !

WWE Should Bring Down The Price Wether Your In Auckland Or Zeeburgure .

Altough Am Rather Happy That Its Kind Off Free In England Tonight .
The Aprentince Final Now .. Then MITB Later With A Big Cold Bottle Of Pepsi Max And Box Of Popcorn And Sweets ....


What Do You Think ?


Follow Me On Twitter @luke_harg98


P.S Please Dont Say Your Spelling With Caps Is Annoying Because Its A
Habbit ... Sorry !

That spelling with caps is fucking annoying. How can it be a habit? It's just stupidity?

But living in the UK tonight, I think I'm with the set of luckiest Wrestling fans tonight. We get the WHOLE PPV, for nothing. I think it's 6 PPV's a Year we get for nothing and that's fucking great. I'm gonna be watching, albeit feeling sorry for the guys over in the US who pay prices that when swapped to English Money, is still more expensive. $45 is about what, £20? They still get the shit deal there. I think that due to the fact that they have to pay for every PPV, they should get some sort of reduced price. Maybe $35?, $30 even? I'm not sure how it affects the WWE, probably overall, it does.

However, as much as I don't care what you're doing tonight, I will watching very pleased that I've got it for free and take all of it on. It's gonna be a great PPV.
I was planning on watching it tonight but my paycheck isn't coming in tonight so I can not order it. I guess I am gonna have to find a stream that isn't to dreadful. Last thing I want to see is A-Ry and Miz climbing up the ladder, then later to have the Stream disconnect and see them both on their backs and have X wrestler walking away with the case.
I was really planning on buying this show, but I do not have the money to do so after some things I had to buy this week. WWE really needs to come down on their prices some, even if it's $10. More people would buy the shows most likely and they would be able to make up the money the cut off with the extra people who are buying the shows.
The trouble is that it isn't actually free in the UK.

We still have to pay for a tv licence, which is around 12 quid a month, as well as a Sky contract in order to watch the ppv (which can be upwards of 40 quid a month). This is the reason Sky don't put 'B' ppv's on box office, because technically we are already paying for it. TNA's ppv's are 'free' on freeview (minus the cost of a freeview tv or box and tv licence)

I do agree that the U.S. seem to pay an absolute extortionate amount for the majority. I just could not, and would never pay that sort of money for a ppv.

edit - and seriously, the whole 'Every Word Starting With A Capital Is A Habit'. That's a pretty fucking easy habit to break so stop it. But other than that, your original post was seriously poorly written with terrible spelling and awful grammar.
$45 = £28 Thats is fuckin ridiculous, just like writing with capitals all the time and spelling "Awesome", AWSOME..

Also anyone watching shitty streams is ******ed when you can simply download for free in HD two hours after the shows finishes. I for one will watch the PPV tomorrow after recording it off Sky Sports (free) as no WWE PPV is ever worth staying up til 4am.

It seems Americans love to pay for TV and always get ripped off, while here in the UK we get most of the wrestling/boxing/ufc on your normal sports subscription. Not only that but we are less likely to get bombed by crazy muslims or get shot in gang violence or have to deal with legitimate ******s running the country (Bush).
I am torn. I mean I want to purchase the PPV just to see what happens with Punk/Cena and both MITB matches. But I swear if I put $45 dollars down for this and get let down which I can almost guarantee will happen I will be furious
haha as i mentioned we do pay are sky bill .. and sorry for getting awsome wrong and btw does it really matter about grammar ?

lets be hosent its a fourm not a book that will be bestseller in waterstones !
You are wrong. Just like the people that say "baseball tickets are too expensive". If they were too expensive, people wouldn't buy them. Vince would lower the cost. If all you had to do to make more money was raise the price then Snickers would cost 100 dollars a bar. The fact that Vince wants to make money, and the fact that the cost is what it is, tells me this is close to the optimum price for him to make money.

Also, don't act like you're not just going to stream 99% of ppvs you buy and not pay for them anyways.
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