Anyone else want WWE to go back to the "Monster" Mark Henry?

Would you want WWE to go back to Henry's "monster heel" persona?

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Most of us remember how Mark Henry was a couple years ago. He was a pure monster. More so then Kane. During his monster heel time Henry put Undertaker, Kane, and Batista on the injured list and had a couple shots at the World Heavyweight Championship. Now he is a comic relief jobber who looks weak against almost (except for people like Ryder and Santino) anyone. I really want WWE to have Mark Henry go back to his monster heel persona.
Well, judging from your avatar and signature, I garner that you are a Henry mark. I voted no, and my reasoning is this.

The WWE have been trying to elevate Mark Henry since 1999 when he turned on D'Lo Brown. No matter what step they take, it seems as if Henry can never really get over. I remember when the brand extension first happened, and Henry spent time on Smackdown where he performed feats of strength. Even then, I thought he was just boring. I believe Henry was at his best when Tony Atlas was his manger. Many great heels have used a mouthpiece to help get them over (ex. Andre the Giant with Ted DiBiase and Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman), however, those wrestlers also had a great look that separated them from others. Andre the Giant was so unique for his time; no one compared. Also, Brock Lesnar was astonishing in the ring. Very few wrestlers could compare.

Henry, on the other hand, is OK in a lot of facets, but does not really stand out either. His moveset is really no different from Viscera or Earthquake, and his look leaves a lot to be desired as well. Try as WWE may, there are just some wrestlers who will never get above being a midcarder. Mark Henry is a great example of this. They invested so much money in him back in 1996 because of his status as the World's Strongest Man, but he has never really paid dividends. He has proven to be an alright midcarder, but his potential ends there. It's not the first time that a powerhouse has failed to get over in WWE, just think of the list (A-Train, Test, Mike Knox, Heidenreich, Gene Snitsky, etc.).
Personally, I'm not interested in Mark Henry as a character, period. He doesn't impress me in the ring, on the mic or in general. Nothing against the guy.

Perhaps the badass character with a mouthpiece could be interesting, but it's unlikely. Couldn't hurt.
He does stand out, though; his "World's Strongest Man" handle has always separated him from the pack, largely because you look at him and believe it could be true.

The reason Henry never got over in first years of his WWE tenure was that he couldn't stay on the active list. Not only did he get injured too often, but the injuries were so severe that he would spend up to a year on the inactive list. This brings two disadvantages: (1) When he's on the sidelines, he's not helping the company or himself (2) The company is afraid to spend too much time and effort building a big program around a guy who might go inactive at any moment.

At the end of his initial contract, I was sure they were going to drop Mark from the roster. Yet, they kept him on and it turned out to be a good move. He's been useful in the mid-card.....and there's nothing wrong with that. I keep thinking that having the clean-living Tony Atlas at his side while on the road helped teach Mark about taking better care of himself and cutting down on injuries; in terms of conditioning and nutrition.

Still, I reject the idea of seeing him as a "comedy jobber." Did you see the look on Randy Orton's face last night when he saw Mark Henry coming down the aisle to fight on his side? Randy knew enough to take Mark seriously.

I like what Mark Henry is doing and I think he's right where he belongs. If the company ever wants to try doing something big with him, that would be fine. After all, this is by far the longest he's been healthy and doing his part.
I always wanted Henry to succeed but the fact is he never got over, and I can see why. He's always been boring in the ring, and all of his major feuds have been lame. His best time was when he was with D'Lo Brown, and he had the Sexual Choclate gimmick. After the D'Lo breakup instead of succeeding he just became stale. The sexual chocolate gimmick won't work in the PG era, but the monster heel with the mouthpiece would be ideal, but the fact is Henry just can't get over. He was better off in a tag team with MVP, it seems like he needs a wrestler in a stable to put him over.
I voted yes because I prefer him that way but unfortunatly just like Abyss, Kane and Big Show it's getting harder and harder to look credible when you have gone into the friendly giant or jobber role for a while. If we were talking seriously, Big Show would be champion and nobody could beat him unless it was a fatal four way or something like that, just like wCw booked him.

Same thing for Henry he is big and there's not a Rey Mysterio in the world who could beat him. Not that I want to start or show a favor to big men, but I think that a big men shouldn't become a jobber because it's harder after that to make us believe he could be a threat to anyone.
I voted no. I think Mark Henry is very likable as a face and it works better for his personality.

I do wish WWE would take him more serious, though. The dude is a tank and should be treated as a much tougher defeat than he usually is. I'm not saying he should be main event, because his track record proves he shouldn't be. But his losses should be fewer and farther in-between.

Keep him as a face though. He's a good guy to add in situations where the heels gang up on the face and the face needs to find a tag partner. I think the fans that do care about Mark Henry want to cheer for him more than boo just fits him better.
He doesn't really get any reaction from the WWE universe so either way I dunno, but how about a heel MVP leading Mark Henry and R-Truth? Then have Henry and R-Truth win the tag titles and make MVP the leader?!?! I personally like this idea because I made it xD.

EDIT I made that comment without really reading any except the OP so... However this "idea" does mean he doesn't really need to be active that often because his new group can have that inter-change-able crap so if he does get injured let MVP defend it *I would most likely put him on the US champ list, it suits MVP*. Then you'll have the "Highest paid performer", "World's Strongest Man" and I cba making one for R-Truth because I never really liked the guy but put him in because it can work, it's not like he's getting any reaction doing what he is atm. *Hope that adresses what Mustang Sally mentioned... >.< EDIT

Erm... 2nd EDIT (?) Just though of something... my idea also takes out Aberle4life comment about the "he shouldn't main event" *agree... btw* with my idea he'll be mid-card unless this little group gets a reaction from the universe then maybe (?) EDIT

P.S. Note to self, think before I post...
I'm not sure. I've had enough of Mark Henry if I'm honest. It's always the same thing; Mark Henry, strongest man in the world, opponent has a mountain to climb, yadda yadda yadda. He hasn't been the dominant force he has been for a while and I don't really know if I'd like to see it return. WWE has Kane and the Big Show and that's enough for me.
I do favour the quick and agile superstars such as Evan Bourne, so my opinion may be biased, but there you go. That's what I'd rather see when I watch WWE.

He doesn't really get any reaction from the WWE universe so either way I dunno, but how about a heel MVP leading Mark Henry and R-Truth?

Hahaha, yes, the black guys vs the rest of the WWE.
I wouldn't want to see Henry return to the Monster Heel. He's doing fine as the lovable big man now. When Henry beat up The Undertaker before Edge's MITB cash-in a while ago, I had some hope for him, but the main event match he had with Taker at Unforgiven 2007 was disappointing. Henry has been plagued by a lot of injuries over the years, and with his age, I don't think a big push would be a good idea. Sheamus is perfect for the barbarian/monster heel role. I'm just waiting for him to move on to his feud with John Morrison, and then he should be back in the spotlight again. Henry's doing fine with the role he has now. There's no need to turn him into a Monster Heel.
I agree. I've said this for a while now. It doesnt make sense to me, to have big bad-ass Mark Henry smiling with fans & giving them high-fives! He needs to be the meanist SOB on the planet.

But yes- he has no mic skills, so he cant get over as a monster-heel by himself. He needs a mouthpiece. I suggested quite a few months ago: that he become the muscle of the Straight Edge Society. Totally sub-serviant to CM Punk. Punk would get him the heat he needs. But also: being sub-serviant to Punk wouldnt get him into the main event anyway. But my point would be to get him over as a heel. Not to get him into the main event matches. Only way that happens would be for him to turn on Punk after a while

But- YES...he should go back to heel IMO
Hahaha, yes, the black guys vs the rest of the WWE

Rather predictable comment if I may so myself :lol:. But they are three pretty good black guys so theres hope :lmao:

EDIT Btw MoneyMack wouldn't him being paired up with MVP and R-Truth be good enough xD. MVP is rather underrated and R-Truth well... I hate him but he would counter Henry's constant injuries, and sometimes he is good in ring but he gets little reaction :lol:

Just a second thought on MVP, he already has a new song which is... heel-ey (?) :wtf: So maybe a heel turn is kind of being hinted at and recently MVP has got a mini push, so this little group I want formed could by all means happen now O.O... Another thing why not throw Big Zeke in it aswell... he's complete bad-ass I know but he doesn't really have a fued so... WHY NOT!? EDIT


I keep posting... eww. But on the comments about him doing fine as a lovable big guy, I totally agree but don't you think he is more top-mid-card? Than say a "world's strongest man" that is barely even on Superstars usually xD.
I like Henry. My big beef has always been that they keep calling him THE WORLDS STRONGEST MAN and he gets beat most weeks. If you can beat the worlds strongest man wouldn't that make you the worlds strongest man because technically you would be stronger than the strongest.
In short though I would back a Henry push. I'd love to see monster heel henry again but I dont think you can make it work or come back from so many losses now.
I really tried to like Mark henry, i did..but he has the word boring written all over him. He as good (at best) in his sexual chocolate stage.

But if anything would work for Henry it would have to be a MAJOR turn...If you wanna push him a little and make him the killer monster again, go all out...Blow peoples minds off wwe, Have Henry come out mid a Randy Orton match..beat the living hell out of him and cost him the title...Next night on raw have him open the show with a Paul Heyman (or another mouthpiece)..Have him explain that he is taking WWE over and its his time now.

But like i said before..I dont thik WWE is capable of pulling off such a storyline and shocking turn...
Well I guess I don't hate Henry as a face. I think for me it's just that they don't take him very seriously. If he stayed a face with his personality and everything and won matches then I would be all for it. I guess I just wish they'd have him win more often then not.
Nope. I was never a fan of Mark Henry. A classic example of someone who should have been more, but for whatever reasons isn't.
I can't remember one feud of Henry's that I cared for. Or match for that matter. Didn't like the "World's Strongest Man" or Sexual Chocolate. For the record Henry never won a worlds strongest man competition. His Olympic career has him at 10th and 14th place. He did however win a bronze, silver, and gold medal at the Pan Am Games..forget the year though and an Arnold Strongman Classic competition.
He moves like shit in the ring. He got no mic skills to speak of. What's here to care for?
Most of us remember how Mark Henry was a couple years ago. He was a pure monster. More so then Kane. During his monster heel time Henry put Undertaker, Kane, and Batista on the injured list and had a couple shots at the World Heavyweight Championship. Now he is a comic relief jobber who looks weak against almost (except for people like Ryder and Santino) anyone. I really want WWE to have Mark Henry go back to his monster heel persona.

Yeah i put up a response a few weeks ago about Pork Henry. I wouldn't say it was a couple a years ago, I'd say it was in 2006. Henry was about 340-350 then, his Nation of Domination weight. He had been built up all that year, im talking monster status, and then on an episode of smack-down he interfered in Chris Benoit's match, I mean he was dominating him, somehow Benoit gets him in the Cross-face. Henry wouldn't tap the refs broke it up. Bam we get news that Henry is unable to compete at the Great AMERICAN Bash, sustained either a shoulder or arm injury because of the cross-face. This guy was schedule to be in the title match then or that next month after. He was out for months. He comes back in 07 ballooned somehow to 400lbs you could clearly see the size difference and he's basically been a jobber ever since. This is a guy who was going to when the WHC in 06 for sure, to a guy who didn't tap to the cross-face, to a guy who got injured, to a guy who lost to Skip Chipfield/ Sheffield by way of a damn clothesline, to a guy who wears cool- aid spandex, to a guy who hugged pee-wee Herman. This guy is done, can't be saved. He also needs to change that damn theme song because he's the one always getting his ass kicked.
I haven't had the desire to watch Mark Henry since...well ever. He was over hyped in 1996 and all he has ever done since then is be hurt for a year at a time. I thought for sure during one of the WWE's roster trimmings he would be cut sometime but it has never happened and I do not know why. He is horrible in the ring, horrible on the stick, and horrible look. The world's strongest man moniker may have been true back in 1996 but i am sure that 14 years later there is a new one so even his gimmick is horrible.
Let's just put it this way: Mark Henry has been around since 1996 and the most memorable angle in which he has played a part involved Mae Young giving birth to a hand, and that is only memorable for all the wrong reasons. He's been packaged about a jillion different ways and had feuds with some top-tier guys and still hasn't gotten over. I don't think changing things up again would really do much.

Henry should have been better, but sometimes being highly regarded coming in isn't enough to keep hoping a guy will finally get over or figure it out.
No I do not. Why do people want to see the old things? We have Big Zeke on Raw now. He is the future. Mark Henry is on the verge of retiring. He have been there right when the Nation became a dominate faction in the WWE. That was 10 years ago and he played the same roll then. 10 years as the same roll, I think not.
At this stage in his career and with his age, there is no need for him to go back to that monster heel. As was mentioned, he's suffered through injuries back when you could actually push him. The fact is, Henry just doesn't fit the main event. While his "World Strongest Man" gimmick may seperate him, it doesn't mean that it works. A lot of people have already mentioned that they bored with him. He doesn't work well by himself; keeping Atlas would have been best. But since making the transition to this face gimmick he has now, there's really no going back. And I'm fine with that.
I've always liked Henry. He is a beast. He won the 2002 Arnold Strongman Classic and was a very accomplished powerlifter (which the world's strongest slam still shows today). Back last year in the summer, he was getting majorly over as a face, won against Orton, was doing his hand raising and lowering gimmick with the fans loving it.

Then they just dropped it. That was creative putting the brakes on his push, not Henry failing to get over. I don't care if it's face or heel, but I want him pushed again.
He just has no charisma as a face...I think his best use might be as a stooge-for-hire heel at this point. I don't see him in any title picture...maybe a tag run with someone who needs elevating and mic time, but even that may be a stretch. The man is huge and ridiculously strong, but he hasn't been a factor for a long, long time. I don't know if monster is the best use, but what he currently is sure isn't. A change is in order.
I voted no due to the fact that everytime i look at henry all the mae young business comes flooding back and i feel a bit ill. Due in part to this i can never really take him seriously. Overall though he is just boring in the ring, on the mic, and as a character.
I voted yes. Since he's returned in 2005 I've been a huge fan of him. When he was fueding with Batista and The Undertaker I thought he was great. Then he went to ECW in 2008 and won the ECW Championship. I thought he did an excellent job there. His fued with Matt Hardy was really good and they had great matches.

I know this is about him being a monster heel but when he was drafted to Raw in 2009 Mark Henry was getting Big Pops. Of course he was going against the biggest heel at the time Randy Orton but still he was getting those pops.

Mark Henry shouldn't be in the midcard/US/Intercontintal title scene. He should be in the Main Event scene either as a monster heel (preferably) or face (which I think he's good at too).

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