Any Dream Matches left in WWE?


Over the last few years, thanks to the separate brands, WWE has been able to produce a number of "Dream Matches" over the years, usually at Wrestlemanias and for the most part, they do deliver (we will just forget about that whole Lesnar vs Goldberg thing). But seriously, from Michaels vs Angle to Rock vs Hogan, there have been amazing dream matches in the last 5 years or so. My question is are there any left?

One I would love to see is a Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker WrestleMania match. We got a preview of that at last year's Royal Rumble, and the atmosphere was amazing.
I would like to see Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker too. I read on Wikipedia that these two are the only stars that were on the 1st episode of RAW that are still here today. They have so much experience in the ring and they always put on an awesome show. Their Hell in a Cell match was a classic and one of my all time favourite matches. A Face vs Face match would get the crowd into it since these two are some of the biggest Faces in WWE. I just can't see Undertaker playing Heel again, and Michaels tends to oversell when he's forced to be Heel.

I'd also like to see MVP vs Mr. Kennedy. I, and a lot of people think these two are the future of the WWE so this should be a great match. However, one or both should be Face. Heel vs Heel matches tend to be boring IMO. (I'm not sure if these guys ever had a match already, I just recently got back into WWE).

Lastly, I'd like to see John Cena vs Hulk Hogan since many consider Cena the modern day Hulk Hogan. It has potential to have the crowd atmosphere like Warrior vs Hogan, except half the fans hate Cena. If Cena could gain more fan support, this match could be the modern version of Warrior vs Hogan. Otherwise, Cena should play Heel because he is going to be heavily booed, more than The Rock was.
Cena vs Hogan has the potential to be the worst match in history.

I would like to see a heel Y2J vs The undertaker. I think these two guys are a couple of the only real good ring workers left. If given the right amount of time and a proper storyline it would be great.
Here's a potential dream match only because I do not believe these two wrestlers have ever had a match together, and if I am mistaken have only been on the same brand together for about 1 month. That would be Cena vs Batista. This more than likely will be a terrible match because neither of these wrestlers are capable of putting on more of a 10 minute match without either a gimmick or someone to carry them. However just in name recognition alone it would be a huge draw, and I think there would be an insane amount of reaction for both wrestlers. This could be a heel/face match with I guess Batista working as the heel, but it would also work as a face/face match. I can definetly see this 'dream' match happening sometime soon, maybe at next year's wrestlemania?
Cena vs Hogan has the potential to be the worst match in history.

Yeah I'm sure your right, in that it would be boring as hell, but put it on the WM stage and all the mainstream fans that love these two guys will pay, this match would draw huge, no matter how bad or boring it would be

I would like to see a heel Y2J vs The undertaker. I think these two guys are a couple of the only real good ring workers left. If given the right amount of time and a proper storyline it would be great.

Your not alone on this one, I too would like to see a Jericho/Taker match, IMO that would be WM worthy, and I would like to see it with a heel Taker, Don't know why, just sounds better to me to have Taker heel in this match, Just don't do it in a casket, buried alive, Last Ride, ambulance, stretcher, Texas bull rope, or any other dumb ass stipulation match like those

Another dream match/feud I would like to see is Jericho vs. Edge, I know these two have fought in the past, but they've never had that real good feud to work their matches off, and really deliver on, one or the other always seemed to get hurt before it could really go anywhere, I say move Jericho over to SD!, so this can happen, these two could put out a great set of matches, and tell a great story IMO
The ultimate dream match would be The Rock vs. HBK, but that will never happen. Taker vs. HBK would be good but i dont see that happening either. Even thought they take a ton of heat, i think Batista vs. Cena would be a great match simply because they are the current top stars on the show, at least when they are healthy.
I'd take Cena/Hogan over Cena/Tista anyday. The crowd would make that match enjoyable and Cena would get so much heat it would make the ONS 06 crowd look weak.

I'd honestly like to see Cena/Hogan.

That and Cena/Lashley 2 even though it's not a dream match.
I think a Wrestlemania clash between the Undertaker and John Cena would be a dream match. And if it was a title vs. streak match, it would be all the more amazing. The atmosphere would be electric. The Undertaker arouses passion at every Wrestlemania, and no wrestler can polarize an audience like John Cena. It would put the fans in a frenzy.
Hardy's vs. E&C vs. WGTT vs. London & Kendrick. world tag titles at Wrestlemania. TLC LADDER (if Christian were to ever come back (doubt it though)) thats my dream match.
Taker vs Jericho is something i have wanted to see for years since Y2J came to WWE originally. It would be probably impossible to turn Undertaker heel and Jericho works so well as a heel so i would definatly have him as the heel. Wrestlemania worthy for sure.

Jericho vs CM PUNK

Probably not a dream match for all, but people who have seen Punk's older mayches know his potential and this could prove to be his greatest fued in WWE to date, and pretty easily at that. I dont think he has had an excellent match since being in WWE and i think this would be his breathrough.
Any match with Taker at WM is going to draw, just to see if his undefeated streak will stay in tact. I would like to see Snitsky (don't stop reading yet...) vs Great Khali in a loser gets traded to TNA. That way, we at least get rid of one of em. Honestly though, I would like to see Tazz vs. Chris Jericho. their matches in ECW were some of the best. I'm sure WWE would find some way to screw it up. An ECW version of Tommy Dreamer and Sandman vs. DX in an ECW extreme rules match. But again, DX would probably lame it down to make them look good. A match that would be guarantee'd to draw: Mick Foley (as Mankind) vs. Mick Foley (as Cactus Jack) in a Japan Death Match. tell me if that could be pulled wouldn't watch it!!
I agree with the Y2J vs Edge match that would be great two guys that can both still go.

And i agree with the Y2J Undertaker match being no gimicks needed. The Undertaker is just so talented it blows my mind i mean look how old he is, yet he can still go out there with pretty much anyone and put on a 5 star match. It seems like at every PPV he has the match of the night.

With the whole Hogan/Cena thing i still dont see how unless at WM both these guys have 7 moves combined. Hogan can barely walk. No one likes Cena, I just think it would be boring. It would be the same shit boot, leg drop, kick out, cena hits the FU. And we all know that Hogan would never put Cena over when Cena is the younger one, the one that should be put over. So we would have Hogan win the match just to walk out of the company a month later.
Randy Orton vs The Rock

Could be played as:
both 3rd generation
both youngest world champs

They are both more entertainers than athletes so there would be great crowd involvement.

Randy as the heel and Rock as face would be a great match in my opinion

Would also like to see The Rock vs HBK
Eh ... as long as we are throwing crazy stuff out there. A Fatal Fourway - The Rock vs. Stone Cold vs. Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels. Hell, I don't care if it cost Vince $2M each for Hogan, Austin and Rock ... this would be the most anticipated match of all-time and the crowd would be unreal.
The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels

The Rock vs. Randy Orton

Triple H vs. Undertaker

Umaga vs. Undertaker

I don't mean to sound like an asshole but Undertaker vs HHH was done at Wrestlemania 17

And I don't think Undertaker vs Umaga would work as it would be a little bit too gimmicky.
Another match I would love to see at a WrestleMania is Edge vs Orton, a match that we should have had at last years event. Both these guys have been in show stealing matches at WM, and I think they would tear the roof of the place.

As for matches that wouldn't realistically happen, how about the obvious choice. Austin vs. Hogan.
I think that 'taker v. Cena would be a huge match. Undertaker could carry Cena to a helluva match, and the crowd reaction would be off the chain.
one last Kane vs. Undertaker match. casket match. loser retires.....(undertaker loses) at Wrestlemania 25
Michelle McCool againts ME ! hahahah just kinding !

I'd like to see Edge vs HHH ... With both being heels.
With Edge getting the upper hand at the end ...

Or Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg ... In a real figth ... Think about it :)
This match would be a great origional Survivor Series Match, but throw in the Triple Threat gimmick.
Team DX v.s. Team nWo v.s. Team Horsemen
Team DX - HHH, HBK, New Age Outlaws, and X-pac
Team nWo - Hogan, Savage, Outsiders, Scott Steiner
Team Horsemen - Flair, Arn Anderson, Blanchard, Benoit, Pillman

Obviously would never happen, but the DX-nWo version could and would be great to see.
Staying on Survivor Series, how about a true WWE vs WCW vs ECW Triple Threat from the attitude era.

Team WWE - Austin, Rock, HHH, HBK, Taker
Team WCW - Hogan, Sting, DDP, Booker T, Flair
Team ECW - Tazz, Sandman, Sabu, Dreamer, RVD (or swap out two of them for the Dudleys)

Even if TNA wanted to get in on the act, the biggest stars that made thier biggest impact in TNA

Team TNA - AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Jeff Jarret, America's Most Wanted.

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