Anticlimactic diva?


Championship Contender
I'm sure 99% of wrestling fans knew Charlotte would win tonite. But am I alone in thinking there should have been more?

The match okay at best. But there should have been an angle or something. I think wwe really dropped the ball with the ending.

I thought maybe they should have turned Paige on Charlotte. The whole Divas revolution was just kinda blah. No action from Sasha, Becky Lynch, Paige, Brie or any other Diva. Except a very small scuffle out of the Ring.

So what's your all's thought about the match? Should have Paige turned? She is a great #1 contender.
I lost all interest in this angle on Monday, when Nikki Bella had her first title defense in around 3 months and WWE continued to do a screwjob finish. They started the revolution, did nothing like a revolutionary act and instead had BS tag team and 6 women tag matches and NO title defenses. I think now, over 3 months after the so called revolution started we are yet to see any special moment it has just been bland, boring and worse than before. I have not watched the match at the PPV because simply I have no interest in it and unless WWE finally have the big moment on Raw I will continue in my state of no interest in the Women on the Main roster.

I'm glad the Women have more time but this is not a Revolution and this is not interesting, I am a fan of Womens wrestling and can't wait for Sasha v Bayley in NXT but there is nothing about the main roster divas story that has me interested.
I'm not a big fan of divas wrestling so i'm not too keen on them getting more time, but if they're going to do this "divas revolution", do it right. Nothing interesting has happened with this angle besides the first night the NXT woman debuted, after that all they've been doing is trading wins, Paige could've turned on Charlotte after she won the title (or cost her the title), either way it would set up a new story with Paige/Charlotte, and Nikki can go off and feud with someone else. They think having 9 woman and 3 diva factions is a revolution. It's really not, It's not a revolution until they start telling a proper story.
I don't see why Paige would have turned on Charlotte to be quite honest. Then you would have had Charlotte and Becky Lynch as the only two faces in the Diva's division. Isn't that how we got into this Revolution in the first place, with Paige being the only face.

There is Sasha Banks, Tamina, Naomi, Alicia Fox, Nikki and Brie Bella, all heels against the only three faces, Charlotte, Paige and Becky Lynch. The numbers don't add up. Unless some of the present heels turn, then we'll see Paige for a face a little while longer.
The match was about as good as a Nikki Bella match could possibly have been and the ending was the best part. We finally have a Divas Champion who can WRESTLE again. Charlotte still having both PCB allies is the right call. Why would anyone want Paige to turn heel? That's so stupid. She is a very popular diva, if anyone should turn it's someone who is not doing well as a face. All three in PCB are doing just fine in that area. If WWE turned her it would be a big mistake. All three from Team Bad are heels, plus the three from Team Bella. It would make more sense to turn one of them face (please no!) than to turn any of the faces when you only have three. Going back to the match though, whether the win was predictable or not, it was a highly enjoyable ending to a match that really couldn't have been much better than it was.
I have lost all faith in the Divas division. I miss Women's wrestling and Women's champions. The predictable nature of the match (no pun intended) not to mention that the division has become more of an entertainment spectacle more than wrestling makes me miss the ladies wrestlers of 15 years ago. The Divas division is the equivalent of a bathromm break on Mondays and Thursday nights.
Yes. Everything about Charlotte is anticlimactic. Her talent is undeniable. But her look... meh. Her mic skills (which will probably improve)... meh. You knew she was going to go over Nikki. There wasn't a chase. There wasn't a storyline of any sort... or a very loose one. Going over Nikki wasn't personal for her. It was sort of like the Orton/Sheamus feud... why are they fighting? What's the point? People popped for her because she beat Nikki and Nikki is seen by the smark crowd as being untouchable because she bangs Cena. Which is an absolutely awful reason. If you ask me, Nikki has probably been the most improved Diva over the last 12-18 months.

But nothing about Charlotte makes me get behind her. I don't care. They've never given me a reason to care. When you come on to the main roster, and from the moment you debut, the world knows you're the hand-picked one, you're going have people shrug their shoulders at you.
As soon as WWE mentioned AJ's reign, anyone could have gotten out a calendar and told you the exact date that Miss Bella would drop the title, There is absolutely NO way it could have been climatic. Worse yet, we had just seen the big celebration on RAW, which outdid the PPV's celebration. Dropping the title, the second the AJ line was crossed was dumb, as much as I wanted to see Nikki lose the belt, I didn't want WWE to just 100% confirm everything we've been saying for 6 months.

Charlotte getting a leg injury and wrestling the entire match as the limp story (To the wrong leg), and then completely ignoring the leg sale at the end... it was just ugly and made for a very slow and boring match and a terrible finish. On the bright side, it wasn't a screwjob finish (or a DQ title change...) Something that NoC really have enough of already.

She can do some moves, but her psychology and story telling are bad (Something the Bellas do well, even though they lack the athleticism the other girls have).

To be completely honest, I don't even blame the Divas for this whole revolution being a train wreck, it's complete John Cena and Ric Flair ruining the division and making the entire division a joke.
Last night was the wrong time for PCB to implode. It'll happen soon, the need to use the faction wars as a means to stall until Nikki broke the longest title reign record was painfully obvious. Nikki now holds the record, so real change can be hoped for, though I wish it were expected.

Having Paige or Becky turn heel on Charlotte during her very first title victory would have been pretty disrespectful. It also would echo the booking stereotype that's permeated the divas division over the last few years; they're all psycho and selfish. Let Charlotte have her brief moment in the sun.

The cracks hopefully start to form tonight. Slowly building towards a Paige heel turn is the best option, although I wouldn't mind Becky and Paige remaining a unit. Whatever happens, Charlotte and Becky are best suited as being on opposite sides of the coin, but a Becky heel turn could be good. Lynch has shown the least personality of the NXT call ups.

The faction wars went on way too long, the Bella Twins are crap, there are no feuds other than everyone vs everyone, and Eva Marie is coming. The divas division still kinda stinks. It got significantly better when the NXT girls arrived and when they played their hand that Nikki was going for the record, thus explaining why they never pulled the trigger on Naomi.

There's enough TV time to support two to three feuds. Example Paige vs Charlotte for the title, Becky vs Banks to become number one contender, and turn the Bellas face to feud with the rest of Team Bad. There's lots of other divas than this nine too. Where's Natalya? Summer Rae can wrestle right? Emma is still listed as a main roster talent. Did Cameron die?

There's enough divas that we could have some jobbing instead of seeing the same nine in triple threat matches every week. The whole division has been basically on ice, hopefully some real change begins tonight. Things I'd like to see: more than one feud, some jobbers (even locals), new top heel other than the Bellas, and I'm probably dreaming, a gold divas title. Even better would be the original women's title, but I'm probably dreaming.
The predictable nature of the match (no pun intended) not to mention that the division has become more of an entertainment spectacle more than wrestling makes me miss the ladies wrestlers of 15 years ago.

How could you MISS the ladies "wrestling" of the late 90s? Matches between women during the Attitude Era were legitimately coma inducing. If you had to find the worst match in wrestling history, your candidates would be any women's match from 98-2000.

Anyway, it was obviously anti-climactic but it was a good match... my favorite story to watch in the ring is targeting an injured body part so I dug the style of the match at least. I've said this before... WWE (and the smarks) can't just expect that everybody is going to react well to Charlotte. Had I not watched her on NXT, I would legitimately hate her character right now... she acts as if she's better than everyone else but hasn't shown diddly since debuting. Hopefully, with the title around her waist, she gets more comfortable and we'll see more out of her.

As for Paige, I think she'll turn eventually but as Navi (I think) pointed out, that would leave about 2 faces and 7 heels in the division. I guess it can work if your two feuds are say, Charlotte/Paige and Becky/Sasha but I can't see WWE leaving all the other Diva's off TV (especially the TD's...) Either a few girls have to turn face or a new face... face will have to debut. Now I'm interested in where they go from here.
Nikki performed admirably. She told a good story. If one of the smark nerd favorites did the figure 4 around the ring post, half of y'all would be losing you shit. But since it's Nikki and your impression is that she's the kind of girl that's been punking y'all your whole lives, nothing is mentioned. Nothing positive, anyway.

The ending where Charlotte's hurt leg was magically fine for her finisher was dumb.

Charlotte winning so soon was dumb, and predictable. Nikki should've won, Charlotte should've continued to chase, a storyline should've been built which ends with Charlotte going over,.....maybe at survivor series.
Question; how much offense did Charlotte get in?

If you're looking for something more, that's probably why. Nikki Bella took about all of the match. Charlotte got some chops, a spear, and her figure four.

That was it. That was her offense.

With a match where you have a cowardly heel who has been ducking opponents, you should have her stuck in the ring, and beaten by the face. Flat out squashed.

It should have happened with Hogan/Sting at Starrcade, and it should have happened last night.

Instead, Charlotte got literally no offense, seemed to win the match on a fluke, in what felt like a squash.

If you're looking for why it didn't meet your expectations, it might have to do with that.
Question; how much offense did Charlotte get in?

If you're looking for something more, that's probably why. Nikki Bella took about all of the match. Charlotte got some chops, a spear, and her figure four.

That was it. That was her offense.

With a match where you have a cowardly heel who has been ducking opponents, you should have her stuck in the ring, and beaten by the face. Flat out squashed.

It should have happened with Hogan/Sting at Starrcade, and it should have happened last night.

Instead, Charlotte got literally no offense, seemed to win the match on a fluke, in what felt like a squash.

If you're looking for why it didn't meet your expectations, it might have to do with that.

Nailed it on the head. The booking of this match was utterly inexplicable other than them trying to avert Nikki Bella falling down during basic spots and transitions as she is known to do, and marring this title win and the transition to a differently perceived women's division.

Otherwise, this makes fuck all sense whatsoever.
When you think about the big picture, that ending was absolutely perfect. After last night's PPV I went on to watch WrestleMania 24 - Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels and, yep, it's still a great match with a big emotional reason behind it. The look on Charlotte (Ashley) and Reid Flair just tells you how great last night's moment truly was.

Also, there's a video going around with her dedicating the match to his brother and to Dusty Rhodes. So, really, that was the better ending. In the next few months, I am actually expecting to see Nikki Bella turn babyface, because want it or not, she actually has an accomplishment that people will give her a "nod" for. That will probably happen way after Team PCB implodes, but last night's was the best decision, mainly because Nikki still has her rematch clause. After that I'm all for Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks, and then Charlotte vs. Natalya and finally Charlotte vs. Paige vs. Becky Lynch at WrestleMania.

EDIT: Here's the video:

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