Anthony Weiner Resigns


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So just to be clear, Weiner didn't sleep with/meet any of these girls we know of and it was DEMANDED that he resign by every person ever born, yet people like David Vitter, who was caught paying for prostitutes, Larry Craig who was caught soliciting people in a bathroom, John Ensign who broke a bunch of laws and had an affair and Bill Clinton who also had an affair weren't called on to resign.

So in other words, sending pics is worse than actual sex/sexual acts in the eyes of members of Congress. Good to know.

Edit: We'll also ignore all of the polls taken of his constituents that said he should remain in Congress because clearly, people in the House and Senate and White House know what the people that elected Weiner want more than they do right?
It's just... dumb. I think the final nail in his coffin was what Obama said. If the President of the United States of America basically says you should resign, what other option do you have?

The worst part about all this is the bizarre precedent it's setting. Sure, you can have affairs, but you better not take pictures of yourself and send them to women. Yes, Weiner lied at first, but Bill Clinton lied in a sworn deposition, so it makes COMPLETE sense that Weiner is the one who resigned.
Yeah the whole thing is stupid. Yes, Weiner did something he wasn't supposed to but by comparison, this was pretty minor. I never heard anyone calling for Vitter to resign and he's still in the Senate.
So just to be clear, Weiner didn't sleep with/meet any of these girls we know of and it was DEMANDED that he resign by every person ever born, yet people like David Vitter, who was caught paying for prostitutes, Larry Craig who was caught soliciting people in a bathroom, John Ensign who broke a bunch of laws and had an affair and Bill Clinton who also had an affair weren't called on to resign.

So in other words, sending pics is worse than actual sex/sexual acts in the eyes of members of Congress. Good to know.

Edit: We'll also ignore all of the polls taken of his constituents that said he should remain in Congress because clearly, people in the House and Senate and White House know what the people that elected Weiner want more than they do right?
They just tried to embarrass Clinton and force him out. What Weiner did was stupid, but not worth losing his job over. Weiner is forced out over some dirty pics but Bush gets nothing over taking this country to war over false intel? I could go on, looking at it Presidents have done WAY worse only to get no punishment.
It's just... dumb. I think the final nail in his coffin was what Obama said. If the President of the United States of America basically says you should resign, what other option do you have?

The worst part about all this is the bizarre precedent it's setting. Sure, you can have affairs, but you better not take pictures of yourself and send them to women. Yes, Weiner lied at first, but Bill Clinton lied in a sworn deposition, so it makes COMPLETE sense that Weiner is the one who resigned.
Obama is the one being accused of violating Pakistans territorial sovereignty and using military force in Libya without permission from congress for too long...Shouldn't we be looking into those first?
Yeah the whole thing is stupid. Yes, Weiner did something he wasn't supposed to but by comparison, this was pretty minor. I never heard anyone calling for Vitter to resign and he's still in the Senate.

What's more, Vitter (apparently) did it in the 90s too, but Weiner's is more "isolated." Yet what Weiner did is worse. Makes absolutely NO sense. Sleeping with prostitutes for years is far worse than what Weiner did.
Obama is the one being accused of violating Pakistans territorial sovereignty and using military force in Libya without permission from congress for too long...Shouldn't we be looking into those first?

Good to know our government's priorities are straight, right?
What's more, Vitter (apparently) did it in the 90s too, but Weiner's is more "isolated." Yet what Weiner did is worse. Makes absolutely NO sense. Sleeping with prostitutes for years is far worse than what Weiner did.

Aye. Yet how many republicans were begging for Vitter to resign? I can think of about zero. The Republican chairman was asked about it the other day and how it was different than Weiner and he said he wasn't going to relegislate it. Translation: Oh please don't make me have to find a way out of this. I can't do it.
Aye. Yet how many republicans were begging for Vitter to resign? I can think of about zero. The Republican chairman was asked about it the other day and how it was different than Weiner and he said he wasn't going to relegislate it. Translation: Oh please don't make me have to find a way out of this. I can't do it.

Exactly. I remember the republicans were talking about "full forgiveness" when it came to Vitter, yet that doesn't work for Weiner? It's foolish.

It's hypocrisy at its finest. I'd really love to see someone try to reasonably break it down, because any way I look at it... This makes absolutely NO SENSE.
Yeah the argument against Weiner is "how can anyone trust him again?" The same way you trust anyone again: carefully. Also, how about letting the PEOPLE tell him what to do? You kinow, the ones he represents?
Also just to be clear, I don't think he should have resigned. The point of what I was saying was that what he did was bad, but by comparison his was pretty tame and definitly not worth leaving Congress over.
Also just to be clear, I don't think he should have resigned. The point of what I was saying was that what he did was bad, but by comparison his was pretty tame and definitly not worth leaving Congress over.

Oh, I don't think he should have resigned either. I'm just sick of how stupid the arguments against him are. I agree with what you've been saying.
They just tried to embarrass Clinton and force him out. What Weiner did was stupid, but not worth losing his job over. Weiner is forced out over some dirty pics but Bush gets nothing over taking this country to war over false intel? I could go on, looking at it Presidents have done WAY worse only to get no punishment.

Bush had the blessing of a Democratic House which voted for him to go to war.

Exactly. I remember the republicans were talking about "full forgiveness" when it came to Vitter, yet that doesn't work for Weiner? It's foolish.

It's hypocrisy at its finest. I'd really love to see someone try to reasonably break it down, because any way I look at it... This makes absolutely NO SENSE.

Republicans are just better politicians. It doesn't make them better people. Weiner was dead as soon as his party threw him under the bus.


How could we trust Bill Clinton to run our whole country then? Ridiculous argument.

The big reason the Democrats got behind Bill Clinton is because they didn't want Al Gore as President. One of the few times I agreed with the Democratic Party.

Also just to be clear, I don't think he should have resigned. The point of what I was saying was that what he did was bad, but by comparison his was pretty tame and definitly not worth leaving Congress over.

Agreed. The whole thing is so fucking stupid and obnoxious. Poor choice in judgement, yes. Nothing worth losing a job over. However, why the fuck would you bother Sexting as a public figure? Really sad that most of the big wigs in the Democratic party wanted nothing to do with this situation.
Agreed. The whole thing is so fucking stupid and obnoxious. Poor choice in judgement, yes. Nothing worth losing a job over. However, why the fuck would you bother Sexting as a public figure? Really sad that most of the big wigs in the Democratic party wanted nothing to do with this situation.

Oh no question it was stupid. I mean dude, come up with a fake name or something. How had can it be to call your self Chuck Williams or something like that?
So just to be clear, Weiner didn't sleep with/meet any of these girls we know of and it was DEMANDED that he resign by every person ever born, yet people like David Vitter, who was caught paying for prostitutes, Larry Craig who was caught soliciting people in a bathroom, John Ensign who broke a bunch of laws and had an affair and Bill Clinton who also had an affair weren't called on to resign.

Uhh, what? Bill Clinton had criminal charges pressed against him. I'm pretty certain there were plenty of people calling for him to resign.
Uhh, what? Bill Clinton had criminal charges pressed against him. I'm pretty certain there were plenty of people calling for him to resign.

This is true, however I don't remember them all crashing down on him at once. A lot of the democrats calling for Weiner to resign didn't call for Clinton to do so.
Uhh, what? Bill Clinton had criminal charges pressed against him. I'm pretty certain there were plenty of people calling for him to resign.

Indeed. Watch Fox News clips from 1998 and you'll see about every Republican and right-wing pundit was calling for him to leave Washington. Hell, you'd think he murdered Lewinsky.
This is true, however I don't remember them all crashing down on him at once. A lot of the democrats calling for Weiner to resign didn't call for Clinton to do so.
How did we go from:

So in other words, sending pics is worse than actual sex/sexual acts in the eyes of members of Congress. Good to know.


A lot of the democrats calling for Weiner to resign didn't call for Clinton to do so.

Or, in other words, from Congress to Democrats?
Indeed. Watch Fox News clips from 1998 and you'll see about every Republican and right-wing pundit was calling for him to leave Washington. Hell, you'd think he murdered Lewinsky.

Lord knows if anyone would understand about murder, it would be the Republicans. They killed the American economy ten years ago.
How did we go from:


Or, in other words, from Congress to Democrats?

It was the point of the original thing. Some people are calling for Weiner to resign. Some of those same people, namely Democrats, didn't call for Clinton to resign when what he did was worse.
It was the point of the original thing. Some people are calling for Weiner to resign. Some of those same people, namely Democrats, didn't call for Clinton to resign when what he did was worse.

Yes, but that would mean you're posting a thread which is actually criticizing Democrats. So, clearly, that couldn't be what you originally meant.

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