Another WWE Show?


WrestleMania Main Event
Wrestlingobserver said:
If you think the adding of another show was too much for WWE, Vince thinks the opposite

At the WWE shareholders meeting this morning, Vince McMahon said WWE was looking into adding a Wednesday night television show. He said being on television every night would make it easier for fans to follow the storylines or catch up with the storylines in case they miss a show.

I really think Vince has lost his mind, I hope Vince doesnt do this, having 4 shows/6 hours of, Raw, ECW SD & superstars is more than enough. Wednesday is like a break from wrestling since WWE or TNA don't have a show on Wednesday yet. Do wrestling fans really have that short of attention of span that WWE needs to have a show every single day of the week?
Good grief. What the fuck is Vince thinking? Superstars and ECW are shows I don't care to watch now. I watch Bourne and then find something else on. We already have 6 hours of WWE programming, 9 in some weeks. There comes a point where it needs to end. When were the ratings the highest? The Attitude Era and the 80s. What was different: one show a week. There are often circumstances under which less is more. That's a lesson Vince needs to learn. Keep it at two shows a week, or drop ECW to make it into Superstars. Either way, this isn't a good idea.
Bloody Hell. That would be just too much for anyone to take. God, at least when you had just Raw and Smackdown, the reason you'd tune in was because of the anticipation of what will happen to certain stories, you wouldn't want it to be in the same week. You'd have a very minor group of people who would actually watch all 4 shows atm, be even smaller for 5.

This is probably what is really killing the WWE atm, because of half-arsed efforts to give full stories on the main shows, so they rely on other shows that no one will watch, great thinking Vince! If he wants to sort ratings, then give us something better, not more of the same crap spread over a long week.

I think the only thing I'd consider watching on a Wednesday (if in the US) is old school WWE, then maybe it will show Vince how much he's messed things up!
I don't care either way. If I want to watch it then I will. If I want to be rebellious and miss the show then I will.

WWE storylines are easy to follow. They're like soaps. I haven't watched Eastenders in months, but I could watch an episode now and catch up with months of storylines in 25 minutes. Wrestling is the same.
Good grief. What the fuck is Vince thinking? Superstars and ECW are shows I don't care to watch now. I watch Bourne and then find something else on. We already have 6 hours of WWE programming, 9 in some weeks. There comes a point where it needs to end. When were the ratings the highest? The Attitude Era and the 80s. What was different: one show a week. There are often circumstances under which less is more. That's a lesson Vince needs to learn. Keep it at two shows a week, or drop ECW to make it into Superstars. Either way, this isn't a good idea.
there was never just one show a week during the Attitude Era and the 80s. we had 2 to 3 shows a week duting the Attitude Era and the 80s. their were like 7 wrestling shows during the Attitude Era .i love ot have one more wrestling show to watch . also their is nothing really on Wednesday's to watch . that would give me something to watch else then scrubs & garry unmarried
Jesus fucking christ. WTF is Vince thinking here. Wednesday nights are nights that people have poker nights, get homework/term papers done & have a guys/girls night out. It's the one night of the week that we ain't gotta watch wrestling. WWE Storylines are easy to follow. As far as I remembered, during the attitude era we had RAW & later on during the ear we had Smackdown. In my mind just keep RAW & Smackdown & just put either ECW or Superstars(I say one of the two has to go) exclusively on I know for damn sure that I ain't gonna watch the Wednesday night show.
I am convinced that all these shows that offer basically one single, universal WWE product, is actually doing more harm to the business than it is good. There is a thread on whether there is over-exposure of the WWE product in terms of the number of shows it currently has on, which I am going to go to next ... but I think it's the fact that it is basically one single product that Vince is putting out ... spread across 4 outlets, soon to be 5, that is causing deteriorating interest in the company.

I did listen to that broadcast of the shareholder's meeting, which I would encourage everyone to listen to (it lasts about an hour, and is basically Vince talking for 95% of it in answering questions). Clearly, there were some pretty obnoxious people asking some questions in that broadcast, which I was chuckling in seeing Vince try to maintain his composure, as you could tell he was getting impatient.

Quite frankly, I think we know more about the Creative Content of WWE than many of these shareholders, who's only real concern is about the bottom line profit and dividends they are receiving. However, if they don't want to deep dive into the Creative Content of the product, which is the real driving force of the success of the product, than they don't have the knowledge or ability to challenge Vince on a number of things associated with it.

For example, we had a gentleman who asked why there were no more bra and panty matches in WWE anymore, and was suggesting that Vince branch out from just his relationship with Playboy and branch out into other forms of adult entertainment venues for the Divas. Apparently, this guy had no idea (that's the impression I got) that WWE went PG and Vince had to explain that to him, in that this is the reason why they can't do those things any longer, and why Vince ended the relationship with Playboy. How can people invest money in a product, while being so ignorant to something like the content rating change? Unbelievable.

But, if I was a shareholder (which technically I am, as someone bought me a single share of WWE stock off of as a gag gift), I would be challenging Vince on the PG direction of the product and what results he has seen thus far since the WWE went PG. Ratings, buyrates, and attendance have all declined in the primary North American market ever since he started moving in this direction in 2006. With none of that appearing to be a good first scene on revenue earnings potential, I would ask him how he justifies the rosy outlook he attempts to give his shareholders, when all first signs don't appear that this is a wise direction at all.

Anyway, I'll create another thread on this, so we can deep dive into the content of the shareholder's meeting. But absolutely, adding another show, like another Superstars, is only going to hurt the WWE even more.

We need to keep in mind that WWE, WCW, and ECW all had several shows on television during the ratings boom. WWE's main programs were Raw and Smackdown (4 hours), WCW had Nitro and Thunder (4 hours), and ECW had its own show (1 hour). So there was 9 hours of wrestling on when there was competition around, and it was all good and dandy. Ratings ranged from great for WWE, to good for WCW, to decent for ECW (given its limited national exposure).

BUT ... the key difference was that each of those shows were different, because each of the products were different. That was why they got away with it. Today, Vince is basically just putting out one single, PG product. And is putting out 6 hours, probably soon to be 7 hours, of the exact same product. And that is why it isn't working, in my view.
I don't see what the big deal is. If you don't want to watch it, then don't. Not everybody can or wants to watch wrestling that much. Some do. It would be convenient if your like me and work most of the nights, so you could catch a show or two a week.
I think this is stupid if Vince indeed does this. Its probably gonna be on a channel half of the fans can't see. Vince cut us a break, its hard to keep up with all your shows as it is.
You don't have to watch every piece of WWE programing. If you chose to watch it all you can't really complain that you're watching too much.

Stick to spoilers, they often more intresting to read than they are to watch.

If it's on a channel you can't see then go on and watch the final two minutes of the match. Unless it's a really good match the final few minutes is all you need anyway.
Personally I feel that the WWE was at it's best when it was after the Attitude Era and into the SD! and RAW Era with Eddie, JBL as WWE Champion and Triple H, Benoit and Orton as World Heavyweight Champion. You guys may disagree but I think that it was at it's highest then.
When ECW started the revival, people were excited to see what happened, and the first months of ECW with the classic ECW wrestlers and classic arena, people liked it. But chop by chop ECW lost classic superstars, the hardcore ECW music, the arena and everything else associated with ECW. Let's face it, there's nothing left of classic ECW at all, apart from Tommy Dreamer, that's it! Nothing else is the same, not even the belt. As ECW lost all of those elements, fans stopped watching because it just became a dumping grond show for un-exciting superstars like Mark Henry, Chavo, Armando Estrata, Ricky Ortiz... Thankfully I think (it may) be on the way of creating it's own brand with young exciting talent like Bourne, Swagger, Kidd and Christain.
Also, I believe that one of the reasons for losing ratings is because of cross-branding. When people watched SD! and RAW about 5-8 years ago, the storylines remained on the brands, it was like two different soap operas. I liked both and the fact that PPV's were brand exclusive. The big 4 would be the only PPV's which they would all come together, I'm talking ofcourse about SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble and WresltMania. Let me put it to you this way: When you watch RAW one week, the best thing that would happen is that anticipation for the next week to see how that perdicular storyline would play out. But now-a-days you can watch RAW and then on SD! it would continue on there for some reason. This is making it so that most of the roster have no purpose. The reason for the brand split was to help the younger ones prove themselves... Thankfully I believe that they maybe stopping that now, and they should.

Yeah, I've kind of rambled on for a bit that probably isn't about the topic at hand. Another show so that they cover everyday of the week would eliminate storyline anticipation, make creative feel like monkeys on a typewriter trying to write something for EVERY show when previously they had like a week to perfect their writing, it would be agony on the poor wrestlers who put their bodies on the line every week that now changes to every day, so much money will be lost in investing in programming that barely anyone would watch...

In my opinion if they can just go back to that time when it was just SD! and RAW (and possibly ECW), because that had seperate storylines to follow and have the antisipation back. Everyday wrestling will feel like work for the fans to keep up on...

Sometimes the way to move foward is stay where you are... Man that's deep.

If I would have made any changes, I'd make ECW go on Wednesday so you have a day break between each show.
Quite frankly I wouldn't mind having another show on Wednesday nights from WWE. But I would want it to be something different than what Vince is thinking.

I would like it to be matches from the past. If they do this right it could be successful.
They can replay tapes from their vast tape library, like GCW, FCW, e.t.c. They could even play matches from the WWWF, and the WWF during the 80's and 90's.

They can also bring back the show that Mean Gene used to host. I can't remember the name of it but I think it aired after Velocity when Raw was on TNN/Spike.

What I am trying to get to, is that it would be pretty cool if they replayed old video tapes from their tapes library, instead of having a new show used for the purpose of using the current superstars that aren't getting TV time, that is what Superstars was brought back for.
hell, if i had my way, than i would watch wrestling every single day. however, it's probably not the best idea vince has ever had. you know, it's because of that guy that i stopped wanting to become a pro wrestler. never met him, but popular opinion states that he is a fuckin lunatic. i liked it when it was just raw and smackdown. ecw i think is becoming a lot better. christian, swagger, finlay, kidd, smith, bourne, kozlov, it seems like they're finally getting serious about ecw. putting some good faces over there. the superstars show i don't believe is really necessary. i watch it of course. i watch everything i can when i can. but, it's too much. adding another show is just not a good idea. sorry if i'm rambling. my mind wonders.....
I think another hour long show that recaps old classic bouts that they have no intention on putting on dvds would be a wise idea. Replay good ole stuff like the Attitude days with matches like DX vs the NoD and Corporation, etc etc.
I'll probably watch it but with all the shows they have, it's beginning to become oversaturated. The first episode of Superstars was great but it looks like it is going to turn into a Velocity/Heat type show. As Jake said, it is not that hard to keep up with WWE storylines.
Ideally I think they should stick to the Raw brand on Mondays, ECW on Tuesdays, Smackdown on Fridays, and since they are going with the PG rating do a 90 minute weekend recap show on say Sunday mornings for those who can't watch Raw or Smackdown. If I recall, that's what the WWE did back in the beginning days of the Attitude Era when they had Todd Pettengill hosting. Sadly the most memorable part of that weekend show was Al Snow trying to get a job.
God no, don't do this Vince. WWE is barely getting through with 3 shows. The PPV card is always full with 3 title matchs and 2 useless matches that we barely get the IC title/US title and/or the Tag team title matches on there. So if we have a third so we will almost certainly have another "major title" and that will almost certainly break the PPV down even more. So making a third show would just fuck everything up.

I truely believe that the storylines will be harder to follow because each week they will have to change the show from Smackdown to Raw to ECW and repeat the process. I cant believe he actually thinks we would listen to his garbage by him saying that it is for storyline purposes. It is clearly about money. Vince your a prick.
I would like it to be matches from the past. If they do this right it could be successful.
They can replay tapes from their vast tape library, like GCW, FCW, e.t.c. They could even play matches from the WWWF, and the WWF during the 80's and 90's.
They can also bring back the show that Mean Gene used to host. I can't remember the name of it but I think it aired after Velocity when Raw was on TNN/Spike.

I live in Australia and they actually still show this. It's called vintage collection. It's excellent because in the weeks coming up to say, Survivor Series, theyll show matches from survivor series in the past. I dont think it's over saturation.

In terms of the new show. You dont like it, dont watch it.
If its another developmental type show it'll be good. Less people complaining that Paul burchill doesnt get enough TV time. I hope theres one Burchill fan out there. Call yourselves the PBF's. Paul Burchill Fantards.
when a wrestling fan doesn't like a particular show, many are probably going to just watch it anyway because hey!'s wrestling. ha. if vince wants to make more money, than he needs to focus on what he already has and build it up even higher. but instead he is obsessed with shoving everything down our throats. cena, hhh, 4 shows a week, good god. and paul burchill hasn't really impressed me since returning with katie lea by his side. he just doesn't have a character that people will turn their heads for. i think he was a lot more interesting playing a damn pirate. i sware, if some of us we're on wwe's or tna's creative team, than pro wrestling would be soooooo much better. but no. vince thinks he knows every fuckin thing and believes he knows what everyone wants. i think randy needs to kick him in the head again. maybe it'll help.

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