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Another wasted opportunity passes by!!!!!


With the safety off!!
If you watched RAW tonight you saw Paul Heyman cut another epic promo. He talked at length about Roman Reigns and the main event at Wrestlemania. He spoke about how Reigns even with the great family heritage he has, will never defeat Brock Lesnar. And finally we saw Lesnar in the ring, for the first time in weeks.

It would have been a great build to the match only one thing was missing. The missing component was the challenger himself, Roman Reigns. It's not because he wasn't at the arena, he was, as a matter of fact he was in the main event tonight. Granted Reigns was treated as more of an afterthought, as it revolved around Orton and Rollins, but he was there none the less.

The problem is he wasn't in the ring with Lesnar and Heyman. He did nothing other than a video Q & A with Bryan Saxton as too how he would win at Mania. Reigns said this was going to be the most important nigh in his life so far. So shouldn't he be out there promoting it. He needed to be in that ring. He needed to be face to face with Lesnar, he needed to do something. But the WWE in their infinite wisdom had him do nothing. Paul Heyman has been carrying this feud and he's not even a wrestler. He's done a good job, but the two principal players have yet to even show that they care.

Why should we show any interest in this main event, when the two of them don't even show an interest? You'd think they'd be chomping at the bit to get at each other, but I get the feeling that Lesnar doesn't give a shit, and Reigns doesn't have the experience yet to give a shit to make this work.

Half of the battle is the build to it, and if this is the build that they are planning on having, then the match itself has already failed. Lesnar only has one more RAW before Mania, and tonight was the perfect opportunity to get something going. The WWE screwed up here, and as a result we have a very lacklustre main event to look forward too. Thoughts?
If Lesnar doesn't give a shit, then wrestlemania is going to suck. His Goldberg match is legendary...for all the wrong reasons. If Lesnar decides to half ass it, imagine what that would do to poor Reigns. The problem with this matchup is both men usually need to be carried, which is bad enough, but I doubt Reigns can keep it interesting if Lesnar is not going to bother.
They gotta do the face to face in two weeks. I mean, man... this is weak.

That promo though. Paul Heyman is the best talker.
Yes exactly. They're gonna get fucked up for sure. Except the Main Event for Wrestlemania and the divas tag match everything else in the card is having a good buildup. That's gonna make the Main Event look more week.

They're are screwed up for sure!!
Yeah, the build to Wrestlemania has not been very good at all. Reigns not confronting Heyman and Lesnar was disappointing. He's not even doing anything on his end except having matches with Seth Rollins. How exactly is he getting ready for Brock Lesnar, it just seems like he's going to show up and fight.

I'm still holding out hope that they'll give us a "WWE 24" look at Reigns vs Lesnar before Wrestlemania but I'm officially in the camp of being bummed out. Heyman is the only person doing any compelling work.
Ok, so imagine for a second that Lesnar doesn't give a crap about this match and is leaving anyway right? Imagine you're Reigns, potentially the biggest match of his career and the other guy is going to bury him by not giving his all. At some point isn't Reigns going to get genuinely pissed off at Lesnar and couldn't this result in an actual fight between the two at Wrestlemania? sure Reigns would get crushed if it happened but it might not end up being as boring as everyone expects is all i'm saying
I was disappointed reigns did not go to the ring and square up with lesnar wwe have missed an opportunity to try and get people interested in the feud I was one of the few who was looking forward to this match at mania but now I'm starting to lose interest cause the build up has been dreadful.
I'm 90% in agreement with this. But, the 10% I disagree is because the WWE missed the chance to have them get physical 2 weeks ago when Vince and Brock got into a fight. THAT is when the physicality should have happened. At this point, it would have felt forced and contrived, since Roman was involved in that 2 week storyline to springboard the Orton/Rollins thing.

There's rumor that Brock might be forced to show up next Monday night because of his walkout 2 weeks ago. It has to happen then. We have to see Reigns take about 7 Germans, and then we have to see Brock eat a spear into the stomach and SELL. I can't get invested in this if the WWE is intent on keeping them separated.

I'm a huge Lesnar mark, but really, if this is what the WWE is going to do with his title reigns, then, he's better off in Bellator or UFC.
Trying to look at it optimistically, maybe WWE is figuring it will take only one pre-Wrestlemania personal confrontation between the two to get the last minute customers psyched to buy the show.....and they've still got 19 days to get it done.

If so, it will have to be big; with one laying out the other in big-time fashion. As is so often the case with WWE, the guy who wins the day before the actual match is the loser at the PPV, although caution is advised if they plan to have Brock stomp Roman before March 29..... that might tell potential buyers that Roman will get killed at WM31, so what's the sense of forking over $60?
They should've had Reigns come out of nowhere, spear the living shit out of Brock, pick up the title, & then hand it to Paul while saying something along the lines of "See you at Mania".

They also should be having Reigns decimating everyone he faces on his way to WM in a decisive manner. If the guy is having trouble beating the likes of Big Show & Kane then why should I believe he stands any chance in Hell vs. Brock?
Meh. They shrouding the entire event in mystery. I agree that Roman and Brock need to face off everytime Brock is in the building but I'm all for them not having physicality. It's what makes the 3 main events more special than the other matches. There's very little if any physical contact between the players.
WWE- We Waste Everything!

WWE has more wasted opportunities now than they do opportunities they successfully capitalized on. It's ridiculous. The build to WrestleMania has been horrible, and it's so easy to fix. In fact, the only thing that has gotten better in these past few weeks is the Divas getting longer matches. Everything else has deteriorated (minus Heyman's epic promos). Vince is so blinded by his own ego that I little hope and low expectations about anything as long as he is around.

It's not even worth getting upset about wasted opportunities anymore because all WWE is is wasted opportunities. Just look at the IC, US, Tag, and Divas championships. Just look at Bryan, Ziggler, and Ambrose. Just look at anything that happens on WWE TV. And the wasted opportunities are painfully plentiful.
Paul Heyman yet again cut another awesome promo!! But it was a wasted opportunity with Roman talking behind the scenes and Brock standing in the ring.. Usually there would have been some sort of confrontation by now,but nothing happened. This match IMO just sorta feels lukewarm at best right now.

No real feel behind it at all.. I hope by next week they at least have the official contract signing and Brock lays out Roman or Roman lays out Brock.. By now we all know about Romans legacy and such but these two need to have an actual face to face before WM!! Otherwise it is a wasted opportunity if it doesn't happen.

WWE has to figure out how to psych up this ME and get more subscribers to the network. I can guarantee the people at Levi Stadium didn't pay 9.99 for their tickets they at least deserve better
I still need some interaction, not necessarily physical. I also need to see Roman Reigns preparing for Lesnar, show me a clip of Lesnar destroying the Rock at Summer Slam then pull the camera back and show Reigns watching it. Give me a few little moments like that.

I want my Rocky build damn it!! How has he prepared himself to face Lesnar.
I still need some interaction, not necessarily physical. I also need to see Roman Reigns preparing for Lesnar, show me a clip of Lesnar destroying the Rock at Summer Slam then pull the camera back and show Reigns watching it. Give me a few little moments like that.

I want my Rocky build damn it!! How has he prepared himself to face Lesnar.


I need something to invest myself in this feud. This is Mania's main event for the World title afterall. Why are they not standing in the ring together looking at each other eye to eye?
If Lesnar doesn't give a shit, then wrestlemania is going to suck. His Goldberg match is legendary...for all the wrong reasons. If Lesnar decides to half ass it, imagine what that would do to poor Reigns. The problem with this matchup is both men usually need to be carried, which is bad enough, but I doubt Reigns can keep it interesting if Lesnar is not going to bother.

Reigns usually needs to be carried? Carried where?

Are you actually accusing Reigns of not holding up his end? Or Brock not holding up his end? Are you insane? You're acting like they are Khali and Kozlov lmao.

Reigns doesn't need to be carried to have a good match. He has proven he can hold up his end since he debuted
The main event is going to get shit on because they're too stupid to put Bryan in the main event again. Bryan is enough of a vet and over enough that the match wouldn't suck regardless of Lesnar. Reigns is too green and not talented enough to carry it.

I never cared about this feud because of that. The lackluster build almost makes it comical.
So many things wrong with this build from my perspective.

Brock has looked like a beast in all his matches in recent memory so there is no reason to believe he won't be a beast against any wrestler with 15 years experience (Cena) or 2 years of hard-hitting success (Reigns) ... Especially when Reigns since after Royal Rumble has been just managing to get through matches. Sure, he's won most and finished strong with his punches and spears but he's looked very human! Not at all like a beast.

He lost to a 43 year old BIG SHOW. Last time Lesnar faced Big Show it was about a 4 minute match and Big Show looked like a sack of potatoes.

So if Reigns is struggling through wrestlers now HOW AND WHY are we supposed to believe he is going to beat Lesnar? Just because he says it? In a previously recorded or backstage interview away from Lesnar and Heyman? Not convincing.

Heck, they haven't even put together a Rocky-esque training montage of Reigns hitting the weight hard and training hard or anything.

WWE hasn't even helped with the naysayers because the naysayers say Reigns isn't as good of a wrestler or that Brock is a legit badass and Reigns has no chance. Well... if WWE worked harder they could get the UFC guy who beat Lesnar for the title and get him training with Reigns maybe even a match and have him say that Reigns IS legit tough.

But no, none of that has been done and I think it's why WWE has built up stronger undercard matches or co-main events to draw more fans because the main event isn't the real draw .... the IC ladder match with the likes of Bryan, Ambrose and Ziggler, the Sting vs Triple H match, the US title match with Cena and Rusev and the Andre Memorial Battle Royale are trying to be set up as reasons to watch this show they call WrestleMania.

It think WWE is having a bit of a rough time in this 'reality era' when almost everyone "knows" about the business but WM 31 will kinda tell them how much more real they have to be with the fans for it to work.
After the rumble I was happy for Roman to get the green light for the main event alone. So I was generally excited, but I ahd time to think and I thought it might not be a good match up. Of course the Raw the next night had 0 new Wrestling. But when they said Reigns and Lesnar were in the same room, I got excited.

Of course Heyman is masterful promo artist and he puts Reigns over incredible. Heyman had me on the edge of my seat. When Lesnar and Reigns stood and shook hands and had their exchange "Unlike him, I don't respect you." "But you will"

I was ready.

They're both have an intensity about them and their face to face in the ring is going to be special and then maybe everyone can get ready when they start punching each other the Raw before Mania and Cole is losing his mind. I have faith that they can pull it off to everyone's surprise.

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