Announcement from WZCW Magazine

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Hi all!

We are excited to be preparing for the upcoming edition of WZCW Magazine, marking its 5th birthday. We are currently in the process of designing the new magazine and we may need help in creating the final product. As always, we'll need a Graphic Designer to help us with the Front Cover of the magazine... and if anyone feels being a little more creative, maybe even additional graphics for future magazines as the graphics used for "Headlines," "History 101" & "Predictions Panel" are quite horrible.

Speaking of History 101, we haven't got the slightest clue what to review this edition so if anyone from the WZCW Universe has an idea of a Top 5 or Top 10 they'd like to see featured in the Magazine, let us know in the comments section below.

- WZCW Magazine Creative Team
Some sort of list about how current guys have changed from how they stared (e.g. Juggalo!Bowen isn't the same guy as KoM!Bowen)

Top 5/10 personality changes?
Top 5 Worst Wrestlers. Do it!

This happens to be on our short list already.

Top 5/10 champions in company history.

Like an overall?

Top 5/10 upsets in company history.

Some sort of list about how current guys have changed from how they stared (e.g. Juggalo!Bowen isn't the same guy as KoM!Bowen)

Top 5/10 personality changes?

Top 5 Face/Heel Turns.

I don't know if that has been done but I would love to see it.

These will require many days of research. A later magazine issue perhaps but not this one.
I would suggest doing Apocalypse PPV stats. I wouldn't mind a kayfabe follow up as to what happened with Everest. Maybe you could do an entire section on non-active veterans(Everest, Blade, & Ty Burna). Devote some time to each of the men. Have the best moments of their careers or something along those lines. I'll post when I think about some more stuff. I need to finish my RP.
I would suggest doing Apocalypse PPV stats. I wouldn't mind a kayfabe follow up as to what happened with Everest. Maybe you could do an entire section on non-active veterans(Everest, Blade, & Ty Burna). Devote some time to each of the men. Have the best moments of their careers or something along those lines. I'll post when I think about some more stuff. I need to finish my RP.

We're doing Apocalypse PPV stats and doing something for Everest anyway.

Top 5 greatest moments of Doug Crashin.

I couldn't throw my money at the screen any faster or harder.
I'd be thinking of posting up the Magazine before Apocalypse goes live. A day before Apocalypse would be the limit... so roughly two weeks-ish.
Top 5/10 most brutal/bloody matches

" " masked wrestlers

" " devastating finishers

" " Odd tag pairings

" " little men

" " Super Heavyweights

I could go on for days

I would also suggest a HoF idea. Run a poll of five or so retired guys and let the "fans" decide on the first inductee then make an announcement in the next magazine.
If we ever have a Hall of Fame, it'd be at Kingdom Come and at that PPV alone. However, the other suggestions are pretty good.
How about a From the Vault section?

It could highlight a specific feud or wrestler from the past with a simple reposting of a match from a past show and adding a quick synopsis of the run up to it. I would think that the likes of the returning Grand Mystique could benefit greatly from it as well as helping the more recent arrivals in the history of the fed.
Maybe you could do fantasy match-ups. Take a guy who is no longer in the fed and match him with an opponent that has a lot in common with them or was their total opposite or just wacky pairings and pick a winner at random.
Top 5 WWE rip offs from WZCW including 'Showtime' Titus O'Neal and Jared.

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