Angle v. M. Hardy Dream Match

So by those measurements, Dean Malenko is an icon. I have no idea just how far up that measurement would put people like Rob Van Dam, who actually got to touch the brass ring for a second, and we probably wouldn't be allowed to speak about Ric Flair without violating some sort of commandment.

The Cruiserweight belt is a filler belt that you either put on a hot young kid who you expect will draw money in the future, or an established midcard veteran to give fans the idea that it's not just a belt for kids that management perceives is hot.

The United States belt is like the Cruiserweight belt, except it's for slightly heavier wrestlers when there isn't a Cruiserweight belt in play.

The WWECW belt was also held by Vladimir Kozlov, Chavo Guerrero, and Ezekiel Jackson.

The TLC match is a ladder match where chairs are more prominently featured. It's not a pioneering kind of match; there were two really good ones, and every once in a while a "TLC" match gets sold because there's still money in the concept. It's nothing unique or special, he did not reinvent the wheel on this one.

Matt Hardy is far from the first 'wrestler to utilize the internet'. Jesus. He's most famous for exposing his audience to far more than we'd like to ordinarily know about him through his YouTube channel. Jesus Christ man, were you around for ECW and SMW in the '90s?

Matt Hardy had a good career, but icon status? He never held a world championship, nor even caught a whiff of the championship. I don't think he was even close enough to the title to get smacked with it during a program with someone. No one has ever bought a ticket because Matt Hardy was performing in the main event. Shawn Michaels is an icon. Ric Flair is an icon. Hulk Hogan is an icon. Matt Hardy is a midcarder with career longevity.

Wtf, hell yeah Dean is an icon. Dude was one of the best mat wrestlers in the world. Hes the originial Iceman.

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