Angle v. M. Hardy Dream Match

I agree Kurt and Matt would be a dream match! In fact, I had this very dream a few days ago! Matt and Kurt were the final 2 on an episode of NXT, and they had to do an obsticle course! They couldn't run to fast, hit the barricades, and failed a breathalizer, but it was still a close match!
Matt is nothing but a tag wrestler who was kepts relevent because of his brothers daring stunts and the TLC/Ladder & Tables matches.

Seriously what did he achieve a singles star?

ECW title? like that had any meaning under WWE's banner. US title? erm ok considering his only PPV win was over Chavo like that was a big deal in WWE, Matt is nothing but a has-been tag wrestler who blames everyone for his own short comings.

Kurt Angle on the other hand CAN and DOES make guys who have little talent and make them look 100X better FACT. Angle put on stellar matches FACT, WWE put their trust in Angle in less than a year for him to be WWF CHAMPION, FACT!!!

Can you see where this is going?
Kurt got on with business and did his job, Matt on the other hand will be remembered as the guy who trolled Myspace & Twitter.

I used to be a Matt fan but seriously he's not been relevent since Edge/2005.
C'mon Hardy was a pioneer of the TLC match so he is kinda a Icon, not in wrestling but his name will be around for yeras after hes gone. But as a fan, yeah Hardy and Angle, two of my favourites ever, having a rivalry / match would have been awesome. Its not so much that they missed the boat on it, but rather no one apart from a couple of fans would have cared for it. I for one would have loved it but meh, I believe M Hardy without a job is more disappointing rather than missing out on a mathc, which instead Kurt moved on and won the World Title.
The fella that started this post must have been drinking with Matt Hardy...or doing something...Icon...gimme a break....I would not watch a Kurt Angle vs Matt Hardy on TV let alone PPV or buy a ticket to a live event. TNA has nothing Fresh new feuds...Angle has done it all...knowing TNA they will bring back Jeff Hardy as a face to feud with Angle...after the Crimson disaster that is...
I don't post much anymore. I got way to busy with working 2 jobs and football practice and games but I do and you sir just made me break out of my shell and tell you that this is the worst thread I have ever read. Just to answer you're question is no that is no dream match between the great Kurt Angle and the fatass Matt Hardy.
Jesus H Chirst, dream match? More like a match id rather see while in a coma. Jeff isn't even close to being considered an icon, except in his on mind, let alone his moronic overweight brother. Angle whould but a better match on with a drunken scott hall then with the least talented hardy brother. go back to watching old wwe when the hardys got destroyed by E and C.
I'm going to make this short and to the point...Do you guys think TNA missed an huge oppurtunity for not booking a Kurt Angle v. Matt Hardy fued ?

My answer hell yeah they did, When you have two icons on the sport under one roof that just screams out ratings and PPV buys

If I was in charge of TNA i'd book them in a Ladder match, i believe the fans in the impact zone would be jumping outta theirs seats from the action.

What match would you book them in ?

You are freakin INSANE dude. What the hell have you been smoking. Mods please ban this fool from making anymore threads I am BEGGING YOU! Matt Hardy is the BIGGEST joke in wrestling since Gillberg. The only difference is Gillberg at least provided entertainment! The ONLY time Matt Hardy was entertaining was when he teamed with Jeff and JEFF performed the high risk spots. Matt is in no way shape or form even an advanced Mid-Card performer. His career has been a joke..
His singles matches against Edge had Edge carrying his ass thru the ENTIRE match. Matt's career took a massive dump when he lost his loser leave match to Edge. Nobody could carry his lazy ass like Edge.

Now if you could remove your head from your ass you'll think twice about EVER creating a thread again. Hate to be a dick to you but I sincerely hope you are either under the influence of some of Jeff's drugs or Matt's alcohol. The only person who I think is more insane than you is Hurricane Helms. That guy has been sucking the juice out of the Hardy's for years and it's apparently affected his brain!

Neither Hardy will EVER be in the same class as Angle. Even when Kurt was a "rookie" you could tell he had the "IT" factor. Angle could wrestle circles around BOTH Hardy's in a handicap match BLINDFOLDED. Kurt Angle = ICON, Matt Hardy + Jeff Hardy= Santino.... nuff said!
I wouldn't even justify this joke with an answer. How can anyone think Matt Hardy is an "icon", more like a overated tag team wrestler who couldn't make it on his own.
Matt Hardy is a good familiar face that everybody knows though TNA the guys are way too old I think it's a good thing Matt's gone now we just need Scott Steiner and Devon out the door
There are so many great posts that I could quote from here. When i saw the title I assumed it was a joke thread and I didn't realize we were allowed to do that here, but lo and behold it wasn't. As I read the initial post I kinda got a little gassy. I kinda thought it was the tacos i had earlier but, as I read further and saw that the initial poster went on to defend his statement by saying that he wasn't an Icon "yet"...i got a little disappointed at the mods here. I mean I got banned for spamming for a week and it wasn't even that bad. But this has got to be a violation of some sort. If not for simple mindedness maybe for being a time thief...cause the 35 seconds it took for me to read the initial post i something an icee or somethin. But just so I DONT get dinged for spamming, heres my thought on this post.
This is quite possibly the dumbest thing i've read on wrestlezone since I signed up.
Matt Hardy couldn't hold his own against his brother, and YOU think in some manner him against Kurt Angle would be a dream match....
Officially heard it all.

are we getting punked?
I didn't think that was even still happening.....
Honestly, it doesnt sound like a great match, even before Matt went to TNA he was washed up enough to disapear and be completely forgotten about.
Jeff Hardy is the only reason Matt went to TNA and if Jeff wasnt there its a huge possibilty that Matt would have probably just retired or just started taking private bookings, thats all hes good for now his wrestling career is pretty much over.
Were you riding in Matt's trunk last weekend? Calling Matt Hardy an Icon is like calling Casey Anthony "Mother of the Year"...

Kurt Angle during his worst could have still carried Hardy during his best... Matt Hardy has always been in the shadow of Jeff and look at him! Matt Hardy falls out of the spotlight for 10 minutes and he's out wrecking his car for attention... (Not that he did it for that reason, but hey... remember the youtube videos?!)

Kurt Angle vs Matt Hardy in anything other than a debate would be a total waste of time, because while Matt was great during his prime, that prime was as a tag team wrestler. Kurt Angle has made his way to where he is purely on his own hard work and there's no way in the blue fires of hell that Matt Hardy would even deserve a buildup with him... So, sorry... No dream match here, I don't care what the stipulation is.


Matt Hardy is the BIGGEST joke in wrestling since Gillberg.

Gillberg was not a joke... He was a hero! He was the voice for the toothless... The everyman's jobber! The Sultan of Sad! The Shaman of Shitty Booking! Mr Wrestling Impaired! The Phenom-inally terrible undercard fill-in! (Is that enough bad jokes?)

You wanna talk about a joke, let's talk about Rufus... Oh, and "The Shocker"... "Gobbledygooker" anyone? Doink The Clown, even... but Gillberg is a Legend! Gillberg for WWE HOF 2013!
I can't see Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy as a dream match whatsoever. I respect the fact that even Matt Hardy has fans but it's ridiculous to refer to Matt Hardy as an icon. On his very very very best day without his brother to carry him, Matt Hardy was an average mid-card guy. He was far below average on the mic, about average inside the ring and had little to no charisma of his own.

Kurt Angle would have little trouble carrying Matt Hardy in a match that's far above Hardy's usual abilities. However, to even suggest that Hardy is in the same league as Kurt Angle is, quite frankly, a little bit insulting.
There is no such thing as a Matt Hardy dream match. He is nothing without his brother. WWE kept calling him a main event waiting to happen, but obviously it never happened. An Angle VS Matt Hardy match might have been alright with Angle carrying it. As for how I would book the match? I would have Angle win in a very one sided match because Hardy sucks and would not deserve to go over. To call him an icon is a joke.
How can you give someone like Matt Hardy who even don't go to the gym to remove his BEER BELLY given a chance for a big match?
I'm going to make this short and to the point...Do you guys think TNA missed an huge oppurtunity for not booking a Kurt Angle v. Matt Hardy fued ?

My answer hell yeah they did, When you have two icons on the sport under one roof that just screams out ratings and PPV buys

If I was in charge of TNA i'd book them in a Ladder match, i believe the fans in the impact zone would be jumping outta theirs seats from the action.

What match would you book them in ?

This has to be trollin...I mean it HAS to be?!

Calling Matt Hardy an "icon" of the sport, you have to be looking for a reaction, surely. You honestly cant believe that anything Matt Hardy has done in his career will justify him for the tag "icon"??

However, I think a Kurt Angle v Matt Hardy match would have given us decent in-ring action. I have never been one of these people to slag Matt off for his in-ring work. He has never bored me, and working with Kurt aka THE BEST IN THE WORLD, would only be good for him, and I am sure the 2 of them would have a great match,

However, the OP was talking about the match wouldnt. Matt Hardy (unless TNA had pushed him to the moon) would always have been just a mid-card talent, and people do not pay their money to see the midcarders.

Anyway, due to Matt being a cunt this match will not be happening. Ah well, things could be worse
If you are trolling, I'm only going to say this once — stop.

As to your thread... this is ridiculous. Matt Hardy is not an "icon", so no, TNA did not miss out on some "dream" match here, because in order for it to be a dream match people have to actually dream of it.

Hardy/Angle is not a dream match by any means. It's an average match between an average competitor in Hardy and a star in Angle.

I dont think its ridiculous to consider Matt Hardy an icon. He helped revolutionize the tag team division with his brother along with the tlc match. He also has reigns as memorable reigns as the Cruiserweight, US and ECW champion. Matt is also one of the first wreslters to utilize the internet. Hes not far off from an icon.
I dont think its ridiculous to consider Matt Hardy an icon. He helped revolutionize the tag team division with his brother along with the tlc match. He also has reigns as memorable reigns as the Cruiserweight, US and ECW champion. Matt is also one of the first wreslters to utilize the internet. Hes not far off from an icon.

So Matt is one of the first wrestlers to utilize the internet. Yet he sucks at it. He speaks about "angel's blood" and all that other junk. Matt Hardy is starting to sound like Charlie Sheen...
Memorable reigns as Cruiserweight Champion? Isn't that title dead?
How in the world was his reign as the US Champion Memorable!?
And WWECW Champion...Do we REALLY need to bring that deadbeat ECW re-hash attempt up?
The only thing Matt Hardy is known for is crashing thru tables. That's all he can do! Well...and trees... but that's another story.

Matt Hardy NEEDS pro-wrestling, pro-wrestling does not need Matt Hardy. You know you are an ICON when Pro-Wrestling needs you.
Pro-Wrestling NEEDED Hogan
Pro-Wrestling NEEDED Sting
Pro-Wrestling NEEDED Flair
Pro-Wrestling NEEDED Piper..

is it sinking in yet?
Is this serious? Angle is a legend, borderline "inner circle" hall of famer. Matt Hardy is the "other Hardy" who doesn't have ANY drawing power. No, they didn't miss out on anything other than boring Matt Hardy promos.
I dont think its ridiculous to consider Matt Hardy an icon. He helped revolutionize the tag team division with his brother along with the tlc match. He also has reigns as memorable reigns as the Cruiserweight, US and ECW champion. Matt is also one of the first wreslters to utilize the internet. Hes not far off from an icon.
So by those measurements, Dean Malenko is an icon. I have no idea just how far up that measurement would put people like Rob Van Dam, who actually got to touch the brass ring for a second, and we probably wouldn't be allowed to speak about Ric Flair without violating some sort of commandment.

The Cruiserweight belt is a filler belt that you either put on a hot young kid who you expect will draw money in the future, or an established midcard veteran to give fans the idea that it's not just a belt for kids that management perceives is hot.

The United States belt is like the Cruiserweight belt, except it's for slightly heavier wrestlers when there isn't a Cruiserweight belt in play.

The WWECW belt was also held by Vladimir Kozlov, Chavo Guerrero, and Ezekiel Jackson.

The TLC match is a ladder match where chairs are more prominently featured. It's not a pioneering kind of match; there were two really good ones, and every once in a while a "TLC" match gets sold because there's still money in the concept. It's nothing unique or special, he did not reinvent the wheel on this one.

Matt Hardy is far from the first 'wrestler to utilize the internet'. Jesus. He's most famous for exposing his audience to far more than we'd like to ordinarily know about him through his YouTube channel. Jesus Christ man, were you around for ECW and SMW in the '90s?

Matt Hardy had a good career, but icon status? He never held a world championship, nor even caught a whiff of the championship. I don't think he was even close enough to the title to get smacked with it during a program with someone. No one has ever bought a ticket because Matt Hardy was performing in the main event. Shawn Michaels is an icon. Ric Flair is an icon. Hulk Hogan is an icon. Matt Hardy is a midcarder with career longevity.
So by those measurements, Dean Malenko is an icon. I have no idea just how far up that measurement would put people like Rob Van Dam, who actually got to touch the brass ring for a second, and we probably wouldn't be allowed to speak about Ric Flair without violating some sort of commandment.

The Cruiserweight belt is a filler belt that you either put on a hot young kid who you expect will draw money in the future, or an established midcard veteran to give fans the idea that it's not just a belt for kids that management perceives is hot.

The United States belt is like the Cruiserweight belt, except it's for slightly heavier wrestlers when there isn't a Cruiserweight belt in play.

The WWECW belt was also held by Vladimir Kozlov, Chavo Guerrero, and Ezekiel Jackson.

The TLC match is a ladder match where chairs are more prominently featured. It's not a pioneering kind of match; there were two really good ones, and every once in a while a "TLC" match gets sold because there's still money in the concept. It's nothing unique or special, he did not reinvent the wheel on this one.

Matt Hardy is far from the first 'wrestler to utilize the internet'. Jesus. He's most famous for exposing his audience to far more than we'd like to ordinarily know about him through his YouTube channel. Jesus Christ man, were you around for ECW and SMW in the '90s?

Matt Hardy had a good career, but icon status? He never held a world championship, nor even caught a whiff of the championship. I don't think he was even close enough to the title to get smacked with it during a program with someone. No one has ever bought a ticket because Matt Hardy was performing in the main event. Shawn Michaels is an icon. Ric Flair is an icon. Hulk Hogan is an icon. Matt Hardy is a midcarder with career longevity.

The WWE missed the boat with Matt. He should have been a WWE world champion. And yes, the ECW title at that point was pretty bad but when Hardy won it, he elevated it and brought some prestige to the belt. The dude loves the business and gave everything he had to have his moment with that ECW title. The Hardys are tag team icons. They have also had awesome singles careers and im proud to say I followed Matt Hardy since 1997!

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