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Andrew Garfield wants Spiderman to explore his bi-sexuality

FlexAmerican Dynamite

In other words, he wants MJ to be a guy.

There's been a lot of buzz going around lately about the role of Mary Jane Watson in the Amazing Spider-Man sequels. But Andrew Garfield recently pitched his own unique idea for the character: What if MJ was a guy?

While speaking with EW.com, the actor said he recently had a conversation with producer Matt Tolmach about Mary Jane and what he'd like to see. "I was kind of joking, but kind of not joking about MJ," Garfield said. "And I was like, 'What if MJ is a dude?' Why can't we discover that Peter is exploring his sexuality? It's hardly even groundbreaking! So why can't he be gay? Why can't he be into boys?"

Garfield even knows who he'd want to play the part. "I've been obsessed with Michael B. Jordan since The Wire. He's so charismatic and talented. It'd be even better -- we'd have interracial bisexuality!"

Later, EW mentioned Garfield's idea to director Marc Webb, who said, "Michael B. Jordan, I know." When asked if he'd already heard the pitch, Webb replied, "Uh, are you kidding?"

Well, at least they're not doing things exactly the same way the first trilogy did.
Wouldn't that defeat the whole Spiderman ideaology that's been established for.... What? 50 years?
On one hand I like the idea of a well-known and popular superhero being bi because there's not enough LGBTQA representation in the movies, especially as main protagonists(although God knows there's enough homoerotic vibes in films it could fill a porno), and if it were interracial that'd be even better.

But on the other hand I love MJ as the character as she is and she's a good female character, albeit she's a damsel in distress plenty of times but you never expect a normal teenage girl to all of a sudden punch the main villian in the face and set him on fire and that's fine really. A strong female character isn't a chick who is always kicking someones ass. A strong female character is a woman who isn't completely emotionally dependent on their love interest and Mary Jane never was.

So I guess if they went with making MJ a guy that'd be great and I'm all for it but it'd also be great if they kept the same MJ that we know.
Micheal B. Jordan is rumored to be playing the Human Torch in the new FF movie, so basically Garfield wants Spidey to take it in the butt from the Human Torch, yeah I'm sure Fox & Marvel are gonna love that idea :rolleyes:
Cue some attention starved group saying if you disagree with this whatsoever you're a bigot/homophobic/behind the times in 3, 2, 1....
Michael B. Jordan was 10x better on Friday Night Lights than he was on The Wire.

And speaking of The Wire, Omar Little is the only gay superhero I'll ever need to see in this lifetime. Nothing else will top it.
Not going to lie I wouldn't watch the movie if that was the case. I just don't like the idea of "gay" and I know that probably in this day and age that gets you a lot of heat it's my own opinion. I don't chastise it or publicly berate gays, just personally don't like it and if Spidey was gay it would ruin the entire movie for me.
Ok, so Andrew Garfield wants Spiderman to explore being bi-sexual and even suggested the man he wants to play the part. Kinda sounds to me like Andrew Garfield himself is either bi-sexual or wants to explore it.
Comic book companies should try to come up with interesting minority characters, rather than turning established characters into something they aren't.
Shocky said:
Comic book companies should try to come up
with interesting minority characters, rather than
turning established characters into something
they aren't.
This is the absolute truth. If Andrew Garfield wants to explore pink power so much, he can do a movie about Northstar or Greymalkin.
Couldn't give a shit either way. But I hate changing established stories for PC reasons. If i wanted to watch a movie about a man exploring his sexuality, i'd try... I don't even know, that particular interest hasn't come upon me yet... maybe broke back mountain would be a good place to start (I've heard good things, like cowboys, and the actors are decent). If spiderman is gay, cool, so long as he shoots webs and talks smack, trying to protect his old lady. If I want to watch spiderman explore his sexuality I will try one of the many, MANY porn parodies that exist out there.

Im not even going to merit the following with the posters name, because I'm taking it out of their context and that would be a trite excersise. Fuckit, its Wicked Dragon or something, but there's no beef with them.

and if it were interracial that'd be even better.
No it wouldn't. If the script and action are good it will be even better. This is a spider-man movie, not a topic of the decade movie. CALM DOWN WICKED APPLESAUCE, I'm not ripping on you (apart from purposefully getting your name wrong that is). If he's gay, let him get on with it. About 80% of the time i'm not picking up a spider-man comic to see how his relationship with MJ is working out (though it can be oh-so-juicy!) Granted, I'll be a little taken aback if he comes out in the next issue, (but he's a ghost at the minute, so one thing at a time fellas, eh?) but it's irrelevant, and mostly just a plot piece, as all things are in comics Don't believe me? Just check your fridge. Spider-Man is only in love with MJ to complicate things. That 80% for comics is waaaay higher than for movies. I wan't to watch CGI fight CGI. Good luck to anyone who makes a spider-man movie without much attention payed to fighting a villian.

Oh, and interacial-intersmacial. The new spider-man is of African-American and Latino decent. There were two reasons people picked up the comic though. One, there was a new spiderman, and two, he was going to put on a suit and punch somebody. Is the comic better because of his race or ethnicity? Not really. Sure, it could well be 'better' for special interest groups seeking representation, and yeah, some kids of african-american and latino decent now have a guy dressed as a spider to consider when choosing a hero. They may well choose to read the comic because they identify with the guys background, but lets keep it honest here, they are picking up the comic in the first place cause some guy is going to swing about new-york and punch a giant lizard. It's better because it has one of the best writers in the industry working on it.

Seperate fucking point time: The gay, lesbian, bisexual, robot, wizard community is often under-represented in the mainstream market... Ok, maybe not the robots and wizards... But I mark a lot of that down as the troubles of enduring characters that were created around 50 years ago. Homosexuality wasn't all that hot back then; and you better believe if your character was black his superhero name was going to be "Black Somethinger". That problem doesnt really exist these days, many characters now are gay, religious, celiac and black. The good thing is, nobody cares. The bad thing is, nobody cares. There is, as of yet, no big budget gay superhero film, because nobody is picking up young avengers, or the runaways, or Bat-Girl enough to warrant it. One of them will kick off though. Eventually. But there are a lot of comics right now. Alot more than when spiderman showed up. Spider-man has the misfortune of being straight for the last 50 years, so they likely won't change it now. But if they did it would be a moot point.

Why did I write so much. I bet this is a goddamn spam thread too... Great, of course it is. Why can't I just work on my college thesis like this. I'm sure I said something offensive in there somewhere. My apologies.

TL;DR: You don't get a goddamn summary if you aren't willing to work for it.
Just make an easy cop out like all the Asian idol drama. Make Spiderman think MJ was a dude at first and struggle with his sexuality as he starts to fall in love with MJ. He then realise MJ is really a girl and ends up together and no taboos were crossed and real love exist.
I'm personally of the opinion that Mary Jane Watson should be a woman. I'm going to play devil's advocate for a moment, though, because Marvel Comics has a multiverse. It is an old plot device that I presume most of us are aware of and accept. Even if you don't read comics, you don't have to be a quantum physicist to have heard of the theory of a multiverse. Movies like The One and shows like Futurama have explored the concept in entertaining ways. Basically, it's the idea that there are numerous realities wherein most elements are the same, but some are markedly different.

So, should we apply this established Marvel Comics device to the films, the universe that The Amazing Spider-Man film series exists in could feasibly have a Murray James Watson rather than a Mary Jane Watson. Video game enthusiasts might recognize the names Robert and Rosalind Lutece (don't look that up if you aren't into spoilers). If we were to consider Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy to be the film equivalent of the comic's Earth-616, then the new series has already diverged significantly from the "real" Spider-Man mythos. Spider-Man/Peter Parker himself was slightly different, the events leading up to Ben Parker's death was a little more different, and Curt Connors was vastly different.

From what I've read, Mary Jane Watson was cut from The Amazing Spider-Man 2, so if that's indeed the case, by the time the filmmakers get around to her introduction to the series, the universe that they'll have established will be vastly different from the one(s) we know and love. So different, perhaps, that "she" could be a gay black dude who dies his hair red.
Personally, have nothing against gay people but I think their Hollywood lobby is extremly pushing some stuff in our faces. Thats why I think they could seriosly do it...

And I dont think it would be good idea. It would bring publicity but it would bring very bad publicity so they could risk to loose money. That is this what Dr. said about shitstorm

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