And We Wonder Why They Would Rather Stay in NXT?


King Of The Ring
Over the past year, there have been comments made from NXT wrestlers like Sami Zayn, Finn Balor, Neville, etc. about how they would "almost" rather stay in NXT than move up to the main roster because of the great things that are happening in the "developmental system" right now. For the most part, these comments have received derision from the fans for being disrespectful, offensive, and whatever other crap people bitch about nowadays, but I'm here to ask the question, can we really blame them? How many new-era NXT stars (2014-2015) have gone on to do anything noteworthy since coming up to the main roster? 1?

For example, let's look at Tyler Breeze. In NXT, Tyler Breeze was the "gatekeeper" so to speak, constantly around the NXT title. If anybody wanted to legitimize themselves and earn the respect of the NXT crowd, they would have to go through Tyler Breeze. He was chosen as the man to face Jushin Liger in Liger's first ever WWE match, he was insanely over with the crowd, and he had the respect of the people in the back. Breeze was doing some really entertaining and exciting things. Now, just 3 months after his WWE debut, where exactly is Tyler Breeze? His win over Ziggler was given back one night later, his "alliance" with Summer has ended, and now it seems that Vince has given up on him after giving Breeze exactly 0 chances to get over. But I guess Breeze should be happy that he's on the main roster, right? This is what he's been working for after all...

Bo Dallas is another example of this. Dallas was NXT Champion at one point before losing the strap to Neville and coming up to the main roster. While he was given some time and opportunity to get over, they pulled the plug on him immediately after an injury. He went from being in contention for the IC title one day, to becoming a Social Outcast the next.

Leo Kruger, one of the more intriguing and unique characters in NXT was re-packaged as Adam Rose and given a gimmick that had no shot in hell of getting over for any prolonged length of time. He's a Social Outcast.

The Ascension, the most dominant tag team in NXT history, were re-packaged and have now become the resident jobber team of the main roster. They rarely get any screen time. Even Neville, while he's climbed the ranks of the WWE, has been unable to really go anywhere since debuting last year. Everybody that has moved up in the past couple of years, except for Kevin Owens (and now Kalisto) has relatively failed to find any sort of footing.

So, unless your name is Finn Balor, why should any of these NXT guys WANT to come up, knowing the chances are great that they'll be lost in the shuffle? Why shouldn't they want to stay in NXT?

Thoughts on this.
The sheer amount of talent under the WWE umbrella is going to be one of the detrimental consequences for a lot of guys moving forward. If you don't maintain your momentum coming out of development, you're going to be shut down and the ball is going to be handed off to somebody else. Fans lack patience.

This is why I don't understand why so many people on here want many NXT guys/gals brought up. You cannot look at many of the current core on the main roster and see how most are just floating about? Neville was far more exciting to watch in NXT because he wasn't limited with his in-ring work. I still stand by my word that he's the most talented worker out of anyone that has came up from NXT yet.

As for Tyler Breeze, those that criticise his gimmick fail to see that this Raw, Smackdown and the bottom tier shows are supposed to be progressive shows, ergo, characters and stories are told over time with the use of continuity, plot twists, character development, and compelling matches and results that make sense. His character needs progression.
The ones to blame are the NXT crowd. They overhype everything and make mediocre happenings out to be more important than they actually are. Chanting "THIS IS AWESOME!!!!" a dozen times a night doesn't MAKE those moments awesome. Guys like Bo Dallas, Tyler Breeze, Adam Rose, these are not talents who can make it to the top of WWE. They're just not skilled enough. They're big fish in the tiniest of all ponds.

If anyone TRULY extraordinary comes up from NXT, they'll succeed. But expecting subpar talents to make in the big leagues is ridiculous.
WWE has a conspiracy theory nowadays that the gimmicks that work in NXT won't get over the MainRoster fans which I deem as an asinine theory! The probability of which isn't too much small for Vince McMahon to deem in such way. Bo Dallas was absolutely over with the crowd till he lost his streak to R-fucking-Truth!

WWE creatives find some sort of way to curtail the rising of the NXT stars. I don't understand why Vince have this personal vendetta against the talents. No wonder the NXT talents don't want to come up the roster to get fed to Vince's handpicked pets.
Money. Do I have to continue? Umm, exposure. Maybe the travel. The opportunity for most. But definitely the money.

Plus how long do you expect these guys to stay on top of NXT? They will get stale there too after a while.

Balor and whoever else in NXT is going to say great things about NXT. They are trying to promote their brand to prove to Vince that they are team players. It is all a show to separate you from your money.

So money. The answer is money.
To me, NXT will always be viewed as WWE’s “college”. Sure there will be standouts. They have their own version of the Heisman Trophy, the NXT Championship Title Belt. Being the Heisman Trophy winner never guarantees that the player will become a major Star in the Pros. Some will make it, but most won’t. The Shield is a great example of 3 Stars who made it and made it big. You have one guy who is a former United States Champion and the current Intercontinental Champion. You have 2 guys who are former WWE World Tag Team Champions and WWE World Heavyweight Champions, one former, one current. Not everybody can get to the top. If that were the case, I can name quite a few Legends that deserve it more than a lot of these internet darlings.
Everybody you mentioned on that list are mediocre performers. Moving up and succeeding in the main roster is a really herculean task for the NXT talents.
It has to be noted that we haven't yet seen exceptional stars from NXT move up to the main roster except Kevin Owens..We all knew for sure that Neville, Tyler Breeze and Bo weren't gonna make it big in the main roster based on their gimmicks..
But WWE should be really careful with the way they introduce and develop Finn Balor in the main roster coz it can all be ruined within weeks if they dont take Finn seriously..
And i think Baron Corbin is gonna be the one who is gonna get pushed to the moons and booked big to the main event as he is the one that has all what Vince eyes needs..
It's about the money... That reason alone is how you know all these guys want to be on the main roster... If any fans out there think it's not about the money then you're really stupid.. These people can say whatever they want, anyone with a brain knows they're saying it because they're boosting up the brand NXT. None of these guys are suppose to flat out say they're ding this strictly because of the money, especially if they're a babyface. You know damn well that's why Finn Balor came to WWE or he'd still be in Japan.

Being in the wrestling business is about making as much money as you can. They won't do that on NXT, if anyone thinks otherwise, clearly they haven't made a dime in their life.
Not everybody can get to the top. If that were the case, I can name quite a few Legends that deserve it more than a lot of these internet darlings.

I'm not saying that everybody who comes from NXT needs to get to the top or to be World Champion. That's not the point. The point is, these guys, who are billed as the future of the WWE, who have already gotten themselves over to a certain degree and have proven their talent, and who are supposed to add to the product in some way, ultimately end up doing nothing once coming up to the main roster. Leo Kruger was interesting, why change him? Where's Tyler Breeze. Is he not good enough to even be on TV? Where are The Ascension? Are they not worthy enough to try something different with? Why bring these guys up if there are no solidified plans for them? These guys, that were supposed to be role players in the WWE, aren't even on TV anymore. Mostly because of WWE's lackluster booking when it comes to 90% of the NXT rookies. You think they're happy about that?

Like I said, I don't expect Tyler Breeze or Bo Dallas to be World Champions. I don't expect Neville to be World Champion. However, I do expect to see them working consistently and engaged in worthwhile programs. I did expect that Neville would have been farther along by now. Basically, I expected them to be handled a lot better.

So far GSB has come up with the only argument that I buy into. Wrestlers make a hell of a lot more on the main roster.
Its even more depressing when these same guys go BACK to NXT, and are instantaneously back to being ten times what they are on the main roster. This weeks episode of NXT was great proof of that.

Money is the one and only reason one might want to leave.

The crowds, the creative, and the environment....every other reason you would want, of course guys want to stay in NXT....especially with the examples they have been provided on what happens when you go to the main roster.
Here's the deal with NXT. The reason why all these talents you mentioned stand out, is because NXT is a place where talent come and go, the deck is shuffled constantly and as a result, it's logical that the newcomers of NXT, can make a big impact faster, since the old talent of NXT is gone or moved up to the main roster.

It's like a small pond and in a small pond, mediocre or small fish can look big.

However in the WWE, you don't have the option to shuffle the deck that much like NXT. Talent only comes in and less talent goes out in a much lesser degree. As a result you have many small fish in a huge pond.

That's why the people you mentioned are not main-eventers or are not even in the upper card. They just don't fit. There's no space.

Of course one could argue "Why bring them up if you have nothing for them?". That's a correct statement. But WWE can't have something for everyone. They come up, given a gimmick and then we see how they do.

Not everyone can debut and beat John Cena. Owens did that because Owens has a 15 year experience on his back.

IMO the statement that some NXT guys make about not wanting to go on the main roster, is half true. Yes NXT is a great wrestling show that's making history world wide, it trully does. But if you don't want to move to the main roster, then I'm sorry but you should go back to the indies. NXT is just the door. You either have the balls to walk right through it, onto the big time, the biggest challenge that is WWE, or walk back and leave. You can't just stay in NXT. That's the truth.
I forgot to mention the fact that it's also WWE's fault on some degree. It is widely known that WWE has a certain recipe for their views as a "successful future talent" (see Reigns, Roman). If you don't have that build, you'll have to be ten times better in every other aspect in order to succeed. That's also a reason why the NXT talents aren't promoted as much.

Plus the reason WWE won't keep the same gimicks these guys have in NXT is actually ego and different opinions. Different people run NXT, different people run WWE, so in the end, when the talents comes up, the 'E wants to put their own touch to their character. Hence the Kruger-Rose comparison.
I'm not saying that everybody who comes from NXT needs to get to the top or to be World Champion. That's not the point. The point is, these guys, who are billed as the future of the WWE, who have already gotten themselves over to a certain degree and have proven their talent, and who are supposed to add to the product in some way, ultimately end up doing nothing once coming up to the main roster. Leo Kruger was interesting, why change him? Where's Tyler Breeze. Is he not good enough to even be on TV? Where are The Ascension? Are they not worthy enough to try something different with? Why bring these guys up if there are no solidified plans for them? These guys, that were supposed to be role players in the WWE, aren't even on TV anymore. Mostly because of WWE's lackluster booking when it comes to 90% of the NXT rookies. You think they're happy about that?

Even though they are billed as the future of the WWE, they still have to wait their turn. Yes I will admit that some of the booking has been atrocious and will continue to be that way. Shit the booking is even bad for some of the main roster guys who have been there for awhile.

The problem is twofold. NXT is only seen on the Network, so only hardcore fans will know who these wrestlers are. I said this before, I was at a house show awhile back and the kids beside me and their parents had no idea who Sasha Banks or Tyler Breeze was when they came out for their matches. Half the crowd was going nuts, the rest were sitting there looking confused.

The second part of the problem is that the writing is only really done for a few people who make it on TV once a week, the rest can seemingly go jump, if watching the show is any indication. Also you have a roster full of midcard talents, which is where people like Neville, Breeze, Rose (if they had left the Kruger) gimmick alone should start out. Big Show, Kane, Henry, R-Truth and others are in the twilight of their careers, and some have to go to make room for the newbies coming up the ladder. Issue is once on main roster, it would take an atomic bomb to move some of them.

Like I said, I don't expect Tyler Breeze or Bo Dallas to be World Champions. I don't expect Neville to be World Champion. However, I do expect to see them working consistently and engaged in worthwhile programs. I did expect that Neville would have been farther along by now. Basically, I expected them to be handled a lot better.

Bo Dallas lost all his momentum when he got his first loss and then had the foot injury. You didn't have to own a crystal ball to see that would happen. Neville has been given some sort of comic book hero with a cape gimmick, and it's stupid really. Breeze, who I love, probably has the worst out of all of them. That "I'm Prince Pretty" is lame, kids don't buy into it, well unless you're a mean girl in high school, and how many of them watching profession wrestling.

When you're stuck with a ridiculous gimmick you will only go so far. People now-a-days want edgy, belligerent, rage at the machine sort of gimmicks. Not someone flying around, and a guy who is more interesting in himself than anything else. Yes they are there for the money, but for how long will they be there is the bigger question?
As someone who lives near Tampa, I've been a close observer of NXT/FCW for the last 7 years or so, and I've seen a lot of talent come and go, people that never even made to NXT TV, and people that have jumped to the main roster, and my observations of the process is that WWE has mostly done a disservice to their talents.

I think while they are in NXT it is easy to get in to a groove, because you're working smaller crowds (that they often get to know personally), you don't have to travel far, you've got access to the Performance Center, so because the conditions are so ideal it's easier to fire on all cylinders. Also, here's the big one…NO VINCE.

The call ups seem to pose challenges because my impression is that Vince doesn't even really know who these people are, he just treats them as blank slates when they get called up, which is of course stupid because the whole point of NXT was to cultivate a gimmick until it's ready for primetime. People can say that cream will rise to the top or whatever, but honestly in WWE that's bullshit. Most of these guys don't get anywhere near enough mic time, or put in angles that really allow them to shine, and if they do it's so brief that no one could really get over from it.

The only guys who (currently anyway) seem to be finding some decent success are Kalisto and Neville. You know why? Because it's style over substance. They don't get time to develop a persona outside of the ring, but their matches are so flashy it's given them a way to catch people's attention. For the wrestlers that are more mechanics, like the Ascension, they need mic time and good feuds to get over, they get none of either.

WWE's system really has yet to produce a main roster star. They can try to take credit for a lot of people, but the ones really succeeding at a high level, were all the brightest stars of the indies…Rollins, Owens, Ambrose, Zayn, Balor. The only other one maybe is Reigns, but coming from a wrestling family and having the rocket strapped to his back from day one, they basically weren't going to allow him to fail, as evidenced by last year's Rumble.

Bottom line, WWE needs to take more accountability for the failure of their call-ups, it's not being a big fish in a little pond, it's not because they aren't good enough, etc. It's because they have to be put in a position to succeed, while it's true you have to make use of every opportunity given, not every gimmick can get over in a 2 minute match against Stardust.
It really comes down to 2 things - main event top talent and if they aer liked. The top guys on the main roster haven't really changed much in the past decade. Orton and Cena are the top dogs but you have others like Lesnar and even HHH who are always there too. We have complained for years that wwe isn't allowing others to break through so why should it be different just because someone is coming up fron NXT? If someone like Kofi can't make it, why would Bo Dallas? This ties into the second part, who likes them. Even withe top spots all tied up, people will get ahead if someone likes them - just look at Reigns. If Vince or HHH really get behind someone, they will be successful when called up. That is the key - why would the company push someone that the boss doesn't like? Do you think Owens first feud would have been with Cena if HHH didn't like him? Combine the 2 and most guys coming up from NXT don't stand a chance.
Guys who would rather stay in NXT are not guys who are going to be superstars. Anyone who wants to be the big fish in the small pond doesn't trust themselves enough to be a true superstar. If your dream is to be a successful pro wrestler, you will not want to stay in the minor leagues.

As far as the success NXT guys have in the WWE...that's no one's fault but their own. It's not the WWE's job to get you over with the crowd, it's your job. Either you can get over or you can't, but it's all on you. The WWE wants everyone to be successful, because that makes them more money.

Either you have it or you don't, but being too scared to find out if you do means you never will.
I understand that life on the main roster is much more frustrating than life in NXT given how erratic creative and booking can be, that's completely understandable. With that said though it should never be anyone's goal to stay in NXT, if that's your goal then find a new profession. Frankly everyone's goal should be to make it to the main roster, become as successful as you can possibly become (and push those boundaries as much as possible), make as much money as you possibly can and have some fun while you're at it.

Sometimes in wrestling you just have to take what you want, wrestling is that kind of business where at times you have to force the hand to give you what you want. The starting QB will never give up their spot so as a backup it's up to you to take it from them, in many ways it's no different in wrestling. The best way to do that is to constantly improve your skill set and most of all get over with the fans, make the fans feel you. I understand it doesn't help the situation when creative constantly puts road blocks in your way like the did with The Ascension but at the end of the day you got to figure out how to overcome said roadblock. Very rarely is the road block so big that you simply can't overcome it (*cough* Zack Ryder *cough) so do everything you can to knock it down. If you get over with the fans, stay over and put on a good performance every time you're in front of the camera eventually it will work out for you and the company won't have a choice but to push you.

I only have a few years of experience on stage at this point (not in wrestling but music) and one thing I learned right away is you can't be afraid to go out there and do your thing and you have to go in to the situation with some level of reckless abandon. If creative gives them chicken shit find a way to make it chicken salad and don't be afraid to speak up and go against them if need be. It's entertainment, you can give the boss what they want and not fuck yourself over in the process, it's not that hard to do. Besides, if you can get to a point where you're getting over and making the company money you'll be surprised how quick the boss forgives you.
It's basically like two different worlds. When they collide you never know what will happen. it could be good or bad, and there is almost really no way to tell. There are so many possible factors thrown into to the debut of a guy from NXT that it could be a miracle or a disaster or even no reaction what so ever.

Money is a lot of the objective to make the switch, but some people feel like they just aren't cut out for it. I recall Sami Callihan asked for his release just because it didn't feel right. A lot of these people in "developmental" end up feeling lost and that they aren't going anywhere. Besides the top attractions I can see where that would be true.

The experience alone to be on the WWE main roster and even have a shot would be amazing. Especially to that guy who watched wrestling growing up and that's what he wanted to do. So I mean money is one thing. The Travel is another. I don't believe all comments made are works or they feel like they have to say that.

People are easily manipulated and influenced. Nothing wrong with that, but sometimes we will never get to see a Wrestlers true colors. Creative freedom is one thing, but finding what suits you best may be a journey. To be totally honest a lot of guys in NXT are still finding themselves it seems.

I'm not sure as to what goes on behind closed doors, but it seems NXT isn't as great to some as it is to others. Perhaps the Main Roster offers an opportunity, but I suppose if you never make it there you go back to whatever you were doing before. Trying to better yourself or find what feels right.
Everytime someone says "they need to call up X or Y" I always get miffed. I enjoy nXt for a lot of things, the talents being allowed to showcase more of themselves, the lack of Michael Cole, the crowd not being muted, because Vince can't handle them booing Roman Reigns, etc.... There were "WE WANT SASHA" Chants for a couple nights, and then the Crowd was made even quieter the rest of the night, the crowd muting in general is taking me out of WWE More and more, Superstars getting over, and WWE is holding them back because they want the right superstars to be over.

Even the biggest jobbers on nXt get huge reactions, and chants, and the product is focused on improving the talent, while the main roster is focused on appeasing advertisers and selling merchandise. NXT competitors make me feel like their PPV level events are hyped because they want to showcase their best, RAW PPVs make me feel like they're trying to sell me something.

I dread the day that Bayley or Samoa Joe show up on RAW, just to be C level talents.

I do recall some wrestlers like Dusty Rhodes being given the Polka Dots as a rib and attempt to bury him back in the day, but his character shone through it and he ended up making the Polkadots a part of him for the better. I remember Brodus Clay also, got given the most ridiculous Gimmick as a punishment for something, and Vince was reportedly really upset that he was actually making the Funkasaurus work, so even if the Superstar shines through the Creative pit of death, they still get cut off to spite their face by Vince+Yes Men.
IWC has too much high hopes for NXT guys. While you can prove yourself there and be somebody, NXT is third brand of WWE and nothing more then developmental. Just because you are somebody there doesnt mean that its better then to job on RAW.

So, unless your name is Finn Balor, why should any of these NXT guys WANT to come up, knowing the chances are great that they'll be lost in the shuffle? Why shouldn't they want to stay in NXT?
Better money and better exposure. While Balor and others promote how good NXT is, its a dream come truth to be on RAW. Its like college and NFL. While on college you can be elite its far better to be in NFL. Eventhough your team is crappy and you wont go anywhere near playoff. So, Tyler Breeze is far more better in RAW then on NXT. In fact, going in NXT again would be demotion.

And I disagree, most guys are more then fine. On every Rose and Breeze you have Rollins and Owens. Even better situation is if you are Diva. Charlotte, Becky, Banks had almost immidiate impact and were and is mainevent.
In some ways, I think too many internet fans assign too much importance and greatness NXT. Don't get me wrong, I think NXT is great also but I think too many fans have taken it upon themselves to sort of promote this image of NXT that doesn't really exist. While it's true that NXT has grown to be far more than what anyone expected, it's still WWE's developmental territory no matter which way you slice it. On the main roster, they have the opportunity to make vastly greater amounts of money and they have much greater exposure; while I'm sure there are some aspects of NXT that NXT talent prefer over the main roster, they're going to take the opportunity at big time money and big time exposure every time no matter what they say. I mean, do you think that Finn Balor left behind a lucrative career in New Japan Pro Wrestling, where he's been one of the top stars on the roster for several years, to spend the remainder of his career working in NXT for maybe...what? $25,000 a year? He was quite possibly making that much money each month working for New Japan.

I'm of the opinion that these statements are made mostly as a means of putting over the NXT brand as a whole. While Triple H is certainly more lenient and has a much more organic approach to wrestling than Vince has had in quite a while, it's still ultimately Vince that the boys & girls in NXT work for; Triple H only makes the final creative calls in NXT because he's permitted to whereas Vince could step in anytime he wanted to and overrule whatever choices he makes. The NXT talents aren't stupid people guys, they know that there's only so much that they can get away with saying and they're not going to say anything to purposely upset Vince McMahon. They're not gonna come right out and say "NXT is better than the WWE main roster" because it'd be career suicide in WWE. Do some of them personally believe it? I'm sure they do, but I'd bet that they're extremely careful who they say that to, how they phrase it and do what they can to ensure that any statements about not wanting to leave NXT are made primarily to put over the opportunities of NXT. If some genuinely don't want to leave NXT and flat out say so, these are the guys who won't be big stars in WWE for whatever reason. If they're happy making $25,000 a year, that's their business, but it's not a sentiment that I think is shared by most others on the NXT roster.

Also, whenever someone is called up from the main roster, that doesn't somehow equate into a guarantee that they're all going to be main event level stars. As with the overall importance of NXT to WWE's bottom line, the notion that any NXT star called up is an endorsement that they're gonna make it big is an idea that many internet fans have told to themselves and each other so much that they actually believe it. Also, just because an NXT wrestler is called up to the main roster also isn't an automatic endorsement that said wrestler is going to be the next big thing or is particularly great. Just because Bo Dallas was NXT Champion doesn't mean he was or ever should be WWE Champion.

I've said numerous times that the creative atmosphere and decisions being made in NXT and the main roster are of two different mind sets. Triple H and his creative team have their fingers on the pulse of the modern American fan than Vince and his team have. Sometimes, there are gonna be instances of wrestlers from NXT that were great there but Vince doesn't have such a high opinion of, such as Tyler Breeze. There may be guys in NXT that Vince loves while Trips isn't particularly a huge fan of, such as Baron Corbin. I agree with the sentiment that Vince is out of touch with modern fans, I've agreed with it and said it myself many times, but Vince is ultimately the one still signing the paychecks and deciding who does what in the WWE product; as a result, while many NXT stars might genuinely be much happier in NXT, they'll sacrifice that sense of contentment for six or, at some point down the line, seven figure salaries.
In some ways, I think too many internet fans assign too much importance and greatness NXT. Don't get me wrong, I think NXT is great also but I think too many fans have taken it upon themselves to sort of promote this image of NXT that doesn't really exist. While it's true that NXT has grown to be far more than what anyone expected, it's still WWE's developmental territory no matter which way you slice it.

This is true. However you fail to mention the fact that this developmental territory is a touring promotion that sells out 15,000+ seat arenas. These guys aren't wrestling in bingo halls and gyms developing their craft in front of 200 people anymore, and if a crowd of 10 or 20 000 is screaming your name, it must means you're doing something right, right? I mean we can call it "developmental", but do guys like El Generico, Samoa Joe, and Prince Devitt really need to develop? Or stick around developmental for over a year?

On the main roster, they have the opportunity to make vastly greater amounts of money and they have much greater exposure; while I'm sure there are some aspects of NXT that NXT talent prefer over the main roster, they're going to take the opportunity at big time money and big time exposure every time no matter what they say.

Also true. I'm wondering though, how many of the guys that have moved up pine to be back in NXT? They were making less money, sure, but at least they were doing something. At least they were appreciated. I imagine that some guys are absolutely miserable with their current positions on the main roster.

Also, whenever someone is called up from the main roster, that doesn't somehow equate into a guarantee that they're all going to be main event level stars. As with the overall importance of NXT to WWE's bottom line, the notion that any NXT star called up is an endorsement that they're gonna make it big is an idea that many internet fans have told to themselves and each other so much that they actually believe it. Also, just because an NXT wrestler is called up to the main roster also isn't an automatic endorsement that said wrestler is going to be the next big thing or is particularly great. Just because Bo Dallas was NXT Champion doesn't mean he was or ever should be WWE Champion.

I specifically emphasized the notion that I wasn't arguing for these guys to be main event level stars or the next big thing, at least not right away. I WOULD however, like to see Neville doing more than working in the undercard for months on end. I WOULD like to see guys like Tyler Breeze and The Ascension on TV. I WOULD like to see these guys utilized in any sort of meaningful manner whatsoever.
I'm not saying that everybody who comes from NXT needs to get to the top or to be World Champion. That's not the point. The point is, these guys, who are billed as the future of the WWE,

But that's Indy marketing 102. 101 is "come see former stars who want to be part of the PWX or whatever family". 102 is "come see the future stars of professional wrestling". It is a marketing lie, at least in NXT it is far more likely a guy will be a star some day verse an Indy where most guys won't sniff the big leagues. You are taking them top literal.

who have already gotten themselves over to a certain degree and have proven their talent,

Not really. The Raw and NXT stages are very different despite the shape and size of the ring being the same. You know this.

and who are supposed to add to the product in some way, ultimately end up doing nothing once coming up to the main roster. Leo Kruger was interesting, why change him? Where's Tyler Breeze. Is he not good enough to even be on TV? Where are The Ascension? Are they not worthy enough to try something different with? Why bring these guys up if there are no solidified plans for them? These guys, that were supposed to be role players in the WWE, aren't even on TV anymore. Mostly because of WWE's lackluster booking when it comes to 90% of the NXT rookies. You think they're happy about that?

These guys may not get as much time on TV but , correct me if I am wrong, they are still working multiple house shows a week. That is better monetarily for them than working a weekly internet wrestling show.

Like I said, I don't expect Tyler Breeze or Bo Dallas to be World Champions. I don't expect Neville to be World Champion. However, I do expect to see them working consistently and engaged in worthwhile programs. I did expect that Neville would have been farther along by now. Basically, I expected them to be handled a lot better.

I did not expect those things. I am actually surprised and pleased by the successes of former NXT guys like Big E, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns?, Owens, Kallisto, and Woods.

So far GSB has come up with the only argument that I buy into. Wrestlers make a hell of a lot more on the main roster.

Here is more to the argument. Imagine when Tyler Breeze is 48 years old and trying to make a living on the autograph circuit, what is going to get him more dates and signatures being former NXT gatekeeper or former WWE Superstar.

He's in a better place.
But that's Indy marketing 102. 101 is "come see former stars who want to be part of the PWX or whatever family". 102 is "come see the future stars of professional wrestling". It is a marketing lie, at least in NXT it is far more likely a guy will be a star some day verse an Indy where most guys won't sniff the big leagues. You are taking them top literal.

Well technically, they are the future of the WWE. Most of these guys and other new signings will make up the bulk of the roster a few years down the line.

Not really. The Raw and NXT stages are very different despite the shape and size of the ring being the same. You know this.

Does that not mean the NXT wrestlers still don't get over to a certain degree? As I mentioned in a previous post, NXT Takeovers are selling out 15,000+ seat arenas around the world. To a certain extent, these guys have gotten their names "out there".

These guys may not get as much time on TV but , correct me if I am wrong, they are still working multiple house shows a week. That is better monetarily for them than working a weekly internet wrestling show.

Yes, monetarily it is great for them. Still, I imagine there are a few that are pretty depressed at their lack of "playing time". At the end of the day, these guys are still athletes and no matter how much athletes make, they want to be on the field (or in the ring) at the end of the day. People can still be miserable while making six figures. How? I don't know, but they can.

Here is more to the argument. Imagine when Tyler Breeze is 48 years old and trying to make a living on the autograph circuit, what is going to get him more dates and signatures being former NXT gatekeeper or former WWE Superstar.

Well, depends. Virgil was a "former WWE Superstar" and look at his autograph sessions...
Well technically, they are the future of the WWE. Most of these guys and other new signings will make up the bulk of the roster a few years down the line.

I'm not sure if that works out mathematically. Vince is giving his talent long careers on the main roster and while there will certainly be attrition due to age, injury etc. what percentage of the current NXT roster is really going to make it? Who on the NXT roster is more marketable than guys that Vince pulls off his competitors like The Dudleys, Joe, the part-timers, and now the Bullet Club guys?

I guess my question is what percentage of talent (namely male) on NXT is really going to make it? I think most is a huge stretch.

Does that not mean the NXT wrestlers still don't get over to a certain degree? As I mentioned in a previous post, NXT Takeovers are selling out 15,000+ seat arenas around the world. To a certain extent, these guys have gotten their names "out there".

And they should be rewarded for that. But how much touring do they really do and when they sell out where are they doing it? Vince doesn't want guys that can get over in Brooklyn but not Albuquerque.

Plus they're getting over on a small scale once a week on the internet with die-hard wrestling fans where they haven't had time to get stale.


Yes, monetarily it is great for them. Still, I imagine there are a few that are pretty depressed at their lack of "playing time". At the end of the day, these guys are still athletes and no matter how much athletes make, they want to be on the field (or in the ring) at the end of the day. People can still be miserable while making six figures. How? I don't know, but they can.

I know I am.

But I am an adult with a family to feed, a house to take care of, and I want a comfortable future for myself. I'd be much happier writing really bad comedic novels but money is a part of life. A job can be just a job and wrestlers can find their happiness in other aspects of life like family, friends, personal possessions, hobbies etc. All things that are easier to have when you can pay your bills and feel secure.

But you're right, some probably want a different gimmick or more ring time. But that's life.

But I would also argue that some NXT grads are doing really well and. Neville is doing very well. He's got a nice side program going with Owens and is featured pretty regularly. Breeze, Dallas, Ascension, and Rose are a different story but I think WWE has been very generous to a lot of NXT stars like Ambrose, Rollins, Harper, Wyatt, Big E, Woods, Paige, Charlotte, Sasha, Becky, and Owens.

Well, depends. Virgil was a "former WWE Superstar" and look at his autograph sessions...


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