And Then There Were Four; Aces & Eights Lose Another Member

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Dissolution rate is now at what the vast majority of MC's consider the minimum requirement before a charter folds — four members. With Wes Brisco tapping to Joe in the stipulation match where Bully told the club whoever lost is out, that takes the Aces & Eights down to just Bully Ray, Knux, Bischoff and by matter of technicality, Taz. That's it.

Frankly, I'm glad to see it going down this way, as opposed to the alternative of just ripping the rug out from under them. Big a failure as they've been based on how long it took the group to establish themselves (long after they'd been a punching bag for most of the TNA roster for months before the Bully reveal), having them taken down one by one makes for more compelling television and story-telling.

Good shit with Bully pile driving Brisco in the middle of the ring during the whole patch-stripping process too.

I think I'm on the opposite. as much as I do want to see Aces and Eights finished, this way seems poor. Aces and Eights aren't much of a stable anymore. so what are Knux/Garrett (and Wes before tonight) doing to help Bully? why are the others beneficial to Bully? he doesn't seem to need them anymore.

I'd rather see the 3 remaining before tonight all gone at the same time. like imagine if Bully paid off EGO to attack Aces during the match. with them layed out on the mat Bully comes out, hands EGO an envelope and say Roode says nice doing business with you. then Bully can rip the jackets off all of the members, putting an end to the group.

now with Knux and Garrett left (and Taz), what good are they? they clearly don't seem to want to be part of the group, and didn't want to take Wes out.

where does it go from here? we have to imagine one of Knux or Garrett are next. but then what? if Garrett is gone next, is Knux really going to stay with Bully (or vice versa with Garrett/Knux).
They seem to build up a Bully vs Knux feud in the background.Probably at BFG we may see A&8's dissolving and Knux turning face against Bully by costing him a match or triple power bombing Bully or Brooke with the other 2.Simply this group is now just dead weight for TNA Creative and they should get rid of it.
Positives: They're killing this angle in favor of the (currently) more popular AJ/Dixie angle, but they aren't taking it out back one Friday morning and quietly slitting its throat. There will at least be an ending to this story; people won't be asking "so what happened to Bully Ray's kidnappers?" in two years.

Negatives: This whole angle should have been killed several months ago, once it was plainly obvious that it simply wasn't catching on like it needed to to validate the angle.

The real key here is going to be breaking up A/8's without damaging any performers you care about. TNA seems to have plans for Wes Brisco in the future- he's not a bad performer, he's just been booked to look like a bitch. Having him take the beatdown only damages him if he doesn't do anything about it. Garrett leaves with dad, and probably goes on to open a gym or some shit like that. Knux will be used to push the up-and-comers until he's no longer cost-effective, and Bully Ray will be just fine.
The breakdown of the Aces and Eight's is actually one of the best breakdowns of a faction I have ever seen. Usually, whenever a faction ends (NWO, 4 Hoursemen, The Alliance, etc.) it just flat out ends with no rhyme or reason because the promotion wants to move on to other things and / or the fans simply don't care for the finale.

But TNA is doing a real good job taking apart and slowly putting an end to A8 with the hopeful outcome of Bully Ray losing at BFG.

Very well done.
So I'm guessing Ray is saving Knux for last. Maybe not. From the looks of things this will be a factor in Bully losing at BFG. It's cool to finally see things winding down, yet you'd think that with the "threat" they were supposed to be, I thought the A&8's would hold every title in TNA. But it didn't go down that way. It's about time it comes to an end.
pay cuts obviously and the group has gone nowhere other then Bully, well and truly time to pull the plug and cut Knucks and Garret aswell Bully certainly doesn't need them holding him back and it would 2 more useless talent gone from the payroll

Taz is still there too, god knows how (storyline wise) he's allowed to keep his commentry job when clearly none of them have any power over the decision making and aren't a force that is "taking over". Regardless of the fact that he isn't a heel commentator 80% of the time
Taz is still there too, god knows how (storyline wise) he's allowed to keep his commentry job

It was explained early on that Taz is basically 'teflon'. He is contractually protected from the removal of his broadcasting position. What would be interesting is if Bully got into a dispute with Taz after coming to the realization the he does absolutley nothing for this club and then ends up pile driving him
I think they should have had Knux, Brisco and Bischoff attack Bully and strip him of his colors and became a face team with Knux feuding with bully after bound for glory and Brisco and Bischoff joining the tag team division.
Can someone tell me why exactly DOC was gone? Was it because of TNAs money problems? Him and Knuxx made Aces look legit. I mean Garret and Bishoff??? Come on!!! And should buy them as a legit threat to the MEM and TNA? Yeah sure..... It should had been finished months ago! And i dont rly like this slow ending...... but i am thinking that after Bully tells Garett to hand over his west and maybe piledrive his stupid face to the mat... then Knuxx is finally get mad and attack Bully and turn face. So we have Bully vs Knuxx who somehow (maybe with some other old Aces members..) cost him the title! Imagine Knuxx together with Devon coming out and helping AJ win the title! Bully Vs Knuxx and Devon as Knuxx manager or something like that....
I think they should have had Knux, Brisco and Bischoff attack Bully and strip him of his colors and became a face team with Knux feuding with bully after bound for glory and Brisco and Bischoff joining the tag team division.

There is no TNA Tag Team division..... Giving Storm and Gunner the titles was a BIG mistake. Pluis the only other real Tag Team left is Chavo/Hernandez. Do i forget any other team? i dont think so.... TNAs Tag Division is DEAD.

Oh yeah there is also Jesse and Robbie E.... like i said... the division is dead.
I can actually see the group dissolved by the time BFG kicks off. Two members have been taken out in as many tapings and the MEM already appear to have shifted their main focus to EGO. I can see Bully piledriving both Garrett and Knux by the time BFG rolls around (or possibly Knux taking out Bisch to be the Champ's bodyguard). By doing this, we are likely to be spared a convoluted BFG main event of run ins and/or ref bumps which, I'll wager, none of us want to see.
I like the way they are doing this. Instead of just breaking up the group right away they are breaking it up one by one. I am surprised Knux is still in the group as he is the one that seems to be the most vocal against Bully Ray. I could see Knux being the one to turn on Bully and leaving him hanging in an important moment. I am sure they will all return at some point to get some revenge on Bully. It is funny to me though that they are handling the break up of the group better than they handled the actual rise of the group.
Unfortunately at this point the Aces and 8's is nothing but a complete joke. It's a real shame too because at one point it was what had me watching Impact every week. All we can really hope is that the run is enough to solidify Bully Ray as a main eventer on his own once the group has trailed off.

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