And the hits just keep on coming!!!


With the safety off!!
Multiple sites are reporting that Bray Wyatt suffered an injury at a house show in Milan, Italy earlier tonight. The match was the main event with Wyatt against Roman Reigns.

Fans have posted videos showing what happened. It seems he pushed Reigns into a corner, and then slipped. On what no one knows. Anyway the match had to be cancelled and Wyatt was escorted from the ring with help. has confirmed it happened, but haven't gone into detail, as I guess much isn't known yet.

Whatever it is, it's a bummer as it looked like Wyatt was not only in line for a face turn and maybe a push. After losing Harper to injury last month, the Wyatt's rebounded, but the lose of Bray is a blow to the faction. Let's hope it's not that serious, and he recovers fairly quickly. No one likes to see this happen, but holy shit the WWE is almost into double digits with injuries. It's been a bad year.
Damn European tour. First it was Bryan with his umpteenth concussion during the spring '15 tour. Then it was Rollins during the fall '15 tour. Now it's Bray during the spring '16 tour. Anyone wanna take bets on who goes down this fall?

I don't want to speculate on the severity, but they did cancel the match. Put Roman in an awkward spot too I hear.

This may not be a complete loss though, because Bray is in a position where he can be the manager for Rowan and Strowman until he heals up. There have been reports of Bray injuries in the past, but they typically turn out to not be big deals, so hopefully this is just another of those.

If it is an injury that requires surgery and puts him on the shelf and off TV, then I say have Rowen and Strowman join the Social Outcasts just for the hell of it. That would be some good TV.
Multiple sites are reporting that Bray Wyatt suffered an injury at a house show in Milan, Italy earlier tonight. The match was the main event with Wyatt against Roman Reigns.

Fans have posted videos showing what happened. It seems he pushed Reigns into a corner, and then slipped. On what no one knows. Anyway the match had to be cancelled and Wyatt was escorted from the ring with help. has confirmed it happened, but haven't gone into detail, as I guess much isn't known yet.

Whatever it is, it's a bummer as it looked like Wyatt was not only in line for a face turn and maybe a push. After losing Harper to injury last month, the Wyatt's rebounded, but the lose of Bray is a blow to the faction. Let's hope it's not that serious, and he recovers fairly quickly. No one likes to see this happen, but holy shit the WWE is almost into double digits with injuries. It's been a bad year.
So as soon as my favorite Cesaro returns from an injury, there goes my another favorite in the form of Bray Wyatt. Unfortunately, both suffered injuries when they were in line for a good push.

Bray's tweener role has been amazing so far and Bray's dominance in a match rejuvenated after too much time in the main event along with Reigns. I mean that it was so refreshing to see him dismantle his opponents without his bearded monsters.

I hope that It is not much serious injury, although it seems like the other way around.
The way they are saying Bray went down is similar to Kevin Nash when he tore his quad, hopefully it's nothing as severe as that but man the WWE roster is just racking up those deductibles
Not sure if this is a true shame as they were toying with a face turn that would have been interesting.

Or if this is a blessing in disguise seeing how badly they've messed up Bray and the Wyatt family over the last 16 months or so. When he returns it can be a quick and easy reboot.

Not saying I am ok with him, the person, being injured at all, don't get me wrong.

On a side note, what do you do with the 2 remaining Wyatt family members now since you've built them into mindless sheep who blindly follow the leader?

And what do you do with League of Nations since you were clearly building a rivalry there?
And what do you do with League of Nations since you were clearly building a rivalry there?
WZ Main Page is reporting that this faction will break up soon. It has already knocked out Barrett out of it considering that he is gonna leave WWE soon.

Here is the full report: The current plan in WWE is to breakup The League of Nations in the near future, and apparently the group getting rid of King Barrett was said to be the beginning of the end of the WWE faction.

It's unclear what WWE has planned for Sheamus, Rusev and Alberto Del Rio, but it is believed the group will not be together much longer. As for Barrett, it's very possible WWE keeps him off TV until his contract expires, as he notified officials earlier in the year that he does not plan to re-sign once his deal is up.

I think that these three might feud with each other thus we could get a face turn for either of them. Rusev has been a heel for too long and never turned face. So maybe setting up his first face run.
WZ Main Page is reporting that this faction will break up soon. It has already knocked out Barrett out of it considering that he is gonna leave WWE soon.

Here is the full report: The current plan in WWE is to breakup The League of Nations in the near future, and apparently the group getting rid of King Barrett was said to be the beginning of the end of the WWE faction.

It's unclear what WWE has planned for Sheamus, Rusev and Alberto Del Rio, but it is believed the group will not be together much longer. As for Barrett, it's very possible WWE keeps him off TV until his contract expires, as he notified officials earlier in the year that he does not plan to re-sign once his deal is up.

I think that these three might feud with each other thus we could get a face turn for either of them. Rusev has been a heel for too long and never turned face. So maybe setting up his first face run.

Yeah I noticed that report after my post.

I think Rusev would be a terrible face. Flip Sheamus again.
Yeah I noticed that report after my post.

I think Rusev would be a terrible face. Flip Sheamus again.
Sheamus needs to leave this stupid look. I disagree with you about Rusev though. He can be a good face given that his booking is good enough.

ADR is still quite over with Si! Chants. Although he often teases Cross Armbreaker, yet he always comes up short of executing it.
So it looks like a calf injury, apparently he's having issues putting any weight on his leg. I guess they have to get him back to the States to find out what's really wrong. At least he didn't blow out his ACL or anything like that.

Hopefully he can make a quick recovery and this doesn't affect any push he was getting.
The Injury Era strikes again.

As a fan and for WWE's sake, I really hope this is a minor injury. Brays tweener run has only just begun and has the potential to be one of the most intriguing things to happen to him and the Family in ages. This could be a big blow to WWE's main event scene, which is only now starting to rebuild itself.

However, if he is out for the long haul, I guess Rowan and Strowman could carry on together. Neither is great on their own, so they may as well help bolster the increasingly competitive tag scene. This could also get more promos of Braun and his Christian Bale Batman voice, which is a guilty pleasure of mine.

Get well soon, Bray. Lord knows we need you to.
Wyatt is one of the few people I'm really interseted in. There's a lot of wrestlers that can have exciting matches filled with cool spots and transitions, but Wyatt actually pulls people in with his persona and charisma. The cool thing about him, and the silver lining in this, is they can do plenty with him even if he can't wrestle for a bit. Have him cut promos in the meantime that continue this face turn he's started, and really spell out his motivation for the upcoming months. Lack of direction has been the number 1 problem with the Wyatt character from the start. If they can give him that, and keep him face, he'll be the most over wrestler they have.
The way they are saying Bray went down is similar to Kevin Nash when he tore his quad, hopefully it's nothing as severe as that but man the WWE roster is just racking up those deductibles

I hope it's not that serious.. they are saying it's a calf injury but the way Wyatt reacted doesn't look good. He's a fairly tough guy, you could tell he really wanted to finish the match somehow but for him to be completely unable to continue is troubling. Hopefully he was just playing it safe and it's just a minor muscle pull or strain and no serious tears.

This was quite the contrast to Harper who went down in a heap and knew immediately his knee gave out again. I hate to see these two guys injured, especially Harper who is one of my favorites to watch in the ring (when actually given a chance to shine), but the faction was well overdue for some kind of reset. So while injuries are never a good thing, the silver lining here is that these two guys could really benefit from some time off of TV and hopefully can come back with some kind of fresh angle and not more of the same nonsense they've been put through for the last year plus.
Really a shame that Bray got injured at this time. He was on all the Payback PPV promos and it's poster, WWE really was investing on him and wanted him to turn face by the end of the PPV (In my verdict only). With Luke Harper already out with an injury I couldn't think of them putting a decent match against the League of Nations. Erik Rowan seems to be good talent but he seems to be boring at times in the ring and Braun is quite green and the chemistry between them both certainly doesn't sink well. The injury of Bray Wyatt put the whole Wyatt family in an uncomfortable situation.
The injury is a bit of a blessing in disguise I think. Bray Wyatt showed on Monday that he could work the babyface style perfectly, an I do think he's a money babyface. Rowan/Strowman do not suit the babyface role at all however, so here's what you do. Or what they should've done.

Go through with the Wyatt Family vs. League of Nations match at Extreme Rules. The bell rings and Rowan/Strowman turn on Bray. Sheamus, Rusev, Del Rio, Rowan and Storwman beat the hell out of Bray, writing him off of TV with an injury. You might as well use the legit injury to put some heat on people.

Have Rowan and Strowman align with the Authority as heel henchmen while Bray is out. You can have Triple H as sort of this mastermind character, the real puppermaster pulling the strings behind the scenes (which incidentally is a bit of a shoot). Bring back Harper for a bit and tease that he might go against them, but have him align with them as well. The Wyatt Family basically becomes the McMahon-Helmsley Family. Now you have a bunch of heels for the babyface Bray to go through when he makes his big return. As a babyface, Bray can actually build some momentum by going through these guys, something he never really built as a heel. Eventually this leads to Bray Wyatt vs. Triple H, something that was teased at last year's Royal Rumble, and after this angle this will be a real money match you can do something with.

Bray Wyatt will be over as fuck as a babyface.
This is ridiculous. There are so many wrestlers injured. Luke Harper, Tyson Kidd, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Neville, John Cena, and Nikki Bella are all injured. Sting and Daniel Bryan were forced to retire. Cesaro just returned. Thrown in part-timers and the roster is severely depleted.

Enough is enough. Something needs to be done. I have some suggestions:

- Cut down to just one live event per week. Or two with split rosters.
- Cut down on travel
- Give wrestlers vacations with storyline excuses (fake injury angles, suspensions, etc.)

That's just my suggestions. The injury to Wyatt isn't that big of a deal, especially since his character has no direction and he doesn't even have a feud. Regardless this is part of the bigger picture which is too many injuries. As I said earlier something needs to be done. These are just my suggestions.
They'll have to do something eventually because things can't keep up this way. I'm not sure if this is just a string of freak accidents but if the injuries continue piling up, WWE will have to think about implementing rest periods for their talents. The wrestling business is always changing and evolving, at this point it's more quick-paced and high-risk based than it's ever been before and that has to take a severe toll on the wrestlers. They're also not really allowed to ease their pain through the "old methods" anymore which probably makes it that much more difficult to stay healthy.

I'm sure this is on WWE's radar, we'll see what happens going forward though.
Here is the thing, they work mostly the same schedule they did back in the Attitude Era, but injuries now are far more common. I'd say it has more to do with the style of wrestling than the amount of wrestling they do. Wrestling in the AE and earlier involved a lot of brawling style, which was easier on the body than the high speed high impact based style of today. Look at a guy like Kane, he works a very safe style, its why he has never really had a major injury and he been a top hand for a long time.

Sure freak accidents are going to happen, but I don't think the amount of injuries are necessarily due to the amount of wrestling the guys are doing, but rather the style of wrestling most guys perform.
This is ridiculous. There are so many wrestlers injured. Luke Harper, Tyson Kidd, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Neville, John Cena, and Nikki Bella are all injured. Sting and Daniel Bryan were forced to retire. Cesaro just returned. Thrown in part-timers and the roster is severely depleted.

Enough is enough. Something needs to be done. I have some suggestions:

- Cut down to just one live event per week. Or two with split rosters.
- Cut down on travel
- Give wrestlers vacations with storyline excuses (fake injury angles, suspensions, etc.)

That's just my suggestions. The injury to Wyatt isn't that big of a deal, especially since his character has no direction and he doesn't even have a feud. Regardless this is part of the bigger picture which is too many injuries. As I said earlier something needs to be done. These are just my suggestions.

I always forget Tyson because he's been out so long. He very may well be done for good, injuries to the C1 and C2 are no joke, he's lucky to be alive.
As Yaz said the they work as much as they did in the late 90's on, some guys just need to alter their styles a little to protect themselves.

It's a rough high impact business, there always have been and always will be injuries, but guys like Zayn, Neville and DB were injuries waiting to happen. There's nothing wrong with th occassional high flyer spots but to base essentially your entire offense on it is asking for trouble. That being said some of these guys have that gene where they can't or won't slow down, they want to do everything to please the audience...

This is where the fans come in. Today's wrestling fans crave the high spots and holy shit moments insatiably. With the ADD instant gratification culture we live in, a lot of smarks are wired to see in ring psychology or 5 minutes of mat/chain wrestling and think "BORING BORING BORING" which begs the question, why watch a "wrestling" program if wrestling is boring? Anyway some fans only want to see all train wrecks all the time and it's arguable that this evolution of the business pushes some of these guys to work in an unsafe manner to get over.
This is ridiculous. There are so many wrestlers injured. Luke Harper, Tyson Kidd, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, Neville, John Cena, and Nikki Bella are all injured. Sting and Daniel Bryan were forced to retire. Cesaro just returned. Thrown in part-timers and the roster is severely depleted.

Enough is enough. Something needs to be done. I have some suggestions:

- Cut down to just one live event per week. Or two with split rosters.
- Cut down on travel
- Give wrestlers vacations with storyline excuses (fake injury angles, suspensions, etc.)

That's just my suggestions. The injury to Wyatt isn't that big of a deal, especially since his character has no direction and he doesn't even have a feud. Regardless this is part of the bigger picture which is too many injuries. As I said earlier something needs to be done. These are just my suggestions.

I agree that less work MIGHT be the way to go. Unfortunately, I don't see it ever happening. This injury bug is tough because it's not like these injuries (with the exception of Nikki's from repeated rack attacks) have been from wearing down of the body.

Almost all of them have been freak injuries. Rollins' was simply a leg giving out as was Bray's here based on video/witness reports. Orton's was taking out the trash. Neville's was just a wrong landing (which for any high flyer is bound to happen). They are unpredictable.

So, you can cut back on the shows and matches to literally 1 night a week and still have them occur. From a business standpoint, and considering the money involved, I could see why Vince wouldn't do that.

Any time you do an extremely physical activity injuries will happen, just the nature of the beast. NFL players only take the field once each week and have roughly 7 months to rest up and many still suffer major injuries during the year.
Freak accidents occur all the time, it's when wrestler's are still wrestling injured that it becomes an issue. Cesaro wrestled with an injured shoulder for awhile and ended up having to have surgery to fix it. That is wrong because it just made it worse, and he was out longer.

Accidents will continue to happen, it's the nature of the beast in this business. There just seem to have been a lot of them this year, or maybe it's because it's the names that have been out ie-the top level talent.

Anyway on topic. Wyatt has been pulled from the rest of the European tour. Nothing else has been said about the injury, so no-one knows just how bad it is. I'm sure once he gets back stateside we'll find out more, and just how long he'll be out.
You know guys depending on how severe his injury is, Bray could still be on the sidelines (as a manager type) with Rowan and Stroman as a tag team until he's okay to come back and compete. Remember, Bray still has his voice so he can still cut some excellent promos here and there. Also, the WWE could start a program with Rowan and Stroman and the New Day (Title and Non Title matches) again with Bray as the manager.
You see, injuries always helped to push new stars (HBK got injured, so STone Cold arrived, Stone Cold got injured, so HHH arrived, HHH got injured, so Angle arrived...Cena got injured, so Reigns arrives etc), and then when all the injured ones come back, you have more starpower overall, than before it. Today's roster is talented enough to do just that, so stay tuned
According to The Wrestling Observer, Wyatt suffered a pulled muscle and is expected to be out of action for 4-6 weeks. The severity of the injury appears to be less serious than originally thought, and it looks like Wyatt could be back in the ring in time for the May 22nd WWE Extreme Rules PPV.

Thank God, Its not as serious as it looked like. Still hoping for a good recovery for him. Its still a relief in terms of injury.

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