To Dagger: Fuck you, you shiteating cunt. You are a misshapen pile of feces. You are completely without honor, respect, or dignity. It is my greatest desire that you and your fat wife be doused in a pot of oil and burned alive while simultaneously having your genitals destroyed by baboons. If you have children, I hope they watch.
You need help. Something is wrong with you if you wish a painful death upon someone you've never met before, who I might add has never done a damn thing to you. Seriously, I want to know. What the hell is your problem? I'm not talking about the warning either, you broke the fucking rules. I'm talking about your uncalled-for hatred towards me. You don't like my posts, well no one is forcing you to read them. Stop being lazy, take your mouse and scroll past them. It takes two whole seconds to do. The same amount of time it would have taken you to verify the dimensions of the signature banner that earned you the warning you're bitching about in the first place.
And for the record, my wife has a build resembling that of a blonde counterpart of Final Fantasy 7's Tifa. Your comments about her when you know nothing about me, let alone her, indicate some jealousy.
I am a person who is, I believe, owed some measure of respect.
Respect is one thing, but trying to ask for a free pass is another. You broke the rules and no one is "above" the rules. Not the newcomers that joined this week, not the rookies trying to prove themselves, not the regulars, not the mods, not former mods, and not even former admins or legends. NO ONE. The rules are outlined in the rulebook and as a moderator it is my job to enforce them. Here, have a look for yourself at the rule you were in violation of:
G. Signatures: You are allowed one image in your signature and a few lines of text. You are not permitted any moving signatures or video signatures. If your signature violates these conditions, we will edit it for you and you may be subject to an infraction. Signature images can be no larger than a grand total of 800 pixels. Signature Images can be as wide or as tall as 500 pixels, but they must in total only add up to 800 pixels. For example, if you have a Banner that is 500 pixels wide, then it can be no longer than 300 pixels. Anything over 500 pixels wide will result in removal or a request to remove it, and will be subject to a Signature Infraction.
From the Rulebook itself. Signature banners can be a total of 800 pixels. Yours was 833. Congratulations, enjoy your warning.
I don't believe I'm untouchable. But I believe in respect. I believe in some level on which I am not of the common rank and file, but a person who has earned something around here. Not a free pass, or an exemption to the rules - but respect.
Re-read your opening paragraph and ask yourself again if you truly deserve any respect. Men of respect need not rely on hitting below the belt in order to get a point across. Such as your little "response" to my discipline message. You responded by sending me a PM that read "Eat shit and die". Yeah, that's REAL indicative of a man of respect.
I believe that some of you - even most of you - are men that have respect. But I can only express my deepest disappointment that you have allowed onto your staff a man - and I use the term loosely - who so clearly lacks it.
So that's what this is about. You're still butthurt that I won the election. You know, that contest where I had more votes than Coco and Crock COMBINED, even when they were all promising rep in return for their votes. Something I got accused of myself but never did. Say what you want about how I got onto the staff but they would not have kept me had I not successfully done my job. I won and that was more than a whole year ago. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!
Today, I was given a warning for an oversized sig. Mind you, an official warning that is now pasted to my profile in perpetuity. 33 pixels is worth more than my entire history on Wrestlezone. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed that makes me. I don't believe that I shouldn't have to change it - as a matter of fact, I'll change it as soon as I finish this post. But I believe that I merit more than the same warning you would hand out to RKO94 or GTS22. I believe that it's not unreasonable to expect that you might send me a private message, with some degree of dignity, and inform me that it's too large. I've earned that.
That's nothing but elitist bullshit. If a veteran poster is in violation of the rules then they should be disciplined just as someone who joined yesterday making their 15th post would be. If you didn't want a warning sitting on your profile that will follow you for the rest of your time at this forum then you shouldn't have broken the rules. How hard is it to check the dimensions of an image for a signature? You used to be a mod, therefore you should know the rules by now.
I'm not really angry; I'm just disappointed. I can see how you might read my opening paragraph to Dagger as anger; but it isn't, really. It's a cold, burning hatred at everything he stands for.
Oh do elaborate, what in the hell do you know about anything I stand for? You know absolutely nothing about me as a person. You might know some of the wrestlers or video games I like, but none of that has anything to do with my personal values and anything I stand for. Don't sit there hating someone you have never made the effort to get to know. I happen to dislike a couple of the posters on this forum, but you don't see me making hate threads or wishing death upon them.
It's an expression of my utter disgust that an institution I respect as much as WrestleZone Forums has placed him on its staff. Maybe many of you have gotten over it. I haven't. He is a vermin placed upon a lord's seat by a mountain of other vermin; he has no place among the people entrusted, above all else, to maintain the dignity of this place. His actions today should serve as a great deal of evidence toward that fact. He is wholly undeserving of any amount of respect or prestige on this forum, and stands diametrically opposed to the WrestleZone I believe in.
Bitch all you want but you're not an admin, or even on staff anymore. You have no say in whether I belong on staff or not. NONE. I'll openly admit I'm not the best poster around here. I share my thoughts on a topic, rep posts that I agreed with, strike up a debate with those I disagreed with should I decide to, and then move on to the next thread. I'm opinionated and enjoy sharing what I think on a multitude of topics. In fact, we happen to have one of those opinions in common. We both like Tales of Symphonia. Perhaps there may be more we share, if you had bothered to give me a chance as a person instead of blindly hating me for not fitting into your utopian model for this place then you might have noticed that. The Wrestlezone that I believe in welcomes any opinion. If you disagree, respond to that poster and discuss why. Differing opinions bring forth interesting conversation. Sharing how you feel on a topic is the whole point of a forum in the first place. Everyone should be welcomed and not have to deal with elitist snob bullshit.
This is not a complaint about receiving a warning. This is an expression of my disappointment in the lack of respect I was paid today.
No it's a complaint about receiving a warning from ME. Had it been any other member of the staff you wouldn't be sitting here bitching about it. You're the one who chose to tell the world that I disciplined you. Had you taken it like a man and realized you broke the rules, none of this would be going on. It had nothing to do with respect or lackthereof. You broke the rules, plain and simple.
This is an expression of my disappointment in the leadership of these forums, for allowing an individual who lacks that respect to be among them. This is an expression of my disappointment in the WrestleZone community for openly electing such an individual to his post. It is an expression of my deep sadness over what has transpired today, and what it implies about the values of these forums and its leadership.
Oh just give up already. Today wasn't a tragedy. A former staff member received a WARNING from a moderator who they happen to dislike and they are acting like the entire website has been destroyed. You're the one who opened this up. No one would ever have known about it and it would have been just another day at the forums but you're the one trying to start shit.
I love these forums. I love them more than I can truly express. I love what this place stands for - or what I think it stands for. But I will not quietly accept this sullying of my dignity and this ignorance of respect. I write this because I love these forums with all my heart, and I hope you understand how deeply wounded I am to be paid so little respect today.
I love posting here as much as the next guy, and this coming from someone who logs on to moderate during their breaks at work; but seriously? It's a WARNING. You need to seek help if you're that deeply wounded by a fucking warning or the little yellow dot on your profile. Had I said something to you along the lines of what you said in your opening paragraph, now that's entirely different. THAT would be a case of disrespecting you. Now who's the one who is being disrespectful, the guy doing his job or the guy who throws a tantrum like a child over something that doesn't even count against him?
Seek some help. I'm sure the counselor that you meet with will be very fascinated by your hatred of a yellow dot appearing on your profile of a webpage given to you by someone you detest who has never given you a reason to harbor any dislike for them other than not fitting your utoptian model of how an INTERNET WRESTLING FORUM is supposed to be.
Re-read NorCal's posts for an excellent piece of advice that just might be of help to you.