An Open Letter to Dagger Dias, the WZF Staff, and Our Community


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Dagger Dias said:
Dear Mrs. Dagger Dias' Baby Boy.,

You have received a warning at WrestleZone Forums.

Signature Rule Violation

You have been warned for breaking the signature rule.

This message is to let you know that you have broken our signature rule. We do have very high standards here at WrestleZone - we're like the Four Horsemen of Forums.

Please review our rules on Signature Banners. You may have only 1 signature banner and signature banners can be a maximum total of 800 pixels, with neither the height nor width being larger than 500 pixels. You are not allowed any moving signatures.

If you have a signature banner you would like re-sized, feel free to take it to our Digital Arts and Graphics forum, where there is a thread where you can submit your signature banner to be re-sized. Usually there are plenty of people willing to re-size your banner for you.

Please take another look at our rules. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anything.

Dagger Dias
WrestleZone Staff

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

To Dagger: Fuck you, you shiteating cunt. You are a misshapen pile of feces. You are completely without honor, respect, or dignity. It is my greatest desire that you and your fat wife be doused in a pot of oil and burned alive while simultaneously having your genitals destroyed by baboons. If you have children, I hope they watch.

To WZ Staff In General: I don't pretend to be a legend. I'm no Johnny, or Jake, or Sam. I'm not even Coco. But I deserve a modicum of respect at these forums. I've been a member for four and a half years. I sit on the front page of all time rep leaders. I'm not saying that as a rep ****e - I'm saying that because I believe it indicates that I am a person on these forums who possesses some level of history. I've been around the block a time or two. I'm a part of these forums, is what I'm trying to say. When people write the history of WZ, I get a sentence or two. I'm not a WZCW legend; I'm not Lee, who dragged it out of the gutter kicking and screaming, nor am I Ty or Phoenix who led it to a golden era. But Lee didn't do it on his own. I'm proud of the support I paid to him; I'm proud of the small role I played. I'm proud that when Lee needed to step aside, I led WZCW in the interim. And remember that someone nominated Ty and Phoenix to be on the staff. Lest I digress too far into WZCW history for you, I only want to remind you of my main point - for better or for worse, I am a person of note on WrestleZone. I am a person who is, I believe, owed some measure of respect.

I say these things because I hope you'll believe them. I have the retired staff package. And I don't believe I'm untouchable. But I believe in respect. I believe in some level on which I am not of the common rank and file, but a person who has earned something around here. Not a free pass, or an exemption to the rules - but respect. I believe that some of you - even most of you - are men that have respect. But I can only express my deepest disappointment that you have allowed onto your staff a man - and I use the term loosely - who so clearly lacks it.

Today, I was given a warning for an oversized sig. Mind you, an official warning that is now pasted to my profile in perpetuity. 33 pixels is worth more than my entire history on Wrestlezone. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed that makes me. I don't believe that I shouldn't have to change it - as a matter of fact, I'll change it as soon as I finish this post. But I believe that I merit more than the same warning you would hand out to RKO94 or GTS22. I believe that it's not unreasonable to expect that you might send me a private message, with some degree of dignity, and inform me that it's too large. I've earned that.

Or maybe I haven't. Maybe no one really does respect me, and maybe I don't deserve it. I can anticipate many of your responses now. That I'm overreacting, that I just hate Dagger, that I'm no more above the law than anyone else. But I believe in a Wrestlezone where tradition is observed, where history is recognized, and where honor is upheld. And as such, I believe, as I have said many times, in respect. And I think that today I was not paid a modicum of the respect that I believe I am owed.

I'm not really angry; I'm just disappointed. I can see how you might read my opening paragraph to Dagger as anger; but it isn't, really. It's a cold, burning hatred at everything he stands for. It's an expression of my utter disgust that an institution I respect as much as WrestleZone Forums has placed him on its staff. Maybe many of you have gotten over it. I haven't. He is a vermin placed upon a lord's seat by a mountain of other vermin; he has no place among the people entrusted, above all else, to maintain the dignity of this place. His actions today should serve as a great deal of evidence toward that fact. He is wholly undeserving of any amount of respect or prestige on this forum, and stands diametrically opposed to the WrestleZone I believe in.

Because the WrestleZone I believe in is the greatest wrestling community on Earth. A safe haven for intellectuals who believe in the art of wrestling; a place where those with the greatest passion for wrestling can meet and form bonds of friendship. A place where it's safe to build a word fort, and even more, a place where you can expect an inline response to your word fort. A place where our disagreements are legendary and our feuds a mirror of the art we love. A place where a young man can find friends, and people who love what he loves, who understood in a way no one else can what it is to love wrestling. And yes, a place where those entrusted to the protection of this community obey the spirit of the law, rather than its letter - a place where the hearts and minds of our leaders are inclined toward the same basic ideals of respect, dignity, and intelligence that are reflected in our forums.

This is not a complaint about receiving a warning. This is an expression of my disappointment in the lack of respect I was paid today. This is an expression of my disappointment in the leadership of these forums, for allowing an individual who lacks that respect to be among them. This is an expression of my disappointment in the WrestleZone community for openly electing such an individual to his post. It is an expression of my deep sadness over what has transpired today, and what it implies about the values of these forums and its leadership.

I love these forums. I love them more than I can truly express. I love what this place stands for - or what I think it stands for. But I will not quietly accept this sullying of my dignity and this ignorance of respect. I write this because I love these forums with all my heart, and I hope you understand how deeply wounded I am to be paid so little respect today.

That's my piece; I've said it, and you can do with it what you will. I hope that you reflect on what WrestleZone forums mean to you, and what this place is all about, and you think it stands for. And I hope that each and every one of you, from Comedy Jobber to admin, take it to heart that this community will live and die by the honor, respect, dignity, and intellectual integrity that we show to ourselves and to our fellow peers.

Thank you for your time.

- Harthan
An impassioned and very well-written piece here. I'll leave it for other, longer tenured members to address the specifics. I just want to say that this is just a message board. Maybe you just had too high of an opinion about the place. Hopefully everything gets smoothed out for you, though.
A situation were lives need to be gotten.

Without meaning to sound whiny, I have a life. I have a life that keeps me away from WrestleZone a lot. But I remember when I didn't; I remember when WrestleZone was literally all I had. At the time in my life when I found WrestleZone, it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. With that in mind, and everything I've done here, I can only begin to express how deeply it wounds me to be so thoroughly disrespected.
I agree with you on the respect thing. I was flamed via the PM system over some petty bullshit that was already previously beaten to death. Can you blame me for going off? No.
Without meaning to sound whiny, I have a life. I have a life that keeps me away from WrestleZone a lot. But I remember when I didn't; I remember when WrestleZone was literally all I had. At the time in my life when I found WrestleZone, it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. With that in mind, and everything I've done here, I can only begin to express how deeply it wounds me to be so thoroughly disrespected.

I'm not going to argue with you, man. I wrote the letter for people to see; you're all welcome to feel about it whatever you want.

I feel you should have better shit to do, and observe a little damn dignity.

Honor? Traiditon? Respect?


and its a SIG....WARNING!!! like literally THE least, minscule, minor infraction anyone can ever recieve.

You got some fuckin re-evaluating to do, man. Holy shit.
Have some Derpy

The amusing thing is maybe two weeks ago, this same thing happened with a bigger member of the forums than Harthan. To the best of my knowledge, no complaint was received.
Dude, it's just a warning, it means nothing, yeah sure Dagger's a dipshit but he was just doing his job.
The amusing thing is maybe two weeks ago, this same thing happened with a bigger member of the forums than Harthan. To the best of my knowledge, no complaint was received.

Have you read the infraction thread? It's three pages long.

EDIT: Well, no complaint from the member himself, you're right in that respect.
In situations like this, I like to use objectivity.

1) Is there a rule against sigs being too large?

2) Did you violate said rule?

3) Were you disciplined proportionally to the violation?

Y 2 Jake was the admin of this place and within a week or two, I had given him an Infraction (though, in fairness, I think he was trying to get one). You broke the rules, Harthan, it's really that simple. I know you're not a big fan of rules and tend to think people should get to do what they want (I am, of course, referencing our rather high quality discussions on pirating), but it simply does not work that way.

You're wanting special favor, and I think granting special favor to certain members would be a far more damaging blow to our reputation than what happened here. The one thing I ALWAYS want is for every member to believe that Discipline on WZ is about as black and white as is possible. To suggest you should be granted special favor because of your history here seems incredibly unfair to everyone else. And as far as sullying your dignity and respect, keep in mind the only people who knew you were Warned were Staff members, and they do not mention specific poster Discipline (unless it is mentioned by someone else first). So if you're worried about losing dignity and respect because of a Warning, I suggest you look first at your own post in this thread, where you (very disrespectfully, I might add) aired the notice of your Warning yourself.

Whatever your problem with Dagger is, I do not know. Yeah, Dagger is a big dork, but I've never felt he's ever been anything other than well-meaning. Dagger has done a tremendous job since being ELECTED moderator last year. However you may feel about Dagger doesn't impact the job he's done as a moderator.

At the end of the day, my strong recommendation to you would be to take NorCal's advice.
I would had I caught it. :shrug:

Eh, I figure most mods would just send him a PM to let him now that he should change it, but I know some mods like to measure their worth in warnings/infractions. Never figured you for one, but I guess it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
Eh, I figure most mods would just send him a PM to let him now that he should change it, but I know some mods like to measure their worth in warnings/infractions. Never figured you for one, but I guess it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.

A warning is a PM letting him know he should change it. How many times have we told people a warning is not a big deal? It's only a big deal if the one being warned makes it a big deal.

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