An NXT Brand Split?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Now before you get started by saying, "Oh my god, no we don't need two different NXT Shows!" please just take time to sit down and read, and you might find that I'm not pitching for 2 different NXT shows...although replacing Superstars in favor of another half our of NXT wouldn't be too bad.

Anyway with the brand split set to take place on July 19th debut episode of Smackdown Live, I was wondering if the WWE would decide to split the company down the middle from the top all the way to the bottom, and if they did; could it work? In other words, could NXT see its roster be divided into half Raw prospects and half Smackdown prospects, so that writers from each show will have an idea of who they can call up and who they can't. In other words, it stops a show like Smackdown from eating up all the talent like Shinsuke, Finn, Joe, etc. and leaving Raw to get the scraps like No Way Jose... who I like as a comedy guy, but a future world champion he is not.

Personally I think this would be neat... even if the split is done moreso as a storyline to build for a takeover specialty Raw vs Smackdown match. You wouldn't have to make two different shows like with the USA Network shows, all you would really have to do is just alternate episodes of NXT, or even alternate matches on each episode. The only down sides to this that I see are the titles because it can become quite cluttered as well as halting potential big time NXT feuds from happening. But even still, I think the ability to potentially create new NXT dream feuds is even better.

So, what say you?
I think a split is completely unnecessary, but I DO like your idea about prospects.

The way I'd do it IF they wanted to intermingle the primary shows with NXT (there will be a large chorus of "NOOOOOOO" to that idea), is very simply just to tout particular NXT talent as being "heavily scouted by Raw/Smackdown" and if that could occasionally play into a storyline, so be it. Like jealousy or pitting a tag team's members against each other or some other kind of small involvement like that.

I personally want to see NXT just stay its own thing, but I think something like that could be worked in.
It's a pretty terrible idea. The brand hasn't got enough about it to warrant being split. The only next logical step is to extend the length of the show to 90 or 120 mins. Even that seems unnecessary at the moment thanks to the way that the heart of the brand was ripped out in the last few months and they are in a significant rebuilding stage.
Your idea makes no sense. Firstly, you're making assumptions that all the top NXT stars will go to Raw. Why do you think that? It's clear that WWE are making a point of not letting live Smackdown become the midcarder show. And I'd bet my house that either Finn or Samoa Joe are going to go to Smackdown. Hardly scraps.

Secondly, I think speculating where an NXT star will end up will be a little bit of extra fun. I mean, both Finn and the fans have enjoyed the teasing about his Raw debut, it's a silly little inside joke. But when there's two different places an NXT star could show up, it'll be entertaining to figure out where he's going to end up.

Thirdly, with a roster as relatively slim as NXT's, a brand split would lead to the top stars being overexposed, like current WWE stars are. I don't wanna be sick of some guys before they even reach the main roster.

So no. Splitting NXT based on where they'll debut is pointless.
Your idea makes no sense. Firstly, you're making assumptions that all the top NXT stars will go to Raw. Why do you think that? It's clear that WWE are making a point of not letting live Smackdown become the midcarder show. And I'd bet my house that either Finn or Samoa Joe are going to go to Smackdown. Hardly scraps.

In other words, it stops a show like Smackdown from eating up all the talent like Shinsuke, Finn, Joe, etc. and leaving Raw to get the scraps like No Way Jose... who I like as a comedy guy, but a future world champion he is not.

First off, please re-read the post. I simply stated that dividing the roster into Raw Prospects and Smackdown Prospects was a way to prevent POTENTIAL talent hoarding from one brand, leaving scraps to another. I even gave an example of SMACKDOWN taking guys like Joe, Finn Balor, Austin Aries, etc (real stars) and leaving RAW with guys like No Way Jose.

Secondly, I think speculating where an NXT star will end up will be a little bit of extra fun. I mean, both Finn and the fans have enjoyed the teasing about his Raw debut, it's a silly little inside joke. But when there's two different places an NXT star could show up, it'll be entertaining to figure out where he's going to end up.

The best thing about labeling someone as a prospect is that they aren't guaranteed to even go on the show they're prospected to go to. This happens all the time in sports. It doesn't mean that a Raw Prospect HAS to go to Raw. If the guy is in NXT as a Raw prospect, but the writers of the main roster think he's better for Smackdown then call him up to Smackdown. Them being labeled as a prospect doesn't hurt or change the option to call them up, it just gives us (the audience) a way to say "we're looking to put this guy on the main roster, and we think Raw could be that brand he goes on".

Thirdly, with a roster as relatively slim as NXT's, a brand split would lead to the top stars being overexposed, like current WWE stars are. I don't wanna be sick of some guys before they even reach the main roster.

Literally four months ago, Triple H's reported/rumored biggest concern in calling up Joe and Balor was that he didn't know if anybody was in NXT who could carry the developmental in their absence. Look at the depth in the NXT roster now. We've got talent from all over the independent scene, enough to where dividing the development into prospects wouldn't be terrible. And let's not be silly here... if you think that WWE's going to invite 32 guys from across the world and not sign AT LEAST 8 of those guys from the CWC, then you sir are fooling yourself.

So no. Splitting NXT based on where they'll debut is pointless.

You've clearly never watched sports then.
It sounds to me like you're proposing a more behind-the-scenes NXT roster split than an on-screen angle. Unless you mean to have the NXT announcers reference either show when talking about certain NXT prospects? ie. "Shinsuke Nakamura is fighting hard to earn his spot on the Smackdown roster", or something to that effect.

While I'm sure WWE already has something of an idea where most wrestlers will find themselves post-call up, I don't think it's necessary to give that information away on TV. Where each wrestler is called up to should be a mystery right up until their music hits (although dirtsheets have all but killed that element of surprise in pro wrestling).

As for all the superstars ending up on one show, leaving the other with scraps, that isn't something WWE will leave up to chance. If the bulk of NXT talent is called up to one show, WWE will be building to something. It's not like Vince McMahon is going to wake up and half of his performers aren't where he wanted them to be.

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