An intergender faction

So in wrestling, a lot of shit has been done. But with the recent advances made by women in the WWE, we've seen some first time evers. First ever women's HIAC, first ever IronWoman match. This got me thinking about an idea for a new kind of faction, one in which a woman was actually a prominent part and not just a manager/valet.

The ideal woman to do this with would obviously be Charlotte Flair. She's the best female wrestler in the world today, and since she's Ric Flair's daughter there's the obvious Four Horsemen connection.

The idea would be to do a faction where there was a female singles wrestler, a male singles wrestler, and a tag team. All equals. Off the top of my head you could do Charlotte Flair as the female (because Flair), Dolph Ziggler as the singles guy (his look kind of reminds me of a guy like Curt Hennig), and The Revival as the tag team (since they're like an old school Minnesota Wrecking Crew type tag team anyways).

I think that in a business where basically everything has been done, this would be a cool new twist on the classic Four Horsemen style faction.

What would you guys think of this idea? Would you see it as a logicial next step for women's wrestling? Do you like the group I've put together? Who would you like to see in an intergender faction like this?
It would be fine with me. The closest WWE main roster came to this was the "real" DX (Shawn, HHH, Chyna) but Chyna was more valet/manager than wrestler.

WCW did this successfully with both the Dangerous Alliance and the NWO.
you pretty much describe What sanity is on the NXT roster.

I think they they will won'T be doing something like this on the main roster until Sanity gets called up to the main roster and if they do, it's probably going to be with babyface.

First of all, i see Sanity getting called up on smackdown. To counter them, i could see something like, Becky Lynch, the hype bros and sami zayn. While these 4 as a faction is kinda weird pairing, i think they all have similar personalities that could work well to be a babyface faction to go on an get in a feud with sanity. Then when this feud is done, then have sanity just go through everybody and win all the titles on smackdown.
Sorry, WWE did do this at least once. I forgot about RTC - Right to Censor. Ivory wasn't just a valet, she represented them in the Diva's division.
As ha mention, WWE had Right to Censor back in the day and they've got Sanity down in NXT. Nikki Cross is the one who stands out the most, at least to me, as her look, mannerisms, accent, etc. all make her stand distinctly out from any other woman on the main or NXT rosters.

Eric Young is a solid hand all in all, a 37 year old useful mid-card and tag team guy who had a disastrous run as TNA World Heavyweight Champion several years ago that woefully stank of TNA hoping to generate their own Daniel Bryan type character with Young. Alexander Wolfe just seems like someone that's just there, he's just there and doesn't really garner attention. Killian Dain is a 325 lbs. hairy super heavyweight who could've made more of an impact 10 to 20 years ago. Now, we live in an age where you've got guys the same size or heavier like the Authors of Pain, Heavy Machinery and Braun Strowman that look far more menacing because they obviously spend time in the gym and are changing what it means to be a super heavyweight.

All in all, however, the OP's idea for an intergender stable is a much stronger one than Sanity is. From my perspective, the weak link of that hypothetical group would be Ziggler but that's nothing that couldn't be remedied with a few months of consistently strong booking as part of a push.
What would you guys think of this idea? Would you see it as a logicial next step for women's wrestling? Do you like the group I've put together? Who would you like to see in an intergender faction like this?

I mean Lucha Underground has already done this to the fullest extent. Sanity, DX, and even tag teams with female wrestlers accompanying them who actually are in matches like Natalya exist. Bullet Club had at least 2 or 3 females accompany the guys who would actually wrestle as well outside of NJPW. PWG I'm sure sometime in the last decade have done this considering their use of Candice and Joey Ryan.

I've never seen any ridiculous criticism as to any example from inside or outside WWE, but it's not exactly the most common booking inside or outside WWE. If it's done well and isn't treating the female like a sideshow pretty sure a majority of people will get behind it or at least appreciate it. Even then the typical WWE fan wouldn't care if the female provides decent comic relief or whatever, so yeah.

If it's more of a stable of performers than a cohesive & efficient unit yes. No, because promotions in Japan, U.S, U.K, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Mainland Europe, etc have done stuff 5+ years ago that is still ahead of WWE's vision on the women's division. For even WWE it could be a step back if they do it badly. It'd be cool or whatever, but I'd rather see an all female stable of women instead of them not being the focal point. They've been out of the spotlight in WWE for a long, long, long time.
The thing is that Sanity sucks. They're supposed to be craaaaazy, but it doesn't come across at all. Also Eric Young is the clear leader of Sanity.

RTC sucked too and was entirely a lowcard thing. The women's title didn't matter at all back then, and Goodfather/Venis got a brief run at the tag belts but were mainly comedic jobbers.

Also, an all women's faction doesn't work unless you have multiple women's belts on a show. Like a women's tag team title or something. Until you have that, you can't really have a logical female faction.
I love the idea. Puts male and female superstars on even more of an equal. Could help those involved. Creates all kinds of possibilities

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