An Interesting Undertaker Program


The World Cookie Eating Champion
I would begin this program at Elimination Chamber, allowing for a build of six weeks or so, not to long, but also enough time to get people interested/invested in the program.

At Elimination Chamber, I would have an Elimination Chamber Match to decide who will face Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30. It would include three members of the shield, as well as three other up and coming wrestlers. I would have the match come down to Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. Undertaker would then proceed to break into the cage and wipe out both men.

The next day on Raw I would have a match between Ambrose and Reigns, which Reigns wins.

There is then a build between Reigns and Taker, with Reigns being heel and Taker face. Reigns will bitterly hunt and torment Taker for the weeks leading up to WM30. On the Raw two weeks prior to WM30 Reigns will decimate Taker, with doubt that the match may occur. Reigns shows remorse, saying that he wanted to win at all costs but was wrong, and he respects Taker more than anyone else. He breaks down the next week on Raw saying that he has ruined his chance to establish himself. It is announced that Taker has been cleared to compete later on in the night.

On the day of WM30 it will begin with Reigns cutting a promo, saying that he will defeat the Undertaker, but he will do it with dignity and respect, like he should have from the beginning. Out comes Ambrose, who calls Reigns weak and says that he deserves the match, because he will win, no matter what. Ambrose then attacks Reigns, leaving him unconscious in the middle of the ring. Reigns is then removed from the ring on a stretcher while commentary wonder if Reigns will be able to wrestle. Footage is shown of Reigns breaking stretcher straps and destroying the locker room. Commentary announce that Reigns vs. Taker will still occur.

The match will occur, with Reigns clearly injured but giving everything he has. Taker will win, but only just. The next night Taker will announce his respect/admiration for Reigns, saying he hasn't come closer to losing. He says that he believes that if Ambrose hadn't attacked him, Reigns would have beaten him.

Ambrose comes out, demanding a match against Taker at Extreme Rules. Out comes Reigns, thanking Taker and saying that he wants to face Ambrose, and saying that Ambrose was jealous, and cost him his match against Taker. This leads to an Elimination Three Way match. Both men go after Taker, with Reigns pinning Taker first (that way he doesn't have to work much) before Ambrose pins Reigns.

Reigns and Ambrose fight again at the next PPV with Roman Reigns winning, and having Taker in his corner. After he wins, Taker gives Reigns his blessing.

Ambrose will then take Taker out, writing him off TV, and his feud ends with Reigns and Taker.

This will put over Reigns as a face, with Taker's blessing, as well as Ambrose, who will be established as a heel who destroyed Taker.
I would begin this program at Elimination Chamber, allowing for a build of six weeks or so, not to long, but also enough time to get people interested/invested in the program.

At Elimination Chamber, I would have an Elimination Chamber Match to decide who will face Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30. It would include three members of the shield, as well as three other up and coming wrestlers. I would have the match come down to Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. Undertaker would then proceed to break into the cage and wipe out both men.

The next day on Raw I would have a match between Ambrose and Reigns, which Reigns wins.

There is then a build between Reigns and Taker, with Reigns being heel and Taker face. Reigns will bitterly hunt and torment Taker for the weeks leading up to WM30. On the Raw two weeks prior to WM30 Reigns will decimate Taker, with doubt that the match may occur. Reigns shows remorse, saying that he wanted to win at all costs but was wrong, and he respects Taker more than anyone else. He breaks down the next week on Raw saying that he has ruined his chance to establish himself. It is announced that Taker has been cleared to compete later on in the night.

On the day of WM30 it will begin with Reigns cutting a promo, saying that he will defeat the Undertaker, but he will do it with dignity and respect, like he should have from the beginning. Out comes Ambrose, who calls Reigns weak and says that he deserves the match, because he will win, no matter what. Ambrose then attacks Reigns, leaving him unconscious in the middle of the ring. Reigns is then removed from the ring on a stretcher while commentary wonder if Reigns will be able to wrestle. Footage is shown of Reigns breaking stretcher straps and destroying the locker room. Commentary announce that Reigns vs. Taker will still occur.

The match will occur, with Reigns clearly injured but giving everything he has. Taker will win, but only just. The next night Taker will announce his respect/admiration for Reigns, saying he hasn't come closer to losing. He says that he believes that if Ambrose hadn't attacked him, Reigns would have beaten him.

Ambrose comes out, demanding a match against Taker at Extreme Rules. Out comes Reigns, thanking Taker and saying that he wants to face Ambrose, and saying that Ambrose was jealous, and cost him his match against Taker. This leads to an Elimination Three Way match. Both men go after Taker, with Reigns pinning Taker first (that way he doesn't have to work much) before Ambrose pins Reigns.

Reigns and Ambrose fight again at the next PPV with Roman Reigns winning, and having Taker in his corner. After he wins, Taker gives Reigns his blessing.

Ambrose will then take Taker out, writing him off TV, and his feud ends with Reigns and Taker.

This will put over Reigns as a face, with Taker's blessing, as well as Ambrose, who will be established as a heel who destroyed Taker.

To be honest, of the men who have been "so close" to defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania (that being Michaels, HHH and arguably Punk), Reigns has quite a while to go as a singles competitor, far more than just a few weeks/couple months) to get to that level where he's actually believable that he not only equaled how close Michaels, HHH and Punk got to winning, but surpassed it and became the new "I almost had you beat."

Especially if the Undertaker actually says "I would have lost if not for Ambrose."

Reigns is cool, but not that level yet.
Fantasy/actual booking tip #1: the concept of "respect" is totally played out. Cena and TNA abused the hell out of it the last few years and any time the word comes up it's eye rolling lazy writing. At this point everyone seems to respect one another and I don't know what that means any more. It's reached the point they may as well make out in the middle of the ring.

I like the idea of competing to get The Streak opportunity. They did it last year with Punk and it made me care about what amounted to some normally less than interesting throw away matches. Doing at Elimination Chamber is a fine idea. Better than sitting through a championship EC match where we know the champ is going to retain since WWE had spent the previous three weeks hyping their WM main event. Better yet, I'd really like the Rumble winner to shock the world by picking the UT as their WM opponent.

The rest of the story is too much. It sounds like you're asking UT and Reigns to do more talking in one program than either guy has ever done before. Maybe they can pull it off but it's hard to believe. Plus are Reigns and/or Ambrose the draw for The UT Streak that WWE needs? Maybe the rest of WM will align to the point that they have a bigger draw than The Streak match and can give a newish guy the opportunity but I just don't see it lining up without The Rock this year. WWE needs to go big with The Streak, much bigger than Reigns.
Very interesting opening comment, but as alluded to by George Steele above, the Streak will more than likely be against an established star, which means a part-timer or John Cena from the current roster.
My preferred pick for this year if Taker is willing to go beyond W30, is the Rock, in a career match,where loser packs up. It would be the perfect way for the Rock to go out, in a match even bigger than those gone before, it will also mean that the Rock can finally leave WWE and not give Hollywood any more injury scares.
Couple problems:

Having Reigns jump off a stretcher immediately makes me think of Stone Cold. UT has outlasted Austin so that imagery is not going to put Reigns over. Plus, Mick Foley has also done that type of thing before with UT. It was during some throw away match in Pittsburgh back in `98. ;)

Like it's been said, that's too much talking. Also, I can't buy people who aren't established as good wrestlers being in an Elimination Chamber. That's why the last good one happen more than 6 years ago.

Again, I agree with GSB that competition for a WrestleMania spot against Taker is a good idea, especially now that there's only 1 title. Normally you could pencil in your 3 WM main event matches like this:
-WWE Title Match
-Heavyweight Title Match
-Streak Match

Now they'll need to make the Streak match even bigger now because you only have 2 main event matches. So, the Rumble winner gets a title match at WrestleMania and the Elimination Chamber winner gets UT.
No. Just no. Reigns has YEARS to go before he's anywhere close to being worthy of challenging The Streak, and this is coming from a BIG Reigns fan. I think he's the next breakout star, but he's not even remotely close to being ready yet. Undertaker needs to fight an established name at WrestleMania 30, not some young up & comer. I still say Chris Jericho is the man who needs to face Undertaker at WrestleMania. John Cena has zero chemistry with Taker and the win would do nothing for Taker since he's beaten Cena every time they've fought on PPV. Brock Lesnar isn't worthy of that spot, he only wrestles a handful of matches a year, and unlike Undertaker, he's done nothing to deserve that type of treatment. Jericho may be part-time, but he works every show and every live event for the duration of his deal, and puts on great matches with any opponent. Undertaker is the only big name he's never feuded with, and the promos between the two to build up to a WrestleMania match would be legendary.
I know that people believe that you need to be established to face Undertaker for the streak, but I also hear people constantly complaining that people like CM Punk, Triple H, Shawn Michaels etc. face him, when there are up and coming stars, such as Reigns, who could be established by facing Taker for the streak. To me, it seems like the perfect way for WWE, if they really do want Reigns to be the next Cena, to establish him as a huge face and main event star. I personally think that you do need to earn the right to face Taker, but you don't necessarily have to be a veteran of the business. In a few years, Rock, Cena, Taker, Punk, HHH, Michaels, etc. will all be gone and only on WWE TV during legends nights. These stars need to be working to put over new stars who hold the future of the business, and need to stop facing each other.

This is the sole reason I chose Reigns and Ambrose, as it establishes them for the years to come.
I agree, with the "no, just no" comment more than anything else written here.

Look we can all hope that the Streak will create a new star, not by having it be broken but by having someone get close and have Taker show respect, BUT, Taker did just that two years ago against Triple Fn H. Do you think Reigns is going to get HHH treatment? No, me either.

The other GLARING hole in your booking is that Reigns will cut a promo in the ring before the match. Doesn't typically happen at Mania. Promos are to get people to buy the show or to lead to an unannounced match or spectacle, not to preview a match that's announced. Next, Ambrose comes out lays him out to the point of doing a stretcher job and then he busts his way off the stretcher???? Not only that, but then he goes on to get within HBK and HHH proximity of beating Taker at Mania???? Last month, him and two other guys were booked to LOSE to one guy who lost to Taker last year. Let's go back to 'no, just '!!

I'm all for being critical of the E's booking and I am all for suspension of disbelief, but this is beyond ridiculous.
What I had in mind for WrestleMania was The Shield vs The Wyatt Family with The Wyatt Family winning with a Shield break up and Lesnar vs Undertaker. As I got that off my chest I shall play Devils Advocate for The Cookie Monster. I don't know the Cookie Monster personally but since I liked him on Seasame Street I'll help him out. Now lets take we do have Reigns vs Undertaker at WrestleMania. Instead of the Elimination Chamber you have Reigns keep doing his thing with The Shield and dominating. Month or so prior to WrestleMania you have The Shield beating down a top face(s) til Undertaker comes out to help until BOOM Reigns hits a spear. Now remember The Shield did beat down the Undertaker in his last apperance even though creative probably already forgotten. You have Reigns challenging the Undertaker which he accepts and keep having Reigns destroy guys. Now most of you are saying he is too green as a singles guy which I agree. So hear me out. The match between the 2 can be competitive until Ambrose somehow costs Reigns the match. This can either be the final straw which breaks The Shield or one of the last with a program with which side Seth Rollins will be on. Now I understand this will more than likely not happen. However it was a new way to looking how they could book Reigns vs Undertaker at Wrestle Mania. Looking out for our good friend Cookie Monster and remember Cookie Monster to lay off the cookies so you don't get diabetes.
No, most definitely not. Undertaker will be facing either Brock Lesnar, Sheamus or perhaps The Rock. It wont be Cena, he will be in the main event title match. The Rock is highly doubtful to even be on the card. Wyatt is NOWHERE near the level or calibre of opponents Taker has had since Mania 20.
Nice idea...

My few "notes" are that the thing with the Shield is they believe that what they do is righteous and even if Reigns decided that attacking Taker wasn't "proper". Dean Ambrose saying that cheating was the right thing to do outright seems unbelievable.

Then there's UT saying that "if not for Ambrose" piece..also not believable.
I'm writing this post from my mobile devices so bare with me.

This whole concept just seems way to unbelievable to me. First of all, the Streak has become a main event match in it's own right. Some people even say that it's become just as important as the title matches at WrestleMania. So, keeping that in mind, as some have already said, Roman Reigns is nowhere near the caliber of superstar needed to take on the legendary Undertaker and his legendary streak. Also, as some have said, the whole respect angle has been done to death. I do agree that the Streak should be used to establish a young guy but in this case, the op is trying to use the Streak to break up the Shield and the Streak match is just to big and important for something like that. Fans have come to expect mega stars to challenge for the Streak and Reigns right now can't even dream of being at that level.

As big as the Streak has become it needs an equally big opponent to make it live up to it's own hype. Right now there are only 3 such opponents: John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and the Rock.
Ok. Two things here..

First of all, I sorta like the idea, but your storyline seems totally unrealistic.

For people saying He's not up to UT's level yet, WWE did make a young Orton challenge Taker as the Legend killer. And it worked well. So it CAN be done. If done right, it would do wonders for him.

But I 'still' think a better opponent would be someone like a Jericho.

A heel Jericho who is at his insulting best would discredit all Taker has done for years (and i'm not saying the I-am-the-best-at-what-i-do thing). It would be more "You haven't done anything great" than "how i am better than you".
The buildup would be mind-blowing..
TO THE ABOVE, Randy Orton had already been the World Heavyweight Champion and in the main event scene for some time. Bray Wyatt has a long way to go to match Orton circa 2005
For me, Reigns or any other Shield member is nowhere near ready for the magnitude of a match like that. They need to see how these three settle as single competitors first before anything like that. (Same goes for Bray Wyatt! Cena v Wyatt at WM...let it Main Event NXT first and see how it goes yeah?)
Speaking of the Wyatt's, when they took Kane out of Commission at SS, I was hoping for an angle in which Kane returned as a brainwashed scary Monster, Monster Heel for a final Glen Jacobs career push (Yes I said Monster x2) and was hoping for a Kane v Taker III at WM.
Two Guys in the current Locker Room make appropriate sense to end Taker's streak. Like him or loath him, Cena is one. The other is Kane.
I don't think it is necessary that you have to have a young and upcoming star to end the streak and use as a Catalyst to Stardom. As my Taker Match Choice defiantly won't happen this year, I'm all for a Taker v Lesnar matchup.
To be honest, of the men who have been "so close" to defeating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania (that being Michaels, HHH and arguably Punk), Reigns has quite a while to go as a singles competitor, far more than just a few weeks/couple months) to get to that level where he's actually believable that he not only equaled how close Michaels, HHH and Punk got to winning, but surpassed it and became the new "I almost had you beat."

Especially if the Undertaker actually says "I would have lost if not for Ambrose."

Reigns is cool, but not that level yet.

I would put Batista in that group, Punk wasn't close they just made it look close cause Taker was limited, in the HHH, HBK, and Batista matches Taker was at his best.

Seriously tho i don't think much of the OP idea for the WrestleMania and post wrestlemania setup i do think that the story writes itself for Reigns to atleast be the one facing Taker this year, he was the one that put Taker out technically, and then went onto eventually beat the man claiming to be the Best in The World, a man that failed to beat The Undertaker at the previous WrestleMania. There ya go story written, Reigns wants to do what Punk couldn't and none of his Shield cohorts would have a chance of doing.

Then again Batista could have some say in that seeing as i said he was the first one to come closest to realistically beating The Streak, noone before that was really there and until the HBK matches noone looked like the end might be near after either.

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