An Idea That Made Me Smile....


Dark Match Winner
Before I start...

I want to tell you about me...I am Mark Parham. I'm 25 I live in Iowa. I am a lifelong "Wrestling" Fan. I collect videos.... My Library is currently at 628 (not counting duplicates. As of January 15th I will be at 633. Not a mark, Just named Mark....LOL.

Now I watched WWF Invasion 2001 last night. The card was strong. But there was some things that did not set too well with me.

1) Michael Cole and J.R. on commentary.- while J.R. was good (... and still is to this day) and Cole was filling in for King. The commentary was outlandishly biased.

2) The constant mentioning of "The Old Stone Cold" and how he will "Lead" team WWF- It made Austin's betrayal predictable.

3) Undertaker....- His segment with vince could have had More impact on The "Inaugural Brawl"

If I could change these 3 things this is how I would do it

(in the order that is listed),

1) What I would do is have the leading commentators from all 3 brands (Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, and Joey Styles. That way there is no complete burial of either company as as a result, all the participants in the matches look equally strong.

2) I would have focused on how Debra was abducted and how Austin wanted revenge....That way it would have never even lead you to believe Austin would sell out.

3) When Vince tried to motivate Undertaker, he was interrupted with a hand around the throat after reminding Him that DDP stalked his wife and released a "Best of Sarah" Compilation. I would have booked that as what makes Taker snap and join the aliance.

My question is this.... What do you think? and if there was anything you could correct about Invasion 2001 what would it be? How would you correct it?
Listen...I know you are fairly new here, but the invasion storyline has been beaten to death on these boards. But Im bored so Ill bite.

The invasion storyline should've ben done slower. Before they showed the purchase of WCW on RAW, I think that if they should've had some ECW and WCW guys hidden in the arena (maybe about 20-30 combined). Just as Vince goes on about how he bought WCW, the guys come out and surround the ring. As the WWE roster tries to come down, Vince stops all of them. He then announces that he has cameras over at Nitro...because he has purchased WCW (TitanTron shows the arena where WCW Nitro is).

As Shane gets in front of the camera, he announces that it was HIM that purchased WCW. Split screen shows Stephanie in front of the ECW sign and says that SHE purchased ECW. Since Vince wont give up the WWE to them, they are going to take it from him by putting the WWE out of business.

The guys surrounding the ring get closer as McMahon calls for the WWE guys to come down. All of the ECW/WCW guys dominate the WWE guys that were out there and stand tall.

From there you have the entire rosters of ECW and WCW against the WWE. Guys starts to decide who they really want to work for and where their loyalties lie. Undertaker should have sworn his alliance to the WWE, not Vince. Yes he has been loyal to Vince, but going THAT route would've killed Undertakers character. Taker's speech to the WWE roster was good though and should stay that way. Austin turning on the WWE was a weak point and should've never should've been Angle.

I would've liked to have seen guys from WCW and ECW that were with WWE at the time feud with other guys from WCW/ECW cause they jumped ship.

This is just one way I would've liked to see it go. It could've been so much better than what it was.
should of kept the alliance wcw/ecw wrestlers and not have wwe wrestlers betraying theyre brand. i am open minded so please tell me if im wrong to think this. i like to read other peoples opinions.
I know People have done posts about the invasion angle this is strictly about the invasion Pay Per View. (July 22, 2001) Just the event on this day alone nothing prior to this, and nothing after.

This is about what stood out to you during that Pay Per View and what you would had done differently to correct it.

sorry you misunderstood,

But thanks for your post anyways....
having nitro entrance one side and raw entrance the other side would have made the arena
a bit more split.. what you think??? oh and awesome!!! lol.
Before I start...

I want to tell you about me...I am Mark Parham. I'm 25 I live in Iowa. I am a lifelong "Wrestling" Fan. I collect videos.... My Library is currently at 628 (not counting duplicates. As of January 15th I will be at 633. Not a mark, Just named Mark....LOL.

Now I watched WWF Invasion 2001 last night. The card was strong. But there was some things that did not set too well with me.

1) Michael Cole and J.R. on commentary.- while J.R. was good (... and still is to this day) and Cole was filling in for King. The commentary was outlandishly biased.

2) The constant mentioning of "The Old Stone Cold" and how he will "Lead" team WWF- It made Austin's betrayal predictable.

3) Undertaker....- His segment with vince could have had More impact on The "Inaugural Brawl"

If I could change these 3 things this is how I would do it

(in the order that is listed),

1) What I would do is have the leading commentators from all 3 brands (Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, and Joey Styles. That way there is no complete burial of either company as as a result, all the participants in the matches look equally strong.

2) I would have focused on how Debra was abducted and how Austin wanted revenge....That way it would have never even lead you to believe Austin would sell out.

3) When Vince tried to motivate Undertaker, he was interrupted with a hand around the throat after reminding Him that DDP stalked his wife and released a "Best of Sarah" Compilation. I would have booked that as what makes Taker snap and join the aliance.

My question is this.... What do you think? and if there was anything you could correct about Invasion 2001 what would it be? How would you correct it?

JR and Cole as the announce team was a consequence of the ECW involvement in the InVasion angle. From memory, Heyman was removed from commentary (kayfabe) for siding against the WWF. He, therefore couldn't be used as the WCW/ECW representative (though he was reinstated at the announce table following the Alliance victory at InVasion, presumably as some representation of the power that resulted from the Alliance's win(?)). I'm not sure who else could have been used on commentary. If Shane and Stephanie are taken out as the equivalents the Vince, what was left of the WCW announce team was less than stellar (Arn Anderson and Scott Hudson called the WCW Raw segment - neither of them are particularly known for their commentary), and Stlyes was a play-by-play guy, rather than colour, which is what was really needed.
I'd like to think of it (and this is absurd) as a demonstration of the WWF's power - WCW/ECW didn't get a spot at the table because they hadn't earned it. It fits with the idea that Linda had to force Vince to have InVasion in the first place, replacing Fully Loaded ('are you afraid Vince, are you afraid of competition?').

I was young at the time, but even when I re-watched it years later (having forgotten the finish) I didn't spot the Austin turn coming. I wasn't looking for it though. That said, I think focusing on the Debra abduction too much would have made it too personal between Austin and DDP, rather than about the WWF v WCW/ECW as it was supposed to be. It was mentioned a little bit when Vince tried to motivate Austin, but Austin was already pissed off (he came to 'go out there and whip somebody's ass').

I think the idea of Austin jumping was to give WCW/ECW some star power, given that it was sorely lacking. All due respect to the Undertaker, he doesn't command the same level of star power Austin does. Also, this would have put UT on the same side as DDP; the Alliance could have kicked DDP out to accommodate UT, but that robs them of one of the only real WCW stars in the Alliance.

Saying that, I'd quite like to see a JR, Schiavone, Styles booth, if not long term then as a one time event.
The commentary part of the show could have been better. Jim Ross, Joey Styles and Tony would have been better. I can't stand Cole in any time period. JR and Styles has always been a dream team in my eyes. If I could listen to them commentate together I would probably be the happiest wrestling fan. Shows would be much more enjoyable. The Steve Austin turn was kind of predicted at the event, and they could have made it better. Things about the stress on Austin could have been weakened a bit in the commentary and it wouldn't have been as predictable. The event was good, but it could have been better in many ways that you have mentioned. The most notable thing that could have been changed was the commentary team for the show. Like I said, Styles and JR is one of my dream commentary teams for a show.
I don't think I've ever commented on the Invasion storyline, at least not on an internet discussion forum so I'll give you my 2 cents.

For years wrestling fans always dreamed of a WWF vs WCW ppv in which their favorite stars from both companies would battle each other to find out who was the best. It wasn't until the mid 90's that a 3rd company would join the equation, albeit not as strong...ECW.

The first mistake they made, as can be said with almost anything they Vince and his crew rushed the storyline. Sure, the nWo "takeover" storyline has been done...but what made it so great is they did it gradual. If Vince would have waited until he got a few more big names under contract it would have been better.

Shane McMahon. Really? Who's going to take a family member seriously? Even if Shane did own the company would anyone really take him as a threat? NO. They want to see Bischoff come in with his boys and invade, you want it to seem real. Another reason why they should have waited.

Invasion PPV: When this pay-per-view finally comes around and we get to see the top WWF guys take on the best of would have had alot more meaning. They could have built this for nearly a year before the big payoff. Bischoff would invade Raw after Raw and try to get contracts for their boys....if they had to be physical to prove the point then so be it.

Smackdown no longer. They could have easily turned Smackdown into the new Nitro. Vince now owns the rights to WCW so he could basically duplicate the show and have WCW only guys compete. Occassionally a superstar from WCW or WWF would make a visit.

ECW. Not until later would I have ECW become the third party in this "war." I think the WCW vs WWF thing needed to happen...and after we have the Invasion ppv, Paul Heyman would walk into Raw and say, "Just when you thought the Invasion was has now been taken to the extreme."

Alliance. None. Never. Stupid. Why would ECW and WCW ever join? Doesn't make any sense. It would be a 3-way war and reason to have a second Invasion PPV perhaps a year later.

Just my idea on how this entire angle could have been better and lasted for a couple years. We could be watching Nitro on Friday nights instead of boring Smackdown. Shane and Stephanie just watered everything down...but Vince did what he wanted to do, instead of what the fans wanted...and it's a shame.

3 guys, and ONLY 3 guys that should have lead their respective companies into battle with each other:

At 1:40 JR says it best, "Look at what we have in the ring."

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