An Idea for Sin Cara Influenced By Batsterio


If you watched SummerSlam tonight then you know what I'm talking about when I say "Batsterio." If you didn't then you unfortunately missed Rey Mysterio come out in a batman costume, cape and all.

Now, whilst I do not feel this would be a suitable gimmick for Rey Mysterio full time due to his size and overall mic skills already; this could be a great gimmick for Sin Cara. Bat Cara. Yeah, that's right Sin Cara can dress up like batman and jus tbe an ass kicking machine.

Remember when faces used to run out from the locker room and saved other faces from being massacred from a heel? I do. Basically he can start wrestling in all black with an altered mask (also, this gets rid of the tinted lighting problem everyone is bitching about so he can actually see during ppv's), and just beat the shit out of people.

Whenever faces are getting stomped. Lights go out, and out comes BATCARA!

Clearly this is a little factious, but it's more of an idea than anything. Basically this thread is for two reasons

1) Legitimately discuss whether or not Sin Cara could pull of a "BatCara" gimmick.

2) He's yet to really have a great feud, he's botched on ppv's, he's been suspended, yet I still think there's simply too much potential and talent there to simply go to waste. If you do not like this "Batcara" idea (which you should) what do you think the WWE should do with Sin Cara from here.
The Batcara gimmick seems a little far fetched, but the kids might like it I guess. I don't see Sin Cara as the ass-kicking type, like Austin.

As for Sin Cara's future, I really hope they pair him in a tag team with Rey Mysterio. They were teamed together on SD, I think, and it looked like they had good in ring chemistry.

I have wanted to see these guys team up for a while. If Sin Cara is gonna be Rey's replacement then it would be smart for them to work together so he can learn from Rey. I would have them as a tag team that goes on to win the titles. They keep them for a few months or so until Mania season when one of them costs them the titles and we have a one on one match at Mania. Hopefully a Mask vs. Mask match, especially if it is going to be Rey's last match. I can't think of a better way for Rey to retire then to lose to his replacement at Mania and then unveil his face to the WWE audience for the first time on a WWE PPV.

So, basically, a no to the BatCara idea and team him up with Rey.ASAP.
Sin Cara as an ass kicker is too unrealistic. There has to be SOME believablility, and as you said, it would fit Mysterio alot more on a weekly basis.
I do think a long term teaming of Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio Jr. would be very good for business and would provide a hot opener each night. This to me is a very good PG idea and could also provide Cody Rhodes a chance to bring in a partner. Possibly Bray Wyatt? Where's Trevor Murdoch when you need him?

Rhodes and Murdoch vs. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio Jr. - I'd book it.
I dont really like the Batcara gimmick idea. It seems a little too cheesy imo.

Based on what I saw on Smackdown.. Sin Cara and Rey need to become a tag team and win the titles. They can become a very exciting team and can breathe some life into the tag team division.

The key is the WWE needs to develop a couple of real good heel tag teams for them to feud with.
I don't think Sin Cara should steal directly from Rey costume-wise and considering Rey has dressed as The Flash, The Joker, Batman, Spiderman and Captain America among others I don't really think that it's something Sin Cara should revisit because it seems to be something Rey does out of personal interest and enjoys doing. I mean if Sin Cara wants to get over more with the kids and use a similar gimmick why doesn't he dress like a Power Ranger or a Beetleborg or something of that nature, he looks more like that too in my opinion. All though, those things probably aren't around these days...
If you watched SummerSlam tonight then you know what I'm talking about when I say "Batsterio." If you didn't then you unfortunately missed Rey Mysterio come out in a batman costume, cape and all.

Now, whilst I do not feel this would be a suitable gimmick for Rey Mysterio full time due to his size and overall mic skills already; this could be a great gimmick for Sin Cara. Bat Cara. Yeah, that's right Sin Cara can dress up like batman and jus tbe an ass kicking machine.

I have to admit that part of me hoped that Batsterio would be Batista returning as a luchador. Now THAT'S a gimmick you can get mileage out of I'm sure.

Sin Cara already has little ears on his mask anyway so the jump to going full bat isn't that large. However Mysterio has already done it, and has started appropriating question marks on his outfit again which are also seen on The Riddler's costume. Rey Rey has also dressed up in Captain America and Spiderman garb in the past too, so dressing Sin Cara up in the same kind of costumes probably wouldn't do him any favours as far as standing out from Mysterio.
(Side note - Sting v Undertaker is a dream match-up for many, but 'Joker' Sting v 'Batman' Mysterio could be hilarious.)

Remember when faces used to run out from the locker room and saved other faces from being massacred from a heel? I do. Basically he can start wrestling in all black with an altered mask (also, this gets rid of the tinted lighting problem everyone is bitching about so he can actually see during ppv's), and just beat the shit out of people.

Whenever faces are getting stomped. Lights go out, and out comes BATCARA!

They still do; Cena did it on Monday night and Sheamus did it on Friday night all for the glory of a ME tag match. Holla holla.

Clearly this is a little factious, but it's more of an idea than anything. Basically this thread is for two reasons

1) Legitimately discuss whether or not Sin Cara could pull of a "BatCara" gimmick.

2) He's yet to really have a great feud, he's botched on ppv's, he's been suspended, yet I still think there's simply too much potential and talent there to simply go to waste. If you do not like this "Batcara" idea (which you should) what do you think the WWE should do with Sin Cara from here.

1 - No. He needs something to do, but he doesn't need to be ripping off something Mysterio has just done.

2 - I have no idea. Tag with someone whose name you can make a pun with? Sin Ryders? Sinful Swagger? Clay Cara? (FYI Bat Cara would translate to Bat Face.)
Now, whilst I do not feel this would be a suitable gimmick for Rey Mysterio full time due to his size and overall mic skills already; this could be a great gimmick for Sin Cara. Bat Cara. Yeah, that's right Sin Cara can dress up like batman and jus tbe an ass kicking machine.
Sorry, but I think I missed something. You say it wouldn't be too good for Rey due to his mic skills, but you suggest it for Sin Cara, who doesn't even seem to know a word of english, and has only talked on the mic (in spanish) like once or twice since he arrived to the WWE over a year ago?
Sorry, but I think I missed something. You say it wouldn't be too good for Rey due to his mic skills, but you suggest it for Sin Cara, who doesn't even seem to know a word of english, and has only talked on the mic (in spanish) like once or twice since he arrived to the WWE over a year ago?

I'm saying Rey Mysterio has decent mic skills thus isn't in need of a gimmick such as this. You don't hear Batman running around talking, you just see him kicking ass and taking names. This is what Cara could turn into, under this gimmick. He wouldn't have to speak.

I'm also not suggesting this is gold, either. In all likelihood this gimmick would fall flat on it's face. However, I will say that Cara needs something more than what he's got going for him now. A feud, a storyline, english, something as there's so much potential with the man; yet hasn't been taken advantage of yet.
Batcara? Why the hell not!
What else has he got going for him? Capitalise off the hype from Dark Knight Rises, capture the core demographic's imagination, create some TV moments...all sounds profitable to me, and if there's one thing Vince McMahon loves, it's profit. All the more money to set fire to, or invest in Linda's senate campaign to use its proper name.
Assuming Batcara doesn't become a thing, I'd wheel him out as a special attraction every now and again. Need to fill time on a 3 hour Raw? Put on a Sin Cara match. Need a toilet break at a PPV? Put on a Sin Cara match. It keeps him in the spotlight without taking up time from the proper feuds. Plus if he stays over with the younger audience, then any heel going over him in short feuds gets instant heat and an accolade to hang his hat on.

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