An idea for Kofi Kingston


Dark Match Winner
Okay this is my first ever thread and I am new to this site so please go easy on me Now I have been a fan of Kofi Kingston since his days in the Indies in 2006 but I am starting to wonder if he deserve a spot on the main roster this guy really needs to change his move set and slow down his pace a little.

The reason he is so clumsy in the ring is because he is moving so fast that mind can't keep up with his body. The idea that I think would be great for air boom is to be taking out by kane that put Kofi out for over 6 month and have a guy like norman smiley by the way who is a great technical wrestler teach kofi some submission. They also need somebody work with him on how to tell a story in the ring and after that they need to cut the dreadlocks and give him a clean cut look with a huey freeman type of a gimmick he does not need to be angry all the time but make him serious and not smiling all the time on camera looking goofy.

But what do you guys think should he stay the same and be in midcard for life because let face it he is not going to go anywhere doing what he is doing now
There's really nothing wrong with being a midcarder for life. It's worked for numerous guys throughout WWE's history. Over the years, I've read many people's opinions on Kofi Kingston wanting him to change his gimmick and whatnot. I don't understand why. What's wrong with what Kofi is doing now? He's over with his current gimmick as a happy-go-lucky type of babyface and it's working for him. In fact, he's arguably among the top midcarders in the WWE right now. As for telling a story, Kofi can indeed tell a story. Go back and watch some of his matches with Jack Swagger from Smackdown a year or so ago. Phenomenal matches. If Kofi is going to be pushed, it should be as he is now.
...have a guy like norman smiley by the way who is a great technical wrestler teach kofi some submissions.
Do you honestly believe Kofi doesn't know any submissions? Just because he doesn't use them, doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use them. Kofi's style doesn't fit a submission specialist and there's no reason for him to use anything other than the basic headlocks/arm locks/sleepers etc.
They Tried to push Kofi to the main event during the end of 2009 he looked really good with his angry persona remember he was feuding with orton but he
blew a spot during the number 1 contenders match for a wwe title shot at the royal rumble
he looked really good if they push Kofi and give him that persona like they did in late 2009
then he could be a very legit looking main eventer
Mark henry has a simple moveset, it's because it fits his character.

Kofi's moveset fits his character.

It's more important to have a small moveset, but one that fits your character, than a big one. Would it be believable for Kofi to trade holds with Daniel Bryan? No, they've established his character, that's not who he is.

Kofi's style is fine and he's fin in Air Boom. they're a really good babyface flyer tag team.

On a side note, why Norman Smiley? I mean, I like Norman, but why not regal? Pretty sure Regal travels with them and Norman is in Florida at FCW training divas.
Did you pay attention in English/Grammer in school? Try it sometime....

Did you pay attention to spelling?

As for Kofi, I agree with the premise that there's nothing wrong with being a career mid-carder. His physique is athletic, yet skinny......and it's hard to see him as a heel, although we probably will someday simply because they all turn heel sooner or later.

But Kofi's ring routine is unique and he performs it well. He's never going to come off as menacing....and he's not meant to. He's a high-flyer and it's understood that the moves we see him perform in the ring could never work in a shoot fight; his opponents wouldn't be standing there waiting for Kofi to come down from the sky and knock them over.

I was surprised management gave him a championship run, especially as early as they did. But he got the title, ran with it briefly.....and now he's right where he belongs. I doubt Kofi has much problem with the way he's been used, simply because he's had so much TV time, whereas other guys are sitting on the sidelines.
Kofi is one of my favorites and I'd love to see him pushed to the main event level, but I'm perfectly content with where he is now. Like others in the thread have stated, there is nothing wrong with being a midcarder for life. Some talented guys were midcarders and never really branched out. Midcarders are still essential to professional wrestling. If you don't have an entertaining midcard to lead up to your main event stars you are bound to disappoint. And Kofi doesn't need a change. He is fine the way he is. His offense works for him and it is exciting and gets the people going. Kofi's happy go lucky persona fits him to a tee and there isn't a reason to change that.

Plus there is no saying Kofi can't leave the midcard. Right now he is trying to spark the tag team division but you never know when you are gonna get that opportunity. Look at Zack Ryder. He got an opportunity and he ran with it and now he is one of the most over guys on the roster. Injuries happen at anytime and God forbid a star gets hurt, Kofi Kingston may get the chance to swoop right in and steal the spotlight and make himself a main eventer someday. Only time will tell, but if he doesn't there is no reason to change him as Kofi has achieved plenty just the way he is.
I've always looked at Kingston as a Mid-carded, and nothing more.
And there is nothing wrong with that.

His look and moveset works well with the Kofi Face Character. No need to change it until, i do see it happening sooner or later, Kofi goes Heel.

When he turns, make this thread again, and im sure the answers will be completely different.
Okay this is my first ever thread and I am new to this site so please go easy on me

Before I tear your post apart with my relentless debating, I must ask this.... Why do people always say this in their first threads? I'm a nice guy so I'll go easy on you, but others probably won't. Newcomers who might be reading this.... Don't tell people it's your first thread and don't ask the regulars to go easy on you. Most of them won't.

Now I have been a fan of Kofi Kingston since his days in the Indies in 2006 but I am starting to wonder if he deserve a spot on the main roster this guy really needs to change his move set and slow down his pace a little.

Kofi is over. Therefore he deserves a spot on the roster. What he's doing right now is perfectly fine. Sure a change would help him move up the card but they need him in the tag team division right now and his current persona helps revive bored crowds.

The reason he is so clumsy in the ring is because he is moving so fast that mind can't keep up with his body.


The idea that I think would be great for air boom is to be taking out by kane that put Kofi out for over 6 month and have a guy like norman smiley by the way who is a great technical wrestler teach kofi some submission.

Terrible idea. Kofi and Bourne are the focal point of the tag team division right now. You're wanting to have Kane take out half of the top team in a nearly dead division, when there's an entire roster full of guys he could just as easily go after? Not only that.... but you want him to change into a submissions specialist!? Sorry but I completely disagree. WWE needs Kofi desperately right now in the tag team division and for him to change his in-ring style to submissions would not benefit him. He has a great style that got him over. What he needs more than anything is to show some aggression every once in a while, like when he destroyed Randy Orton's car.

They also need somebody work with him on how to tell a story in the ring and after that they need to cut the dreadlocks and give him a clean cut look with a huey freeman type of a gimmick he does not need to be angry all the time but make him serious and not smiling all the time on camera looking goofy.

Or he could just go back to his character from 2009 where he retained his in-ring style but showed some aggression by standing up to Orton and destroying his car. Same Kofi, but with an angrier side showing up when it needs to.

But what do you guys think should he stay the same and be in midcard for life because let face it he is not going to go anywhere doing what he is doing now

He needs to stay where he is for now. The tag team division would die without Air Boom because they are THE team right now. Once the division has been rebuilt they can split the team up and move Kofi up the card if he is given an update to his character. It's not his in-ring style that holds him back, it's that he's too happy. I agree that without some anger he will be a midcarder for life but you can't say that he's going nowhere when he has a whole division being centered around his team.
I am glad that you caught that I did not run a spellcheck also how can I fix that I tried to edit that
If he keeps this current gimmick, a better idea for him would be to future endeavor him.
This gimmick is stale and I feel like every single match is exactly the same with him. I do agree that he needs to be involved in a feud where there's some emotion (remember the brief feud with Orton/Legacy?). Kofi has skills for sure but needs to improve mic skills (that's on him) and needs better stories (that's on WWE).
If he keeps this current gimmick, a better idea for him would be to future endeavor him.
This gimmick is stale and I feel like every single match is exactly the same with him. I do agree that he needs to be involved in a feud where there's some emotion (remember the brief feud with Orton/Legacy?). Kofi has skills for sure but needs to improve mic skills (that's on him) and needs better stories (that's on WWE).

Kofi's stale? You clearly don't know what stale is. Rey Mysterio has had the same character since he joined the WWE 9 years ago and he still electrifies the crowd and not to mention guys from the past like Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper.

It's like the IWC wants every character to change every month, it's insane. Go watch TNA and look at Mr. Anderson who flip flopped so much over the last year the crowd doesn't know whether to get behind him or not. Kofi Kingston still gets great pops from the crowd and is always a lock for a great match to start the show so there's no urgency to change him now. With the tag team division actually getting some exposure these days with Air Boom leading it, he's much more valuable face than heel. Kofi is such a likeable guy that's impossible to take him as a serious heel. As for Kofi's mic skills, when do you ever hear him speak? Him and Evan say a total of 4 sentences every month so there's no need for him to be The Rock or anybody like that.

All Kofi needs right now is some competition for him and Evan. Hopefully the Usos can break out soon and make a serious run at the tag titles.

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