An Idea For Dolph Ziggler


It Only Gets Worse
In recent weeks we've watched some turmoil progress between Dolph Ziggler and Vicki Guerrero. In the midst of it all is Jack Swagger.

Tonight on RAW we saw Vicki Guerrero introduce Jack Swagger as a potential new client of hers. Things sort of fell apart between the pair towards the end of the match, but things could go anywhere at this point.

For the sake of conversation, let's say Vicki decides to leave Dolph in the dust and manage Jack Swagger.

Now, let me take you back to SummerSlam. We saw a short appearance from The Mouth of the South, Jimmy Hart. He was trying to convince R-Truth to let him be his manager. R-Truth, fearing little Jimmy, declined his offer. It has been announced that Jimmy Hart is back with the WWE and this confirms it.

To further this manager-based fued, why not bring Jimmy Hart in to be Dolph Ziggler's manager in replace of Vicki Guerrero? I think it would make this Swagger/Ziggler feud great. Not only that, but if they kept Hart with Ziggler after the feud, it could do wonders for him and maybe be enough to push him into the main event.

I think Jimmy Hart and Dolph Ziggler would be awesome together and gel perfectly.

i doubt it honestly....and Jack swagger is the biggest waste of space in wwe...he sucks......and dolph does have potential...but i think he would do great going solo..he has potential and he needs to show it on his own
not a bad idea but i dont like it as i think dolph is gonna end up turning face and he can talk on the mic already managers are more off better for people who need improvement on the mic id keep dolph solo after vickie dumps him for jack swagger and i think dolph is gonna end up defending the us title at night of champions against jack swagger and alex reily leading to vickie screwing dolph to let swagger win as it looks like shes gonna end up with him now
I think Jimmy Hart's managing career is over. He should just stay in his current backstage role.

About Ziggler he's my second favorite guy on the roster so I hope he moves on from Vickie. Let's face it Dolph's mic skills have improved greatly. So he needs to go out on his own right now. And become a world champion in the near future.
I think Jimmy Hart's managing career is over. He should just stay in his current backstage role.

About Ziggler he's my second favorite guy on the roster so I hope he moves on from Vickie. Let's face it Dolph's mic skills have improved greatly. So he needs to go out on his own right now. And become a world champion in the near future.

I agree that Ziggler has sort of "outgrown" having to have a mouthpiece, and could definitely hold his own as an upper-midcarder/future main eventer. Assuming Ziggler and Vickie split up in the next month or so, do you think it could segue into a face turn?
I agree that Ziggler has sort of "outgrown" having to have a mouthpiece, and could definitely hold his own as an upper-midcarder/future main eventer. Assuming Ziggler and Vickie split up in the next month or so, do you think it could segue into a face turn?

It probably will. I mean let's face it Ziggler looks like he can be a hell of a lot better as a face. And the RAW roster is seriously lacking top babyfaces. Why not turn Ziggler face and ally him with his former arch nemesis John Morrison to take on the new alliance of The Miz and R-Truth? Ziggler telling Morrison that he wants to "start a new chapter and help him out" would be great to start off his face turn don't you think? Then maybe after his little feud is over he can go on to main event.
It probably will. I mean let's face it Ziggler looks like he can be a hell of a lot better as a face. And the RAW roster is seriously lacking top babyfaces. Why not turn Ziggler face and ally him with his former arch nemesis John Morrison to take on the new alliance of The Miz and R-Truth? Ziggler telling Morrison that he wants to "start a new chapter and help him out" would be great to start off his face turn don't you think? Then maybe after his little feud is over he can go on to main event.

The cool thing about Miz and Truth is that they both have a common arch-nemesis in John Morrison. So I could definitely see that being one way to use Ziggler as a face. What I do know is that he needs to get out of the midcard asap. His technical wrestling skills are top notch, and we've seen him receive a rub from the likes of Edge, John Cena, and the product of Edge's greatness Vickie Guerrero. We've also seen him win as many matches cleanly as we have by cheating, which is a lot for today's standards for heels in WWE. So it might be a natural fit. We've seen A-Rye cool off significantly since the Miz feud fizzled out, so I'd say why not? It'll be interesting to see, for sure.
IF JIMMY HART IS IN THE PICTURE HE SHALL MANAGE TYSON KIDD. tyson kidd is a hot prospect player and they need a manager for him. back to being on topic, i think wer gonna need to see a face turn from dolph and a feud with swagger because everyone hates swagger it will help put ziggler over. ziggler is a very good in ring technician and is capable of winning many titles and drawing a great crowd. I personally want to see him as a face and just make a franchise player out of him, not make him follow in anyones foot paths either let him do his own work
I don't think Ziggler would gain anything from having Hart as his manager, Hart should manage someone who hasn't already established themselves and isn't great on the Mic.
I think the WWE should give Vickie to Jack Swagger. I want Ziggler to get a massive push now (Maybe a short championship reign?) and bring in little jimmy and friends to have a massive fued. Could be really entertaining.
I think that could be great. Hart has done good work in the manager role past and he should side with Ziggler as he splits away from Vickie. Those two have been together long enough. Swagger will benefit a lot from Vickie being in his corner. Ziggler will almost instantly turn face for standing up to Vickie. Hart would have support from older fans due to nostalgia threrefore he could be in Ziggler's corner as a face manager. Ziggler/Swagger would be an even better feud from that point onward.
So you want him to go from manager to another manager? Why? I think Jimmy should manage Tyson Kidd due to the Hart connection. I think Dolph would be a great face when the time is ready. Let him play the role of heel and just do what he is doing.

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