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An Honest Opinion: The All American...American

Launch Pad Mac - Quack!

Dark Match Jobber
From The title I believe it's obvious who this theard is about right? not the original "All American" who bodyslammed Yokozuna and could've had a hand in the death of Miss Elizabeth {Thats' a Ohhhh Nooo right Macho Man?} but the "All American American" who debuted on ECW sometime ago and has failed to impress me and I ain't that hard to impress - I got behind and supported the "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman afterall but I just don't got love for the Biff Tennan Of The WWE.

I find him dull and boring :disappointed: and I don't believe he will remain in the WWE in the long run. This could upset some people and lead them to throw childish insults at me {it does happen} but this belief comes due to WWE continuous attitude towards its' use of talent { I often compare it to a Child that becomes bored of using a toy and decides to discade said toy to begin using something new }. He Won the MITB Match at WM 26 - A Match that I thought Kofi Kingston or Christian Should've won and the same match where the person that I was watching it with asked me who the Kurt Angle Wannabe was in reference to the All American American {which did make me laugh quite abit} - He would go on to cash it against Y2J and if I am mistaken beat both Edge and Chris Jericho in a triple threat match. So WWE did show interest in pushing him as a regonizable main event talent but as soon as he lost the title interest in him dwindle and besides having a sweet soaring eagle at some point in time he hasn't done anything that eventful, meaning that the progress made went to waste and his first title run should've been postponed so that it could've been a bit more meaningful. I felt the same with Edge when he 1st cashed in the MITB {I don't believe it's good when the world title changes hands within a month of gaining it - its like "Whats The Point"} but the difference is that the WWE didn't give up on Edge and he remained prominent even when he didn't hold the title, same as Sheamus, who's face turn I approve of a lot. This ain't about pushing someone nor do I believe that I am overeacting, He has gone from Main Event matches to feuds with Santino and Muppets {not that I hate eitha of the two} and being Dolph Zigglers foil {someone else I ain't 100% comminten committed to - but I did like the Spirit Squad hahaha}, Triple H and Kurt Angle feuded with Eugene but both were already recognizable main event talents and could come out of it unharmed, Jack isn't even in the upper mid card anymore and better men have been let go.

So What do you people think?
Swagger didn't get enough reaction. He didn't look like a world champion.He looked like a cross between Kurt angle and Big Show. Just waitin til he gets future endeavored
I honestly always saw Jack Swagger going on to be a successful main eventer one day, i never loved him but he had the in ring ability and I expected him to grow on the mic. What we got instead was a major disappointment, I even thought that when he cashed in Money In The Bank he would mature into a legit world title holder but it never happened, now he's third wheel with Vicki and Dolph and is about as irrelevant as you can be without being on Superstars.

It's a shame because he is definitely a talented athlete but he ain't the total package as a professional wrestler. I think that if he could manage to get pushed he would give us some good matches with Del Rio but his lack of charisma and really any appeal as a face or heel will keep him down until he changes that, if he ever does. Honestly though I expect him to live out the rest of his days in the midcard zone and be remembered as the 1 time world champion who never amounted to much.
The problem wit Swagger is that they changed his character from ECW. When Swagger cashed in MITB, WWE had an obsession with Randy Orton/Chris Jericho type characters. Every heel need to talk slow and be intense. They made Swagger talk slower. That put emphasis on his lisp. They made him use the ankle lock, which IMO doesn't suit him at all.

Swagger was cocky, arrogant, and great on the mic in ECW. He's awesome in the ring and has a good look. Swagger needs to get back to his old persona, possibly as a face. He also needs to get a new finisher. His ankle lock doesn't suit him and his Swagger Bomb is botched way too much. He should just use a regular power bomb.

And for people saying Swagger never got a reaction, go back and watch tape. He got the most heat of anyone on ECW and even as World champion his segments got a lot of heat. With Vickie by his side he can be a main player again.

1.) Revert back to his ECW
Read about half of the first post thinking "he is talking about Jack Swagger isnt he? He must be surely".

Jack Swagger is fantastic and has plenty of potential.
WWE are under utilising him and are turning him into a joke character. (some say that they are doing this to mock Kurt Angle but I digress)
His Heavyweight Championship run was good but they put him against Comedy Big show and then turned him into a big pussy. If he was given Randy Orton or someone else like that to get him over then I think that Swagger could still be bouncing around the title picture right now!

I honestly dont know what they are going to do with him now... they gave him Vicky but dont seem to be doing much with him apart from giving him television time, which is better than nothing ofcourse. Although I said that about Koslov!
I have always found Swagger to be somewhat decent. His stuff on ECW was really impressive, I remember him doing something to Tommy Dreamer. When it comes down to his ECW matches, the triple threat match against Christian and Dreamer is one of the most underrated matches of 2009 IMO. Once he got put on the 2 main shows he quickly got more and more irrelevant. When you look at it even his most recent shot at getting over was not working out, I am talking about his "feud" with Ziggler which has absolutely lead to nothing at all so far. I can see him sticking around for another year or so since WWE seems to want to give this guy more and more chances as the months go by.

That is a good indication that he may have a future in the company. He surly has the ring skills but he lacks charisma. Not to say he has zero charisma because if you want to seem him show a bit of energy look at his Swagger Soaring Eagle stint last year. Guys like Kizarny, Scotty Goldman, and guys debuted around the same time as him and they where future endeared with no thoughts. Jack Swagger is still employed by WWE so you have to know that, that fact in itself means that they see something in him. Like I said before I find the All American American to be decent but he really needs to step up his game, maybe in upcoming feud with Dolph Ziggler that was hinted at before could help?
The man has been a total bore to me and comes across as an 8th grade unintelligent jock on the mic. Him being molded like Kurt Angle when he first appeared might've worked in Jack had any ounce of charisma or flare. Hand him a mic and he basically hulks over it and talks about how good he is while doing his best Sylvester the Cat impression.


Sorry. I know I shouldn't make fun of the lisp. I still say hear looks like a 6 foot 14 year old.
Swagger's a good wrestler theirs no doubt about that but he's never done anything that's got me excited about him. He was rushed into a title reign I don't think he was ready for.

WWE need to make a decision on him in my opinion. Try and get him over as a character which unless something amazing happens they will eventually fail with, or just let him wrestle and try and get him over that way. Their's nothing wrong with having a couple of just pure wrestlers on the roster.
I like Swagger and have enjoyed watching his career ever since the New Talent Initiative on ECW. Swagger had a good ECW Championship run and an underrated World Championship run. He went downhill and missed a perfect opportunity for a face turn when he could have turned on Michael Cole. I think a US Championship run would be good for him because he could call himself the "All American American United States Champion Champion" and the promoting would take care of itself. That will have to wait though, it is Ryder's time. Swagger might get lost in the shuffle and I would hate to see that happen. He's one of their better guys.
I like Swagger and have enjoyed watching his career ever since the New Talent Initiative on ECW. Swagger had a good ECW Championship run and an underrated World Championship run. He went downhill and missed a perfect opportunity for a face turn when he could have turned on Michael Cole. I think a US Championship run would be good for him because he could call himself the "All American American United States Champion Champion" and the promoting would take care of itself. That will have to wait though, it is Ryder's time. Swagger might get lost in the shuffle and I would hate to see that happen. He's one of their better guys.

An underrated World Championship run? :lmao:

That was a HORRID title run. He had a total of five wins (4 singles, 1 triple threat) on TV during his reign (which lasted from April to June) and 10 losses (6 singles, 1 tag, 3 DQ) on TV. Hell of a championship run, right? Now, I can understand losing a few times, to top guys, but he lost to John Morrison and Kofi Kingston. Enough said. On top of that, he completely abandoned the persona that had gotten him that far. He turned into a different Jack Swagger, one that the fans didn't care about.

He epitomizes irrelevancy. I don't see how you can call him one of the WWE's better guys. If he was a "better guy" then he certainly wouldn't be in the position he's in right now. He's a decent worker, has a good look, and the size, but that doesn't mean he'll be a success. Look at Drew McIntyre, for example. They're both following the same "blueprint" and it's clearly not working.

Now, if properly built and allowed back into the niche where he showed the most potential -- yeah, Swagger could become something, but not right now. It's going to take time to forge a connection with the crowd after being a footnote for so long. People don't care about him now, didn't care about him as the World Champion, and won't care about him unless he can improve. He's a charisma vacuum and can't talk, simply put. He needs to change that.

Unless you have one quality that REALLY stands out, you need to be more well rounded to be a success in the WWE and Jack Swagger is a glaring example of why that is true. He's average, but got a huge push. What came of that push? Nothing. The same thing will come from every one of his pushes if he doesn't improve.
The problem wit Swagger is that they changed his character from ECW. When Swagger cashed in MITB, WWE had an obsession with Randy Orton/Chris Jericho type characters. Every heel need to talk slow and be intense. They made Swagger talk slower. That put emphasis on his lisp. They made him use the ankle lock, which IMO doesn't suit him at all.

Swagger was cocky, arrogant, and great on the mic in ECW. He's awesome in the ring and has a good look. Swagger needs to get back to his old persona, possibly as a face. He also needs to get a new finisher. His ankle lock doesn't suit him and his Swagger Bomb is botched way too much. He should just use a regular power bomb.

And for people saying Swagger never got a reaction, go back and watch tape. He got the most heat of anyone on ECW and even as World champion his segments got a lot of heat. With Vickie by his side he can be a main player again.

1.) Revert back to his ECW

He had a character tweek since leaving ECW? I must have missed something. and to be honest the first two things that you said he was are about two of the biggest cliches' WWE has put into they're heels {If not all of The Wrestling business}. I believe the lack of creative direction is due to the people in charge wanting to be seen as a more realistic business and shed the gimmicks of the 80's and 90's - which is sad because it sort of alienates the people that invest time into the product to appease those that don't give a damn
Swagger is awful. He's a big goofy looking mongoloid who couldn't talk even if he didn't have that thpeech impediment. Hell, he can't even say his own name. "Jack Thwagger". I can get past a lisp if you can entertain on the mic as Cody Rhodes does, but Swagger has been boring from the start. I hear people who bash Cena defend Swagger's ring work which is clunky at best, but he's got an NCAA background so people hear that an assume he's a good pro wrestler. I can't remember any great Jack Swagger matches. Actually his best match was on RAW a couple years back against Cena. It wouldn't sadden me to see him future endevored in the near future, but I think the WWE is going to stick with him for a while.
Jack Swagger is the most boring, undeserving, dissapointing champion I've ever seen. I never seen no one who was so good at doing pushups. It's ashame, with all that money he still can't buy a hobby.
He's cardboard. He looks like any random guy off the street and his gimmick is so reminiscent of Kurt Angle that it hurts -- the attire, the ankle lock, c'mon. It doesn't help that he can't cut a promo and that his nickname makes no sense (All-American American?! Seriously?). As for his run as World Champion, well, I literally don't remember it. I don't think I was watching or paying attention when it occurred, but still, there's usually at least a sliver of a memory that goes along with every champion. With Swagger, there's nothing. He is a complete void.
I'll jump on the Swagger hate, here. This guy is just dull. His wrestling is good, but not special. His promos are stupidly bad. His gimmick is lame, and not in the good way. Finally, he just lacks the ability to make you care. World champions are guys that stand up and make you want to see them, and Swagger is no world champion.

They pushed him too soon, the pushed him too far, and they pushed him for too long. Swagger could have maybe matured into something workable on a sub-main event level, but the WWE ruined even that for him with that joke of a title win. It's like they did the whole thing for shock value and then didn't know how to get out of it when they messed it up. Swagger will never get back to that title belt, or at least he shouldn't, and he never should have gotten there, anyway. He needs to just get over guys like Bourne and Kofi, not actually hold titles. He's got enough believability for a midcard title, but he's got the same problem that ADR has: they both make you want to change the channel when they're selling a match. Swagger just isn't a star, but the WWE sure as hell wants him to be, and I honestly hate that.

TL;DR - Swagger sucks and is barely a mid-card jobber, in terms of talent outside of the ring.
An underrated World Championship run? :lmao:

Yes, Crock. His reign is underrated. People around here act like it was one of the worst title reigns they have ever seen. It may not have been as good as it SHOULD have been, but it was far better than people around here make it out to be.

That was a HORRID title run. He had a total of five wins (4 singles, 1 triple threat) on TV during his reign (which lasted from April to June) and 10 losses (6 singles, 1 tag, 3 DQ) on TV. Hell of a championship run, right?

Win/loss records do not make a title reign "good" or not. WWE tend to book their champions to lose matches constantly unless it is Cena or Orton. Good feuds, good promos, and good matches make a title reign "good".

Now, I can understand losing a few times, to top guys, but he lost to John Morrison and Kofi Kingston. Enough said.

Champions get booked to lose to guys like that so that THE OTHER GUY can look better by having defeated a world champion. Those wins were good for Morrison and Kofi. If midcarders never defeated main eventers even once then there would be no future stars and everyone would be stuck in the midcard until all of the main eventers quit or retire. Then no one will care about any of the new main eventers since they never were able to defeat any of the guys who were there before them.

On top of that, he completely abandoned the persona that had gotten him that far. He turned into a different Jack Swagger, one that the fans didn't care about.

No he didn't. He has been The All American American ever since the New Talent Initiative in June 2008. The fans stopped caring because he has done nothing recently other than being an underling for Cole and tag teaming with Ziggler.

He epitomizes irrelevancy. I don't see how you can call him one of the WWE's better guys. If he was a "better guy" then he certainly wouldn't be in the position he's in right now. He's a decent worker, has a good look, and the size, but that doesn't mean he'll be a success. Look at Drew McIntyre, for example. They're both following the same "blueprint" and it's clearly not working.

It's called being a victim of bad booking. A similar case can be made for McIntyre only his problem stems from drama his former wife caused. With Swagger it is a large amount of bad booking and nothing else. He is one of their better guys because he is good in the ring as well as on the mic. The man has good matches and can talk despite having a bit of an impediment. Just because he is not booked properly doesn't mean he is not one of their more skilled talents.

Now, if properly built and allowed back into the niche where he showed the most potential -- yeah, Swagger could become something, but not right now. It's going to take time to forge a connection with the crowd after being a footnote for so long. People don't care about him now, didn't care about him as the World Champion, and won't care about him unless he can improve. He's a charisma vacuum and can't talk, simply put. He needs to change that.

Like I said in my previous post, a strong midcard title run could help him out. They blew it on a great opportunity when he could have turned on Cole. Associating with Vickie might help him some since she draws heat for anyone she helps. Swagger has the tools to succeed and if they can get him back to where he was then he will do just fine.

Unless you have one quality that REALLY stands out, you need to be more well rounded to be a success in the WWE and Jack Swagger is a glaring example of why that is true. He's average, but got a huge push. What came of that push? Nothing. The same thing will come from every one of his pushes if he doesn't improve.

Bad booking, Crock. That's all it is. Had they kept him in the main event scene after his title reign they would not have this problem. They decided to put the world title on him but then had him do nothing for a year after losing it. Stop blaming Swagger when it's the booking team's fault, not his.
Yes, Crock. His reign is underrated. People around here act like it was one of the worst title reigns they have ever seen. It may not have been as good as it SHOULD have been, but it was far better than people around here make it out to be.

Win/loss records do not make a title reign "good" or not. WWE tend to book their champions to lose matches constantly unless it is Cena or Orton. Good feuds, good promos, and good matches make a title reign "good".

Champions get booked to lose to guys like that so that THE OTHER GUY can look better by having defeated a world champion. Those wins were good for Morrison and Kofi. If midcarders never defeated main eventers even once then there would be no future stars and everyone would be stuck in the midcard until all of the main eventers quit or retire. Then no one will care about any of the new main eventers since they never were able to defeat any of the guys who were there before them.

No he didn't. He has been The All American American ever since the New Talent Initiative in June 2008. The fans stopped caring because he has done nothing recently other than being an underling for Cole and tag teaming with Ziggler.

It's called being a victim of bad booking. A similar case can be made for McIntyre only his problem stems from drama his former wife caused. With Swagger it is a large amount of bad booking and nothing else. He is one of their better guys because he is good in the ring as well as on the mic. The man has good matches and can talk despite having a bit of an impediment. Just because he is not booked properly doesn't mean he is not one of their more skilled talents.

Like I said in my previous post, a strong midcard title run could help him out. They blew it on a great opportunity when he could have turned on Cole. Associating with Vickie might help him some since she draws heat for anyone she helps. Swagger has the tools to succeed and if they can get him back to where he was then he will do just fine.

Bad booking, Crock. That's all it is. Had they kept him in the main event scene after his title reign they would not have this problem. They decided to put the world title on him but then had him do nothing for a year after losing it. Stop blaming Swagger when it's the booking team's fault, not his.

Look Dagger, I get what you're saying -- he WAS a victim of poor booking, no doubt. BUT he was utterly forgettable. Like I've said before; if I didn't love wrestling and I was a more casual fan, I would have forgotten Swagger was champion. He had some decent matches, but they're completely forgotten.

Swagger tried to change himself during his title run. He tried to be a super serious heel and in doing so, cut out some of his personality. He became Generic Heel 101.

I also get your point about building new stars, but don't use your World Champion who isn't established in his own right. What Kofi did with Orton was perfect, because Orton was a bonafide star, Swagger? Not so much. They built other guys, neglecting to build him.

Swagger was handed everything (too soon, yes) but he looked like a fish out of water. You can equate that to poor booking, but you can also equate it to Swagger not being at that level. He has bad mic skills and no charisma, do you REALLY think he fits with the likes of Cena, Punk, and Orton? Not a chance. Hell, he's completely being overshadowed by Ziggler right now. What he needs to do is grab the fans' attention -- simple.
Swagger is just booked wrong... now I'm a fan so I have no idea who controls the character of the man playing the role... Is it WWE telling Jack to go out and wrestle a certain way, talk a certain way etc.. or is it Jack the one who controls how his character works? Also in refrence to how many times he won and lost during his title reign, the bookers do that not Jack...

From my point of view he is booked wrong. The guy is HUGE. Not Mason Ryan muscles huge, but when he is in the ring with Cena, the face of the WWE, he towers over him. Jack needs to be promoted as a big man, much like a Kane, Barrett and Sheamus.

Maybe he is a victim of his own agility and mat skills? Swagger needs tweeks to his character and in ring moveset, and yes, I agree the ankle lock is all wrong for him.

However with his lisp, having a manager like Vickie will help him move back up the ranks.
I love Swagger in the ring, and I love his matches, I don't enjoy him on the stick though.

I think he makes a good midcarder, who has potential to ME if the roster downsizes, or he needs to play filler.

The promo where Big Show Vienna sausaged Swagger's trophies was my favorite he's done, but most of the time I find him a bit dull outside of a match.

I could accept him being a champion again, I think he's going to have a couple more runs at least before it's said and done.
Swagger is a good enough wrestler to be featured prominently on his respective brand. With that said, he should never be around the brand's top title until he is completely repackaged. Whether booked bad or not, Jack Swagger wasn't a good Champion. I didn't care, the WWE writers probably didn't care, and most of all, the fans didn't care. No one cared about Jack Swagger. I'll always remember Swagger for being one of those guys the WWE pushed way to soon without any real build up. Before Swagger re-enters the World Title scene again, Jack will need a gimmick change. The collegiate athlete character has been done to death in the WWE and it's only worked for Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. Jack Swagger isn't on their level and will likely never will be.

This is how I see it, put him in the midcard for another year giving him little bits of something relevant to do. While he's floating around in the midcard, give him some gimmick changes to see if he can get over. Once he's over, capitalize on that. I think the WWE made a huge mistake getting rid of that Eagle that use to follow Swagger around. That was, perhaps, the only thing that made Jack Swagger even remotely interesting.
Swagger should become a face, win the US title as a typical American hero and since this is a PG era he could play a Hulk Hogan American Patriot character and that's how he makes his rise to the title.
Pro wrestling is a business, wrestlers are products. When you push a product and it doesn't draw, you depush it.

Anyone who thinks swagger sucks/is underrated just reread that and apply it. You'll understand everything. Swagger is midcard over, and is a midcarder. They thought he could be more, he wasn't. It's that simple. It's not an opinion thing. It's not "he's good in the ring but sucks on the mic" it's not "his lisp" it's not "They dropped th ball". He doesn't connect with the fans and isn't that over.

Use the square I've talked about before. Swagger was a question mark they wanted to turn into a star. It didn't work. It happens. You push product. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. CM Punk is the iPad, Swagger is AppleTV.
Honestly, probably Swagger and Dibiase are two of WWE's current wrestlers that I hate the most. Not because they are "good" heels, but because they bore the shit out of me and WWE keeps insisting in them. Maybe they have something I don't see, but I don't like them AT ALL.

In the individual case for Swagger, there's something I don't like at all, the way they booked him as this wannabe Angle. From the gimmick, to some point the look, to the ankle lock, to the belly to belly suplex to running towards the top rope belly to belly, everything screams "Angle".

Granted, young/casual fans doesn't know about this wannabe Angle thing, but it seems way too forced. Like some other poster said, the ankle lock doesn't fit with him and it doesn't seem as "dangerous" as the gutwrench bomb.

Secondly, he can't do shit on the mic. Is weird, because in WWECW he was a great heel, I didn't liked the guy because he was actually annoying as a heel. But then he was on RAW (I think) and completely lost momentum. Yes, bad booking, but since leaving ECW, he had a couple of chances where he could shine on the mic, yet he was and is completely boring and un-charismatic if that exists...

Third, as some people have already said, he change his character when he won the WHC and become so bland and become even more boring. Before that he was becoming a comedic character/jober, but then he tried to be this "serious" guy. It didn't work for me. Plus he didn't have any great feud or match that stablished him as a threat. Well, his match against Orton at ER, but after that, it all went donwhill.

Finally after all this changes, his "run" with Cole, I still find him boring and I even think of him as a comedic character. For some reason I just can't take him seriously....
Having an opinion completely contradictory to what everyone else here is saying, do I dare enter this conversation??? Fuck It!

I think Jack Swagger is THE SHIT! You might say he IS SHIT, but I believe 90% of the responses here are people being influenced by what they are reading before posting, and going along with what they perceive as the accepted sentiment rather than stating where they really stand. One person reads someones post who say "This guy sucks" and that convinces them the same thing and they utter the same bile as they try to fit in. It's okay fellas, the truth shall set you free.

Jack Swagger is being grossly underrated and overly criticized here. First of all, you need to look at the guy not just for what he is or had been, but for what he could be. This is a guy with more potential than at least half of that roster. He is already a great in ring competitor. His wrestling ability is on par with anyone else you care to mention and he is very gifted for his size, with a unique build that no one else has either i.e. he has a very unique look as well and both of those things count for something. Swagger has all the tools to be a top guy in the company. He doesn't have to be a genius on the mic, and he isn't nearly as bad as people are making him out to be. He does just fine. Some have said that he doesn't connect with the crowd but I beg to differ. He was almost turned face in the Cole-Lawler feud by the fans when they thought he was going to turn on Cole, and as a heel he's got major heat, especially during his title runs as both ECW and WHC.

I think the way Swagger has been used is being horribly misinterpreted as well. When they brought him in the Cole-Lawler feud that was a good thing as it was one of the most high profile story lines going on at the time. He was also portrayed as an enforcer, a serious threat that shifted the odds in favor of Cole and was consistently instrumental in helping Cole get the better of Lawler and JR. Since then he was used to help get Evan Bourne over and looking legit which he did. If he was so horrible, wins over him wouldn't make a guy like Bourne look any better but they did and launched him into the spot he received with Kofi Kingston.

Swagger could also be noted as being responsible for the halting of Alex Riley's push as he beat him clean on Raw and that was the last time we've seen him. If he was so crap, Dolph Ziggler wouldn't have been so threatened by him trying to attain the services of Vickie Guerrero and then went on trying to cost him matches. Furthermore, if he was so bad then he wouldn't be used as the muscle behind Ziggler the way he has been. It was only after Ziggler got Swagger with him that he started to get the major major push we've been seeing, and got the super-confidence. Having Swagger behind him has made him more of a threat and Swagger has even helped him keep the title when he would have lost it otherwise. I am not saying that Ziggler can't get along without Swagger, but his presence has elevated Ziggler, not the other way around.

These are all things that have happened in story line and all point to Swagger being a serious threat and also show him being used in a high profile capacity. The WWE obviously sees a lot in him or they wouldn't continue to use him so frequently in high profile feuds, or continue to build him as the legitimate threat he is. This is not poor booking of the guy, he just isn't in the main event scene because that's kind of occupied right now. It's going to take some time, but mark my words: You will see Jack Swagger as WWE or WHC again in the not too distant future, and when he does, when he gets that push that gets him over and everyone is singing his praises, you come back and look at this thread and what everyone had to say then.
I think Swagger is the poster child for why the WWE needs to bring back managers. Joining Vickie was a good move because he can do what he does best when not in the ring: stand next to a mouthy ally looking cocky and menacing. Being a supporting actor rather than being expected to deliver a blistering promo all on his own. I thought his and Vickie's bit with the muppets was pretty damn good. WWE needs to do this more with other wrestlers who suck on the mic like Big Zeke and Sin Cara.

He's also good enough in the ring to keep him in the WWE for life unless he wants out or starts dating Melina.

And he looks like a monstrous, grown-up version of Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle to me, which I find hilarious.

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