An hilarious PM that I just received from an obviously butthurt member


Reaper of Miracles
Strong Style X said:
You're a complete smark and you don't even realize it, bub. You'd never have the guts to say half the shit behind your keyboard to irl or shit on wrestlers who are four times your strength. You're a maggot and you disgust me. It's fans like you that lack any true knowledge about the business and try to look smart and "in the know" by thrashing around words like kayfabe and shit like it's important anymore. Get over yourself.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao:

Obviously he's mad that I disproved every bit of nonsense that he had to say. This doesn't happen that often, so good times.
I loved the "I bet you won't say that stuff to my face irl" nonsense that he used. Motherfucker if you're wrong I don't care if you looked like Norcal, I'd still correct your bullshit.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao::lmao:

Obviously he's mad that I disproved every bit of nonsense that he had to say. This doesn't happen that often, so good times.

To be fair, I've seen you say the same thing about me, after failing to disprove a single thing I've said. BUT...anything remotely interesting he may or not have had to say was rendered completely useless by the inclusion of the phrase "u mad" to end his message. I don't think there's anything you can do to lose my respect quicker than to finish your comments with "u mad". It's the equivalent to saying "I'm not saying things to discuss, or to make any kind of point, I just want to make you mad and wallow in my own false sense of superiority. I have a massive vagina where my brain should be."

I loved the "I bet you won't say that stuff to my face irl" nonsense that he used. Motherfucker if you're wrong I don't care if you looked like Norcal, I'd still correct your bullshit.
I call bullshit on this one, and I know you don't look like NorCal, so I got nothing to worry about. I dare you to call out NorCal. That shit wouldn't take half the time Godfather spent in the Rumble this year.
To be fair, I've seen you say the same thing about me, after failing to disprove a single thing I've said. BUT...anything remotely interesting he may or not have had to say was rendered completely useless by the inclusion of the phrase "u mad" to end his message. I don't think there's anything you can do to lose my respect quicker than to finish your comments with "u mad". It's the equivalent to saying "I'm not saying things to discuss, or to make any kind of point, I just want to make you mad and wallow in my own false sense of superiority. I have a massive vagina where my brain should be."

It's the principle of things. Going as far as to flame someone over the PM system instead of trying to out debate them is a massive cop out; that's what little kids who are new to the internet do on Youtube once someone points out how stupid they are.

Even though both of us had it out in the BZT neither one of us were immature enough to start the poop flinging... I actually respected you for trying to argue.

I call bullshit on this one, and I know you don't look like NorCal, so I got nothing to worry about. I dare you to call out NorCal. That shit wouldn't take half the time Godfather spent in the Rumble this year.

Well this wouldn't happen since Norcal is rarely wrong.

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