An all Shield Wrestlemania?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So the title should give you a good idea of where I am going with this.

What if we have an all Shield Wrestlemania this year?

Talking about

Winner of the IC Ladder match: Dean Ambrose

Winner of Future vs "Face": Seth Rollins

Winner of WWE WHC match: Roman Reigns

I think we all can pretty much expect Rollins and Reigns to win their respective matches but then if Ambrose wins as well we can go into a "Summer of Shield" with everyone coming off of big wins at Mania.

Would any of you like to see this happen?

I personally would love to see it happen!

I see Ambrose winning the IC title and moving closer to the main event by the end of the year

I see Rollins cashing in on Reigns before June (I think thats when his MITB expires) and them feuding into the Summer
I don't see this happening, but if they bide their time it might happen in a month or two. Ideally for me reigns would just turn heel and ambrose would feud with him a bit. During a match between the two ambrose hits a move that basically knocks out both men leaving Rollins to cash in MITB setting up the triple threat between the three guys for the title. That's the match that has to happen eventually right?
It's a pretty cool idea! It would be better if they were all face, and even had a nice embracing moment at the end of the PPV. However, that's not the case right now, and I don't think it's very set in stone that any of these guys will win, although I'd be cool with it.

In the case of Ambrose, I think it's safe to say either he, Bryan, or Ziggler will be walking out. But they all have a pretty even chance. With Rollins, he's a super cowardly heel, and Randy is on fire at the moment, so would Rollins losing really hurt him? I call shenanigans for that match.

Finally, with Roman/Brock, I think it all comes down to if Brock stays or not. Brock stays, he wins. Brock leaves, he loses. The concept of all the Shield members winning their matches is nice, and it could easily happen at a future big PPV, but having it happen at this WM is maybe a bit of a rush. I say save it for when the three are all face if that ever happens.
Great Thread! I REALLY hope an all Shield WM 31 is exactly what we get!

I firmly believe Dean Ambrose should walk out of WM 31 with the IC Title, Rollins is a shoe-in to defeat Orton & continue his rise to greatness & whether anyone likes it or not, it looks like Reigns defeating Lesnar is more or less an absolute guarantee at this point.

If anything, I'd actually take it one step further & have Rollins cash-in on Reigns right after he defeats Lesnar & that way we'd see yet another Shield member victory & another brand new, 1st time, Shield member as World Champion all in the same night, Believe That!
I'm glad that the WWE are showing some faith in the Shield. They have been the most promising guys to come out of development for a few years and it's been pretty obvious for a while that they were destined for the very top of the company. And here we are, on the verge of WrestleMania and we have two of those guys in the throes of the main event scene. With the right decisions and the right results, either Seth Rollins or Roman Reigns could leave Mania with the WWE Championship. And if that's not showing faith in those guys then I really don't know what is.

The weak link here is Ambrose who I tend to like and dislike at the same time. I don't ink he's a particularly good wrestler but he is a good personality for the WWE. For me, he doesn't deserve to the be the Intercontinental Champion at this stage. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be upset if he managed to get the win. But I would much rather see someone like Daniel Bryan or Sheamus (possibly) holding it. I don't think Ambrose is quite there yet but he's working hard at it. Give him a year or two to gone his skills and he'll be up there with Rollins and Reigns I'm sure of it.

So in terms of your idea, I don't think we're going to have clean sweep for the Shield. And actually, there is good chance we might not see any of them win their matches...
That would be a nice selling point to the inevitable three way. Showing all of their Wrestlemania wins. nice idea, I'd say it would be worth it.


Is Ambrose is the only one who didn't win, they could "shoot" a little with how he got lost in the shuffle. Could even tease a much needed heel turn and freshen up.

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