An Adamle Original


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I couldn't resist to name it this...I thought of this idea of how to let new superstars shine/maybe some fresh feuds/an interesting way to have a number 1 contender tournament, so here we go...

Have 16 competitors in the beginning of the tournament, all competing in normal matches and have them either spread out throughout the weeks of Raw or Smackdown, OR dedicate an entire PPV to the tournament (with the 2 titles being defended in the main events of course)

Once the superstars win their matches, they don't compete in the tournament until the following PPV, but they know who they are facing at that PPV (to get some mini-feuds going I suppose) and all quarter final matches are different stipulation matches (table match, no dq, falls count anywhere, etc.)

The winning superstars head to the NEXT PPV to compete in the semi-finals where the semi-final matches would/could be ladder matches for the contract in the finals.

Finally for the finals, the remaining 2 compete in another stipulation match at the following PPV, with the winner receiving a title shot.

Confusing? Maybe. But I think that it could be a great way to get some feuds going in a matter of those 4-5 months for all these to take place at these PPV's.

What do you think? Good idea, bad idea, confusing idea? What would you change? When would you want it all to take place? Who would you want to see in it?
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So, a King of the Ring tournament spread over 4 PPVs? With gimmick matches starting after the first PPV. ...Meh. No reason why it couldn't work. Unless the crowd got confused. Which shouldn't happen, because the WWE isn't going to explain it all at once. Because the way I see it is the WWE will just explain next step as it goes along, and treat each new step as a surprise for the crowd.

Could work, though I really don't like the idea of so many gimmick matches. A ladder match for the final contract is really all I would do as far as gimmicks are concerned.
That would be a good way to get these newly named PPVs some credit, like Breaking Point could be the quarter finals and every match is submission, semi finals at Hell in a Cell and have the match be a HitC, and then the finals at Annihilation, if there still doing the fans voting like the did at the PPV they replaced it with (Cyber Sunday) have the fans vote what should be the final match.
What a great way to create momentum for the next group of main eventers. WWE can see how the fans are reacting to each wrestler over a long storyline and adjust things slightly if needed it, would also give each wrestler time on the microphone too thus raising everyone up a level
my only problem with this (and I like the idea), is who is in the tournament, is it current main event guys with some upper mid-card guys, or is it all upper mid-card guys? If the tournament is just the upper mid-card guys, well then why would they all be getting a shot for the title ahead of the Main Eventers? And if you have Main Eventers in it, well then one of them will win the tournament, thus not elevating the upper mid-card. It is a catch 22, because either way the fans will crap all over it (they shouldn't, because it is a good idea). IWC fans would crap all over having a tournament just for HHH/Cena to win it (they shouldn't, because both men are the top dog, and 99% of the fans love them); and the rest of the crowd may crap all over the Miz or MVP getting a title shot (they shouldn't, because over the 3 months of the tournament they would be built as main eventers).

The only change I would do, is do it King of the Ring Style, and have the round of 8, 4, and 2 in one night, on PPV. Put he semi-finals in one type of gimmick match, and the finals in Hell in a Cell. If the fans saw Miz or MVP win 3 matches in 1 night (including beating a main eventer), the fans would appreciate it, because winning 3 matches in 1 night will make the fans appreciate him.

This was a good idea. You shouldn't have called it an Adamle Original, because Adamle sucked, and his "Adamle Originals" sucked too.
Don't completely follow you but it sounds like a decent enough idea. The WWE would make sure the kiddies understood and by the end of it it'd really mean something after all that the superstars had to go through to get there.

They only problem is the length. Some people might get dissinterested after a couple of months and everything else that's going on in the WWE might be overshadowed by the tourney. It's creative though, I'd actually like for WWE to do something like this.
Only problem i see with this is.. after a 5 month span or so.. if the number one contender lost, to a guy like lets say triple h. It would make the whole tournament seem like a waste of half a year. Over 4 or 5 Raw's would be more of what i would like to see. Not half a year. The interest would lose very fast in my opinion.
I think it's a good idea however it would take too long to complete. A 5 month long tournament wouldn't keep the interest of most fans. I don't want to rip your idea completely, just saying that if it were during a shorter time span, then it could be great.

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