Am I Wrong For Thinking This Way?


Getting Noticed By Management
I had this simplitic thought earlier today about TNA Impact

In thinking about successfull award winning movies and TV shows of the past I realized something at its highest level.

Good movie/TV show =
Steamlines the story and its cohesive from start to finish regardless what catagory the movie is (Action, Comedy, etc) and normally the actors are playing the right roles.

Bad movie/TV show =
Too much going on, no real point to be made, no explaination.

OR the audience goes into a movie needing to have some kind of back ground to enjoy it.
****(Example ever been with your husband or wife to watch a sequal to a movie you had no interest in or saw the original movie to make sense of what was going on? and didn't enjoy it?)

Or they have the wrong actors in the wrong roles
****(Example: Would you want to see Arnold or Stallone in a chick flick? or would they be better suited in an action film?)

Well the latter "bad movie" has been TNA Impact lately IMO, they need to find a way to change it back to the "good movie" option. I realize its just an analogy I made up, but I hope you get the point.

I love TNA (Most of you all know that) but the last month or two have been dreadful, the show and audience appear bored on TV :( Impact is still a TV show but lacks the excitement feel that other sports shows or movie's show to give the people watching a reason to join in on the excitement.

Does my analogy fit the times right now? or am I wrong for thinking this way?

NOTE: This isn't a thread regarding "How to fix TNA" but how do you feel about the product recently? How do you like how its being potrayed on TV?
I thought that TNA was a great TV show. WAS.

To be honest the same can be said about WWE.

Anyway, I think that you're right to some degree, they have the wrong people playing the wrong parts. In terms of 'too much going on' I don't think that that's the case, I just think that the quality of what is going on is s**t. As for needing a background story, you're definitely right, I feel like every veteran that turns up needs to have their backstory explained to the new generation of fans otherwise they just have no reason to care. It would probably be fine if it was a TNA veteran returning, but having a WWE veteran turn up on your show to run the place, well, I guess it would be confusing to a 14 year old fan who probably doesn't know who guys like MVP, Chavo, Lashley, etc are.
i put impact on while i answer emails. i usually pay about 20% attention to it. the last angle that really drew me in was taryn-kim, aside from that i take in some cool moves & just having wrestling in the background comforts me.

they did an excruciating half hr promo with mvp, dixie, and their bunch. i hate half hr segments even if its hhh, taker and the mcmahons for instance. its toooooo long. fans didnt care tonight, they were bored.

highlight of the show was brittany hitting on butterface #1, causing velvet sky & butterface #2 to come out. there was a middle aged, midwestern looking mom in glasses sitting at the middle of camera 1. she looked simultaneously horrified/titilated.

a typical Raw has maybe only 2-4 segments i wholly enjoy. and im no wrestling snob. i like fandango, santino & emma. i like undercard fun that doesn't 'mean' much.

glimpses of transcendence by the shield, wyatts, cesaro, etc are far too few. for the vast majority of tv time, wwe and tna are both in a canyon sized rut
Both have issues in that they don't know how to streamline the non-match stuff to make it the most effective. Your behind the scenes and promos should add to matches or characters and not pull away but that is what is happening as most seem to go one too long and ramble around too much or worse, seem to have no real purpose. Perfect example - Bully Ray says he won't wrestle EY so MVP threatens to fire him. How does Dixie get under his skin? Calls him a quitter. Huh? He never said anything about quitting. So we have this long segment that really served no purpose. wwe is no better as Steph threatening to fire Bryan's wife if he doesn't give up the title is a joke - wouldn't a labor board love to hear how your boss made a threat like that? And since both companies seem to think this is more important than actual matches, we get crappy shows.
Chrome i think you have a valid point and legit thought .
TNA has shitty directors who have idea how to pace a show . They need an editor and streamline. TNA seems to be only mapping out tapeings to tapeings.
The ideas brought up here make total sense. Things do need to improve and move in the right direction. Streamlining the show may help. Truthfully though, more wrestling itself wouldn't hurt either. I remember a long time ago when TNA did that Whole F'N Show episode after Van Dam won the title. Not that I am a Hogan era fan, but that was one of the best episodes of Impact ever, just from the wrestling standpoint of it.
It is the same old problem Some great things, and some not so great things. If a angle is not very good, or a storyline sucks don't put it on the show. Wrestling has the abilty, unlike other shows to just put in great matches to fill the voids.
If it is not realistic don't put it on the show. You don't want to be watching Breaking Bad and have it turn into Giligans Island. They would never insult the fans like that. I was watching the Jokers Wild PPV the other day. I had to shut it off. The whole thing was a comedy. Me and my girlfriend were strait pissed off. The whole show was ruined.
Nothing worse then a comedy ruining a great horror movie.

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