Am I the only one who hated the orginal ECW???


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now hold on i know you guys are going to jump down my throat and be like "you dont know real have no idea what ecw did for wrestling in general..blah blah blah" so here me out first..Or read this first since im not talking...anyway

Im not saying all of ECW sucked because it brought out so many great wrestlers such as Beniot, Jericho,Gurrero,Mysterio,Malinkeo (spelling) and a few others and had some awsome mathces between them...Many i consider underrated and need more exposure...

The ECW i hate is the flaming tables,lesbian storylines,literally hitting everyone with a frying pan and anything that the "fans"brought to the bingo parlor...I;m not hating that they were a small venue cause its not the size that counts but what you do with it (get your mind out the gutter)

When people talk about how "Oh ECW was awsome and it was real wrestling and thats how Vinnie Mac should run the company" What part of flying off the top of bulidings and falling thirty feet every night and setting people on fire counts as real wrestling? Did Buddy Rogers ever guzzle beer and slap his head like some special olympics reject? No? didnt think so..

I like shock value but too much of it gets sooo stale and boring...Its not entertaing to me for people to get hit with kindo sticks and and barbed wire every night to get ratings...

Look i know alot of people are going to hate on me for this thread and ill probably get alot of slander thrown my way..but i dont care..its something i feel needed to be said... I tried watching the dvd and seeing "maybe its something i missed that made people fall in love with it" but what i saw, besides the wrestlers i named earlier and a handful more, was boring,pointless,and something only a "wrestling" fan could like..but my point is, ECW is the lowest form of entertainment for me and something i would never want to see come back...R.I.P to the crappiest form of entertainment ever..if it is even entertainment
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I'm not a fan or ECW, but I never hated it either. There style was different I think, it had it's own little fan base, great stars, and great wrestling matches. When I started watching wrestling in mid 90's, i knew ECW was there, but I never actually watched it, mostly because it wasn't on my television screen every week, so I stuck to watching WCW and WWE. I would have liked to watch ECW back when it was on, but I was little and unluckily, never got the chance to watch it.

Maybe you are the only one who hates the original ECW, you'll have to see i guess.
Im 19 ive been watching wrestling in general since 1996 when i was like 5...ive seen some i just never seen any appeal in it

Maybe you are too young to appreciate it (not a dig) ECW was a geniune alternative to WWF and WCW. For example ECW undercards blew WWF's out the water. I dont think your assessment of ECW is either fair or accurate. The ECW you are describing is the poorer elements of 1995-96. ECW had a lot more variety in terms of matches and performers. Have you seen shows like Barely Legal 1997, Heatwave 1998, Anarchy Rulz 1999 and Living Dangerously 2000? As it sounds like you havent if that is what you take away from the promotion.
You're entitled to your opinion. I don't hate ECW but I think that a lot of old ECW fans try to make it out to be much better than it actually was. Nostalgia tends to do what with a lot of wrestling fans. There were some good things about ECW, some controversial angles, great matches, etc. but it was not the end all and be all of pro wrestling no matter what you might hear. I was in my teens when the Monday Night Wars began in the mid 90s and ECW was a legitimate alternative to WCW and WWF.

When you think of all the premature deaths of wrestlers, all the issues surrounding their safety and well being that's become something of a hot topic over the past several years, I sometimes wonder what the overall legacy of ECW will be in later years. ECW was different and it was exciting at times, but I wonder if it's legacy could be tarnished when you look at things retroactively. Not that WCW and WWF didn't have hardcore matches and risky spots and all that, but they weren't in ECW's league for the most part when it came down to that.
You're entitled to your opinion. I don't hate ECW but I think that a lot of old ECW fans try to make it out to be much better than it actually was. Nostalgia tends to do what with a lot of wrestling fans. There were some good things about ECW, some controversial angles, great matches, etc. but it was not the end all and be all of pro wrestling no matter what you might hear. I was in my teens when the Monday Night Wars began in the mid 90s and ECW was a legitimate alternative to WCW and WWF.

When you think of all the premature deaths of wrestlers, all the issues surrounding their safety and well being that's become something of a hot topic over the past several years, I sometimes wonder what the overall legacy of ECW will be in later years. ECW was different and it was exciting at times, but I wonder if it's legacy could be tarnished when you look at things retroactively. Not that WCW and WWF didn't have hardcore matches and risky spots and all that, but they weren't in ECW's league for the most part when it came down to that.

Thank you for saying im entitled to my opinion and not jump down my throat like i expected...i just hear all this about ecw this and ecw that...its just something i dont feel its that big..they produced great wrestlers but like i said people are making it out like if you dont fall through a table or get set on fire or there are no lesbians then it sucks..thats not wrestling to me
Thank you for saying im entitled to my opinion and not jump down my throat like i expected

Im not jumping down your throat once again your assessment is unfair and inaccurate. Yes your entitled to your opinion but objectively it isnt true.

its just something i dont feel its that big..they produced great wrestlers but like i said people are making it out like if you dont fall through a table or get set on fire or there are no lesbians then it sucks..thats not wrestling to me

This isnt all that coherent, what are you arguing here?
Im not jumping down your throat once again your assessment is unfair and inaccurate. Yes your entitled to your opinion but objectively it isnt true.

This isnt all that coherent, what are you arguing here?

no im not arguing im saying thanks for not jumping down my sarcasm i just expected worse from people who read this and expected some die hard fans to jump all over me basically
no im not arguing im saying thanks for not jumping down my sarcasm i just expected worse from people who read this and expected some die hard fans to jump all over me basically

Im not a ECW die hard, Im a weapons loving backyarder I just like good Wrestling and ECW was good Wrestling. Sorry but I currently dont have the confidence in that you saw enough of ECW's product to make a reasonable judgement. Reading your posts it sounds like you are basing your opinion from the Rise & Fall of ECW DVD and not much else. Im expecting you to have seen ever show but your knowledge about the promotion, it's shows and wrestlers seems rather vague. Im not looking to jump down your throat here but this is the impression you are giving me from what you have posted.
Wasn't my thing. It was basically Paul Heyman re-creating the old Florida Championship Wrestling using Japanese garbage style. Not that it was bad, and I understand why it caught on with 90's crowds especially early on, but it just wasn't my thing.

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