Alternate Accounts because of Lock out issues

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I created Yale515 about 25 min after the log in first crashed. As soon as I closed my browser same prob. So I thought I created a 3rd (ShepFoLife ALT), however I didn't see it on the members list and I tried password reset but none of my emails are recognized. So I guess I never finished registering the 3rd acct. But I just wanna let it be known in case it does exist. It was only made because of this weeks prob with the forum.

Anyway please delete. Thanx
Freddy4190Alternate and this one. I still can't get into my account, Freddy4190. It's really annoying. It seems everyone else has their problem fixed. I never get the reset password email when I do it. Any chance of helping? Please?
Link me to your original profile
I would like to help you, but you need to verify that you are in fact that poster. Your IP does not match the original account, which is not uncommon, but I just need some proof.

Please PM me your e-mail account that is associated with the original account.
My alt is this one.. I still haven't been able to get into my original account. Freddy is the account name. lol.
SuperCrazy just contacted me and told me that he has been locked out again due the password expiring. Just thought you guys should know and perhaps get something done for him.

Don't worry about it anymore guys. I fixed it. I didn't realize there was a link with the message that allowed me to change my password.
Sly or IC.

This is Lord Sidious. I am once again experiencing lock out/password issues after this latest site crash. Is there a way my account and or password could be reset?

Thank you.
This is Lord Sidious again. As soon as the Lord Sidious1 account was logged out on, it once again did not recognize my password.

I have a feeling this may be once again happening to everyone once they get logged out. So now both my original and Lord Sidious 1 account are locked out. I did change my password on this account once I signed in.
KB is back, and Lord Sidious, HBK-aholic and jmt should both be able to come back now as well.

Anyone else?
Hey guys, it's Number$.

Sorry to make the alt but I seem to have been locked out and wanted to know how to sort it. It's similar to the original lock out thing but I am able to receive the password reset.

I tried this however and it doesn't work. That was at lunchtime. I have just tried it again and have not received any email.

Any help or ideas would be great.
I've tried on the above account and on the original one. I'm now locked out and unable to use them both.

I'm certain that the passwords I have entered are correct.
I get this problem every once and a while lately. It'll be fine for a day or two, then the site just refuses my password. I've found that closing my browser and reopening it usually fixes the problem. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm on a college router, but maybe this can help.
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