All Four Titles Change Hands At Bound For Glory


TNA has its biggest show of the year tonight and four new champions were crowned, which is currently how many titles TNA has. All titles don't change hands very often at any single show.

New TNA World Heavyweight Champion: AJ Styles

New TNA X Division Champion: Chris Sabin

New TNA Women's Knockout Champion: Gail Kim

New TNA World Tag Team Champions: The BroMans
Sabin makes sense because they are really pushing him as a heel and his method of winning adds to that.

I wanted Gail to win so I was happy with that. With her new alliance it will be interesting to see where that goes.

AJ winning helps further the storyline with Dixie so we can see what happens with that.

BroMAns was kind of a shock to be honest. I have no idea what's going to happen with that but I don't hate it.
So the reason y they let Gail Kim win was? I pretty sure ODB is the only face knockout they have

And Chris Sabin winning is a joke because because he has nobody to compete with and he just gave up the tittle for his shot at the tna WHC

and bro what ever just lost to ODB the past few weeks

And everyone knew aj was going to win

This is the stuff that is killing tna no logic to any of there story lines so who are these guys going to defend there titles
ok, i am not shocked by the win of AJ Styles. i expected him to walk out World Champ so they can continue the story of AJ getting the best of Dixie. the rest are either kinda surprising or surprising. the X-Division title was an expected change, though i'm kinda surprised that it was Sabin, i thought it was a possible Joe or Aries win. the Gail Kim win also was kinda surprising, though i was more surprised with Tapa teaming up with Kim and i was very suprised (and not in a good way) that Bro-Mans won. i thought they were the Tag team/heel version of Santino, funny, but nothing special. the good news about this is maybe now they can move Storm into the main event like they should do and make another face team to chase after Bro-Mans.
TNA has its biggest show of the year tonight and four new champions were crowned, which is currently how many titles TNA has. All titles don't change hands very often at any single show.

New TNA World Heavyweight Champion: AJ Styles

This has CM Punk-Vince McMahon written all over it.

Yeah, it's a semi-interesting storyline from the understanding that you don't exactly know what direction they'll take it as far as Dixie Carter being heel; however if AJ doesn't "leave", and a one-night tournament or some type of tournament to crown a *NEW* World Heavyweight Champion doesn't happen, which then conflicts with there being two Champions - then what exactly could happen? AJ gets the money he wants? How does that make him out to be anything other than a greedy individual?

In my opinion, especially with his victory, Bobby Roode needs to be the next strong feud for AJ here. Roode is probably the best man in the Company right now. Bully Ray will likely get a rematch somewhere, shy of Styles "leaving", but Ray lost a lot of luster as far as being a Main Eventer is concerned. I blame TNA for this - not Bully.

Regardless, Styles being Champion was the most predictable thing to happen from the night.

New TNA X Division Champion: Chris Sabin

Sabin makes history in becoming the only 7-time X-Division Champion and to be honest it's all over-shadowed by the fact that once upon a time ladders were banned from ringside during these matches, and now it seems one is used in every fricken one! WHY?! Is the purpose NOT to scale the wire and grab the belt that way?? Why not do away with the X all together, and simply make them ladder matches as they've basically become.

Sabin's heel turn looks to push Velvet more than anyone else. Who exactly is he going to feud with? Aries? Hardy? Joe? All of them are more Heavyweight contenders and really overshadow the division.

Sure, Sabin would look great feuding with them and maybe that's how you repackage him as a future true Heavyweight contender as well, but realistically you just have Manik and Kenny King. Maybe Ethan, but he's heel too.

A Sabin/Hardy feud looks to be in the works from this, but that really hurts Hardy's stock more than anything. He's fallen far from the once Main Event scene. TNA needs his fan reaction in their Main Events more than opening matches, as well.

New TNA Women's Knockout Champion: Gail Kim

WHY?! Seriously, WHY?! This screams AJ/Snuka or HBK/Diesel. Gail Kim is a long-standing Knockout and deserves her due - mainly because she isn't leaving the Company at the drop of a dime, or getting knocked up. But they truly only have ODB, Brooke, Velvet, and Kim. (Not counting Lei'd Tapa) Of those, ONLY ODB & Velvet are faces. So who exactly is Kim going to feud with -ODB for the next 2 months before Tapa gets kicked in the face one too many times and turns on Kim?

ODB needed to retain, to push the Tapa/ODB face-off. I suppose it'll happen anyways, but Kim having the Championship truly only serves the purpose of paying her off for her services with the Company, or MAYBE because she rarely has a bad match and carries everyone she works with. It damn sure isn't for being a positive in the top storyline for that division though.

New TNA World Tag Team Champions: The BroMans

I laughed. Seriously though, it was surprising and TNA doesn't do that often. I would like to compare this team to that of Brian Kendrick & Paul London. (who went on to hold the WWE Tag Championships for a historically long time - a year, maybe?)

Do I think BroMance, or BroMans will do the same? Hell no. TNA doesn't have the dedication and patience to wait this out that long. If anything, this is going to last all of until Thursday when EY & Abyss get a shot.

Still, I like that TNA took this chance. The only unfortunate part is neither guy is entertaining to watch. I honestly would've rather had Matt Morgan & Joey Ryan win the Championships than these two.

Bad Influence, Chavo/Hernandez (weren't they headed for a split recently?), EY & Park/Abyss, Gunner/Storm, Magnus/Joe, Knux/Bish.. any of these teams would be better served to be IN the lime-light as Champions.. but at least now everyone will constantly think whomever BroMan's defend against would likely beat them, and that's exactly what happened with London/Kendricks - see how that turned out?
So the reason y they let Gail Kim win was? I pretty sure ODB is the only face knockout they have

And Chris Sabin winning is a joke because because he has nobody to compete with and he just gave up the tittle for his shot at the tna WHC

and bro what ever just lost to ODB the past few weeks

And everyone knew aj was going to win

This is the stuff that is killing tna no logic to any of there story lines so who are these guys going to defend there titles

Lei'd Tapa came out and helped Gail win so it looks like they're doing an angle where she is Gail's enforcer. Technically Velvet is still a face also. There's only 5 current Knockouts on the roster. Gail, Lei'd Tapa, Brooke, ODB and Velvet. Taryn will come back at some point after she gives birth but right now there aren't very many options.

Sabin has Jeff Hardy, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and Manik to compete with. They all seem to be tied up in the X division right now. Those feuds (minus Manik) can all help bring credibility back to the title.

I have no idea what they're going to do with Bromans and the tag titles. The whole division needs to be overhauled. There's what 5 teams in total? (Bromans, Chavo & Hernandez, Bad Influence, Gunner & Storm, Eric Young & Joseph Park). It's most likely going to keep the Bromans & Eric Young/Joseph Park storyline going.

Obviously the main storyline revolves around AJ and the title right now so his win furthers the storyline.
I thought the ppv was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!, what can you say about EC3 already a legend, Sting vs Magnus was up there with Taker/Punk, everything else was Great, Kurt vs Booby was incredible moty and AJ vs Bully is a close second. But hey I guess. What more do you people want, next to killing themselves I don't think Vince on his best day could pull off a show like this. There is just no pleasing the IWC.

Lei'd Tapa came out and helped Gail win so it looks like they're doing an angle where she is Gail's enforcer. Technically Velvet is still a face also. There's only 5 current Knockouts on the roster. Gail, Lei'd Tapa, Brooke, ODB and Velvet. Taryn will come back at some point after she gives birth but right now there aren't very many options.

That is one of my points y TNA story's suck V is a face but she stands by her man who's a heel
And TT will be out for at least a year
Tna needed this, i don't think the rating's will change but im happy aj styles is the winner, and maybe now with gail kim and leid tapa will actually make the knockout division better, but i ain't holding my breath. Im real glad hogan didn't show up tonight. i hope hogan's gone for good. aj's champ again it feels like 2009 when aj won the big belt, right before hogan ruined tna with his former wwe buddies.
For me the whole event stinks of desperation. TNA are clearly in a really bad place now, changing all title at an event seems like they want to try to increase interest in the product. I honestly can't see the company lasting much longer.
AJ Styles winning the TNA World Championship was a very good move. He has deserved it for a LONG time. It's hard to believe he has not held it in almost 4 years. Way to go AJ! Hopefully this will be a nice long reign like his last one. Sabin for X Division Champion is ok I guess. Hardy might have been the better option as a former multi time World Champion and one of the biggest names on the roster holding the X Division Championship would help boost its prestige quite a bit. It was not the worst possible outcome of the match.

I'm not particularly happy about the new tag team champions. As much as I dislike Gunner, Storm made that team believable as champions. I don't like Jessie Godderz much and can't understand why Robbie E is even still employed. Big step down for the tag team titles. Then there's the Knockouts Championship. Why would they make Gail Kim the champion again? Good grief I am so tired of her. She's not entertaining, not attractive, and her being champion AGAIN does not make me interested in the division in the slightest. My how that division has fallen from where they were 3-4 years ago.

If AJ weren't the TNA World Champion right now, I would be tempted to just skip Impact this week. This overall was NOT a good result of what is supposed to be the biggest PPV event of the year in the federation.
For me the whole event stinks of desperation. TNA are clearly in a really bad place now, changing all title at an event seems like they want to try to increase interest in the product. I honestly can't see the company lasting much longer.

Which is, apparently, the worst thing a company can do.

Can you explain to me how exactly attempting to increase interest in the product is bad?

Of course they're desperate. They have to be desperate. I hope they're desperate for attention all the time. That's what they need.

Moreover, you do realize that we're talking about title reigns that lasted for months, right? Bully held it for pretty much half a year if you don't count Sabin's short run. Manik held it for at least three months and Gunner/Storm held it for even more.

See, this is what gets me on these forums. Shit like this. Can we have a filtering process for people with IQ's with a minus before the value?
You know when Robbie E and Pectaular won the gauntlet I was like, okay a wasted spot on the PPV, but they put on a hell of a match really. I think they deserve credit where it is due, even if the booking previously made E look weak.

AJ Styles put on a WM like performance last night and was truly spectacular.

The X Division match was not as good as I expected with the talent, but Sabin is really getting over with me as a heel. I thought the way he is using Velvet was great and the way he won. He is a mainstay for TNA.

Angle v Roode was a 4 star match. Angle with his HOF drama which I respect his decision, came out and did his thing as usual. Roode needs to be elevated to the Main Event without question.

Magnus v Sting...I hate saying this, but I think Sting is near the end...this match which sold me on the PPV was not what I was hoping for.

The knockouts, I always enjoy because in TNA they can definitely wrestle. It is amazing WWE doesn't ever use these kind of talents.

And what about the promos before the matches. Awesome...gunner...roode...really awesome promos before going out there. We need more of this in wrestling...made the matches seem important!

Lastly...EY is awesome...we need more of him.

Overall 3.75/5 stars....

- The YY
I’m a Belt SMark, so you know I was hoping for all these Title changes. I’m glad that Gail Kim is once again the face of the Knockouts Division. I’m glad that The Bro Mans got their first Title reign. I’m glad that Chris Sabin is once again the face of the X-Division. I’m glad that A. J. Styles is once again the face of Total Non-stop Action Impact Wrestling. Aside from the Tag Team Champions, the 3 singles Title changes sort of feels like a “reset” for TNA to me…and I like it!!

I just wish that TNA never retired the Television Championship. I think it would have been great to have the TV Title on the line in either the Roode / Angle match or the Magnus / Sting match. I wouldn’t have mind also seeing the return of the Knockouts Tag Team Championship as well, but oh well.
For me the whole event stinks of desperation. TNA are clearly in a really bad place now, changing all title at an event seems like they want to try to increase interest in the product. I honestly can't see the company lasting much longer.

And to think I was the only person who could smell the stinky terd they laid.

Simply enough they are trying to give the titles to those cheaper contracts so they can start letting top tier and money earners go. TNA is a shinking ship and Dixie has no clue how to recover.
I disagree with sabin winning the title. I think Manik needs it more. If they are going with Sabin vs Aries feud, then it doesnt need the belt involved. Without the belt, there really is nothing interesting for Manik to do.

I think that sometimes the belt should be on the people who need it more, which is why I'm glad that Bro Mans won. They need the belts to be over. Bad Influence doesn't. Any feud that bad influence does, can do just a well without the belts. If the bro mans do a feud, it needs the belts to be interesting.
The direction seems to be a serious question mark...

AJ Styles should've won the Title but Bully Ray should've been the one against Dixie not the other way around. It would've been a nice way to end Aces and Eights by having Styles the "TNA original" beat Bully Ray to end them once and for all.

I like Chris Sabin and all but Austin Aries should've won this match. He needs gold and a brewing feud with Styles would've been a nice storyline going forward.

Tessmacher should've kept the belt to keep her and Bully Ray as a "power couple" going. Bully could've came back and said he doesn't need Aces and Eights and he will become the TNA World Champion again.

Tag Titles if someone else was going to win the belts it should've been Daniels and Kazarian. They are at least entertaining.

TNA is sinking quicker than WCW did and they have only themselves to blame.
I think it was a really solid PPV. And, I'm kind of excited about the fact all of the belts changed hands.

AJ: Some have mentioned that this could be a TNA version of the CM Punk angle. If so, awesome; if not awesome. AJ deserves to be Champion, and I hope he goes on for the longest reign of any champ. If anyone deserves it, it is him. Whatever they do, they do NOT need to let him lose the belt on Free TV.

Bro-Mans: I actually kind of like them winning the belt. I know they have been jobbed out a lot, but I would accept them as champs even if they "Got Lucky" in most of their matches. Bad Influence doesn't need the belts to be an attraction. And I feel like Storm is about ready to go back to singles wrestling. It could be a very interesting feud for the Bro Mans to take on Abyss & EY.

Gail Kim: I think Gail is one of the best performers alive (male or female). Having her as the champ is never a bad thing.

Chris Sabin: I really thought Hardy should win this (even though I'm not a huge Hardy fan). I would have wanted Sabin to be the one to take the belt off of Hardy. But having Hardy win would build up the division in my eyes, and then have Sabin beat him, would build Sabin even more.

But, I can't complain about this ppv. It seems like it was solid from top to bottom (other than the EC3 debut).
Which is, apparently, the worst thing a company can do.

Can you explain to me how exactly attempting to increase interest in the product is bad?

Of course they're desperate. They have to be desperate. I hope they're desperate for attention all the time. That's what they need.

Moreover, you do realize that we're talking about title reigns that lasted for months, right? Bully held it for pretty much half a year if you don't count Sabin's short run. Manik held it for at least three months and Gunner/Storm held it for even more.

See, this is what gets me on these forums. Shit like this. Can we have a filtering process for people with IQ's with a minus before the value?

There's a difference between putting up a "Yard Sale!" sign and potentially selling the vibe of "I'll give you a handy in the back for $20."

Now, I'm not saying TNA is *that* desperate, but from the attendance numbers for their "Wrestlmania" they are hurting... bad, and needing attention. But there's a rather big difference between "good" attention and what potentially TNA is putting out.

We all knew AJ would win just like we all knew Punk would win at Money in the Bank, but AJ winning doesn't seem to have the same strength as Punk. At least not to me.
I didn't see the show, there's not been anything going on for a while to make me interested enough to buy the ppv. As for the happenings at the show, it all depends on the aftermath & follow up.

AJ Styles winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship was all but guaranteed, which isn't a bad thing in this case. Bully Ray's been the strongest heel champion TNA has seen, in my eyes, since Bobby Roode. It's really been a long, long time since there's been a genuinely strong babyface champion who was under 40 years of age. Styles is considered to be the heart and soul of TNA, so if he's able to get people to tune in for the potential novelty of Styles having the strap again for nearly 3.5 years, then that's great for TNA. After all, nobody else has been able to do it whether it be established guys like Sting, Angle or Hardy, so I fail to see how Styles being champ is gonna make things any worse. If the goal is to ultimately pull a CM Punk style angle from the summer of 2011 in which Styles threatens to "leave" with the title, I'm a bit wary. Styles is among the top guys in wrestling inside the ring, arguably better than Punk. But when it comes to charisma, personality & mic skills; Styles isn't in the same solar system as Punk. If the plan is for something like what we saw with WWE in the summer of 2011, we'll just have to see how it plays out.

As far as the X Division Championship goes, I'm completely indifferent at this point. That's not to say that there's not hope, of course. Last night was probably the most relevant the title has felt since before Aries dropped it last summer. However, if the booking continues along the same lines of the X Division mostly coming off as a mix of irrelevant high flyers with no real characters or stories, then Sabin's just gonna carry the title for a while it 'til it's someone else's turn, 7th time or not.

For the KO title, again, I'm pretty indifferent. Mickie James was the freshest aspect of the Knockout Division as a heel that there'd been in quite some time. With the way the match came to an end, it's looking as though they're going the AJ & Tamina route with Tapa being Gail Kim's "bodyguard." It's good use of Tapa considering how much bigger & stronger she is than the other Knockouts and Kim's always been strong in the ring, but not on the mic. I've always found her to be pretty dull when it comes to her personality.

The TNA World Tag Team Championships...well...there's just not much to say about it really. TNA's tag team picture is in shambles and it really kind of has been for the past two years. For me personally, I just don't see any other explanation. They go from teams like the MCMGs and Beer Money to a reality TV ****e in Jessie Godderz and a wrestler whose character is based on a reality series in Robbie E.
I don't have any problems with any of these title changes. A.J was an obvious one; Gail Kim is a strong champ, Sabin likewise and the tag-team division is a bit of a mess so putting it on the Bros isn't horrible.

There is certainly talent within each the World Heavyweight, Knockout and X-Division championship roster. If they just steer away from focusing on Dixie Carter then there is something to look forward to. With regards to the tag-division, I personally think that they have far too many talented singles superstars wasting away in the tag-division. Some of these guys are very capable of being World Champ and aren't even wrestling on the biggest night of the year.
I watched BFG, and enjoyed the show.

I do have issues with the way TNA is booking right now, however it all ends up somewhere right?

TNA loves to drag out story lines, just look at Aces and 8', it's been two years now, and they could of wrapped it all up last night....but didn't, and even talked about a "rebirth"
Overall, I enjoyed the show (and the rather obvious title changes). I wonder why still shows that their TV Champ is Abyss, since we haven't seen him defend the belt since he won it! Oh well.

The only things that really bugged me about the BfG PPV were a couple of the Bully/AJ vignettes throughout the night. First of all, involving AJ: why was it never mentioned that BFG 2013 would be the very first time he would even be allowed to wrestle for the title, since losing that match late in 2012? I think it was soon after BFG 2012, and the "dark AJ" character debuted soon after. I suppose that was the main reason it wasn't mentioned, because they wanted to distance AJ from the semi-heel that he was for most of 2013. I still think it should have been mentioned, at least...I suppose it would have distracted a little bit from AJ's feud with Dixie as well, but it would have been a nice touch.

The other thing that really bugged me is that one vignette we saw with Bully Ray. He was talking to someone in the locker room (the people he was talking to weren't shown on camera), and he said something to the effect of: "they thought you just split, and they thought you would never trust me again" (one comment referring to one person, and the second comment referring to someone else). Bully made it somewhat obvious that he was speaking to members of A&8s, but we didn't know who at the time. Now I suppose the one who would "never trust [Bully] again" was probably Knux (after what Bully pulled on last Thursday's iMPACT), but who was the one who "just split"? DOC would have been a nice surprise, but my money was on Brisco (possibly Anderson). I would have groaned if it was Devon, but I wouldn't have been surprised either. I wonder what the point of that vignette was, if there were no "surprise" returns from former A&8 members? Why weren't the guys just shown on camera?'s not like they have to keep a TV audience "captivated" to "stay tuned" during commercial breaks, or anything. The people who ordered the PPV were pretty likely to watch the entire thing.

Other than those squabbles, like I already said - I thought the show was pretty solid. I was a little shocked that they put the Ultimate X match first on the card, even though that's something TNA has done before (put the XD match first on the card). I would have saved that match for further down the card, but that's just me I guess.

The Sting/Magnus match was good, but the finish seemed a little weak to me. I would have liked to have seen a few false finishes before Sting tapped to Magnus. Magnus' actions at the end of the match smelled a bit like a heel turn is in the works for him, though. That could be good.

The Bully/AJ match was outstanding, even if the finish (or outcome) was predictable. I hope TNA doesn't go the route of the Punk/Cena angle that we saw in WWE a few years ago, but I don't know where else they could take it. Hopefully we'll be pleasantly surprised.

All in all, I'm looking forward to watching iMPACT on Thursday. I hope Abyss is back to stay, the Joseph Park character was getting stale. Hopefully Abyss won't get stale again, if he is back for good.
I disagree with sabin winning the title. I think Manik needs it more. If they are going with Sabin vs Aries feud, then it doesnt need the belt involved. Without the belt, there really is nothing interesting for Manik to do.

I think that sometimes the belt should be on the people who need it more, which is why I'm glad that Bro Mans won. They need the belts to be over. Bad Influence doesn't. Any feud that bad influence does, can do just a well without the belts. If the bro mans do a feud, it needs the belts to be interesting.

I think the 2 best choices for winners in the Ultimate X match last night were Chris Sabin or Manik. Jeff Hardy doesn't need a belt to get over with the fans, especially the second tier belt in the promotion. Samoa Joe won't be a permanent fixture in the X-Division, and I think Aries would be better suited going after the World title rather than the X-Division title.

Manik winning last night would have been a great way to get him over with the fans and as champion by defeating 4 quality veterans. But Sabin also makes sense if they're gonna give him a push as a heel right now.

Now, in regards to the BroMans winning, I think it was actually a good choice in hindsight. They bring more legitimacy to the belt than EY and Park would have and unlike Chavo/Hernandez and Bad Influence, they haven't won the title before (BI don't need the belt to get over, though it'd be cool for them to be champs again). I really hope TNA does a BroMans/Bad Influence feud, I think that could be entertaining.
I'm surprised that TNA ended up changing all four titles. I figured that AJ Styles, Gail Kim, and Chris Sabin would win. The title change that really surprised me is BroMans winning. With all these title changes that happened, can't wait to see what happens next for everyone of the new champs.

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