Alissa Flash Leaves TNA!

okay because some no name website apparently not many people have seen or heard of said that alyssa flash has gone from tna you all jump on it like a buncha fuckin sharks?

okay im gonna go make a website that says "Bubba the Contraceptive Device and Awesome Kong have three way with Verne Troyer (mini me from austin powers saga) an watch you all talk about that on here........

unlike you apparently, I myself for one base my information off of wrestlezone I havent been let down in the past and will wait until they "break" this "news" if she is truly gone from the TNA roster. Secondly for the dude who posted the "i hate hogan" comment on this thread, Hogan LOVES Kong an when they met at a mall while she was shopping he just happened to be signing his book at...........he told her he was excited to meet her an work with her just like she said the same thing. WE arent 100 % sure she gave her notice, and I am sure Hogan would do the right thing and get rid of Bubba before he would let Kong go..........besides I dont know whats bigger Bubba's gut or his wanna be 24 inch pythons..........Kong however is a big draw, AND a champion and a pretty sweet woman so lets wait and see, once again wrestlezone has POSTED NOTHING on her giving her notice nor Flash being done in TNA so all you smarks put down your coffee, your remotes, turn off the japanese cartoon porn and wait for a credible website to post it.......................and if you aint down with that i got two words for ya....................

No Offense I did go check out TNA's Roster page, and while she is not on there anymore..........Neither is Jeff Hardy, Shannon Moore, or Mr. Anderson so let's not go counting our chickens before our eggs hatch.
Wow, I take off my signature featuring her the day she is released/steps away from TNA. What odds?

It's a shame that one of the talented ones (though I do give Love, & The Beautiful people credit. They are learning) leaves, followed by yet another (Kong.)

I have a feeling Kong will return to the NWA SE (& Midwest) Circuit and Melissa will return to Shimmer & the job she has/had before she signed with TNA.
I was pretty sad about this news. I love Melissa, she's easily my favourite womens wrestler of all time. Her 1 hour time limit draw with Wesna is my favourite womens match of all time, and is in my top 20 matches. She's awesome and is better than 95% of TNA's roster, male or female. TNA letting her go is a big mistake, she could be a great KO champion.

As for her future, it looks like the indies for the forseeable future. She has a good fanbase there and any indy promotion would give her some matches, she has a great reputation. While she might go for another try out in WWE, I don't think she'll go for the job. It's not her "scene". But I'm still desperately hoping that she still gets a WWE contract, I hate not being able to see her wrestle regularly.
Well this is shit news. I really liked her, she was one of the best knockouts TNA had. Her matches with Sarita we're really good. I thought she would of been a really good KO champion if she had the chance, its a shame she didn't become Flash earlier as I think she would of had a really good career. A multi time Knockouts champion and most likely the tag titles. She made the division alot more solid.

I would say I hope she goes to WWE but I don't think that she would work very well over there. They seem too shit to have decent matches with her and she would probably rather be able to perform properly and be happy rather than be in the WWE. Hopefully she comes back to TNA soon as it would make me happy and alot of other fans.
Okay guys, guys guys. I hear all of you wondering why Cheerleader Melissa and Mschef aren't in the E. I'm going to give you three reasons why. No wait, I'll give ya four.

1. They are both chubby.

2. They are both chunky.

3. They are both fat.

4. Mickie James.

Now me, I luv me some big girls. I do I do I do. Hell, I love em like Kel Mitchell loves orange soda. And I have the same reaction when I get one too. lol But all kidding aside, the Mickie James reason is the most compelling reason why neither Melissa nor MsChef will get into the E. Mickie, who is one of the most naturally sexy women that the E has ever had and she got shipped over to Smackdown because she has a bit of a tummy and a PHAT ass? And all they could come up with for her is an angle where other female wrestlers, and even male announcers, make fun of her weight and call her a pig? Shit, if they give Mickie this much shit, can you imagine how badly they would treat MsChef and Melissa?

So for all of you hoping, you can keep hoping because the E only wants bad wrestling super models and playboy bunnies on their Diva roster. Anybody who has a tummy or a wrinkle usually gets kicked to the curb by them, no matter how good they can wrestle. What a waste too, because the E could use such ladies to help re-legitimize their women's division.
^^ I dont think Mellisa is fat at all, and Im pissed shes gone from TNA, I printed of a pic of her from a Knockouts forum and put it up on my wall, I'll have to cross out TNA lol. wonder why she got released. Is there any place online to watch Shimmer if she goes back there.
^^ I dont think Mellisa is fat at all, and Im pissed shes gone from TNA, I printed of a pic of her from a Knockouts forum and put it up on my wall, I'll have to cross out TNA lol. wonder why she got released. Is there any place online to watch Shimmer if she goes back there.

Okay, obviously u missed the jest of what I was saying. I said that if WWE thinks that Mickie James is fat (damn she's so phat), then they would definitey have problems with Mellisa and MsChef. And I'm not sure what picture YOU got, but the last time I say her on tv, she was wearing shirt to cover up her gut. I mean she was sexy, but she had a bigger gut than the alleged "Piggy" James (did I forget to mention that she has a super phat ass? DAYum!). Don't believe me? I'm sure you can go to that tube video site and check out some TNA footage of her as Alissa Flash and see the spare time she's carrying around. Shit, you could even see it through her Raesha Saed costume towards the end of that character.
if they let her go cause of her weight, is there anyway she could sue them?? Its not legal to fire someone cause of their weight. Im so mad that shes gone and Lacey is still there. I guess they would rather have a "hot skinny knockout" that cant wrestle rather than one who may weigh a little more, but puts on a good match. Same with Mickie. These two can actually wrestler, you would think that would be important on a wrestling show.
If she goes back to Shimmer do they have matches like on youtube or somewhere else.
if they let her go cause of her weight, is there anyway she could sue them?? Its not legal to fire someone cause of their weight. Im so mad that shes gone and Lacey is still there. I guess they would rather have a "hot skinny knockout" that cant wrestle rather than one who may weigh a little more, but puts on a good match. Same with Mickie. These two can actually wrestler, you would think that would be important on a wrestling show.
If she goes back to Shimmer do they have matches like on youtube or somewhere else.

Okay, you are REALLY not listening. I didn't say they fired her over her weight or that weight had anything to do with her being released. It most likely had to do with the fact that she wasn't being used, well not unless they wanted to put her in a tag team with Daphne(who will most likely be the next Knockout gone) and have Raven manage them. But then again, that's a bit too much to ask for in a ladies division. What I DID say about weight was that with Mickie James and even Beth Phoenix having been moves to Smackdown for their weight issues, it is UNLIKELY THAT THE "E" WOULD SIGN EITHER MELISSA OR MSCHEF. So please, in the future, don't misquote or misinterpret what I said. Just reread or ask me if you are unsure.
Who gives a fuck? She's just a female wrestler, there are a ton more where she came from.

Usually, I'd agree, and move on. But, Melissa is a rare breed. She can actually wrestle any female professional wrestler, and make it a good match. She's had a MOTY, and has been nominated almost every other year since starting. The nickname "Future Legend" isn't just a nickname. The same people that said Kurt Angle would be a legend are the ones who gave that title to her.

I'm sad to see her go, but it at least gets my interest back on SHIMMER. She could have had a great fued with Tara at the top, and I can't help but think this is why the shit with ODB is dragging on. Maybe she'll be back one day...?
The long and the short of it is can you remember the women's division in WCW during the Monday Night Wars? No, because there wasn't one. Women's wrestling is absolutely not a draw, even with people as talented as Melissa, and as a result it has taken a backseat. As she isn't in the hunt for a women's title, she hasn't been on TV, so this release is unsurprising. With Kong leaving too, I imagine that there will be less and less emphasis on the women's division, and we will basically end up with eye candy style ladies and nothing more. The Beautiful People are this decade's Nitro Girls waiting to happen. It's a sad ending for a division that has been gripping at times, but she will not be replaced.

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