Alissa Flash Leaves TNA!


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According to Diva-Dirt, Melissa has parted ways with TNA. To help confirm this, her profile was taken off the TNA roster at TNAWrestling.Com.

Dammit dammit dammit! My favorite female wrestler is gone from the company! Fuck. Looks like I will have to go back to watching Shimmer. Hopefully she keeps that smoking hot outfit. Maybe WWE will scoop her up and get her back on tv.
Well, Kong gave her notice, and now this happens:

Diva Dirt has just received word that TNA Knockout, Alissa Flash — real name Melissa Anderson — has parted ways with TNA.

Anderson made her debut in January 2008 as Raisha Saeed, manager of Awesome Kong before debuting a second character, ‘The Future Legend’ Alissa Flash in July 2009. Saeed was written out in October last year and Anderson continued to compete as Flash until her departure.

During her time in the company, Alissa has competed in memorable matches with Sarita, Hamada, Awesome Kong and Tara.

Meltzer apparently said last night that it didn't look good for her. Here we are now.

So what exactly is TNA doing? They haven't forgotten that the Knockouts Division is a huge draw for them, right? I don't think it would be a good idea for TNA to let Kong go, and I think it's just as stupid to let Alissa walk. She's one of the most talented women's wrestlers out there today, and with the WWE taking a look at her a bunch of times in the past, hopefully they snatch her up and make TNA pay for their mistake. Just like I said in the Kong thread, adding Alissa would be a huge boost to the Divas division. With Mickie on the outs as well, there's definitely going to be a spot open for an attractive woman that can actually wrestle, and I think Alissa Flash can easily follow in Mickie's footsteps.

TNA differed itself from the WWE because they built their women's division on attractive women that could wrestle, and in Kong's case, an attraction that could definitely wrestle. Getting rid of Alissa is a step in the wrong direction. Possibly getting rid of Kong is another huge step in the wrong direction as well.

Alissa could definitely fit in the WWE, and they should come to an agreement to make TNA pay for their mistake.
I was wondering what happened to her. They seemed to be giving her a solid push and then she disappeared. Shame that they have parted ways. I for one would love to see the E give her a call. With Melina out and Mickie possible leaving, the E needs some new divas that can go in the ring.
I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing Melissa in WWE anytime soon. If this is indeed true, I'd beat money that Melissa is going back to SHIMMER full time. I believe that Melissa holds a similar opinion as MsChif does regarding the WWE. It's not like they don't think that they aren't hot enough to fit in; women like Melissa enjoy having creative control over the direction of their characters and fueds. If she went to WWE, she'd lose her creative freedoms.

This is also a primary reason as to why MsChif hasn't made an attempt to join up with either WWE or TNA.
I wonder what the problem with Flash was? Maybe the pay, who knows?

I am concerned that if Kong leaves, and with Flash gone, that TNA's Knockout Division is really going to suffer. Those two were two of the bigger talents in the Knockouts Division, and these two departures spells big trouble for the quality of the Division.

TNA should do whatever they can to convince Flash to come back to TNA. But I figured something was up since it's been a couple weeks since I last saw her on Impact.
Such a shame that she's gone from TNA. I've seen some of her stuff in the Indies as Cheerleader Melissa and she's a great wrestler. Too bad TNA didn't use her to the fullest extent possible. She should have done a lot more with them. I really wanted to see her have a feud with Awesome Kong, Hamada, and a few others. Too bad that won't happen now. TNA really dropped the ball with her.

Now, she is someone that I think could make it in the WWE. She is hot and sexy and has amazing wrestling skills to go along with her hotness. The only thing holding her back if she were to go to WWE is that they would probably consider her 'fat' even though that's not the case at all. Too bad TNA didn't do a lot more with her like they could have done. I can think of a lot of miss opportunities.
Aww man seriously? I thought she was just recovering from an injury. I mean I know she's been working JAPW recently but I figured she was just off TV till they thought up a new angle for her and she was working in the meantime but it would make sense if this is true. Damn shame, she was an awesome knockout and hot to boot.
Excuse me if this sounds sexist, but....

Wow, is the Knockout division getting a kick in the ovaries tonight or what?

First, Awesome Kong turns in her notice to TNA after giving Bubba The Haiti-hating Twerp a few rough shots. As inappropriate and as unprofessional as it is, I like Kong more for doing it. It won't help her pay bills, but Kong gets my vote for ass-kicker of 2010.

Now, Alissa Flash, aka Kong's former manager Raisha Saied (however you spell it), leaves TNA as well. This is a sad day for TNA. I remember when she debuted as Alissa against Sarita. The match helped make the two in my personal opinion and was never really capitalized upon, unfortunately like a lot of things in pro wrestling these days.

Who's next? ODB quitting to find a local bar? Taylor Wilde for looking too much like a generic version of Trish Stratus? The Knockout division is one of the things that separate TNA from WWE. HOPEFULLY, they won't lose too many of these great female ATHLETES and replace them with rejects from America's Next Top Model.
This is truly a shame. Flash was another Knockout I enjoyed watching, and now with her gone, TNA's Knockout division is going to be in serious trouble. With the speculation of Kong leaving, who by the way is one half of the Knockout tag team champions, this could be a trend of the Knockouts division becoming less interesting as time goes on.

Again, I am truly pissed off to hear this. I was hoping Flash would be put into the Knockouts championship title picture some where down the line, but it appears that will never happen.
What the hell is going on in TNA, i was really looking forward to a new Monday Night Wars, and the knockout division was huge for TNA in that regard, now KONG maybe gone because of an idiot (BUBBA LOVE) and now FLASH, great work with this new regime, GREAT WORK!!!
Finally they're getting rid of all that useless talent. I hope they get people in there who know nothing about wrestling who hope that it will catapult them into careers for E! or the Spice Channel.

Clearly they are doing this because they want to look good for all markets, which of course means all talent must go! Don't worry though. I'm sure these spots will be filled with sycophants and Lacey Von Erichs!

Seriously though, please keep Sarita. She brightens my day. I feared this would happen to the Knockouts. If Major Gunns is hired I'm done.
That's a shame, but TNA should have seen it coming. Since Melissa/Raisha/Melissa, lost her veil and became Alissa Flash, they have totally misused her. She pretty much became the Iron Mike Sharpe of the Knockouts divsion. She would put on a great show, but she kept losing the majority of her matches. She should have had more wins than once over Traci Brooks (who was the SD Jones of the Knockouts), once over Cody Deaner (don't even get me started on him as a Knockout), and I think once over Sarita (not sure if she got a win early on, and they had a rubber match). If the WWE was like it was before we started getting one Barbie doll right after the other; then she would be an excellent pickup that could be a major player as a heel.
This is bad. Alissa is a very good wrestler, but was never given a chance. She was always jobbing to the other Knockouts and I don't think she ever won a singles match.

I really hope this isn't a Bischoff / Hogan thing. Thinking back, Bischoff never really pushed women wrestlers in WCW and women wrestlers were never that big when Hogan was in his prime.

It's a shame really. Everyone know that the Knockout segments are usually the highest rated on Impact. I hope they are not trying to bring the Knockouts down rather than elevating the rest of the show.
Who gives a fuck? She's just a female wrestler, there are a ton more where she came from. I know people like to think that the Knockout division is one of TNA's biggest draw, but the fact is that women's wrestling, in general, doesn't draw. To use a parallel example, if you're the best player on a sports team that doesn't win any game, who gives a fuck how many points you score for your team?

There's nothing wrong with having female wrestlers on the card, but to get upset because one is gone seems asinine to me. Just get someone else to put in her place and go on.
How long had it been since she was on TV? Three weeks? A month? She wasn't being used at all so what's the point in paying her? She may indeed be talented and hot but if they're not going to use her they might as well just cut her so she can get on TV elsewhere and they can pay another wrestler to take her roster. I read it and said meh. Not a bit deal at all.
- What the ----?! She was a bad F'N ass Knockout, one of the best in the company. She had many gimmicks though, but still, I always enjoyed her work in TNA.. I hope to see her back soon, hopefully in TNA, but hey, we'll see.
This is a damn shame. When TNA dubbed Alissa Flash as the "future legend" I was so sure that she would eventually have become the face of the Knockouts division. She's hot and she has excellent wrestling skills. I honestly could have seen her as a dominant Knockouts Champion but that ship has obviously sailed now. My question is where does she go from here? I personally would like to see the WWE snatch her because she'd be a great asset to their ailing Divas/Womens division. As long as I see her on my TV screen again. :blush:
Assuming all of this is true, and paying attention to the old wrestling adage "believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear"-

It's not surprising to see both these ladies leave TNA. Kong has been upset in TNA for a while, publicly since she started comparing her rate of pay to the male wrestlers, while she was headlining the top-rated segments. (Shortly after, Angelina Love became the focus of the Knockouts division, and Kong became a jobber-to-the-stars. Lesson? You're only worth the money if the fans will miss you when you're gone.) Melissa never really got utilized in TNA; she was TNA's version of Elijah Burke, an extremely talented individual who never got the chance to showcase their skills. Is she following Kong out? Maybe, but she's got more than enough reason to leave without that.
All I could say is the Punk was absolutely right with everything he said about Hogan. The old piece of crap is in this for himself. They have Joe of a PPV, Daniels jobbing to Venis, Kong quitting, Flash released and the elimanation of TNA's six sided ring. It is disgusting what is happening in TNA and Hogan is running right to the ground.

Hogan advances two steps and goes back another five. Get rid of the Nasty Boys, Jarett, Nash, Hall, Pac & Venis. I can deal with Foley, Angle & Flair, but it really pisses me off when the ole turds I mentioned are taking time from the young guys. TNA is sad & Hulk Hogan is a cancer to the business. Say what ever you want about Vince, but the guy makes it work.
i think tna needs to focus on the x divison and knockout division and put the as the focal point of tna they have something wwe doesnt and thats a good womens division and crusierweights
I went to my job today, worked my ass off in 44 degrees (Celsuis) heat and came home to relax... and I find out that this happens!

Damn, Melissa was a great talent for the company and did a really great job in putting others over as well as getting herself over, despite the fact she has lost just about every match as Alissa Flash. She was a great mouthpiece for Kong as Raisha Saeed, and had a lot of endurance to wear that bodysuit on her.

But, Melissa has been with the company a while now and though she hasn't accomplished everything, she has done her job well. She was never the main people, but she was close to that role. Returning to SHIMMER would be a good idea for her so she can maintain her focus for the company and be one of the main people. If what Echelon said about her being like MsChif, it is going to be a shame that she will not be featured on mainstream tv for a while because she was a great talent.

Unlike Kong, Melissa has the chance of getting into the WWE, but how she would cope and work with the Diva's is something I don't think will work out in the long-run. I'm sure she'd be put as the talent enhancement like Victoria was before she made the jump.
I was really hoping the "Future Legend" moniker would actually hold true this time. Unfortunately that's not the case. Flash was a great in ring worker. In the little TNA I've been watching, she's wowed me and for her to do that inthat little amount of time is good. Not to mention she was smoking hot. Maybe she has her eyes set on the WWE.

Oh well, back to drooling over Velvet...
Ya know, I said it a long time ago. TNA's Knockout division, could be like WCW's Cruiserweight division, in the sense that it could open shows, be something TOTALLY different then what WWE is offering, and could really be broadened into the main event and what not.

But you start letting your big female stars leave, or you fire them, or let them go, and your show suffers. When your trying to beat Vince at this own game, your going to lose. The Knockouts were the Wild Card. I hope Bischoff doesn't do another Radicals and Jericho scenario and think TNA can survive just letting top talent leave.

BTW, is that one Canadian dude still running the female workers? Scott D'Amore? was it? Man, few years back with Gail Kim and stuff, that was fantastic.
This is very disappointing. Flash is one of my favorite Knockouts and I was hoping to see her possibly win the Knockouts Championship at some point. The division will not be the same without one of its best girls. I'll miss seeing Alissa Flash because I really enjoyed her matches and she could have become one of the top girls in the Knockout division soon, but since she's not staying, I hope that things work out for her with whatever she is going to do next.

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