Alicia Fox's new persona

CM Steel

A REAL American
Alicia Fox has been given a small push recently going for the WWE diva's championship against Paige. Her new character or persona comes out as not a crazy chick but almost as she's bi-polar or something. After her matches win or lose, she would go towards the commentary booth and just flip out on everyone over in the area. WWE creative gives every wrestler a chance to come up with an idea to help develop their own wrestling characters. But what do we call this new persona of Alicia Fox?

If she's trying to mimic a bi-polar person then that's not a good idea at all. Most people (mainly guys) get turned-off by a bi-polar who flips out on them, I know I do. And I don't think that a real bi-polar person would appreciated a non-bipolar person acting out like that on a TV show displaying bi-polar like that. Even after her lose to Paige at the Payback pay per-view she's still using the persona after her matches.

So will this make or break Alicia Fox's WWE career?
Initially, I was intrigued by where they were going with this. However, I've since lost interest because, at least in my opinion, there's no real direction with Alicia Fox. They're just having her flip out and behave in an "unpredictable" manner without any sort of rhyme or reason. I know that's something of an oxymoron as the very nature of being "unpredictable" is that people aren't really supposed to know what you're doing, why you're doing it or what you're gonna do next; but this is professional wrestling and the knowledge that professional wrestling is staged changes things.

Initially, I thought she was going to be something of a much more aggressive, no nonsense chick that's pissed off at being overlooked, taken for granted and "held back." That's where it looked like they were going but, as I said, now it just seems to be random acts of craziness just for the sake of appearing unbalanced. I don't see them as trying to mimic someone that's Bi-Polar as it comes off as far too exaggerated and doesn't resemble a "typical" situation. I'm not expert, by any means, but I don't think it's common, or even a symptom for that matter, for those who're Bi-Polar to change moods instantly as if someone's flipped a light switch on or off. When in the midst of a manic episode, Bi-Polars are usually abnormally happy & energetic while also often being extremely impulsive in making decisions without regards for the consequences. Hypersexuality is extremely common while in a state of mania via the poor impulse control. During periods of depression, they feel about as down as down can possibly be. It looks like Alicia Fox has "symptoms" of Bi-Polar but, from what I understand, the symptoms just don't come about almost simultaneously. Her behavior comes off more along the lines of a psychotic break in which someone, usually someone that's experienced a great deal of trauma and simply "snaps." People who have Bi-Polar can have a psychotic break but, again, Alicia's behavior is too exaggerated.

See what I mean about a lack of direction? It comes across as this exaggerated hodgepodge of issues, but none of it really meshes up with the reality of these disorders but, rather, is almost a parody of them. It'd been much easier and sensible just to portray her as a frustrated, pissed off chick that's lashing out because she's mad as hell and she's not gonna take it anymore.
I think that it will break her career. I really don't see this whole crazy thing working long term unless there is some major payoff in the form of the championship. Look at R-Truth's character when he was doing the Little Jimmy thing. He was world's more interesting when he did it. It was actually pretty humorous. Now, most people wish he would have gone back to that character. More than likely, he won't and will continue to be a jobber. I don't think Alicia's character is a temporary fix. It's a role anyone can play, they just picked her for it.
It comes across as this exaggerated hodgepodge of issues, but none of it really meshes up with the reality of these disorders but, rather, is almost a parody of them.

Yes, well, pretty much everything in pro wrestling is a parody of something, especially when it concerns the divas, whom Creative is desperately trying to find new directions.....that is, when they're bothering to write something for them at all.

The "crazy chick" persona worked so well for AJ Lee that the company might want to keep something similar going while she's gone. I doubt it's a coincidence that no one put Alicia in this role until AJ went on hiatus......but since she is, they probably figured: "Let's try it. Okay divas, we've got a spot planned for a woman who acts out after matches. Who wants to play it? Alicia, you've got your hand up? Great, you play it."

As to the idea that fans will be offended by a WWE performer essentially portraying a bipolar person, it seems by the way the crowd is smiling and laughing as Alicia displays her wacko tendencies, there's not much problem here.

But then, the crowd is also smiling and laughing as a wrestler is being beaten half to death; he/she is bleeding and suffering, his face contorted with pain ....and a fan close to him puts out his hand to be slapped while the beating is going on. Admittedly, there are times I wish the fans could get into the act a little more, but since they don't, why concern ourselves with how fans will perceive Alicia's new role?

Leave Alicia to her moment in the sun. It will play for a short time, then end with no rhyme or reason.......after all, these are the divas.
It's definitely made her a lot more interesting. The craziness could make her look like more of a threat going into title matches, but she still shouldn't hold the belt again. There's really nothing they could do to her to make her into Divas Championship material now that so many other girls who can actually work good matches are on the roster. Had she entered this persona a couple of years ago we would be having a completely different conversation. It would have been good for feuding with someone like Kelly or The Bellas who can't work a match. Now you have Paige, Emma, Summer, AJ (if/when she comes back), and Natalya on the same roster as Alicia. She can act crazy all she wants, and while it's an entertaining persona, those girls are all better than her in the ring and therefore all are better candidates for Divas Champion.
And I don't think that a real bi-polar person would appreciated a non-bipolar person acting out like that on a TV show displaying bi-polar like that.

This is the reason WWE went all politically correct, because of people like you getting offended at everything they do. If WWE offends you, go watch Disney Junior.

As far as the gimmick is concerned, I don't find it particularly interesting and I doubt it will help or hurt her career. No one cares about Alicia Fox.
This is the reason WWE went all politically correct, because of people like you getting offended at everything they do. If WWE offends you, go watch Disney Junior.

As far as the gimmick is concerned, I don't find it particularly interesting and I doubt it will help or hurt her career. No one cares about Alicia Fox.
Oh I'm not offended at all nor am I bi-polar. I know a few bi-polar people but I am not defending them. It's just I feel entertainers (like Nicki Minaj) shouldn't use a condition as part as their everyday persona when it is indeed just a gimmick to them. That's what I meant. And me go watch Disney Junior? Your just full of jokes aren't you?
We always talk about the 6 women tag matches we had grown tired of seeing. So I applaud something new for Alicia and I think it has made.her more interesting than I realized. She has played her character considerably well. You give Paige some hope as Divas champion by putting a bit of a spotlight on other divas. Look at Alicia, look at Summer Rae.
I have bi polar and have been around other bi polar people. Alicia is not acting bi polar at all. That's not how it works. You don't just freak out for a couple of minutes and then go back to normal. There's much more to it than that. Bi polar and schizophrenia which I also have are portrayed wrong by television shows and movies more often than not.

If they're trying to make Alicia "bi polar" which I'm pretty sure they're not then they are failing at that.

That being said it doesn't offend me in any way. She's playing a character and she's not degrading anyone with mental health issues. Even if one of the announcers were to say something about her being bi polar or acting bi polar I wouldn't care.

I don't buy into her as a crazy chick either. She comes off more as a bratty kid. We all know those kids who do annoying things just to get attention. She's good at it though. I get genuinely annoyed when her fits go on too long.

She looked hot as fuck in JBL's hat though.
The fact someone is speaking on Alicia Foxx's antics as offensive to someone is laughable. So what does that say about the Eugene character?
I think it started out great. She came out as really aggressive in that first match with Paige. Everything made sense.
It kept like this for a few appearances. But unfortunately, after her win in London, it all went for a comedy side.

If the WWE would go back to a more aggressive persona, than would be successful IMO.
Fox is a talented lady, she's been in the WWE for around 8 years, and she deserves more for all the work she's done (not only in ring, but all the charity, events, etc).

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