Alberto Del Rio is a bully!

Remy LaCroix

Lou Thesz' Favorite Son
Can't be bothered to post the video on mobile.

Oct 9, 12:40 AM

View Video >> EXCLUSIVE: 'Shark Tank' Winner to WWE Star Alberto Del Rio -- You Made My Son Cry ... Now Apologize

A mother will do anything to protect her kid -- just ask former "Shark Tank" winner Shelly Ehler ... who's picking a fight with a 6'5", 239-pound WWE star after he made her 8-year-old cry. Ehler -- who scored a $75k investment on "Tank" for her ShoNo towels -- has a serious beef with Alberto Del Rio ... who snatched her son's handmade sign during a WWE event in Anaheim, CA this weekend ... and RIPPED IT UP (or at least tried to). In the video (above) Del Rio isn't quite strong enough to rip the sign in half (it is cardboard) ... so he takes off small, pathetic, chunks instead. FYI -- it's standard practice for the wrestlers to interact with audience members "in character." In this case, the sign was pro-Sheamus ... the wrestling arch-nemesis of Del Rio. But TMZ spoke to Shelly, who says her 8-year-old was terrified by the wrestler's actions and instantly burst into tears. She adds,* "Del Rio is a bully. I looked at him and said 'he's crying' ... and he mocked him." Shelly -- who says her 8-year-old cried all the all way home -- vented her frustrations to the wrestler on Twitter and then fired off a an angry letter to the WWE. In the letter she says, "Take signs from adults NOT KIDS!* My son was bullied by your superstars and it is not okay."Despite her demands, Shelly claims she's heard crickets from Del Rio -- but his manager tweeted her back and said, "lol blah blah blah." FYI -- as soon as Shelly contacted Sheamus about the incident ... he immediately offered to send her son a signed photo and meet with him next time he's in town.
Is this for real? How can this woman be serious and not be able to grasp he was in character and has to stay in character while on screen.
He ain't got nothing on the real bully Bully Ray.

Why didn't Del Rio use his own twittah machine though instead of getting his manager??
He ain't got nothing on the real bully Bully Ray.

Why didn't Del Rio use his own twittah machine though instead of getting his manager??
Not sure he has one. I checked twitter and can't find his twitter or his managers. Might be missing it, but I have yet to find them.
You mean this isn't a thread about John Morrison returning? Goddammit...

He could have been the star of the anti-bullying campaign; first Sheamus, then a break to recuperate his bully-fighting skills then onto the newest bully on the block. If only...
This lady is taking this way to serious. Wrestlers have been ripping up signs and doing stuff to kids for years. I would hate to see if her kid was the one that Ted Dibiase made bounce the ball and kicked the ball. At 8 years old I would have loved for a wrestler to do that to my sign. That kid had a moment with a WWE star and cries. Kids these days.....
Del Rio's just doing a good job of staying in character. Don't bring your kid to a show unless he understands that the performers are all playing a role anyway.
The video is hilarious because Del Rio can't even rip cardboard. What is shark tank? Too sensitive? Probably, but this seems like the wrong way to get heat in the current WWE.
There's not even words to describe how stupid this lady is. It's a show, he's playing a bad guy. Being mean to kids is what bad guys do.
I can understand why this lady is upset, and I don't think she's "taking it too far" as many have said. I also understand that heels are supposed to do these kinds of things to garner heat, and whatnot...I just always thought these kinds of things were planned ahead of time.

I guess this is the dumbass in me, but I figured that if Del Rio (or any other heel, for that matter) was going to rip up a fan's sign (especially a kid that young), the WWE would bring a sign out for the kid and say to the parents something like "hold this sign, the bad guy is gonna come out and take it from you". It seems like something like that would be easily done, and still get the same response from the crowd without actually upsetting kids. If the family says they don't want to be a part of the show, find another family sitting at ringside. It's obvious that it does not happen that way, but it would probably be better if the WWE did something like that.

I understand it's a show, Del Rio was just trying to get heat, blah blah blah. I think all this woman really wants is an apology from either Del Rio, Ricardo, or an official apology from the WWE. If anything, there was a lot of positives that came from this. I think it was said that the kid is getting a signed 8"x10" from Sheamus, and also got VIP passes for TNA's Bound for Glory. You might think that's good enough for this woman, but I understand how she feels. She wants an apology, and doesn't want to see other (tiny, young) children feel "victimized" by these intimidating wrestlers. Most of you must not be parents, or haven't been around a lot of kids this age. They are really sensitive, and I feel badly for what happened to this family at the show. Then again, free VIP passes for BfG, an autographed photo of Sheamus and getting to meet Sheamus next time he's in town should be consolation enough. Like I said earlier, she just wants to make sure that this sort of thing doesn't happen to another child this young and small.

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