
Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
Okay, so RAW is over. AJ just pushed Punk through Bryan through a table...and showed no remorse. She was on RAW for like 40 minutes total.

Is anyone else wondering what the hell is going on here? As in with the whole AJ situation. Is it possible that she's trying to get Kane? Is it possible that she likes someone else? (Please be Dean Ambrose xD) Is it possible that she is really that creepy?

How much AJ is too much?

And what the hell is going on here?
AJ is doing what divas need to do to get over, stay relevant, and become popular. The divas matches don't draw, so in order to get more air time they have to become individual draws. AJ has taken the airtime she's received, and she's done great so far. Expect to see a lot more of her in the future.
No such thing as too much Aj. As far as your second question goes I believe she's really with Bryan but will see how it all plays out.
I think she is just doing it for attention tbh. What better way to get noticed then mess with the two top guys in the WWE. Oh, and Kane.

She is good at what she does, that's for sure.

I guess, I'll just have to keep watching to find out the out come. Gotta love soap operas.

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