AJ Styles: Worthy of a 4th Title Run or Just a Contender?

AJ Styles: Worthy of a 4th Title Run or Just a Contender

  • Worthy: He's paid his dues

  • Neutral: Not sure.. yet

  • Just a Contender: Always a Challenger Nothing More

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SmackDown! is MY Show
So this idea has been floated around in other threads and I thought it deserved its own thread. I mean man TNA fans have been saying especially with the new TNA championship that AJ Styles should have been the first champion and deserves the gold now. But thinking about it is AJ a guy that can carry the company to the main stream audience? This was the question I had in the Samoa Joe thread as these home grown guys TNA have will they be able to appeal to the casual wrestling fan. I think Styles could, but as much as people hate TNA for giving Styles his new comedic angle he as grown in personality and when the times comes form him to break away from that angle he will have depth as a character and it will mean more. I think he will be a contender in the near future, but I feel by this time next year he will have the gold. For he will be just be a contender as I feel and TNA feels he is not ready to lead the company to the mainstream fans and lead the company just yet.

See ever since AJ styles went int his comedic angle where is a lackey form Christian or now Kurt he has slowly grown in character. Now you notice he still does his goofy gimmick, but he is starting to show off to me that he is only acting this way to get what he wants. I mean we he breaks away from Kurt and goes on his own he will be over and have some character that he hasn't had before. That should automatically make him a contender if Angle is champion if not should move him closer to it. Styles will have it as he be a face, heel or a tweener.

So the question regarding for AJ Styles is: Worthy of a 4th Title Run or Just a Contender?
I agree with AJ that he will get the title again eventually. With Styles you always get a good match in the ring. Honestly, name one truly bad styles match. He's great in the ring, and is the epitome of the tna style. He can mix the x-style with the heavyweight style in a way that doesn't make you think spot monkey. He's got a good look, a great sense in the ring, but this gimmick is starting to slowly kill him off. Once he breaks away from angle, he's the golden boy all over again, which is what he was born to be.
To me, A.J. Styles is a perfect choice for T.N.A. Heavyweight Champion. Unlike Samoa Joe, (in my opinion) Styles just has everything about him that works. He has a great look, to the point of being capable of matching up against anyone and playing the underdog.

He has natural ability and the talent to carry any type of match, and make it look like a 5 star quality show. And he has the character and charisma to make himself a true Main Event personality. He's been a World Champion before, however not since T.N.A. has went main-stream. So the question needs to truly be asked, what do most of the new T.N.A. viewers see Styles as?

Because most new viewers, who've only been watching since Spike TV, may just see A.J. Styles as the plucky comic relief. And thats just not the way he should be seen, which unfortunately is exactly how they're playing him off.

I think T.N.A. is going in this direction, however, because before this angle (no pun intended) A.J. Styles had charisma, but was plain and bland. He was exciting to watch, which is truly all that matters, but he was boring to hear, and know about.. outside of his wrestling style. With this stupid comic gimmick, he's still exciting to watch, and now, he's somewhat funny, somewhat stupid. All in all, they're rounding him out.. just doing a bad job of it.

I say A.J. deserves another Championship run as Heavyweight Champion. And furthermore, I say he should defeat Kurt Angle, then Christian Cage to establish himself as what he once was.
I think that Styles could definetely be a title contender but only as a face. I would like to see the storyline with Angle end with AJ being injured by Angle. He could then return and feud with Angle. AFter feuding with angle and being put over, he could then make a run for the title again. FYI they need to be very careful with how they play the styles storyline out for it to work. It needs to be a really slow build with a definete goal at the end.
I think TNA needs to put the not only the title on other people like AJ but the spotlight of the company to see what they are made of.

Paul Heyman said that the one thing they dont have is a brand, or a branded champ, giving it to AJ, the man whos been there since day one and then the phenomonal one should shine hopefully. I thnk though they should turn him face before giving him the title, the heel side doesnt really suit him and I dont think would be a good idea to have him as heel and champ as he looks stupid and would make TNA look bad. But if they had him as the kickass day one AJ Styles i think it could work a treat!
I think TNA needs to put the not only the title on other people like AJ but the spotlight of the company to see what they are made of.

Paul Heyman said that the one thing they dont have is a brand, or a branded champ, giving it to AJ, the man whos been there since day one and then the phenomonal one should shine hopefully. I thnk though they should turn him face before giving him the title, the heel side doesnt really suit him and I dont think would be a good idea to have him as heel and champ as he looks stupid and would make TNA look bad. But if they had him as the kickass day one AJ Styles i think it could work a treat!

Hell yeah. Styles was named Mr. TNA for 3 years (maybe 4 idk for sure) by the fans for a reason. He not only embodied what the X-Division was,he embodied TNA. He was TNA's guy and if they get him face again he could easily be the guy to carry TNA to where they need to be heading and that's up.
What they need to do from here is have Angle be really pissed at AJ for that Karen thing and Angle kick AJ out of the Angle Alliance, from there they could start a feud between Angle and Styles which could lead to a championship match and AJ winning the title. So in all time TNA, of course AJ deserves the title, like others have said, he's been there for ever and he's a 3 time, 3 time, 3 time Mr. TNA. Once his "comical" storyline is over, AJ will be reborn back to PHENOMENAL
The only logical move is to if AJ is to become the champion is to put the strap on cage first. The AJ/Cage feud is already there, its got great buildup but as usual TNA decide to leave that feud in favour of having another crappy 6-man tag main event ppv match. What TNA do you really think people are going to buy the ppv to see a fucking 6-man tag with Nash in it. So at the next PPV Machismo will obviously retain, and there isn't a tag title or world title match. Why on earth would people buy it?! TNA misuses talent worse than WWE easily on current form. Anyway ultimately Styles is the guy that should have the belt going into next year, he won't but he should. The title needs to be kept away from Samoa Joe as long as possible, Angle/Joe is still fresh in peoples minds it needs to be given at least 8 months before it is restarted, and I still don't think Joe needs the belt. AJ is a much better choice but I would prefer to see him beat Cage for it just because I know it would be a great match and we know how well the two work together on mic to be able to build the feud. Angle bores me at the moment he's like TNA's Cena, he needs a break from the strap because people are bored of him, Cage was doing a much better job as champion than Angle is now. Anyway I voted him worthy, whether it is likely is another matter though.
Anybody remember the days where AJ was a cocky face who dominated everyone? I do. How this should go is that Angle and AJ should start to fizzle with AJ holding onto the alliance cause of his feelings for Karen. Then around Slammiversary in the King of the Mountain match have AJ helping out Kurt when suddenly as Kurt is climbing the ladder with the belt have AJ turn on Angle, give him a clash off the ladder and take the belt. With Angle's heel status its an instant face turn and a title run with numerous rivals set by the 5 person match. Then to further the face renewal have him come out on Impact and get back over with the crowd with a promo, and you have your most talented, not to mention home grown talent, as a face and a world title, with heels like Angle and Cage nipping at his heels
As long as he acts like a baby hes never gonna win the World Title again! Theres always possibility however that he could win the world title by accident, leading to an Evolution-like split in the Angle Alliance, with Angle being jealous of AJ.
Of course he is worthy of another title run. But they have to logically progress him through the ranks. As I look at it, Impact, for lack of a better word, kind of "rebooted" when they went to 2 hours. They didn't neccesarily forget what happened before that, but more emphasis was placed on what was happening. At the time AJ Styles was Christian's lackey. Now he is Angle's lackey, but he is slowly breaking away from Angle. He could possibly cause the distraction that would cause Angle to lose the title. But a person just can't go from lackey to champion overnight, they have to be built up. I think this is what TNA is trying to do right now.
He is worthy and will at some point be a champion again.

Like the_man said the 2 hour format was a new starting point and since then creative have been focusing a lot on getting A.J ready for the new main event by giving him a lot of tv time, and yes at first there was a lot of comedy angles but it helped him get a lot better on the mike.

Because of this he has become great on the mike as the last few weeks have shown. For me his Honeymoon with Karen was great to watch because he pulled off the part perfectly, showing some great acting. The chemistry between him and Karen is fantastic and the growing love we seem to be seeing between them has felt genuine.

Also for the people who have watched the last month of Impact should have noticed no real comedy angles with A.J and he has because of his love of Karen become a lot more serious and is looking like a feud with Angle is surely down the line.

Just give it time a short time and im sure A.J will be back to being a main event guy but this time backed up with the mouth to carry him to a worthy title run.
Dirtyshubb has it completely right. AJ Styles will be a world champion again soon and when he finally reaches that pinnacle, he will be a true superstar, and not just an innovative stuntman. Don't get me wrong, I loved AJ in the old days too, but hopefully next time he's a main event guy, he will be able to be just as innovative and great to watch.
AJ Styles doesn't deserve even a title shot anytime soon. His gimmick makes him look like a fool, and anyone that knows old school NWA/TNA knows AJ Styles was the shit. He was the center of attention, even before Samoa Joe became a big deal. AJ was the shit, he's a joke now. He's got so much potential, but until he breaks away from all groups and gets his attitude back, no title.
I think Aj could be an amazing champion as far as his matches go. He can obviously have a good match with anybody and he can put people over (no matter how dumb the gimmick may be) The fact is in the ring there arent a whole lot of guys who can touch him as a preformer.

Its funny you say that he dosent deserve a title shot because he acts like a fool.....UmmmKurt angle has amade a carreer out of acting like a fool. In 2000-2001 who was a bigger dumbass then kurt angle....here was the guy who was singing jimmy crack corn, and wearing a small cowboy hat....but in the ring he could get the job done so he stayed in the main events.

Now in tna he brought goffy kurt back...I mean come on...He came to the ring in his underwear one night...and threw a thanksgiving party another...

Its funny but the aj/kurt/karen angle reminds me of the kurt/hhh/steph angle..Its very similar in some ways.

Basically im trying to say that a. You can act like an idiot but still do well because of in ring skills and b.aj reminds me alot of kurt angle in alot of ways.
as of right now no he cant. the bullshit gimmick they gave em where he is all scared and is dating karen angle wouldnt permit em to be even a contender. they would have to bring him bak to the old aj which i desperatly hope they do. so to sum it up no as of right now but heck yes in the future
Although, at least one person mentioned that his feud with Christian could've continued, I disagree because a feud with Angle is easily the best way that TNA can go with, in order to turn him face once again, as he should be. His feud with Angle can be easily made and Angle is just the right heel that can put AJ back where he belongs, in the main events and in the title hunt in the future, not now though because Joe isn't going anywhere and a feud between him and AJ for the belt wouldn't be the right thing to do at all. For him to become the man for the 4th time, TNA will need to get the belt off Joe at some point down the road and sideline his title reign with some sort of screwjob leading to a feud with someone else causing him to obviously lose the title in the process. That is, unless Joe gets injured at some point or something else comes up resulting in him needing time off or whatever. But, anyway until Joe loses the belt AJ obviously will just remain feuding with the likes of Angle and Tomko? and other heels (Team 3D?). So, they will have to give the title to a heel for him to possibly eventually feud with, which I think should be Booker T, why? you ask, my reasons are because I can't even think of many other heels that are world title worthy in TNA right now other than the usual people like Angle... lol, can't think of anyone else. I know Steiner is a heel who just main evented a pay per view, but him as TNA champion just doesn't click for some reason. So, why not just give it to the recently heel turned Booker T, not KING BOOKAA!, but the wrestler we all know and love, (face or heel), Booker T.

As far as his goofball/lackey gimmick goes though, it's pretty much almost over as far as what I saw of him on Impact! not long ago. In the end, it only adds to his personality/character and mic skills.
AJ can shoulder the load for 3 reasons:
1.) The guy can cut promos. No doubt about it, he can entertain in as mush with promos as most people can in the ring.
2.) He has some incredible moves and he is just plain exciting to watch.
3.) He is very versatile playing roles as a face, heel, and village idiot there for a while. He has done all that has been asked of him and done it well.

TNA would be wise to continue to elevate him to superstar status. I am not just an AJ fanboy, there is a reason he is called the prince of phenomenal!
See I've done a 180 on this situation. Before I was all for the AJ Styles storyline with Cage and Angle. It developed Styles into a 3D character instead of a guy that is a phenomenal athlete. He's learned from two of the best in the business on mic skills and having a character that people give a damn about.

But TNA has dropped, and dropped badly in terms of quality and excitment, and entertainment sicne BFG of last year. Since then, the company has become a big joke and damn near unwatchable.

AJ Styles getting pushed to the top again would be nice at this point. I despise Average Joe, and think he is a terrible choice for champion. The only thing Average Joe should be a champion of is a Hot Dog eating contest. AJ Styles, while I hoped they would hold off on another Styles title run, TNA needs something at this point to stop the bleeding.
See I've done a 180 on this situation. Before I was all for the AJ Styles storyline with Cage and Angle. It developed Styles into a 3D character instead of a guy that is a phenomenal athlete. He's learned from two of the best in the business on mic skills and having a character that people give a damn about.

But TNA has dropped, and dropped badly in terms of quality and excitment, and entertainment sicne BFG of last year. Since then, the company has become a big joke and damn near unwatchable.

AJ Styles getting pushed to the top again would be nice at this point. I despise Average Joe, and think he is a terrible choice for champion. The only thing Average Joe should be a champion of is a Hot Dog eating contest. AJ Styles, while I hoped they would hold off on another Styles title run, TNA needs something at this point to stop the bleeding.

I was all about the Styles angle with the Christian Coalition. I thought TNA was on the right track to build AJ up as THE main event guy in the company. He always had tons of in ring talent and he was finally creating that missing personality.
I could not agree more that TNA dropped the ball on this angle. They spent months building a character for this guy- and for what? Styles has not had any matches nor is he being built towards any angles to further his career. It seems as though everyone else around him is getting main event time while he continues to wrestle mid card matches.
Why not build up a Joe v. Styles angle. TNA fans are always complaining about the WWE cast offs getting pushed. Here is an opportunity to have 2 of the homegrown talents involved in a championship angle.
Of course A.J. deserves another title run, he is one of the guys that made TNA what it was. He was getting along fine without the personality upgrade, so I never understood the purpose of making him look like an idiot to the expense of Angle and Cage every week on iMPACT!. A.J. Styles is like Chris Benoit because Benoit never needed loads of charisma to make a name for himself, his matches did the talking for him, I see A.J. in the same light. A.J. is an excellent athlete, his matches entertains everybody, that's what the fans admire him for, they don't give a crap about him knowing how to do cut a great promo or not.
I think AJ could make a very good run as TNA World champion, but I'm going against the grain and say as a heel. TNA actually started a pretty good angle with Booker T and Robert Roode and I would like to see it escalate with AJ Styles in the mix.

Here's the plan. Have Styles enter the King of the Mountain match and have him turn on Angle and win the title with help from Storm and Roode. Have Styles, Storm and Roode later say that they joined forces because all the world champions in the last year all came from organizations and TNA was cheating the folks that been there since day 1 out of world title opprotunities and that they are getting tired of it. I know angle is better as a heel than a face, but this can get aj out of that damn prince crap.
I think they need to give A.J. Styles another run. I like people have said in recent posts loved the whole Christian Coalition/Angle Alliance Idea. Without that he was too one dimensional, too Chris Benoit-ish. Which Means hes got all the wrestling ability in the world but lacks a little in the charisma department. After the C.C/A.A. angle they have given him another facet to his personality, and now he can go on and rip ass on T.N.A. Hopefully they give him the chance again.
First of all they are setting up a Styles v. Angle rivalry that will overshadow any heavyweight title storylines TNA can make involving Joe at this time. Joe v. Booker would be nice but its clear that if you put your two best in ring talents into a rivalry the matches are just going to be unreal. If Kurt needs to take a reasonable amount of time off then its quite simple that AJ will go over him at Slammeriversary and thus give him the marquee win he needs to be back on the top of the TNA ladder. AJ is simply better as a face then a heel and if they don't drop the "i'm AJ the idiot, goofball" when he turns face the push that he is more then do for will not work. The reason TNA got a TV contract was because people heard about this guy and the things he was doing in the ring and thought it was marketable. There is a reason the original TNA fans voted him Mr. TNA the first three years of the company even though Jarrett had the belt for most of the time. As a face he is someone you can appreciate and root for every night. So of course he is in line for another run with the belt, i'm just upset it hasn't started to develop yet.

--- If saying AJ will possibly face Kurt at the next PPV is a spoiler I'm sre but its been all over the place as the plan TNA has had in the works, even though i personally feel he would be best suited in the king of the mountain match
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