AJ Styles Out 6-8 Weeks with Torn Hip Flexor

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to PW.net, AJ Styles addressed the injury that prevented him from wrestling at last night's Genesis PPV by noting that he tore his hip flexor and hip labrum, also citing that he'll be back wrestling real soon.

Unfortunately, that tweet was followed with another update noting that he'd be out 6-8 weeks "hopefully", and if the issue doesn't get better he'll have to have surgery, which would undoubtedly put him down and out for much longer.

"It is what it is.", he wrote.

Obviously Abyss filled in for him (and won the TNA World Television Championship), but the real concern is over AJ here, who IMO is TNA's best work horse.

This almost certainly puts a significant dent in the weight of his feud with Bischoff/Immortal, and almost ends his feud with Williams entirely, no?

Hard to really say right now, but losing AJ would hurt TNA a lot more than people might think.

Thoughts on all this?
Could be a blessing in disguise. This essentially ends the mid-card feud between himself and Doug Williams, which is probably good because AJ Styles should be beyond a mid-card feud at this stage of his career considering his importance to the TNA organization. It gives this mid-card title to the Immortals, via Abyss, which is something this faction wanted all along.

I could see Bischoff kicking Styles out of Fourtune in disgust (kayfabe) for not working through the injury and bringing the title to the Immortals in their time of need. Don't need him anymore as Abyss got the job done for them anyway (again, kayfabe).

AJ Styles comes back in 6-8 weeks, or longer if necesary, for his overdue and essential face turn. When guys return from extended absences they almost always return as faces, making this turn quicker and easier. He comes back as a super-face to oppose the Immortals who unfairly kicked them out of the group, wreaking havoc in their faction, much like John Cena did with the Nexus.
A tough out for AJ.

I'm a big fan of Styles and was looking forward to his match with Williams last night. I was also very shocked when I heard he wouldn't be able to compete, followed by infinite sadness and disgust when Abyss was called to take his place. Now, the TNA Television Championship is being held by the feces of Immortal... Abyss. AJ and Williams were bringing some prestige to the title and now we obviously know that AJ was set to regain the belt last night. Now, due to his injury, another black hole exists in TNA's title picture (no pun intended).

AJ is arguably the best performer in pro-wrestling. With HBK's departure from the sport, I see no way that anyone else can fill this void like AJ Styles. He has consistently put on exciting matches and has really honed his skills on the microphone, thus making him a top player in the business. Any time a wrestler of this caliber goes out with an injury, it's bad for business. I hope he returns sooner than later.
This Really Sucks and I was really excited for his match with Doug Williams but we got stuck with the Monster Abyss, while this really sucks for AJ it could be good thing for him AJ has not missed any time due to any injury since he's been TNA that is long time to go without missing any, This injury could be a good thing to get him some well deserved time to heal up. It will also be interesting to see if he is kept on Television for the 6 weeks and continue the tension between him and Bischoff that's been built or keep him of TV and have him have a surprise entrance down the road and oppose Immortal. For 2 me good things come this, AJ gets a well deserved break and 2 I think AJ's time has a heel and Face turn is imminent. AJ played a Good Heel but he just makes a Much Better Face.
This couldn't really have come at a worse time for TNA or AJ really. I think its pretty clear something significant was meant to happen at Genesis with AJ getting kicked out of Fourtune leading to a face turn, but with AJ actively costing Williams the title it seems at least for now AJ might be staying heel (although i'd hope not seen as how he's a natural face).

The question I have now is whether TNA is going to continue to have AJ feud with the Immortal faction with a big face return post injury (even though that feud stands to loose a lot of steam in the meantime), or try and keep AJ somehow relevant whilst he's injured in order to play the foil for Anderson as he's now champ when AJ returns. After all, unless Matt Hardy is used as the foil that only leaves AJ and Jarrett (who seems tied up with Angle anyway) as members of Immortal without titles who could then possibly look to regain the Heavyweight title assuming Jeff Hardy is off TV for some prolonged period.

In any event, I hope AJ heals up sooner rather than later as he's one of the most entertaining men in TNA if not the whole business today. It'll be interesting to see where things go with him from here.
It's a shame to hear about this. Considering the fact that A.J is one of the better consistently featured wrestlers in TNA right now, if not the best. Having him injured for a good while is something that I think could hurt the TNA product, not in a big way but it'd certainly be noticeable.

TNA has a lot of other talents to feature, sure I won't deny that. But in the end, A.J Styles is one of the originals, one of the guys that all the hardcore TNA fans truly care about. And because of that I think it'd be a shame to keep him off television in this period of time. I'm thinking they could easily "Punk" their way out of it. And now you probably ask me "Well how do you "Punk" your way out of something" - Simple, do as WWE did with CM Punk. Consistently featured on-screen in a talking manner, much like he did with the Straight Edge Society, as well as he did when he had his hip problem this past while when he was featured at the announce table.

Now of course I'm not asking TNA to place A.J at the announce table, sadly I don't think he'd have quite the microphone skills, or comfortability sitting behind the announce table and calling an entire show. So using him as a mouthpiece of some sort for a period of time would be just fine I'd guess. This way he's still featured, and he doesn't loose steam or anything.
This is definitely bad for TNA as it removes an "Original" from active competition. Immortal appears to be lacking even more now without AJ being able to compete.

As long as they maintain his visibility, they can keep the Immortal/Fortune seeds continuing.

If anything, this has peaked my interest and am looking forward to see how it all plays out over the new few weeks.
TNA's top star out with a hip injury. Can they PLEASE stop copying WWE already?

Anyway, this might be good for TNA actually. With as many people as they have on the roster and a many people as they're likely to bring in during the next 6-8 weeks, a roster spot opening up could be a good thing. AJ can still appear as proven last night so maybe that'll help them out some. This is bad, but it could be far worse. It also could set up a much needed face turn for him.
tough break for TNA, although like others said, this could be a blessing because it can lead to a face turn or he can return to his rightful role at the top of company (or one of the top players).

hope he gets better sooner than later, but what's up with booking him to interfere in the Abyss/Williams match? the guy looked in pain doing a run in and could have further aggravated the injury. stupid move in my opinion.
This really sucks, both for TNA and for myself.

I am hopefully going to watch the TNA show at the MEN Arena in Manchester in a couple of weeks, and AJ Styles is the guy I was looking forward to seeing most. DAMMIT!

Hopefully they replace him with someone else on the tour, maybe Matt Hardy or Abyss? Probably Abyss so Williams can challenge for the TV Title and lose in his home country :(

So gutted, I cannot believe Styles is out!

At least Tara is supposed be on the tour though....MMMMMMMMM :p :boobs: :boobs:
I definitely agree with those saying that AJ can maintain a presence on TV. It wouldnt take anything special in the writing. Have Bischoff have a go at him, Fourtune/Immortal beatdown and then spend a few weeks recuperating. Hopefully he will come back in full flow.

AJ has been working almost full tilt for a number of months, I dont remember the last time he missed a show due to injury, so this rest will do him good. Hopefully Impact wont suffocate in the meantime.
TNA has some damn bad luck. They set up a nice story with Anderson-Hardy coming out of BFG and freak injury derails it. Then they set up a solid story where the TV title is starting to mean something and AJ goes down right before the eurotour while he has been feuding with Williams. It sucks but at least it is supposedly not that long. In the Anderson situation they turned it into a positive. Hopefully they can do that here.
Definitely sucks for TNA for their best worker in the company to be out of action for 6 to 8 weeks. At least AJ will get some well deserved time off if you can call it that. I hope Styles comes back better and stronger than ever. I can picture AJ coming back to the Impact Zone after being kicked out of Immortal (if that is the case) by Bischoff and taking out the Immortal faction. Hopefully this will elevate him to be the face of the company which I hope will happen.
Yes it's bad for TNA that this happen as it'll probably change plans even more and it took out the great expected TV title match from Genesis. I hope they keep AJ on tv like they did at the PPV in a non-action role. As for his return, I see it going one of two ways. Either he takes over Jeff's spot in Immortal and challenges Anderson for the title, or he gets kicked out of Immortal and leads the Resistance against them. It should be a few interesting weeks regarding the Phenomenal One.
This is a shame but I guess four to six weeks isn't that bad when you think about it. It could be far worse, he could be sidelined for a year, just count ourselves lucky that isn't the case.

With that being said though, this is still a shame. AJ is possibly the most consistent performer in wrestling today, putting on great matches on a consistent basis. It is also a shame that we didn't get to and now probably will never get to see a final blowoff match in the AJ/Williams feud, they were having great matches and I'm sure this would have been no acceptation.

However there are positives to come from all of this. Firstly it gives some one else the opportunity to shine in AJ's place for the next couple of months. In a roster so crowded this is a great opportunity for someone to really step up and show off what they can do.

I also think this can be used to further develop the Bischoff/AJ storyline. I can see Bischoff becoming frustrated with AJ's injury stating that he is currently of no use to him and bagging him any opportunity he gets. Eventually AJ will get sick of it and undergo a much needed face turn and leave Immortal.
When I heard from AJ when watching the show that he injured it when "looking after his children", I just thought it was a load of bull, and that he'd end up back in the match somehow, or pulling out some big move.
But, I was wrong. Turns out he's legit injured and that unfortunately, Abyss became the T.V Champ. Obviously, AJ was going to win that match, but now, I'm guessing, TNA will want to find a way to get the title to him when he returns.

I say, give it a few weeks with Abyss demolishing a few challengers (Red, Young etc..), then Williams plugs for a rematch, he gets it. He comes out of this match the Champion, has a few successful defenses until BAM! AJ comes out from nowhere after one of his matches and beats him down. What else to do to cement your heel status? AJ challenges again for the Title, and gains it, in an awesome match.
I'd prefer to AJ as the top champ, but that picture is all full up at the moment :(
Glad he's only going to be out a short time, he's the best TNA have IMO. When he returns no doubt the face turn will be made, either they kick him out or he goes after them under the angle that they didn't even inquire about his well being wile he was injured, and he realized his mistake in being with them over the company he helped build.
AJ is out for 2 months, Jeff Hardy probably will also be gone for some time, so I wonder who is going to chalange Anderson? For a moment I though that AJ will go after the word title. It would be a good choice for him, as he would return to the main event scene. But now I know know that his injury is real, before I though it was not. I think its not very good for TNA that both AJ and Hardy will not be able to wrestle.
Agreed. This is a double edged sword. Good and bad for him. Probably good that it will give him the time away to heal and get some much needed time with his family. The bad end is that he is one of TNA's biggest draws and is always a constant entertainer and a crowd favorite whether heel or face, its all in the in ring performance he does each week. I will say that this Doug Williams feud he had, did seem a bit beneath him, as did the last month or so of this Fourtune/Immortal thing he had going. Which leads me to believe this probably seemed like it couldn't have come at a better time. It will be a reflecting period for him. As injuries can turn out to be for many people in this industry. Not that I wish hurt or injury on anyone. My hopes to him for a speedy recovery as that the show will be a bit lacking without him, and that we can only hope a more renewed and invigorated AJ when he returns. The amazing thing is that even with a hip injury, with their more lax taping schedule, it should be a bit easier for him to recuperate, and hopefully, he could still be on the show in some aspect (similar to CM Punk's ability of color commentary) as AJ does still possess great entertaining skills...I will remind you of some of the HILARIOUS 'Christian Coalition' and 'Angle Alliance' memories and skits. So, here's wishing you a speedy recovery AJ Styles. :thumbsup:
Update on AJ's hip. Source : PWInsider.

AJ Styles just posted the following on his Twitter account:

""Good check-up from the doc today on my hip. Hopefully at the next PPV I'll be ready to go."

That would be Styles tentative return to the ring around 2/13.

He had previously noted that if the injury did not heal, he would likely require surgery that could keep him out for several months.
This Very Good news that he did not have to get surgery that would've put him out of action for 4-6 months. That would've been a long time go out without AJ Styles. I can't wait to see AJ back in action and hopefully it's sooner rather than later.

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