AJ Styles income.

Khali is a king in India (that's a huge plus). Plus he is 7 feet tall. What do you expect a 7 footer to do?

look at kane, big show andre, they are 7 foot and can work a match. khali being a draw in india doesnt make him entertaining or make his matches any better. the only people who should care about khali being a "star" in india are the people making money off it, and no one here makes a dime off khali.
He is big in India = Reason he has a job (well that and being gigantic).

AJ Styles is neither of those.
Having seen his entire run in New Japan thus far (and only having seen little bits of TNA and ROH and not having been an AJ mark whatsoever going in) I can say that AJ Styles is a fucking star and WWE have really missed out.

The guy debuted as a heel, beating up the babyface champ and the crowd were flat because they didn't know who he was, taking a little time to warm up to his stuff. Today he had his 7th match in NJPW, against Hirooki Goto, and the pop nearly blew the roof off. He's still heel and the crowd love him. He insults them. They love him. He flips the ref off. They love him. I've started to really warm up at approximately the same speed.

Maybe they pop more for workrate, but if that's the case then why isn't Davey Richards a star over there? He did work for the same company after all. Plus, they're not just pairing him with 'workrate' guys. The reaction for his match with Toru Yano (think: Japanese Santino Marella) was incredible and the match was really entertaining too.

Don't care about his income but he definitely made the right choice in juggling NJPW and the indys. He looks much fitter than I've seen him and doesn't wrestle like you'd expect a 37 year old man to. Calm him down a notch and you have a WWE main eventer.

I expect he'll be the figurehead of GFW, but that's another story.

Basically all of this.

I'm convinced that the people who lump AJ with random WWE midcard high-flyers are either very ignorant of his work and haven't seen more than a random few matches on Impact, or they haven't watched him in years and think that 2014 AJ is just like 2004 AJ.

The fact is AJ is an elite talent in the ring, capable of working any style of match with any type of opponent. His ring psychology is just as spectacular as his moveset. And while he is limited on the mic(not bad, just limited), he is very charismatic in the ring and just understands timing and mannerisms very well, and can work as either a heel or face and be believable.

The fact is that AJ is much closer to a Daniel Bryan level talent than he is to a Kofi Kingston, Tyson Kidd, or Justin Gabriel level talent.

And also, as for the $4,000 figure, that may be too low for Styles' indy income. Earlier in the year there were reports of his per show fee topping out at more like $6,000 plus travel expenses.
look at kane, big show andre, they are 7 foot and can work a match. khali being a draw in india doesnt make him entertaining or make his matches any better. the only people who should care about khali being a "star" in india are the people making money off it, and no one here makes a dime off khali.

Khali being a draw in India does make him entertaining. Not to most of us, but to those in his home country. Exactly where he is meant to. They love the guy, slow, inflexible or not. So you are correct in saying the only ones who care about him being a star in his home country are the ones making the money from it. Thats his employer, the WWE. So even though most people hate the guy, he is filling his role as intended. I dislike Khali & others, but I dont run the company.

Plus- If WWE hired all the AJ's of the world, the PPV's would be 6 hours long & you all would still complain because they were not being used they way you would like. Everyone has a role & some dont. WWE isnt stopping AJ from making a check, they just dont want to be the ones to give it to him. Nothing wrong with that.
The only reason Neal didn't make money with TNA is that he was on a pay-per-appearance deal that didn't have a downside guarantee if he wasn't booked. When that was coupled with the fact that he was green as shit and utterly uninteresting, therefore rarely booked at all in his last few months, he wasn't making a dime for long stretches. 160 hours a month at Walmart will pay you more than zero bookings when you don't have a downside guarantee, even your typical Walmart shopper is smart enough to do that math.
The only reason Neal didn't make money with TNA is that he was on a pay-per-appearance deal that didn't have a downside guarantee if he wasn't booked. When that was coupled with the fact that he was green as shit and utterly uninteresting, therefore rarely booked at all in his last few months, he wasn't making a dime for long stretches. 160 hours a month at Walmart will pay you more than zero bookings when you don't have a downside guarantee, even your typical Walmart shopper is smart enough to do that math.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't The Young Bucks also leave TNA for pretty much the same reason?
The Young Bucks said they left TNA because people close to them told them that if they did Jim Cornette would sign them to contracts for ROH and use them regularly. Instead, Cornette signed them to contracts, used them for about four months and then decided to stop using them to the anger of just about every ROH fan in existence until they were released from their contracts. Luckily they like many others realized Cornette hadn't a fucking clue what he was doing and have returned. Considering they now work full time for NJPW, work for ROH when their schedule permits, work every PWG show and are going to the UK soon for a small tour, I think things turned out well for them, better in-fact.

As for Jesse Neal, he had a nice story... that's where his positives ended.

EDIT: And as aforementioned in another thread, Meltzer and Scott D'Amore spoke today on WON radio and said that TNA no longer offers independent talent financial superiority which is why they have such a hard time signing top independent talent or just about any independent talent. They said Kevin Steen was probably making as much money working for ROH and on the indies as a guy like Bobby Roode or James Storm would be for TNA, and that's after ten years of service on Beer Money's part. If you can work for ROH and PWG simultaneously you're set. If you can work for NJPW, you're in an even better spot. There are more chances WWE will want you, your independent bookings will increase and your price also goes up.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't The Young Bucks also leave TNA for pretty much the same reason?


The Bucks said they were very happy with their TNA contract at the onset, they were being used regularly and making more money than they had previously made on the independent circuit. But similarly to Neal they didn't get paid if they weren't working shows, so when TNA started letting them sit at home for weeks at a time, while limiting the type of indy bookings they were allowed to take, they couldn't supplement their income and asked for their release to pursue more lucrative bookings with the likes of ROH, PWG, etc. With the understanding that they were leaving on good terms and the door could possibly be open for a future return.
The details of Neal's deal are unimportant. The real story is a nationally televised wrestling promotion can't pay a wrestler more than a department manager spot at fucking Wal Mart.

Originally Posted by Gibby View Post

"Having seen his entire run in New Japan thus far (and only having seen little bits of TNA and ROH and not having been an AJ mark whatsoever going in) I can say that AJ Styles is a fucking star and WWE have really missed out.

The guy debuted as a heel, beating up the babyface champ and the crowd were flat because they didn't know who he was, taking a little time to warm up to his stuff. Today he had his 7th match in NJPW, against Hirooki Goto, and the pop nearly blew the roof off. He's still heel and the crowd love him. He insults them. They love him. He flips the ref off. They love him. I've started to really warm up at approximately the same speed.

Maybe they pop more for workrate, but if that's the case then why isn't Davey Richards a star over there? He did work for the same company after all. Plus, they're not just pairing him with 'workrate' guys. The reaction for his match with Toru Yano (think: Japanese Santino Marella) was incredible and the match was really entertaining too.

Don't care about his income but he definitely made the right choice in juggling NJPW and the indys. He looks much fitter than I've seen him and doesn't wrestle like you'd expect a 37 year old man to. Calm him down a notch and you have a WWE main eventer.

I expect he'll be the figurehead of GFW, but that's another story."

Basically all of this.

I'm convinced that the people who lump AJ with random WWE midcard high-flyers are either very ignorant of his work and haven't seen more than a random few matches on Impact, or they haven't watched him in years and think that 2014 AJ is just like 2004 AJ.

The fact is AJ is an elite talent in the ring, capable of working any style of match with any type of opponent. His ring psychology is just as spectacular as his moveset. And while he is limited on the mic(not bad, just limited), he is very charismatic in the ring and just understands timing and mannerisms very well, and can work as either a heel or face and be believable.

The fact is that AJ is much closer to a Daniel Bryan level talent than he is to a Kofi Kingston, Tyson Kidd, or Justin Gabriel level talent.

And also, as for the $4,000 figure, that may be too low for Styles' indy income. Earlier in the year there were reports of his per show fee topping out at more like $6,000 plus travel expenses.

I'm glad people who actually watch him and know what they are talking about decided to chime in, rather than trolls who originally started commenting on this thread with no clue who and/or what they were talking about.

Great posts.
The details of Neal's deal are unimportant. The real story is a nationally televised wrestling promotion can't pay a wrestler more than a department manager spot at fucking Wal Mart.
Actually, the details are EXACTLY what's important. If Neal was good enough to get any bookings at all he would have been making more money than he is at Walmart. He wasn't, so he didn't.

Those are the facts of the situation.

Another fact: All contracted TNA wrestlers now have downside guarantees. If you work pay-per-appearance with the company then you are non-contracted and free to work any indy dates that you choose, including ROH and other TV companies, as well as DVD-based companies like Evolve or PWG.

Neal is the dumbass who took the deal, and then wanted to run his mouth. Normally I would feel bad for a guy like Neal, but he's proved at every turn that he is as bitter as he was talentless. My Dad had PTSD too, it didn't remove his common sense.
I'm pretty damn sure Dave Meltzer made the bold statement that unless AJ Styles signed with WWE, he would never make anything close to what he made in TNA.

Of course Meltzer didn't know AJ Styles would become the top name in Japan but it's a little embarrassing
I'm pretty damn sure Dave Meltzer made the bold statement that unless AJ Styles signed with WWE, he would never make anything close to what he made in TNA.

Of course Meltzer didn't know AJ Styles would become the top name in Japan but it's a little embarrassing

No he didn't. He was saying the exact opposite from day one. Because on AJ's first week outside of TNA he had AJ on his audio cast and said at the rate he charges and with his name he'd have no issues making money.
No he didn't. He was saying the exact opposite from day one. Because on AJ's first week outside of TNA he had AJ on his audio cast and said at the rate he charges and with his name he'd have no issues making money.

no no this was from before there was any speculation than TNA would drop AJ Styles.

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