AJ Styles income.

Because he didn't want to make $500 a week in NXT when he can make $4,000 per indy appearance?

No he's just not an idiot like you WWE Mark #2!

Trolling is so 2006.. grow up already.

Understanding that AJ Styles is ridiculously overrated by people on the internet is not the same as being a WWE Mark.
Because he didn't want to make $500 a week in NXT when he can make $4,000 per indy appearance?

Sounds shortsighted to me. He's A.J. Styles, he'd quickly be making more in WWE than on the indy scene after a stint in NXT.

Only that wasn't an option for him, was it.
Sounds shortsighted to me. He's A.J. Styles, he'd quickly be making more in WWE than on the indy scene after a stint in NXT.

Only that wasn't an option for him, was it.

Yes it was, he said no. Jim Ross even said it last week, "the biggest mistake I ever made as Head of Talent Relations was not sign AJ Styles", so it's not that he wasn't good enough, he was and still is, it's that at the time the people making the decisions slipped up, and when they put out an offer they didn't see the potential in him and the offer wasn't enough for AJ to tear his wife from her schooling. Which by the way, in a business often condemned for being full of whinos and assholes is admirable as fuck.
Understanding that AJ Styles is ridiculously overrated by people on the internet is not the same as being a WWE Mark.

I don't think you understand anything. You clearly don't watch the indys or follow his career. So why don't you people quit talking out of your asses?

He makes more than he would make in the WWE. And he makes more than probably 90% of the WWE roster. So how does that make him over-rated by internet fans? You people have no fucking logic and are insulting to even try and discuss things with. Jesus fuck... save me from the idiots of this world already. Just rename this place.. ****** ZONE.

Doesn't anybody remember the reports of Tommy Dreamer getting paid $500 per show for the WWE? But whatever, it's nice to know all ya'lls wrestling knowledge starts and ends with the WWE. I'll be sure to skip over this forum from now on when I want to share info.

WWE is great at making ******s think that they are more powerful than they actually are. There whole company is part of the damn act.
Because he didn't want to make $500 a week in NXT when he can make $4,000 per indy appearance?

It doesn't say he's making $4,000 per indy appearance, it says "Some at his stage can charge a promotion $4,000 per appearance...". Did you even read the article, or just skim over looking for dollar amounts?

WWE obviously doesn't think he's good enough or else they would've offered him a bigger contract.
It doesn't say he's making $4,000 per indy appearance, it says "Some at his stage can charge a promotion $4,000 per appearance...". Did you even read the article, or just skim over looking for dollar amounts?

WWE obviously doesn't think he's good enough or else they would've offered him a bigger contract.

Sometimes you show people the color red.. and they'll still tell you it's blue.

I didn't come here to argue. I just came here to enlighten you to how big corporations work and bury everything else that is a threat to them(including laws) to preserve their image. But whatever...
for those saying aj isnt good enough for wwe, wwe attempted to sign aj and styles turned it down. also youre talking about the same company that hired ryback khali and titus oneal.
I don't think you understand anything. You clearly don't watch the indys or follow his career. So why don't you people quit talking out of your asses?

So your strategy for arguing against assumptions made about AJ Styles is to make assumptions about the people you're arguing with. Smart.

He makes more than he would make in the WWE. And he makes more than probably 90% of the WWE roster.

But if he's as good as you seem to think, he would've been making more money than he's ever made within a year, maybe two in WWE.

So how does that make him over-rated by internet fans?

You believe that WWE wanted AJ Styles, and no amount of evidence would make you change your mind on that, because you couldn't handle the thought WWE rejecting your golden boy.

That makes AJ Styles overrated by you, and the many, many other fans that see Styles the same way you do.

You people have no fucking logic and are insulting to even try and discuss things with. Jesus fuck... save me from the idiots of this world already. Just rename this place.. ****** ZONE.

If you want to be saved by the idiots of the world, go live on an island somewhere. Please.

Doesn't anybody remember the reports of Tommy Dreamer getting paid $500 per show for the WWE?

Because if there's anywhere that you can believe everything you read, it's on the internet.

But whatever, it's nice to know all ya'lls wrestling knowledge starts and ends with the WWE. I'll be sure to skip over this forum from now on when I want to share info.

And it speaks volumes about your understanding of wrestling that you think AJ Styles was good enough to be in WWE.

WWE is great at making ******s think that they are more powerful than they actually are. There whole company is part of the damn act.

So you're saying that WWE aren't powerful? Okay.

Just Hero, Catacomb is here to back you up.

Shit. We're screwed now.
I'm sure AJ Styles is "good enough" to exist in the WWE. However, I'm sure he overstates his value to WWE, much like the IWC does when they discuss AJ. I'm sure WWE would welcome him into their company with open arms, but on their terms according to their assessment of his value. Which is likely far lower than his self assessment.
By 1 day.

Why is everyone so assine here? I understand this is WWE lover central, but come on.. take your head out of Vince's ass already.

4 days...

There's no light to read inside your own asshole. I understand you find it comfy there, but do take your own advice.
I'm sure AJ Styles is "good enough" to exist in the WWE. However, I'm sure he overstates his value to WWE, much like the IWC does when they discuss AJ. I'm sure WWE would welcome him into their company with open arms, but on their terms according to their assessment of his value. Which is likely far lower than his self assessment.

Agreed. Which is why I was sayin he's better off not in the WWE.

Then right away the butthurt WWE fans come up and say.. "OH NO.. HES NOT IN THE WWE BECAUSE HES NOT GOOD ENOUGH." Like they know anything...

Like if your a wrestler, you can't be successful or make money outside the WWE. Stop watching the WWE Network 24/7 people, it is programming you to think irrationally.
I'm sure AJ Styles is "good enough" to exist in the WWE. However, I'm sure he overstates his value to WWE, much like the IWC does when they discuss AJ. I'm sure WWE would welcome him into their company with open arms, but on their terms according to their assessment of his value. Which is likely far lower than his self assessment.

I don't know if the E would be that into AJ Styles. He's pretty much a white Kofi Kingston. They don't need another Kofi Kingston, they have trouble dealing with what to do with one.
Sometimes you show people the color red.. and they'll still tell you it's blue.

I didn't come here to argue. I just came here to enlighten you to how big corporations work and bury everything else that is a threat to them(including laws) to preserve their image. But whatever...

Do you tip your fedora while you admire your neckbeard?

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