AJ and Tomko

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Has anyone else been wondering that since they won the tag team gauntlet that 2 heel teams are going to face each other. My question is that you know Team Pacman is not going to be turned face so are Styles and Tomko going to play the face against Team Pacman and then heels while Christian takes on Joe or actually have 2 heel team feud with each other?
TNA makes alot of dissions that don't make sense. This is being one of them. The only way either of these teams could turn face would be Tomko and AJ to turn on Christian
I know that's what I mean, but that's not happening at least not yet, so that's why I ask will they play face in 1 storyline then heel in another or just be all around heel?
I don't see either team turning face. This will more than likely just be a heel v. heel match with AJ and Tomko will be treated like faces during the match anyway. I don't see this becoming a fued so there would be no need to change AJ & Tomko's current position.
I don't see AJ & Tomko turning face either, I think Team Pacman will drop the titles soon, probably at BFG, it is possiable that they could add a third team to the match, say LAX, then you could carry out an LAX/AJ & Tomko feud, just a thought, and soething I wouldn't mind seeing, if this is a regular tag match between Team Pacman & AJ/Tomko then I see AJ/Tomko walking out with the gold a starting a feud with another team
I think it would be great to see AJ & Tomko as tag champs. Not only because they are fantastic and deserve some recognition, but that opens up the door for a little jealousy storyline within the Coalition. How funny would Cage be if AJ and Tomko both had gold and he didn't. Being that he always refers to himself as "the champ". That would be pure comedy.
HAHA RVDgurl I can totally picture that happening that would be hilarious if Cage would go aroundsaying he's the champ and his 2 lacky's had titles but not him HAHA that'd be priceless
I think it would be great to see AJ & Tomko as tag champs. Not only because they are fantastic and deserve some recognition, but that opens up the door for a little jealousy storyline within the Coalition. How funny would Cage be if AJ and Tomko both had gold and he didn't. Being that he always refers to himself as "the champ". That would be pure comedy.

I never thought of that aspect of it, that would bwe hilarious, and could lead to Christian turning on his coalition, by costing them the gold, a "if I can't have gold nobody can" type of thing, I would love to see that
I never thought of that aspect of it, that would bwe hilarious, and could lead to Christian turning on his coalition, by costing them the gold, a "if I can't have gold nobody can" type of thing, I would love to see that

That would be a good climax, but hopefully that wouldn't happen for a while. I think TNA has struck gold with the Christian Coalition and they should ride that wave as long as they can. Those 3 guys are magic together.
Very good point RVDgurl about Aj and Tomko having gold and Cage with none. But I think they will keep The AJ and Tomko as heels against the heel team of Team Pacman, but during this line matchup they will be faces.

There a good team as they compliment one another nicely as Tomko is the muscle and Aj is the technical and eveyrthing else that you need in a good tag team. But this for me if Tomko and Aj do win gold we could start to see the end of the coloitation
Yeah, have AJ+Tomko win the belts and sort of recreate the Edge/Christian jealousy. I loved that angle, when both were on team WWF but Christian was jealous of Edge winning King of the Ring and the IC title, eventually joined the alliance, great feud, Christian can pull it off well.
This is such a rubbish idea. Last year we had Styles/Daniels vs. LAX and this year we have Styles/Tomko vs. Team Pacman? Two absolutely awful teams go at it at TNA's WrestleMania? Well, it is better than nothing, which WWE seem to think is popular. Still, I'm not sure if I'll even bother to catch BFG this year, it's definitely going to be a big letdown after last year's awesomeness.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
I wouldn't say its going to be a let down, like no surrender this will probably be the worst match and they will probably have a few tag team matches featuring the likes of team 3D, VKM, LAX, Stieners(prob will wrestle 3D), Triple X and hopefully Motor City Machine Guns i just love watching lose 2. And we're probably going to have a another Kazarian/Rude match, Monsters Ball for the HXC people, Ultimate X, Angle/Sting, Joe/Cage and Abyss/Judas Mesias. Hopefully before BFG Judas Mesias actually does wrestle so we an see how good he is as i never watched WSX or AAA, oh and an X-Title match probably between Lethal and Daniels, so i don't think its going to be a let down but with Pacman there it can't top last years because every match last year was so good but it will be a very good ppv.
In this Rare situation, its not a problem. AJ is a very very good wrestler and no matter how much of a heel he plays the crowd will still pop when he hits a move, when HHH is playing a heel and he hits the pedigree on someone, the crowd boo's because they dont want him to win. AJ is a different kettle of fish, he is a high flying, technically sound ring monkey and whatever he does in the ring is golden so he could be the biggest twat in the world on the mic, the crowd will still pop for his moves.

Tomko doesnt fit the traditional heel mould either. He is a lackey that disobeys the his boss (cage) and is constantly amused by his bosses short sightedness and because he is the one to second guess the obviously wrong christian, people love it. AJ and Tomko while affiliated with a major heel and playing that role losely arent really heels.

Its like when LAX work as heel's, there still too good to watch to actually hate.
I wouldn't say its going to be a let down, like no surrender this will probably be the worst match and they will probably have a few tag team matches featuring the likes of team 3D, VKM, LAX, Stieners(prob will wrestle 3D), Triple X and hopefully Motor City Machine Guns i just love watching lose 2. And we're probably going to have a another Kazarian/Rude match, Monsters Ball for the HXC people, Ultimate X, Angle/Sting, Joe/Cage and Abyss/Judas Mesias. Hopefully before BFG Judas Mesias actually does wrestle so we an see how good he is as i never watched WSX or AAA, oh and an X-Title match probably between Lethal and Daniels, so i don't think its going to be a let down but with Pacman there it can't top last years because every match last year was so good but it will be a very good ppv.

IMO, its not gonna matter if Pacman is there, his contract is nearly up, he needs to drop the title before he leaves, BFG is probably the best place to do it and hell it wont be a great "match" but it may turn out to be a great "moment" much like angle/sting vs team pacman was.
I think that AJ and Tomko is a great team, i like the power of Tomko and the speeds and technical ability of AJ, they seem to compliment each other very well. As long as they work good as a team and do some good tag wrestling then i think theyd make credible champs.

Lets not turn this into a lets hate Pacman thread okay he sucks and is a waste of money for TNA but at least we might see some decent tag champions now.

Okay the match will only last for about 50 seconds if AJ and Tomko are allowed to wrestle but come on they might i mean might make something entertaining for example AJ and Tomko beat the crap out of Team Pacman in a heel fashion or it turns into a handicap match with Pacman getting laid out and Killings going it alone signaling a face turn for Killings.

I think that whoever AJ and Tomko face it could be a good entertaining match.

All i can think of is the eventual betrayal of AJ by Tomko like he chooses Christian over AJ or Tomko finally turns on Christian and AJ stays with Tomko or the most funny Christian turns face nah doubt it but would be cool to watch.

Imagine how Christian would feel not having gold lol they might do a FTW thing were Christian makes his own title and defends it coz he keeps not getting into the title picture.
i think that team pacman is gonna be faces because they are in adams pacman hometown so every one is gonna be cheering 4 team pacman
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